teawrites01 · 6 months
Astarion x reader soulmate AU or vampire mates PLS IM BEGGING
I HOPE YOU LIKE! I did have fun writing this 🥹
Warnings: mentions of torture, nothing graphic
Astarion was sure of few things in the tragedy that was his life. But the things he was sure of were the things that killed his spirit. Things that quashed his will to live.
After two hundred years, he was sure he would die here, under Cazador's thumb. He wasn't sure when or how, but that would happen.
After two hundred years, he was sure that there were no gods out there who would ever answer him. He stopped praying to them long ago, for they clearly didn't care about creatures like him. Creatures of the night.
After two hundred years, he was sure that he had no soulmate. No partner that was out there waiting for him. Perhaps it was wishful thinking and in fact he hoped he had no soulmate out there, that maybe they were long dead by this point if they were lucky.
He thought it cruel, the way soulmates worked and deigned a guess that Loviatar must have had something to do with the cruel design. A person can feel their soulmate’s pain. How awful. And how truly awful for any person bound to himself or his siblings.
He hadn't felt any phantom pain himself in all his years under Cazador so he remained hopeful that they were already dead. Gods know his soulmate didn't deserve it.
One day, Astarion sat in his dilapidated bunk with the heavy curtains pulled shut and a threadbare blanket over his shoulders as he worked diligently with his needle, repairing his beloved shirt for… well he'd lost count how many times he'd repaired this shirt. That's just the way it was.
As he pulled the white thread through the thinning fabric, he let out a yelp and a strained “fuck!” as he dropped the needle and his hand flew to his foot. His small toe ached as if he'd just dropped something on it or stubbed it. He frowned and looked down at it. It looked fine but gods, the pain was awful.
Any other person would know, would get that feeling that their soulmate had just hurt themselves but the possibility was so far removed from Astarion's mind. He brushed it off with an annoyed huff and picked his needle up again to continue his repairs, the pain eventually fading.
It happened again, a few weeks later. An inexplicable pain that changed the course of his sad existence. It was late, he was out. At the Elfsong Tavern, chatting up some stranger to bring back to Cazador. He wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying, but he feigned interest, nodding where appropriate and throwing in the occasional affirmation as he sipped the goblet of wine paid for by stolen coin he'd lifted from an unsuspecting drunkard.
Astarion shuffled closer to her, wanting to speed this along. His hand came up and pulled her hair back from her ear and whispered.
“What do you say we get out of here and somewhere more quiet…” His voice silken and honey smooth.
Mere words whispered and she was a red, blushing mess. He heard her heartbeat pick up and she nodded, her excitement obvious only to him. He stood from his seat and extended his hand to her and as she reached out to him, an intense pain marred his knee. Astarion doubled over and grasped at his knee, letting out a curse as he pulled his pant leg up to examine whatever injury he'd just sustained.
There was nothing there, his knee smooth and pale, slightly bruised but that wasn't out of the ordinary. He felt like he should be bleeding with a sizeable wound. He whipped his head around to see if anyone had attacked him but no one paid him any mind except his “date.”
Astarion was annoyed and confused. He lowered his pant leg again with a huff and the woman who he didn't bother to learn the name of let out a laugh. “Seems like your soulmate is out there getting into trouble.”
If Astarion had warm blood coursing through his veins, it would have gone cold.
The woman stood, grabbing her belongings. “Your soulmate. Obviously hurt their knee since you're in pain but seem fine. Happens to all of us. I'm almost certain my soulmate got their arm chopped off last week based on the pain I felt for days and days.”
She shuddered and grimaced, rubbing her left arm. “You see anyone with a fucked up arm, come find me. Goodnight.”
And then she left. She left him in a stupor and a predicament. Firstly, it was too late to try and seek anyone else out to bring to Cazador tonight. By Astarion's estimations the sun should be rising soon and he needed to get back to the palace. The thought of arriving empty handed caused a familiar panic to rise in him at whatever torture he was certainly due for this day.
But secondly, and possibly worse if he let himself think about it too much… whatever pain he was about to go through would be inflicted onto you. His unsuspecting soulmate. If what that woman said was to be believed, anyway.
Astarion wandered back to the palace in a haze. He ping ponged between self-preservation and not letting himself get worked up over the fact that you were about to be tortured, put through some of the worst pain you could ever endure. He tried not to think about it. Tried not to be weak but he couldn't help the guilt. Even if he did manage to find you, even if you were out there, you could never want him after what you were both about to go through tonight.
Hours later, after Cazador had finished taking his wrath out on Astarion for failing to bring him a victim, he wept. He often wished for death, never prayed but he did this day, with each flog, flay torture, he wept in excess for you.
Your whole body ached. You'd been saved from falling to your demise at the very least as the nautiloid ship crashed but gods you’d still had some momentum when you hit the ground.
Pain was… quite normal for you these days and you lived most of your life in fear for when the next bout of pain was going to knock you out for several days. Whoever your soulmate was, whatever life they lead, you felt awful for them. You couldn't help but also feel a little resentment for all the torturous pain you'd been through and when you finally did meet them, you were going to demand some fucking answers. Not only did they seemingly get beaten up everyday, but the constant hunger pains you felt never went away despite how much you ate. Were they starving themselves?
For now though, you stood and took in your surroundings, dusting your clothes off and squinting as the bright sun beat down on you. You stepped through scraps of metal towards some rocky cliffs and to what looked like a path. You made it through and saw someone, a tall, pale elf standing by the cliffside, examining the damage made by the crash. His hand staked through his hair and he looked around warily until he finally laid eyes on you.
“You there!” He called out. He sounded posh and you internally rolled your eyes. “Can you help me? I have one of those… brain things cornered.”
You walked over to him and peered into the bush where he was pointing and you jumped slightly when a boar ran out from the underbrush. You let out a laugh and sigh of relief and turned back to him but before you knew what was what, a cool knife was pressed against your neck and you fell to the ground, a grunt of pain escaping yours and the elf’s lips.
His arm came around your shoulder and he held you in place as you struggled, looking up at him. “What are you doing?” You cried.
He pressed the dagger against your neck and you felt a nick of pain as he drew blood. You cried out in pain and to your surprise, so did he. You paused, confused. The stranger also paused, his body stiffening and his eyes zeroed in on your neck where his dagger met your skin.
You took this moment to your advantage and rolled out of his arms, making sure to elbow his face in the process. But as the crack of your elbow made contact with his nose, you cried out in pain and grasped at your nose, standing and looking at him in accusation.
He also stood, holding onto his nose and his neck.
He couldn't be.
Neither of you dared say a word as you clutched your faces in pain, staring. Waiting. For what, you weren't sure but the pieces started to fall into place and you slowly stepped towards him. He stiffened and leaned away from you but you grabbed his arm and pinched it, grimacing softly when, yes. You felt the same phantom pain in your own arm on the same spot. You said nothing and only stared into the stranger's red eyes.
He in turn, grabbed your arm and squeezed, stopping when it began to hurt.
This was it. This was him. This was your soulmate.
“No way,” you whispered.
The stranger turned soulmate seemed to be in a similar state of disbelief. “You're… real,” he murmured.
Whether he was pleased or upset, you weren't sure. He kept his feelings quashed. But you felt no desire to do such a thing. You'd often thought about what you would say when you finally met your soulmate and now that you were here, seeing his pale skin, his eyes with accompanying bags to match and his expression that he tried to keep impassive but you could see the fear etched onto his face your rehearsed words failed you.
Instead, you stepped forward and placed your hand on his arm comfortingly. He stiffened at the contact.
“I'm sorry,” is all you managed to whisper, your eyes wide and apologetic.
You didn't need to elaborate, he knew and you knew that he'd been put through shit, you along with him. You didn't resent him like he thought you would, you didn't accuse him or yell at him for what he'd put you through. No. You apologised to him.
He shuddered out a sigh of relief and stared at you, a small smile on his face.
“My name's Astarion.”
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teawrites01 · 6 months
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Please knock 🙏
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teawrites01 · 6 months
I bet when Arabella joined camp, she was bothering more than just Withers with her questions. She was probably asking everyone there whatever came to mind.
All hell broke loose when she got to Astarion and asked, “If you’re a vampire, then why do you look so old?”
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teawrites01 · 6 months
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WYLLVEMBER DAY 12: astarion
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teawrites01 · 6 months
do people actually read books while in the bathtub
how do you not get everything wet
743K notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 6 months
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low light asty✨💞
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teawrites01 · 6 months
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24K notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 6 months
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teawrites01 · 6 months
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haters and losers jealous they don't have a vampire bf who will say strange and off putting things in public
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teawrites01 · 6 months
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2K notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 6 months
Fangs and Fractured Hearts
Summary: You helped Astarion complete the Rite of Profane Ascension and become the Vampire Ascendent. You agreed to become his spawn soon after. Once the Netherbrain was defeated, Astarion claimed the Szarr Palace, renaming it the Crimson Palace, for himself and set about his plans of domination.
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Pairing: Ascended Astarion x female!Tav Spawn Note: It is/will be mentioned Tav is a draconic sorcerer
Rating: Explicit 18+ [Slow Burn]
Setting: Post End-Game Please note: Written before epilogues were added so may not be congruent with that content
Warnings [more will be added] - expect mature content/read at your own risk.
Blood drinking. Sexual Themes/Tension. Slow Burn. Eventual Explicit Smut. Pining. Suicidal Thoughts. Biting. Violence.
Small Notes:
I am not well-versed in DnD 5e and it's rules as it pertains to this world, so although I'm going to try and keep it as accurate as possible, some aspects may not align or may be completely made up for story reasons.
Mentioned of in-game missable content that I've made resolve a certain way for this Tav.
Fabricated camp events.
Tav might still end up with a name, have her own backstory, which we may explore eventually.
Details of Tav's appearance have been made up, but I've tried to keep details to a minimum so you can imagine your own Tav.
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Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy!
Big thank you to everyone who reads and/or comments/follows/likes/reblogs - it truly does make my day to know you're finding some enjoyment in my story :)
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Chapter 1: Lost
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 4: Little Lamb
Chapter 5: Rebellion
Chapter 6: Dancing with Darkness
Chapter 7: Rogue Desire
Chapter 8: Free Fall
Chapter 9: Beneath the Veil
Chapter 10: Soulbound
Chapter 11: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 12: Catharsis
Chapter 13: The Fallacy of Power
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AO3 [cross-posted]
If you're interested, I also write a spawn Astarion x Tav fic - Shadows of the Past
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teawrites01 · 6 months
Shadows of the Past
Summary: Astarion remained a spawn after ending the reign of Cazador with your help. After defeating the Netherbrain, you and Astarion stay together, moving forward with your lives. You reside in a small house in the city. One night, after an awkward and concerning interaction with him, he disappears without a trace.
Setting: Post End-Game. Mostly canon compliant.
Content: Explicit 18+ - intended for mature audiences [Slow Burn].
Warnings: [Additional tags will be added, but expect mature content. Read at your own risk.}
Spoilers. Mentions of in-game missable content. Violence. Implied/Attempted Sexual Assault [Chapter 7]. Past Trauma. Murder. Death. Longing. Sexual themes. Smut. Blood drinking. Angst. Innuendos. High use of sarcasm. Completely fabricated camp interactions.
Additional Notes:
Tav is named.
Fabricated camp events as well as mentions of in-game story events.
Tav will likely have her own backstory.
Some details of Tav's appearance are/will be mentioned.
Mentions of Tav being a High Elf Draconic Sorcerer.
I am not familiar with the rules of DnD 5e, or how they effect the world, so for story purposes, some thing may be fabricated and not congruent. I will try to avoid this as much as I can.
I write, edit and proofread most of my own works (big thank you to my friends who accept my infatuation and help me), I do apologize if there are typos or Incongruent content.
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Chapter 1: Abandonment
Chapter 2: Home & Heartache
Chapter 3: Escape & Evade
Chapter 4: Magic and Mischief
Chapter 5: Soaked in Desire
Chapter 6: Reminiscence
Chapter 7: Complications Abound
Chapter 8: Flight
Chapter 9: Midnight Masquerade
Chapter 10: Eclipsing Shadows
Chapter 11: Fate's Folly
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AO3: Crossposted
If you're interested I also write a fanfic for Ascended Astarion x Spawn Tav - Fangs and Fractured Hearts
287 notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 6 months
Shadows of the Past
Summary: Astarion remained a spawn after ending the reign of Cazador with your help. After defeating the Netherbrain, you and Astarion stay together, moving forward with your lives. You reside in a small house in the city. One night, after an awkward and concerning interaction with him, he disappears without a trace.
Setting: Post End-Game. Mostly canon compliant.
Content: Explicit 18+ - intended for mature audiences [Slow Burn].
Warnings: [Additional tags will be added, but expect mature content. Read at your own risk.}
Spoilers. Mentions of in-game missable content. Violence. Implied/Attempted Sexual Assault [Chapter 7]. Past Trauma. Murder. Death. Longing. Sexual themes. Smut. Blood drinking. Angst. Innuendos. High use of sarcasm. Completely fabricated camp interactions.
Additional Notes:
Tav is named.
Fabricated camp events as well as mentions of in-game story events.
Tav will likely have her own backstory.
Some details of Tav's appearance are/will be mentioned.
Mentions of Tav being a High Elf Draconic Sorcerer.
I am not familiar with the rules of DnD 5e, or how they effect the world, so for story purposes, some thing may be fabricated and not congruent. I will try to avoid this as much as I can.
I write, edit and proofread most of my own works (big thank you to my friends who accept my infatuation and help me), I do apologize if there are typos or Incongruent content.
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Chapter 1: Abandonment
Chapter 2: Home & Heartache
Chapter 3: Escape & Evade
Chapter 4: Magic and Mischief
Chapter 5: Soaked in Desire
Chapter 6: Reminiscence
Chapter 7: Complications Abound
Chapter 8: Flight
Chapter 9: Midnight Masquerade
Chapter 10: Eclipsing Shadows
Chapter 11: Fate's Folly
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AO3: Crossposted
If you're interested I also write a fanfic for Ascended Astarion x Spawn Tav - Fangs and Fractured Hearts
287 notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 6 months
Fangs and Fractured Hearts
Summary: You helped Astarion complete the Rite of Profane Ascension and become the Vampire Ascendent. You agreed to become his spawn soon after. Once the Netherbrain was defeated, Astarion claimed the Szarr Palace, renaming it the Crimson Palace, for himself and set about his plans of domination.
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Pairing: Ascended Astarion x female!Tav Spawn Note: It is/will be mentioned Tav is a draconic sorcerer
Rating: Explicit 18+ [Slow Burn]
Setting: Post End-Game Please note: Written before epilogues were added so may not be congruent with that content
Warnings [more will be added] - expect mature content/read at your own risk.
Blood drinking. Sexual Themes/Tension. Slow Burn. Eventual Explicit Smut. Pining. Suicidal Thoughts. Biting. Violence.
Small Notes:
I am not well-versed in DnD 5e and it's rules as it pertains to this world, so although I'm going to try and keep it as accurate as possible, some aspects may not align or may be completely made up for story reasons.
Mentioned of in-game missable content that I've made resolve a certain way for this Tav.
Fabricated camp events.
Tav might still end up with a name, have her own backstory, which we may explore eventually.
Details of Tav's appearance have been made up, but I've tried to keep details to a minimum so you can imagine your own Tav.
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Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy!
Big thank you to everyone who reads and/or comments/follows/likes/reblogs - it truly does make my day to know you're finding some enjoyment in my story :)
Tumblr media
Chapter 1: Lost
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 4: Little Lamb
Chapter 5: Rebellion
Chapter 6: Dancing with Darkness
Chapter 7: Rogue Desire
Chapter 8: Free Fall
Chapter 9: Beneath the Veil
Chapter 10: Soulbound
Chapter 11: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 12: Catharsis
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AO3 [cross-posted]
If you're interested, I also write a spawn Astarion x Tav fic - Shadows of the Past
324 notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 6 months
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My Astarion study is done (kind of, probably)
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This was a fun challenge, I definitely started slipping into my old ways as I continued on trying to be more detailed but I stayed loose where I could. I don’t need to try to be perfect I just wanted to draw and I was able to do just that. Getting to play around and learn was the most exciting part of it all.
I also think it looks so cool with a transparent background but idk what to do with that information
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1K notes · View notes
teawrites01 · 7 months
Has anyone written a series about Astarion and Tav being together before he is turned then being reunited at the beginning of the game? I’ve been DYING to read something like this!! Thank you!
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teawrites01 · 7 months
Summary: Astarion gets badly injured in a fight, and you have to take care of him while waiting to be found.
Word count: 5,781
Warnings: Astarion being hurt.
It was just another fight.
That was what you thought, at least.
Just another day of danger and adventure.
Never for a second when you woke up that morning did you think you and your companions would be scrambling for your lives.
"Head for the cave!" You heard Shadowheart scream to you over the sounds of the exploding fireballs.
Smoke filled the air thickly, making it hard to see. The thick smoke filled your lungs, making it hard to breath.
Your eyes darted around, trying to find the location she spoke of.
You tensed as a large hand wrapped around your bicep, making you nearly drop your weapon as you were yanked to the left.
Your gaze snapped in the direction of the newcomer, relief washing over you when you laid eyes on Astarion, though he did not seem to share this feeling.
"Things are getting far messier than I care for. I'd say it is time we leave, darling."
He kept a firm grip on your arm, pulling you through the smoke that filled your lungs painfully.
You yelped as you were both suddenly thrown forward by a violent explosion landing not two feet directly behind you, sending both of you flying forward.
The vampire managed to turn himself to land on his shoulder instead of his face, though thanks to the grip on your arm, it made it far more difficult for you to land with similar grace, instead falling direction on top of him causing him to grunt in pain.
"Has anyone ever told you that you weigh far to much to be throwing yourself on people, darling?" He questioned rhetorically, winded from the impact.
"Well next time let's try it with you catching me without my weapons and armor, hm?" You retorted, making him smile.
"Well, so long as you're offering," He replied with a sly smile.
You couldn't help letting out a breathy laugh despite the adrenaline coursing through you, smacking his arm before moving to get off of him.
You yelped when a bolt of lightning suddenly struck right beside the two of you.
You moved instinctively to shield the vampire with your body, looking down at him questioningly as the dirt settled, as though scared something had passed through you to hurt him instead.
He was already looking up at you, seeming taken aback by this show of care, still not used to such acts of love and loyalty.
Neither of you were able to dwell in the moment, though, certain that the next mage would likely not miss.
You yanked him to his feet, grabbing his hand and starting at a blind sprint, squinting through the thick black smoke.
You did not bother looking back for the others as you reached the edge of the smoke cloud, listening to the sounds of battle still going strong in the distance.
"In here," You commanded when you spotted a small hole in the rocks up ahead that you could squeeze into.
His hand still in yours, you took off running.
You were close. so close-
A cry of pain coming from your left was the first indication of something being wrong.
Your head turned, the scene playing out in slow motion before your very eyes as you watched with horror as an arrow slid through Astarion's back, the tip of it shoving violently through the front of his shirt.
Your scream sounded distant to your own ears as you quickly turned to grab him just as he started to fall, his eyes giving away the shock of being impaled.
"Shadowheart!" You screeched, struggling to keep him on his feet.
Now he was heavy.
"No- no nononono-" You felt your stomach in your throat, your heart pounding as you watched blood leaking from the elf's mouth.
"Astarion, don't you dare faint on me! " You cried, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, adrenaline driving you, giving you the strength to practically carry him to the nook that promised you both safety.
You slipped between the narrow walls of stone, panting as you carefully sat him down.
"Star, hey, look at me," You pleaded as his eyes seemed unable to focus.
"I don't. . I don't feel well, love" he murmured distractedly, sounding dazed.
"Hey, hey--look at me! It's not that bad. It's not even that bad. Just breathe," You ordered through tears that started to well in your eyes, your dirty hands coming to cup his equally messy face as you pressed your forehead to his.
"Just focus, okay? You're gonna be okay. I have some healing potions, and Shadowheart is gonna find us" Despite your assurances, you couldn't stop the sob that left you, desperately petting his face before moving off to grab the potion. "Drink, okay? Just drink." You put the rim to his lips, a hand under his chin to help him drink, using your other hand to help tilt his head back.
"Do you remember when we first met?" He murmured distractedly when he finished, his head falling back against the rock behind him.
"Yeah," You whispered. "Of course I do." You went to looking at the arrow, whimpering as you listened to him cough, a small bit of blood and liquid from the potion coming up.
"You were so unsuspecting. . I never told you this, but I always felt bad for trying to kill you. . " You looked up at him, sniffling as you leaned forward to press your face against the side of his.
"No, no don't feel bad. You aren't supposed to feel bad. You're supposed to b-be unremorseful, and cocky and-" You cut off when your throat constricted too tightly for you to speak. "Please," You whispered, letting out a soft, helpless sob. "You're gonna be okay. I don't want you to be embarrassed telling me this when you're better because you are gonna be better." You grabbed another healing potion, though you knew it was futile. The arrow he had been hit with had a poison on it. And unless you could get him a healer, no amount of the potions or magic you could offer him would fix it.
he let out a soft laugh, grimacing in pain, brows furrowing.
"I won' be embarrassed," He replied dizzily. "I want you to know that. . That I care about you, okay?" he took in a deep breath, letting out a slight laugh before whimpering in pain.
The sound shattered your heart.
He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb tenderly against your soft skin, wiping away a tear.
You grabbed at his wrist with both hands, bloodying it in the process due to having been trying to mess with the wound to help it stop bleeding so much.
"I love you," You whispered. "You aren't allowed to leave me, do you understand? I won't let you. I'm gonna figure this out. We're gonna get you help." You could still hear the sounds of commotion outside, making your stomach churn.
The others could still be out there. In need of help, or dead. .
You pushed this thought away, knowing it would do nothing good to think about.
There was nothing you could do right now. You had no way to know where they were, and running back into the fight would only put yourself in danger, and possibly cause complications for the others.
You simply needed to have faith that they had made it to the cave Shadowheart had seen. Or, better yet, were heading this way now. .
"Star?" You whispered when his eyes started to lull shut.
"Astarion?" No response.
"Hey! Astarion, stay with me!" You grabbed at his shoulders as his hand slipped off your cheek, panic washing over you as you shook his upper half, careful not to cause more damage to his body as you did so.
You cursed, grabbing the knife you had from your boot and quickly cutting a line over the vein in your wrist before pressing it to his mouth, praying to god that it would give him enough strength to last a bit longer while you waited for help.
"Astarion, please wake up," You whispered desperately. "Please. . I need you."
It was a terrifying fifteen seconds before his eyes came open, having managed to get enough of the liquid down.
"Oh, thank god," You cried, keeping your wrist to his mouth, which he awkwardly adjusted around with a soft grunt
His eyes fell shut as he groaned, absently sucking, feeling far better with the strength it offered him.
"We need to get this arrow out of you," You said, looking down at it. "I'm going to need to break off the tip, and pull the sides out before I can give you the last potion. It should help with the bleeding at least."
He nodded dizzily, unable to respond verbally as he kept his mouth against your wrist.
"I'm sorry, but I am going to need both hands for this," You infromed him regreatfully, pulling away when you felt he had had enough to keep him conscious for the time being.
"Gods- Could you not have woken me up after you pulled the arrow out?" He complained as he felt you cutting into the end of the arrow sticking out of the front of his torso.
"No!" you replied heatedly. "Because I can't handle thinking I am going to lose you, and that means you are going to need to stay conscious, do you understand??" You looked up at him with what looked to be anger, but he recognized it to be pure and utter terror.
He couldn't help smiling. A truly unseemly sight due to the blood smeared over his lips, chin and teeth. Not to mention the greying notes of his skin as the poison started to take over.
Still, he was your unseemly sight. And you would do anything for the elf. Even if that meant whipping a miracle magically out of nowhere to save his sorry ass.
"Gods!" He cried out as he felt a sudden pressure on the wound when you managed to break off the arrowhead, careful not to touch it as you chucked it to the other side of the small nook.
"I know," You whispered. Pained.
"I am not entirely sure you actually do, darling," He retorted breathlessly. "I don't see an arrow sticking out of your rib cage!"
"It isn't in your ribcage, dear" You replied, pressing a rag to the wound, causing him to hiss.
" . . Regardless," He went on dizzily. "My point remains. ."
You looked up at him, frowning as you watched him try to keep his eyes focused.
You knew the blood wouldn't hold him for long. He was more lucid, but you could see the first signs of him already starting to slip away again.
"Just focus," You whispered.
"I am gonna have to lay you on your stomach. This is going ot hurt, I'm so, so sorry, Star." You took in a shaky breath, willing yourself to be strong for him. Doing your best to argue and keep him engaged.
"Wasn't I already?" He asked in confusion, making your heart sink,
"No, " You replied, bringing your hand to cup his cheek. "No, you're sitting up right now. . But I need you to lay down on your stomach. Just let me guide you, alright? Do you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you" he retorted, feeling your hands come up to help him maneuver carefully onto the ground.
He grunted, face smushing into the dirt.
"What sort of question even is that, darling?" He continued on, your heart twisting.
"A silly question," You murmured, moving over to sit on the backs of his legs, knowing he was probably going to try and flail when you did this.
"I need you to stay as still as you can for me, okay, Star?" he simply nodded in response, letting out a soft, dizzy groan.
You grasped the arrow carefully with both hands, surprised when you found it to be slippery with blood, only then realizing you had never staunched the bleeding from your wrist.
You grabbed a cloth quickly to offer a better grip, taking a deep breath before slowly and carefully starting to remove the long length of wood from his flesh, listening with a sickened displeasure to the mewls of pain that left his lips, his body writhing beneath you as he fought to try and make the pain stop.
"I'm sorry," You cried, throat tight. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry- It's gonna be over in just a second, I promise- I'm so sorry-" You took in a shaky breath as your resolve to stay strong was crumbling listening to the tortured sounds leave him in an unfiltered stream.
"Please," He gasped, the plea desperate and weak.
"Please make it stop-" He cried out as the last inch of the arrow slipped suddenly from his back, the resistance it had been offering you having suddenly stopped, making you go faster than you had intended.
"Okay okayokay, it's done, it's gone," You whimpered, bending down and peppering loving kisses to his shoulder as he panted in pain beneath you.
"You're okay," You went on, moving off of him and grabbing another rag quickly to press it to the wound, making him grunt.
"It's okay. . Hey, let me help you sit up, okay? You need the other healing potion." You quickly wiped away the tears blurring your eyes, replacing it with a thin layer of blood instead.
He offered you his hand to take, allowing you to help him sit up before he promptly fell backwards against the rocks, groaning as he did so.
"This is no fun," He deduced, breath heavy and shallow.
You shook your head miserably.
"Not in the fucking slightest," You stated, moving to press into his side as you gave him the last potion.
"This is the last one," You whispered. "But you can feed on me, to keep up your strength, okay?" You flinched as a firebolt struck right in front of the opening to your hide away, your heart pounding in your chest.
"I think I'd just like to sleep actually, if tha's alright with you, darling" He murmured, finding himself completely exhuasted.
"No- Hey, no you have to stay awake- Astarion!" You gave his shoulder a stressful shake, making him open his eyes again.
"Come on. Drink" You held up the potion to his lips, helping him swallow it back.
It managed to heal his wounds enough that he would not die from them. But it did little good against the poison working its way through his veins.
he coughed as he choked on some of the liquid, bringing a hand up to wipe off his lips, bloodying it in the process.
"Good," You breathed, pressing your forehead against his shoulder in relief when you felt his stomach stop bleeding.
"Just feed, okay? The others will find us. I'm sure of it." You shut your eyes as you brought your still bleeding wrist up for him, feeling his fangs sink in to the skin tiredly, though he did manage to still find the strength to bring a hand up to hold the back of yours, keeping your wrist in place as he gently sucked, swallowing the crimson liquid gratefully.
You hid the grimace of pain against his shoulder, willing to suffer far greater if it meant your sweet vampire being okay.
Though after a time, you were beginning to feel quite light headed.
Astarion had gotten quite good the past few months with learning to control his feeding so as not to hurt you, but with the poison affecting his thoughts, and making him barely conscious, he was right back to being absent-minded with it.
You didn't care at the moment. If he needed it, you would provide.
You would offer every last drop of your being if it meant buying him enough time for someone to find him and help.
You felt tears absently leaking down your face as you stayed curled up against him, your free arm wrapped around his back, holding him weakly so his side was pressing against your chest.
"I love you," You whispered, praying to any and all gods that might have been listening, willing to spare him.
You shut your eyes tightly as twin tears dripped down your cheeks.
You hesitated when you felt his grip on your hand loosen, and he let your hand fall from his lips.
You looked up at him, sniffling.
You were relieved to find that he had not stopped due to losing consciousness, but rather of his own volition.
"I . . I love you too, you know," He murmured hesitantly, never having actually been brave enough to say the words back.
You sniffled again, cupping his cheek dizzily as you brought your head up to press against the side of his hair, eyes shutting tightly as you let out a quiet sob, leaving a long, tender smooch to the side of his head after a moment.
"I know," You whispered. "That is why I know you're gonna be strong, and fight through this." you put a hand over the wound, sniffling once more as you tried to control your tears.
He smiled slightly as he looked down at you, his eyes unable to focus properly as he did so, seeing blurry doubles.
"Is it cold in here?" He asked absently, feeling a bit chilly.
You frowned.
Though it was perhaps cooler than it was outside, it certainly was not a temperature that should have bothered the elf under normal circumstances.
You put the back of your hand to his dirty forehead, stomach twisting as your fears were confirmed.
"You're getting a fever, I think," You informed him. "Most likely from the poison. ."
"We can't start a fire, I'm sorry." If the poor ventilation wasn't a problem, the attention that the light of the fire could draw most certainly would be.
"That's well," He assured. "I can just use you as a blanket instead, my sweet." He smiled at you somewhat cheekily, making you bite your lip.
"Happily," You replied, shutting your eyes when he leaned down to press his lips against yours in a soft kiss.
You laid him down carefully, watching him shiver unpleasantly due to the cold ground.
"Let me take off you shirt, okay?" You said, moving your hands down to work on getting his dirty, blood soaked armor off.
"As much as I love pleasing you, my love, I don't think I am in the shape for such activities at the moment," He replied breathlessly.
"Gods- It is to share body head, Astarion!" You objected, running a hand worriedly through the front of his hair to brush it off his brow.
"Hmm. . Sure," He replied with a sideways smile, eyes lulling shut.
You ignored him, working quickly to get his upper half exposed. You used rags to quickly cover the wounds with to keep out dirt before doing the same to your own clothing, the thin fabric covering your breasts the only thing between you two as you laid down and pressed your body against his.
You pulled the pile of clothing over the two of you for insolation, feeling him shiver as he wrapped his arms around you, coughing absently as he did so, his throat feeling a little flemmy.
You wrapped your arms around him, cradling his head against your shoulder as you laid halfway on top of him, acting as a human blanket as best you could.
You cursed yourself for having dropped your scrolls during the fight. You had had one or two that would have been rather handy to help keep him comfortable while you waited on the others.
You made him feed every hour or so. The second you started to feel that you wouldn't pass out if he drank, you let him.
His fever developed into something quite unpleasant as the hours passed, his shivering now constant, his coughing coming every minute or so as his body tried to fight off the invasion.
It should have killed him by now. By all rights, the vampire spawn should have been a full corpse in your arms as night fell. And yet, he was still with you. Fighting and struggling to remain conscious.
Though not without a great many complaints and a good stream of whining.
Still, you did not care. You would listen to him complain and whine the rest of your life, and be grateful for it so long as it meant he was still with you.
"The others will find us," You assured for the thirteenth time in the past ten minutes, the fever making him quite absent-minded.
"But how do you know?" He asked in concern for the eleventh time also in the past ten minutes.
"Because I do. I have faith." He huffed at this.
"faith. . Like Shadowheart has faith in her dark mistress? Or Wyll has faith we will actually free him from his contract?" You gave him a look.
"I don't put my faith in gods, or higher powers, Astarion. I put my faith in my friends. my family." you pulled closer to him as he sighed.
"You always were soft, darling," He lamented. "And I may very well die for it."
He grunted when you smacked his arm.
"The only way you are going to die is if I kill you, now shut up and be comforted." You pressed your body against him tighter, cradling his head protectively.
he smiled absently, chuckling as he allowed himself to press closer to you in return, feeling the comfort.
You were maybe optimistic and youthful in your faith in people, but you were certainly forceful and hard headed as well.
He whimpered as a particularly bad chill ran through him, eyes shutting as he tried to focus on your warmth.
You frowned softly to yourself.
He was burning up.
Well, for him, at least. For someone who was alive, it would have felt more like being a little overheated rather than feverish.
"I've got you," You cooed, running your fingers through his hair damp soothingly.
"Just focus on my voice, okay? We are going to get through this. And when we do, I'll take you to a nice tavern, hm? With a warm room and a soft bed. . And we can just lay there as long as we like, and enjoy ourselves, and drink fine wine. . " You listened as he took in a deep breath, relaxing as he allowed himself to latch on the to comforting fantasy.
"That sounds rather nice, darling," He murmured sleepily, another deep inhale coming and going before he coughed softly to clear his throat.
You kissed his temple lingeringly as you continued to smooth his hair back with your hand, listening for any signs of fighting or, hopefully, the sounds of a rescue.
Neither arrived however as you listened.
You swallowed heavily as you brought your hand up for him again, feeling your arm shake with the effort it took to hold it up to him.
You knew that your body was not making enough blood to replenish the stock he was taking, but you didn't care. you had to make it work.
You shut your eyes as you felt his fangs graze over the wounds he had already created the past few hours, though you looked at him questioningly when he grunted, shaking his head as he softly pushed your hand away.
"Star you need to feed," You said with a frown, looking down at him worriedly, unsure if it wasn't enough anymore to keep him going.
"No," He breathed, shaking his head, eyes remaining shut. "No. . I can feel your hand shaking. You sound weak. . I won't take anymore from you. . I will be okay without it for now, love." He turned to face you, coughing softly.
You stared at him silently, unsure what to do with that.
You felt you stomach twisting with love for him.
Even in a state of certain death, he didn't want to hurt you. . And yet, you needed him to, if it meant ensuring he would be okay. .
"I will be alright," You murmured reassuringly, shifting down tiredly to come face to face with him. "I promise. Don't worry about me right now, okay? I've got it." You brushed your nose over his. "I've got you."
He opened his eyes just a crack to look at you.
You were almost as pale as he was, and the weakness pushing you towards sleep was difficult to miss.
He shook his head softly, clearing his throat once more.
"No . . I will be fine," He replied, pressing his forehead against yours softly.
you sighed, knowing it would do little good to argue with him about it. Neither of you had the energy for it anyhow.
"Alright. . In a few minutes then, okay?"
"An hour," He compromised, though you frowned.
"Fine. . An hour." It would be the shortest damn hour that man ever experienced.
Ten minutes passed, and you nudged him again.
"Its time," You murmured. "You need to feed." You offered him your wrist, eyes shut.
"That was an hour?" He questioned in groggy confusion, shivering softly against you.
"Mhm, whole hour," You replied, with a tired nod.
"Hm. . " He did not offer anything more, finding himself unable to muster the strength to feed again.
He was getting less and less each time, and as the poison spread through him, it was becoming less effective as it grew stronger inside of him.
"Star, you need to feed," You murmured after a long silence, struggling to stay awake yourself.
"Star. . ?" You forced your eyes open when you realized his shivering had stilled.
Your heart stopped, your entire body going cold as you looked up at his unmoving form.
You brought a hand up to put two fingers under his nose to check for breathing.
"Oh, god," You whispered with horror.
"Astarion, love, wake up," You pleaded, sitting up dizzily and trying to force more blood down his throat.
It wasn't enough though, and you knew it.
Your heart was racing, making you feel like you were going to pass out.
There was only one thing you could think to do at this point.
You were out of time waiting. If he was to die anyway, then you were more than willing to risk going with him if it meant he had even a slim chance of getting help before it was too late.
You got up on shaky feet, stumbling with your hand guiding you against the rocks as you made your way for the exit of the alcove, mustering all the energy you had left inside of you to channel it all into your chest, your breathing picking up as your started to feeling it go into your shoulders and down your arms, tingling your hands with such power that it felt like it was going to consume your very essence.
The energy shot from you fingertips high into the sky as the words to cast the spell left you lips in a scream that released every ounce of your fear and desperation. The bolt of yellow energy tore through you, stealing every drop of energy you had left to offer.
It was, in a word, glorious.
People would have been able to see it for miles, the sound cracking like thunder, the force of it shaking the ground beneath your very feet.
A beacon that with any luck would offer a way for the rest of your party to find you.
You never even felt your body hit the ground, laying crumpled in a heap just outside the rocks where your beloved remained barely holding on to the last threads of life in him. .
Your eyes opened blearily, looking around you in a daze.
The first thing you recognized was the feeling of something warm curled against you, and the familiar scent that accompanied it.
You looked over, heart skipping a beat when you found your white haired elf snuggling against your side, passed out, but a normal, healthy temperature and complexation.
You felt your breath hitch as tears welled in your eyes with relief.
"There she is," You heard Wyll's voice from the entrance of the doorway.
You looked over, wiping the water from your eyes as you gave him a smile, letting out a breathy gasp.
"That was quite the scare you two gave us," He said as he moved over, sitting down by your bedside.
"We found you with mere seconds to spare," Another voice added, and Gale appeared to lean in the doorway with a smile.
A scoff followed, and you couldn't help smiling more as Shadowheart appeared.
"Hardly," She corrected. "Ignore Gale's exaggerations, Tav." She gave the wizard a look, who merely returned it with a smile, his arms loosely crossed in a relaxed position over his chest.
"Allow for the dramatic every once in a while, will you? "Either way, you showed quite the surge of power back there," He went on, sounding proud. "I shudder to think what you'd be capable of if you ever agreed to study under my teachings." You smiled a little more, letting out a breathy laugh.
"Perhaps after things settle down a little," You replied fondly.
Shadowheart moved to kneel beside the bed next to where Wyll sat.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking concerned.
"Tired," Was the honest response, "But I'll be fine." Though you cared little about your own state.
You looked over to Astarion. Wyll read the questions of worry immediately, and took your hand reassuringly.
"He will be just fine," He promised. "There is no need to worry about him. He is back to his normal self, more or less. He fought three separate nurses to lay in bed with you. Though perhaps now that you are awake, you might convince him to bathe and allow for his own treatment of care."
You bit your lip, looking over at the warlock and nodding, taking in a deep breath as you lovingly squeezed his hand.
"He does smell a bit, doesn't he," You whispered emotionally, letting out a quiet laugh as Shadowheart joined in.
"I suppose even vampires need a bath now and again to remain fresh," She replied playfully.
You laughed again, sounding on the verge of tears.
"Thank you," You said, looking between the three of them, throat tight.
"I don't know what I would do without all of you." You sniffled as they quickly moved in on you, crowding you for a suffocating hug, getting Astarion in the process as well.
"Can't a vampire get some bloody rest with his beloved anymore?" The grouchy creature objected as the action of their affections woke him from his much needed nap.
They retracted their affections quickly, allowing Astarion to see that your eyes were finally open, your body moving. .
"Come, I suspect these two are going to want a moment to themselves," Gale commented with a smile when Astarion's expression changed when he found you to be conscious.
You gave the three a farewell, looking back to Astarion who was already staring at you as though you had been brought back from the dead.
You did not even get the chance to speak before two cool hands cupped your face, and his lips smashed against yours in an emotional, adoring kiss.
You shut your eyes dizzily, winded from the sudden passion.
Your hands came up to mimic the hold he had you in, running your thumb tenderly against his sharp cheekbone, your stomach twisting with relief and joy.
You gasped when he finally allowed you air once more, your hands remaining on one another's face, staring silently into each others eyes for a time.
"I thought I'd lost you," He whispered, sounding choked. "Don't you dare think about doing that to me again," He added with angry vehemence, kissing you again before you could speak.
"You are one to talk," You retorted when you were finally allowed to do so, grabbing his waist and pushing him from on top of you to instead lay facing one another.
"You- God, Astarion, I thought I had lost you!" You felt your throat tighten, pressing your forehead against his as you shut your eyes tightly, a leg slipping to rest between his.
"That is apparently something I'm completely incapable of handling. So you are just- You are going to have to avoid doing anything like that ever again, do you understand?- No, forget that- You are never leaving our camp again!- No, never mind- I'm making Gale make a bubble for you, and you will just live in that bubble, safe for the rest of your life!-" You cut off to the sound of his laughing, the sound making your heart swell.
"Stop laughing at me, I am dead serious!" You said, doing your best to stay forceful despite his laugh being utterly contagious.
it was positively turning your insides to mush.
"Very well, darling," He said, smiling as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against him. "But only if you agree to live in this bubble of yours with me." You smiled, bringing your fingertips to run over the side of his face tenderly.
"Deal," You murmured, soothed by his tender touch and calm voice.
He sighed softly, leaning forward to kiss you gently before pulling away again.
"But honestly, darling, if you ever sleep for two days straight after creating what the others described as 'the most powerful burst of energy they have ever seen in their lives' ever again, you will be answering to my wrath. Are we clear?" You grinned as he pulled you closer.
"We're clear," You murmured fondly, looking up at him with doe eyes.
"Good," He murmured, putting a hand on the side of your head as he left a soft, lingering kiss to your forehead, your eyes shutting with blissful relief.
"Now, what do you say to a bath?" You questioned, putting a hand on his chest. "The others are complaining about your . . intoxicating scent." You grinned as you spoke.
"Hmm. . Five more minutes," He decided, pulling you ever closer and shutting his eyes.
You took in a deep breath, more than content with this decision, happy to lay with him longer than a mere five minutes should he decide he desired longer. . .
A/N Thank you my lovies for reading! If you have interest in being notified when I put out a new fic, shoot me a message and I will tag you as I put them out. :)
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