tdpi-but-better · 3 years
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sugar's hair is honestly the best part of her design, its so fun to draw
im not rlly happy w how this turned out and i can't figure out why, but oh well.
i actually don't have many problems with sugar's design, i think its pretty neat. its not really a redesign, just a couple of tweaks. i think the stripes look nice?
ALSO HOT TAKE sugar coulve been SHCH a good villian if they leaned less on the 'haha fart joke funni' female owen angle and more on her being observant and manipulative, getting people to underestimate her and then stabbing them in the back later.
also i love the idea of her having a bitter rivalry with both ella and topher bc she thinks theyre both fake. she's half right, at least. in the rewrite, she and topher would prob be the main villians, but i'll talk abt him another time.
topher is playing into it for the Drama™, while ella is just, oh so confused.
i dont really have much else to say abt her? her personality wouldn't change much, she'd just have trust issues, be a lot sneakier and a lot smarter, and i'm completely removing all the fuckign fart jokes
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
Psyche Shift - The Advertisement!
I did this with my previous fic, let’s do it again.
Hi there! I wanted to make a post about a fanfiction I’ve been writing, based on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. It’s called Psyche Shift, and it’s essentially an expanded rewrite of that particular TD season. The catch this time around is based around a single observation: the characters in this season are freakin’ weird, man. They’re written to be little more than the stereotypes they’re based on, and very few of them have any qualities outside of that. I’m sure several of us noticed that when we watched the season.
So, I decided to make it my mission to take these gimmicky characters, and tone them down a bit to make them more relatable! For example:
No more will Beardo exclusively make sound effects and not say a word, now he’s a shy introvert who can hold a conversation with his teammates, who also just so happens to be able to accurately mimic noises. 
Shawn isn’t obsessively paranoid about the impending zombie apocalypse anymore, now he’s just some guy who watches horror movies way too late at night, to the point where it’s affecting his sleep schedule.
Amy and Sammy no longer hate each other, and each of them have their own individual identity - Amy is impulsive and somewhat vain, but extremely protective of her younger sister, while Sammy is kind and sweet but also just a bit too hard on herself and her standing on the team.
The majority of the cast is changed up, with some personalities differing more drastically than others, all so that it’s easier to relate to them. The story is still in its early stages, but I’m having so much fun writing it that this train ain’t stopping yet!
You can find this fic at either Archive of Our Own or FanFiction.net, both of which are updated simultaneously. If you like what you read, consider leaving a nice, happy comment on either one! It’ll motivate me to write faster >:D
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
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total drama fandom
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
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ella owns my entire heart tbh
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
alright, i finally got my shit together and managed to put together some coherent notes on the twins’ rewrite personalities!
this probably isn’t everything i have to say about them, but it’s all i have for now.
(here are the redesigns, in case you missed them)
before i say anything else, in this au they’d be on different teams.
something i see a lot in fanfics or other rewrites is sammy being smarter than amy, doing her homework and generally being the better twin.
so i thought, why not flip it around? let's say amy is smart, determined and ruthless, while sammy is creative, spacey and kind of a pushover. amy is rude to people she doesn’t trust and sammy has a polite smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. amy is brash and stubborn while sammy is open-minded and easily persuaded. their personalities, realistically, should clash, but they make it work.
let's say amy and sammy used to be inseparable. they loved each other to pieces and were always joint at the hip.
however, even when they were young, amy was the golden child. her grades were better, she was more motivated, more athletic, more well-liked.
in contrast, sammy was more timid, she was sort of a loner, her grades were mediocre at best, and she never really had much motivation for anything but art. therefore, their parents obviously preferred amy. they berated sammy a lot about how unmotivated she was and how "art isn't a real job" and generally compared them a lot. on the flipside, their expectations for amy were through the roof high.
this kind of favoritism was the start of their falling out.
in school, amy was a lot more popular. sammy (i hc her with adhd) was always considered "weird", and she got picked on a lot.
amy was fiercely protective of her, and always made sure to tell ppl who bullied her exactly where they can shove their words. sammy appreciates it, appreciates her, but over time, she starts sort of resenting amy.
people tell her, on occasions they find her alone, how much of a coward she is, not being able to stand up for herself and needing her sister to defend her. her parents tell her that she needs to get her head out of the clouds and be like her sister. her teachers tell her they don’t understand how low her grades are in comparison to her sister.
and eventually, she starts believing them.
sammy hates herself. she hates the fact that she can't stand up for herself, and she hates how pathetic she is. she’s sick and tired of having other people defending her, but she’s not brave enough to defend herself. she gets angry at amy and tells her to drop it every time amy tries to defend her in school.
amy is just confused and hurt, she doesn't know what's wrong, why sammy is mad at her.
eventually this mutual resentment builds up, and they drift apart.
they stop hanging out at school. amy throws herself into cheer, sammy spends most of her time holed up in her room or in the art club. amy's friends remark how she's "so much cooler now that you dropped that horrid sister of yours".
when amy's clique start calling her sister 'samey', she doesn't defend her. sometimes she slips up and calls her samey, and immediately berates herself for it.
and then sammy applies for a show called "total drama", only to prove to herself that she doesn't need amy to protect her.
and then amy applies as well, knowing what the show is like and not wanting to let sammy get hurt, despite their issues.
the night before their flight, they have an explosive fight.
and that's the state they arrive to the island in.
mutual resentment, misplaced anger, and both believing the other hates them.
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
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this might be my best work so far
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
ladies and gentlemen,
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i love ella, but her canon design is horrid, she and leonard were done so dirty
originally, i wanted to go for a sort of soft punk aesthetic? but i wasn't happy with how it was turning out so i scrapped that. the one thing that stayed from that original train of thought was the fact that she has multiple earrings
instsad, i tried what i like to call the "prep school theatre kid" aesthetic! the shift from pink to purple was an accident, but i actually liked how it looked so i kept it
i gave her a headband and a choker, like in her original design, but i shifted the colour and removed the bow.
her hair gave me some trouble bc i didnt like how it looked originally, but everything i tried looked too different it made her unrecognizable. in the end, i just made it pretty much the same, but longer and curlier (curlyer? curlyier??)
im probably gonna end up changing her boots bc they look a bit too plain for a dramatic theatre kid lmao
this design isn't exactly complete, it's just what i have for now
bonus: me trying to figure out her hair
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i cant draw instruments im so sorry
i think the hair looks better in the sketches bc for the love of god i couldnt figure out how to add the headband into the front-facing drawing shfjsjdjs
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
so when i was a kid i absolutely adored total drama pakihtew island.
it was my favourite season and honestly, call me blinded by nostalgia, but i still love it. though now, i just see so much wasted potential and what we could’ve had if fresh actually decided to TRY when making the season
so, i’m rewriting it.
Keep reading
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
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here they are!!
rambles about the resedigns under the cut!
so for one, i gave them different hairstyles. amy has a high ponytail bc shes a cheerleader (sammy isn't one in this au), and her hair when down is also generally shorter than sammy's. amy's also wearing a ribbon but idk how noticable that part is
amy's also wearing an actual cheerleader outfit, and i had to google "canadian cheer outfit" for this lmao. i got rid of their dumb heel boots and she has actually practical shoes now!
sammy’s design is based off of pretty much every artist ive ever met, including myself lmao
i also changed their colouring to be more of a white and red/black and blue contrast, bc it always annoyed me how lazy their designs were. they could've at lesst had different coloured uniforms or hairstyles
i tried to keep their palletes to two or three colours while also making sure they looked good next to eachother?
sammy's necklace is a sort of friendship necklace. amy has one too but she's not wearing it, bc theyve had a sort of falling out. i dont really like how it looks and im probably gonna change it later
i have more story and personality notes, but i wanna work on them some more before talking about it, so thats all for now!
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
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pov: you're chris
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tdpi-but-better · 3 years
so when i was a kid i absolutely adored total drama pakihtew island.
it was my favourite season and honestly, call me blinded by nostalgia, but i still love it. though now, i just see so much wasted potential and what we could've had if fresh actually decided to TRY when making the season
so, i'm rewriting it.
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i went out on a limb and made the most basics of basic notes for every character, and the main things i would change.
i also tried to give everyone one random interest/trait, because to me, no character is complete if they dont have at least one niche quirk or interest that has nothing to do with the rest of their character.
i have more detailed notes for some characters, but i think ill save those for their individual redesigns
first on my list are amy and sammy bc the sheer amount of wasted potential there hurts.
also i lowkey hate their design
ps. this entire thing was inspired by these two fics by PersonaBreaker, go read them theyre amazing
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