teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
“Oh no.” Luisa looked on in utter dismay. Black tank top, corner booth. Her expectations weren’t high to begin with but now they plummeted all the way down to her toes. She’s naively assumed that nothing could be worse than the mess that had tumbled her towards David when he friend helpfully suggested online dating.
Sometimes, you just wanted to date someone. Sometimes, you just wanted to get out there. Well, now every time Luisa got the urge, she was going to buy a tub of ice cream and just not.
He was a child. This was the sort of horror story that you put up on Craiglist, right next to things she didn’t want to think about involving other ‘mature men, with world views.’ 
“Doglover19?” She asked tentatively, when really, all she wanted to do was run in the opposite direction, but she probably owed it to this child’s parents to send him home with taxi fare.
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Corey fidgeted in the coffee shop seat waiting for his ‘date; to arrive. He was still a bit sore from the lashings his father had given him on account of his last screw up with a potential contract but he did his best to hide it by limiting his movement. “Are you here for me? Or rather… Am I here for you?“ He asked when a stranger approached the corner he had nearly hidden himself in. His hands gripped his coffee nervously. His fingers drummed along the white cup as he slowly raised his eyes over the other making sure not to make eye contact.
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
There was a pause, as Luisa tried to formulate the most polite way to say what she was thinking, but she just kept shooting blanks. “I don’t think they make those... models anymore.”
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“Um,” Gillette blinked, turning her phone in her hand, pausing. “…Motorola?”
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
[Text:] Ahahah
[Text:] A trip to the park might help give your walls a break.
[Text:] If you’re not too busy.
[Text from Luisa:] Are you okay?
[Text] I’m okay, I’m not hurt.[Text] No one in my pack was involved with it
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
[Text:] I don’t think it’s okay yet.
[Delayed text]
[Text:] How’s Arjun?
[Text from Luisa:] Are you okay?
[Text] I’m okay, I’m not hurt.[Text] No one in my pack was involved with it
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
“Oh hey!” Luisa greeted, already rifling through her bag. “Long time no see, do you need an Apple or Android?”
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“Do you have a phone charger I can borrow? The crappy one I have frayed and won’t charge it anymore.”
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
[Text:] You’re a hard person to think about, David.
[Text from Luisa:] Are you okay?
[Text] I’m okay, I’m not hurt.[Text] No one in my pack was involved with it
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
[Text:] I saw it on the news
[Text:] I don’t want you to be the next person I see on the news
[Text from Luisa:] Are you okay?
[Text] I’m okay, I’m not hurt.[Text] No one in my pack was involved with it
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
“You just seem angry,” Luisa started, and she meant it so earnestly, she never stopped to consider why that could be such an inconsiderate thing to say, to put it mildly. Her pride stung more than anything else, at being rebuffed, especially for what she considered to be such a small favor.
[Text from Luisa:] Hey, can we talk? I have a pretty big favor to ask.
[ text ] Oh god. Please don’t tell me you killed somebody. 
[ text ] I got a new place, and I’m still working on it, so I’ll just come yours.
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
David was always so good at finding the right words to say. Luisa didn’t think that would hurt so much. He sounded sorry. He sounded hurt and insecure, and it still shocked Luisa how much that bothered her. Try as she might, it was as difficult to hold onto her conviction as it was to remember that this wasn’t her fault. None of it was, and she tightened her hold on her car keys, cold metal against her palm the only thing she could depend on.
It hurt to speak, her tongue slow and clumsy around every word, but she held her head high when she said, “Close the door on your way out.”
David hunched his shoulders, regretting every word. He’d wanted so badly to tell her the truth, she was too important to lie to. Now, he wished he’d never opened his mouth. The guilt was better than ruining everything because he’d made a stupid mistake before he’d even known Luisa. Or how much he’d come to care about her.
“This is your place, I should be the one to go. I’m the one who screwed up, Luisa.” Stupid, stupid, stupid. He was so used to things going wrong that the second his life had turned around, he started sabotaging himself. He moved towards the door to show himself out.
“Just…know that I’m sorry. I never in a million years meant to hurt you. I never thought we’d even meet. I just thought you were wonderful. I’m so sorry.”
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
“All things considered?” Luisa asked wryly, dabbing at the formula, but there was no way anyone would be able to miss the wet spot. “Still better off than you. So your uh... Contract’s up.”
Luisa had no idea how Aiden had been able to land a contract with the Martins. They were such a prominent pack and his twins marked him a genetic risk. Now that he was let go, she had no idea how he’d even afford their medication let alone care.
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“Indeed it is, how have you been?”
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
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Gina Rodriguez photographed for Variety’s Actors on Actors
“I don’t feel stagnant one day on the show. Jennie [Snyder Urman, the showrunner] is my muse. She listens to us, she looks at what we’re interested in, she finds our hidden talents and exposes them and plays with them because we live in that magical realism, and I’m so grateful for that. I danced for 10 years of my life from 7 to 17, and I never thought I would dance again. Now I get to show my fans that anything and everything is possible.”
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
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I try to keep in mind that it’s a long journey. It’s not a race. It’s about staying focused, continuing to do good work, make my family and community proud; that’s all I really want to do… and pay my bills.
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
“How do you accidentally chat with someone for-” Days? Oh god no, weeks. Months, almost. Luisa couldn’t think about now, not with the wave of shame and betrayal that batted against her, threatening to drag her down. She wanted to stare David down, make him understand just how uncomfortable it felt to be in her position. She couldn’t meet his eye, and it was easier to stop trying. “Sorry, wrong number works for most people, David.”
His voice trembled towards the end, nowhere near as scathing as she would have liked. He hadn’t looked for her, but he apparently thought about it, and Luisa wasn’t sure she could believe him right now. “I’m - I just can’t be here right now.” She said, hands balled into fists as she snatched her car keys off the table. “When I get back...”
She sent him a look over her shoulder, hoping that made sense of everything when she was struggling to herself.
David panicked. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go, they were supposed to laugh about it and move on. He’d thought that with her being so honest tonight that…this was a mistake. He shouldn’t have said anything, oh god, he’d fucked up. The beta scrambled desperately to pull back the situation.
“I-I didn’t know what to say! It was just an accident, Luisa. I didn’t know you at all, it was just a wrong number and I had no idea who you really were. I liked talking to you, I swear I didn’t try to look you up or anything. When I recognized you in the bank, I almost turned around right there. I mean, you were actually real! I got a new number that day, I stopped texting as soon as I met you.”
He sighed, rubbing his fingers across his nose. “I guess I just liked talking to you before I even knew you. You were always so funny and you were beautiful and every time you texted, it made me smile. I honestly never thought I’d meet you and when I did, you were just-, you’re so amazing and I was embarrassed. You’d never have talked to me if you knew. I’m so sorry.”
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
Luisa didn’t quite sigh, before she said, “I think we call that an occupational hazard around babies.”
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“Oh man, sorry. I didnt mean to spill baby formula on you.”
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Originally posted by hollandrooden
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
The cat approached slowly, eyes fixated on a greasy piece of pepperoni and ready to pounce, until the sound of footsteps on the opposite end of the corridor startled it, and it took off running. 
Luisa froze, recognizing the uniform as hospital staff, and exactly what she didn’t need right now. “Excuse me,” she murmured, a touch too wry. “I did not know this alley was taken.”
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Otto held the pizza out to the stay cat. “Have a bite little guy.” he mumbled, head throbbing. After the shooting, he’d spent all night pulling people out of the building and then keeping them alive along enough to see a doctor at the hospital. He was just done. Tired, hungry, and done.
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teacherluisa-blog · 8 years
Luisa hesitated, not out of fear but out of respect. Tracy went through a lot that she didn’t understand, couldn’t simply by virtue of not having lived with the discrimination that her friend faced regularly, but she cared about her. Even though she’d asked for her permission before doing anything, this wasn’t something that she thought would have bothered her, and Luisa liked to think she knew Tracy enough to know. Her vehemence, her unhappiness - Luisa didn’t think she was reading into too much when she asked, “Tracy... What happened?”
[Text from Luisa:] Hey, can we talk? I have a pretty big favor to ask.
[ text ] Oh god. Please don’t tell me you killed somebody. 
[ text ] I got a new place, and I’m still working on it, so I’ll just come yours.
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