tealvenetianmask · 56 minutes
On my perpetual quest to delude myself into believing that there will be more Blitz songs and/or duets, just watched this interview with Brandon:
At around 56:35, there's this tidbit:
Interviewer: When you're doing a rock song for Helluva Boss, do they record that the exact same way as if you're doing a voice over? Are you in that same booth with the same mic? Or do you have to sing it and there's a vocal coach there?
Brandon: Yeah, um, usually the guy -- Sam Haft -- who is the genius behind a lot of our songs, the songs that I'm in, he's there when we're recording them. Yeah and he's -- we record the songs in the same studio but the person who wrote the songs is always there kinda making sure that we're singing it exactly the way they're supposed to be sung.
Interviewer: And are you listening to him sing the scratch track and then you try and match it?
Brandon: Yeah. Imagine like, listening to your favorite Disney song over and over and over on your way to work because you have to sing that song when you get to work. That's how I think of it. If we listen to songs enough, we can do them. You know? Or at least, we can know them by heart. And so I try and listen to -- if I ever get a song, I try and listen to that song as many times as I can on my way to the studio -- and sing along with it, of course. You want to sing along, get yourself familiar vocally with doing that. Especially with Blitz. Blitz does a lot of fast singing. So you have to really make sure that if you're gonna get hung up on something, it's not gonna be memorization of words. It's gonna be music or melody or something with cadence or something like that. But not memorization.
"The songs that I'm in". Plural. "Blitz does a lot of fast singing." A lot. And Brandon has an established process for preparing for songs, as if he's done them several times.
Oh I am living in this delusion in defiance of all common sense, nobody touch me!!
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tealvenetianmask · 58 minutes
I think the thing that kills me the most is that I really do think Blitz was picking up what Stolas was putting down. He's smart, he's observant, and I'm pretty sure he was already processing things as Stolas was speaking. Putting all those things Stolas has done that back up what he's saying now together in this context. He's got those big, shiny eyes going from Stolas to the crystal to Stolas to the crystal, and by the end he looks like he's really starting to hope. And then his self-loathing comes in with the steel chair and goes, "too unrealistic, settle for bondage like the rest of us", and his eyes lose their shine and their hope. It's too good to be true, so it must not be.
I completely agree. Blitz really does seem like he's following what Stolas is saying and putting the pieces together before his instincts kick in. Not just that, but Blitz looks genuinely disappointed and bewildered when Stolas stops him in his tracks when he starts "role-playing". He genuinely thought Stolas had to be messing with him—so much so that when his role-play doesn't work, it confuses him even more, because that was the only other possible explanation to everything Stolas just said to him.
And when Stolas says his goodbye and dismisses him with strained formality, stepping away, realisation hits Blitz again and he immediately backtracks and reassesses the situation. His "You were serious? Hold on, Stolas, what the fuck?" isn't him judging Stolas or calling Stolas crazy. It's him trying to understand. Was his first read of this situation really the correct one? That can't possibly be. But Stolas actually looks like he was serious, so it must be. At this point, though he's still not letting himself feel that hope that almost took over him a moment ago, Blitz is trying to figure out if he can maybe, possibly, eventually get there.
But then Stolas says he already has his answer from Blitz. And here's the problem: by the time Blitz is beginning to actually comprehend exactly what Stolas is saying and the implications, as well as what feelings he's allowed to safely feel in that moment, Stolas has already put an end to the conversation.
And this same pattern is repeated from beginning to end of the scene. Throughout their entire meeting, the gates to both of their hearts keep opening—desperate to be seen, understood, and wanted—and then closing again—too terrified of being hurt, too ready for heartbreak and disappointment, to remain open for too long.
And, every single step of the way, they are desynchronised. Over and again, one's door opens just in time for the other's to close. And so neither of them is able to see the other's gates when they open. All they ever see is the other shutting them out.
Only at the very end does Blitz manage to finally look at Stolas and see. But by that point, it's too late. Stolas is already shutting him out, but this time for good.
(Or so it seems. For now. Rest of Season 2, save us!)
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tealvenetianmask · 10 hours
they match each other’s freak to a degree that is dangerous to the public
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tealvenetianmask · 11 hours
Good additions. Loona didn’t make Blitz think anything he didn’t already think.
Blitz gets misinterpreted a lot because he’s actively fighting/denying a lot of what’s going on in his head. But the show helps us out by giving us plenty of clues. Good audience members pay attention to those clues.
Defense of Loona in this moment . . . (or explanation at least)
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"Oh shit. He's getting bored of you."
And it's exactly what Blitz is worried about, even if he's trying very hard not to worry. Because they're the same. They're very very traumatized people who have been treated like they are unloveable/likely have BPD father and daughter.
She's glib and cutting- and builds herself up as the person who does the leaving/avoiding "because I do that allll the time." But we know what Loona's really like in social situations (Queen Bee), and she's insecure and defensive, not the cool aloof person she pretends to be. Kind of like her dad, though the personas they put on are a little different.
Anyway, this isn't to say that what Loona said is okay- but it's clear why she's this way. I'm really hoping that we see some good supportive moments between Blitz and Loona during Apology Tour. They're family, and it's so important.
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tealvenetianmask · 12 hours
Interesting! I do with there had been a moment of stolitz interaction (beyond Stolas’s very public flirting) at the festival. The image with Stolas’s demon form actually looks like concept art for Blitz’s drug trip from ep. 6. I wonder how it would have connected to ep. 5, but I’m also interested in how Stolas appearing in the drug trip in this form might have changed the tone and messaging about the relationship… I wonder whether he’s attacking Blitz with the others or protecting him from them.
Harvest Moon Festival/Truth Seekers Beatboards
From Fandom.com.
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Hey, Blitz originally had some bondage gear on as well!
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We were ROBBED of a Very Special™ Stolitz Harvest Moon Vacay!
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This dinner scene would have made more sense. Less funny, though.
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Guess originally Stolas was gonna be bringing the nightmare fuel as well, but maybe they wanted to save his full demon form for the rescue?
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tealvenetianmask · 14 hours
There are a lot of things that Blitz finds attractive about Stolas, but the thing he likes the most is Stolas's voice. When he lets his guard down, or when a day has been too long, and he hears that voice? It's so soothing, nothing compares for him. If Stolas ever sings to him? Blitz will break. Absolutely break.
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tealvenetianmask · 15 hours
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(I've never done a comic before but Stolas' line in the trailer was haunting me and I couldn't get this whole thing out of my head 👍)
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tealvenetianmask · 24 hours
I've been noticing four kinds of takes on Stolas and privilege:
The correct one: Stolas has privilege because of the status he has in society. He can walk right into a club that's always booked way in advance without a reservation. He's never had to worry about money or his physical safety and doesn't know what that's like. He can get a one on one meeting with the King of Lust and ask for a rare and powerful item to give to his man. He was raised to take his privilege for granted. This does not mean he hasn't suffered or hasn't been made to feel small or weak by other people. It also does not mean that Blitz can't hurt him. He ALSO LACKS PRIVILEGE as a queer neurodivergent man forced to conform to a traditional role. These things are not contradictory. I repeat. Both can be true, and THEY ARE. That's what intersectionality is. He's a good person, and he's gradually becoming more aware of his own privilege, starting with his relationship with Blitz.
Well meaning/maybe a bit uninformed: Stolas can't have privilege because he's a victim of domestic and familial abuse.
Shit: Stolas has privilege and isn't aware of it, and that means he's a bad person.
Even shitter, like, are we even watching the same show? Stolas is maliciously using his privilege to abuse Blitz.
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
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do you think.....
do you think he
do you think
do -
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
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It was an odd decision to make the episode less than one minute long, but at least it it was a good one!
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
All day at work I've been mentally planning out a long ass piece of meta explaining intersectionality as it applies to stolitz in a way that's sympathetic to both parties and demonstrates why the blame game is silly.
But then I finally listened to that Sarcastic Chorus video while stuck in traffic, and now I'm emotionally drained and grumpy and don't want to wade into anything AT ALL controversial.
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
Okay but old clothes can be clean but have stains especially if you’re messy and all over the place but poor who said that I don’t identify at all.
haven’t heard of a washing machine before
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
I don't really understand why are people taking sides or whatever in the fandom over Stolitz, I thought it was common knowledge that these traumatized idiots are totally meant for each other and eventually not even their traumas will be enough to keep them apart.
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
Blitzo and Stolas are the most literal approximation of the phrase "Falling in Love" that I know of.
Their relationship really feels like they just... tripped over each other and then were like "Did I---? Did he--? Surely ONE of us got us here on purpose, RIGHT?!?!"
Stolas: "He broke into my house when I happened to be drunk, lonely, sad, and bored, and he seduced me--"
Blitzo: "He caught me breaking and entering, I was desperate, and he made a propositon--"
Both of Them: "I just went along with it!"
They fell into bed together, not quite by accident, but not entirely on purpose. And they fell in love, let feelings and hearts get involved, by accident, also.
(But is it so wrong, so strange, to want to make time spent together pleasant? Is it so wrong to care, to try & learn what he likes? Surely this won't expose a vulnerability in me...)
They fell apart in much the same fashion. Neither wanted to break up, I don't think... but you can't call their parting an accident either!
They're both going to need to learn how to love on purpose, if this is going to work out, I think.
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
Something that has always stood out to me (and got me thinking) IRT Blitzø and his true nature underneath all of his sharp edges is this specific scene in Oops:
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Here, Blitz is very, VERY badly burnt. Enough to be permanently disfiguring on at least a third of his body. Yeah, Fizz had it worse, but this is still awful and was probably horrifically painful. But he barely seems affected, because his only concern is his mom. We as the audience can't hear what he's saying, but he's clearly calling out to her in this flashback.
Blitz could easily, and understandably, put himself first here. But he doesn't. And it says a lot about him. Take this with several other standout moments in (and upcoming!) the show...
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...and you get a really good picture that one of Blitz's core traits is how protective he is of those he loves. A lot of the fandom writes him off as nothing but a selfish asshole that doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. And as sad and uncharitable as that read of him is, it's also kind of funny because if you actually watch the show it's obviously not the case at all.
Blitz values and is very protective of his loved ones, and if you can't see that you're blind or purposefully ignoring moments like this.
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
imagine after Full Moon, Blitzø goes back home and Loona, Millie and Moxxie are all waiting for him. Blitzø knows how much they were all counting on him to "perform well" . So Blitzø, being Blitzø, doesn't even show them he has a bad time. He, instead, tries his best to act happy (and does a damn good job bc masking) abt the Asmodean crystal and how they have all-time access to the mortal realm. Then once he is alone, Blitzø tries EVERYTHING to get the crystal off his glove. Ripping it off with his glow, knawing at it with his teeth, even using a butter knife to try and cut the crystal away from the glove.
Blitzø practices "out of sight, out of mind' RELIGIOUSLY, but the crystal won't get off him. He is bounded to it, stuck with it. He will never forget this night for as long as he lives and the crystal will always be a reminder of how, even when he didn't run away, he still lost.
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
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