teatimewithahmya · 3 years
Hey guys!!! Guess what, I finished the book. Might I just say this book… Has left me all over the place. I definitely was not expecting this. I feel as though the title of the book does not give what it supposed to give. To sum up what I basically finished reading from where we left off, bigger didn’t want Ms.Thomas to know that he was in the room with Mary alone, he put the pillow over Mary’s face killed Mary cut her body up and threw her in the furnace. Bigger tried to put the blame on other people (of course) and then because own girlfriend suspected that bigger killed Mary and then he killed his Own girlfriend I hitting her in the head with a brick, she didn’t die from that she died for being too cold after he disposed of her body. 
Overall this novel hits many points that we really didn’t talk about until quarantine started. All of the racial injustice, stereotypes And segregation has been going on since the beginning of time. It’s never gone away. We’re still to this day living in a world where if a white man commits a crime, he gets a slap on the wrist versus a black man like George Floyd who loses his life because the color of his skin. In this case that we’re talking about the novel showing how in the stereo typical way of life was for black people. If you live in the hood and your skin is black you’re automatically going to be looked at as not only a criminal but a disgrace this society.( as if you didn’t help, or provide anything to this country) . Bigger was trying to do his job, but then of course he hast to listen to his boss(s) And ends up getting into a situation. Unfortunately the situation was going to be a lose lose situation in Biggers case either way it went due to the color of his skin which is what is wrong with the world we live in now.
Most of the current events that are going on that I see reflected in the novel right now but most definitely be the black lives matter movement. Not sure if many of you guys follow me on Instagram (@anm_.1023) but my profile picture is the black lives matter fist. During quarantine there was lots of others who had that profile picture just because it was a trend, but in this world, if there’s no full justice it’s never going to be a trend to me. This world was set up by the minority but then taken over by the rich wealthy white men. It’s not fair and the system is rigged. Yes, slowly but surely we are getting justice but it’s been one hell of a ride I feel. Richard did a really really good job showing how it’s a lose lose situation for blacks in America whether you follow the part or Branch out.
I feel like the world today is different due to the fact that this generation will not let the racist comments be dismissed. Everything gets addressed. Enough is enough at this point and I feel like my generation is doing a great job I getting justice not only for blacks but for everyone. It’s time to make this country finally free and I feel like we’re taking the right steps in to do so. 
So if the question is should you read the book yes because after all of these years it’s still relevant and it still leaves you with something to take away from it. I had a great time reading with you guys 😊 ahmya out
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teatimewithahmya · 3 years
Guys, this story has taken a turn that I was definitely not expecting😶. I would first like to start by summing up what I’ve read this far. Basically bigger and his gang we’re going to rob a white man. Bigger has grown-up in basically the ghetto so that’s all he’s been introduced to. He later finds out that he doesn’t want to rob the white man due to the fact that he offered him a job. Because he takes a job and backs out of the robbery and his first mission is to take Mary to the university. She ends up telling bigger to take her somewhere else with her boyfriend to eat. Mary gets drunk and bigger have to take her upstairs and lay her down in her bed. While he’s doing so he notices that she is pretty and has lust feelings for her. So he acts on her.
I stop there because I wanted to give myself some suspense and some things to think about. First of all wow, second of all Richard did his thing while writing this book. This is what I would call the page turner due to the fact that not only am I reading the story but I’m creating my own story in my head.
This story reminds me of 13 reasons why. I know that sounds super weird but for some reason the rape ( because that’s what it is) just reminds me of how all of those girls like Jessica and Hannah have felt when they were felt on by men who have lust-full feelings and just take it out on women just because they can’t. They take advantage of women just because of their state Period and 13 reasons why I gives a good Visual of what it’s actually like and for some reason my mind just went straight to that I know it’s not the same topics but I immediately thought of that just because while watching 13 reasons why you can really connect with the characters.
I’m going to start reading some more and let you guys know the next bit of tea that I get. But the tea starting to boil guys and it’s getting super hot..... until next time🚨
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teatimewithahmya · 3 years
Me running from ducks at Disney World . Definitely one of my proudest moments😂🙂
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teatimewithahmya · 3 years
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Actually this is me when I see any type of animal....... 
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teatimewithahmya · 3 years
To Me?
Guys, where do I even start? This book is a must read. There are so many different ways to take it. I just started reading it and I already feel like I know these Characters. 
“A huge black rat squealed and leaped at Bigger’s trouser-leg and snagged it in his teeth, hanging....... whirling and kicking out his leg with all the strength of his body. The force of his movement shook the rat loose and it sailed through the air and struck a wall.” page 17
Now this quote may seem simple the there is so much to unpack to me. Let’s just start with the symbolism behind this. I thin this shows Fear. Not only because a rat was in their house, but mainly because bigger was scared of the rat along with his family members , and the rat was scared of bigger. When we all get scared we immeadtly go into self defense/ Violence mode. Personally when I get scared, my anxiety flairs and I what whatever is scaring me to just disappear. (But safely). 
Bigger reminds me of my mom. I know thats weird to say because he is a he and she is a she, But When it comes to things that frighten me, My mom is always the first to make it go away. For instance, animals. Im scared of every animal, bugs, fishes , even birds. You name the animal and Im scared of it, But if an animal bothers me I know I can count on my mom to make sure that it doesn't hurt me. I can relate to bigger mom because Im scared of animals and I would have fainted if I saw a rat just like bigger sister did.
Overall I feel like this book is heading in the direction that I love. I find it so crazy how even back then with the police everything was the same just like how now is. I think it's crazy. 
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teatimewithahmya · 3 years
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teatimewithahmya · 3 years
Hey Guys...
I can’t wait for you guys to come along with me on this journey. I am an all star cheerleader who loves to travel, cook, go on adventures and take pictures. If I am being quite honest I really dislike reading but when It comes to a Good book with a good message then I really don’t mind. I am a 17 year old , African American woman (so that is the point of view that I am speaking from). 
 For the next month I will be reading Native Son by Richard Wright. I choose book because I felt like the storyline was something I would be interested in. with everything that is going on in the world today between riots and protest I feel like this novel is something that we should be paying more attention to. I can not wait to dive deeper into this story so that we can see all of the different things that Richard Wright has in store for us. 
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