techtonsombra-blog · 5 years
Tale of the Crimson Stone & Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Ch 7
Alphonse was holding up a bell that was transmuted into a large speaker that was broadcasting Cornello's confession on top of the church tower while SK and Boris were using their maps to locate the Ink Machine piece. "Did you guys find the piece yet?" Asked Alphonse as he put down the bell speaker once the broadcast was finished. Boris and SK then walk up to a stone pillar.
The two looked at the stone pillar and could tell that the pillar was modified by alchemy. "Yep, we found it. However, it looks like that there's no way to get to it." Said Boris. Alphonse walked over to the two to see what was the problem before drawing a transmutation circle on the pillar to make an easy open safe door. "Time to see what's inside the pillar." Stated SK as she opens the door to reveal an ancient mechanical piece. "That's an Ink Machine piece!" Shouted Boris in excitement. "Awesome! Hopefully Ed and Bendy can come off with the Stone." Replied Alphonse.
Edward and Bendy are currently fighting a giant Cornello in the main church hall and are struggling. Thanks to the power of the Philosopher's Stone, Cornello was able to grow to this size. Cornello then attempt to crush Bendy as he shouted "My words are the divine words of the Sun God himself! My fist is the all mighty fist of judgment!" Bendy struggled to prevent himself from being crushed by the giant's fist as Edward said: "Fist of God, huh? Well, if that's what you want, you can have it!"
Edward then clapped his hands as he ran over to the large statue of Leto, and transmuted it to attack Cornello with a giant stone fist. After being hit by the stone fist, Cornello returned back to normal size. In a bit of rage, Edward grabbed Cornello's head before headbutting him as he shouted: "Enough! Just Hand Over The Philosopher's Stone!" At that very moment, the bright crimson Stone lost it's bright coloring and fell to the ground where it promptly turned into dust.
Both Bendy and Edward were speechless by this as Cornello started to beg for his life. "Wh-what the hell? How did it just break like that?" Questioned Edward. "Isn't the Stone suppose to be unbreakable?" Asked Bendy. Edward sighed in both disappointment and anger as he replied: "Unless it's a fake. I CANNOT believe that we went through all of this and the Stone turns out to be a fake." Cornello then nervously chuckled as he asked: "So, what about me?" Both Edward and Bendy snapped as they shouted: "WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO! JUST GET OUT OF HERE!" Quickly, Cornello then left the area.
Edward and Bendy walked out of the church to find Boris, Alphonse, and SK. The three rushed over to Edward and Bendy. "We managed to find an Ink Machine piece!" Boris shouted in excitement. "Did you guys managed to get the Stone?" Asked Alphonse. Bendy shook his head no as Edward stated: "The stone that he had was a fake." "Well, that's disappointing." Replied SK.
"How did Cornello managed to get his hands on a Piece and the Stone though?" Asked Boris. Edward looked at Boris with confusion as he replied: "What do you mean?" "Well, in my experience, when you are looking for something that is a legend. You can't easily get your hands on it and yet Cornello managed not to only have this fake stone, but as well one of the Ink Machine pieces." Clarified Boris. "I would assume that one of his followers may have given Cornello the Piece, but I can't figure out why he managed to have the fake Stone." Said Alphonse. "Let's continue this conversation on the train." Stated Edward. "What's the hurry?" Asked Bendy. Edward rubbed his neck as he replied: "I need to head to Central to report what happened here to my commanding officer, Roy Mustang."
(Later That Night)
As riots occurred outside the Leto Church, Cornello roamed the halls of the church. "Damn those brats! They ruined everything that I worked for!" Cornello shouted in a rage. "Yes, all that hard work for nothing and on top of that you let the Cromwells get the piece," Angerly said a voluptuous woman who wore an elegant black dress and had an Ouroboros tattoo right above her cleavage. (Sorry for this description for this character) While next to her was a fat man in a black outfit who was eating the bull and lion chimeras. "I knew that we should incite a little Rebellion instead of relying on a fourth-rate fool like yourself." Said the woman. Cornello then aimed the pistol that he had in his hand at the two "Now you too?! I'm tired of being" Sudden a spear went through Cornello's skull from the woman's fingers. Once the woman retraced her spear like finger she stated: "We better get rid of these Cromwells before they get too out of hand. Gluttony, enjoy yourself while I call Envy to get the Smith Brothers." Gluttony then shouted in glee as he said right before eating Cornello's corpse: "Thank you, Lust!"
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techtonsombra-blog · 5 years
Tale of the Crimson Stone & Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Chapter 6
As the two Chimeras approach the group, Edward and Bendy were not intimidated by the chimeras. "So do you want to take on the Bull Chimera or the Lion Chimera?" Asked Bendy as he placed his bag on the ground. Edward clapped his hands as he said: "I got the Lion." He then placed his hands on the ground and used Alchemy to create a spear out of the stone floor. "So that's why you earned your state title! However," Said Cornello as the lion chimera clawed at Edward, cutting through his spear and leg, as well the bull chimera charged at Bendy with the force of a large truck, "Your tiny spear is no match for claws that can slice through iron." Suddenly, the bull chimera came to a screeching halt as Edward said: "You shredded my pants."
At that moment the lion chimera's claws snapped right before Edward kick the lion chimera's face as Bendy used his superhuman strength to throw the bull chimera into the lion chimera. Bendy then stretched as he said: "Man! That was a workout." Edward chuckled as he said: "So you have Superhuman strength?" "I sure do Ed. Hey Priest! Why don't you just hand over the Stone and no one gets hurt." Requested Bendy as he cracked his knuckles.
Out of rage, Cornello used the Stone to transmute his cane into a mini-gun and fired it at Edward and Bendy. Edward quickly transmuted a wall to protect himself and Bendy from the bullets. "That was a close one..." Edward stated with a nervous tone. SK then used her telekinetic powers to break down a wall to allow herself and the others to escape. "This Way!" SK shouted at the Elrics and Cromwells. The four quickly followed her out of the room.
(Later in Cornello's office)
Cornello ran through the church looking for the five that threaten his plan. As he ran by his office he noticed that Edward and Bendy were inside waiting for him. He entered the room as he shouted "You infernal brats!" Bendy sighed in annoyance as Edward stated: "Look Priest, all we want is some straight answers about the Stone. Tell us what we want to know and we'll be out of you're nonexistent hair. Unless you want me to get the military involved." Cornello growled a bit before checking outside if anyone was nearby.
Once he knew that the coast was cleared, he then closed the door behind him and said to the two: "Ask your questions." "You can do anything with the Stone right? Then why waste all that power on phony miracles?" Asked Bendy. "Because with every miracle, I gain new believers for the order. Believers that would willingly lay down there lives for my sake. I'm slowly building an army. In a few years, I'll have enough soldiers to tear this country apart and I'll reshape it in my own image. Who knows, maybe I'll carve out a slice for you two!" Cornello stated. Suddenly Bendy and Edward started to laugh hysterically. This confused Cornello as he asks: "What's so funny?"
"Should we tell him?" Bendy asked Edward. "Nah. It's better to show him." Replied Edward as he held up a switch to his radio mic, which was on, as Bendy pointed to the floor. Cornello looked down and saw a microphone at his feet and at that moment he realized that his plans were exposed.
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techtonsombra-blog · 5 years
The Tale of the Crimson Stone and Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Chapter 5
(In Father Cornello's Office)
"So you are telling me that the Inklet girl wants to bring four others with her?" Questioned Cornello. "Apparently, Father. They are two pairs of brothers. One pair calls themselves the Cromwell Brothers while the other pair calls themselves the Elric Brothers." Replied Brother Craig. At first, Cornello groaned in annoyance before realizing that one of the Elrics was the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric. "Hold on a second, the Elrics? Are you sure they were a man in armor and a short golden haired kid?" Asked Cornello in a panic. "How did you know?" Asked Craig. "I have heard about the Elrics by Central's News Station. The eldest one is the youngest State Alchemist, Edward Elric. He must have discovered what my plans are!" Stated Cornello, "Although, that doesn't explain why two Inklet Mechanics are with the Elrics though." Cornello added. "Perhaps they want to know if you have the Ink Machine piece, like the Inklet girl." Replied Craig. Cornello remembered receiving a strange mechanical piece by one of his followers. He was told by a woman with an ouroboros tattoo to destroy the piece but was unable to. Therefore the woman told him to hide the piece and eliminate those in search of the piece. "Then you know what to do Brother Craig." Said Cornello. Craig nodded as he left the room.
(Elsewhere in the church)
"As you can imagine, Father Cornello is a busy man, but he has managed to make time for the five of you." Stated Craig as he leads Edward, Bendy, Alphonse, Boris, and SK into a large room with a group of Priests. "We understand. We promise not to take up much of his time." Replied Edward as Bendy noticed that the doors of the room were being shut. "Good, then let's make this quick." Stated Craig as he pulled out a gun out of his robe.
Suddenly the priests pinned down Bendy, Edward, Boris, and SK as Craig held his gun against one the eye-openings of Alphonse's Helmet. "What the hell?!" Questioned SK. "Like you said, let's make this quick!" Replied Edward and Bendy as they freed themselves as they attacked the priests that held them down. Shortly after, Alphonse sucker punch Craig as SK used her telekinetic power to free herself and Boris. "What's with all of this commotion?!" Shouted a voice.
The group turn to the voice and saw Father Cornello standing at his alter above them. "Your followers tried to kill us!!!" Shouted Boris with a mixed tone of fear and anger. "I must apologize. They seemed to been misguided." Replied Cornello. Bendy chuckled in disbelief as Edward said: "So let's say I believe that you weren't the one guiding them, what then?" Asked Edward. "Have you come to learn the ways of Leto?" Asked Cornello. Edward looked at Bendy and asked him "Do you want to go first?" "You go first, Ed." Replied Bendy. "Alright. The thing I want to know is how you're using second-rate alchemy to deceive your followers." Stated Edward.
Cornello acted as if he had no idea what Edward was talking about and replied "My child, what doubtful eyes see as alchemy are the miracles of the Sun God, Leto." That's when he created a Leto statue out of thin air and asked: "Look again, can Alchemy create something out of nothing in this way?" That's when Edward started to scratch his head as he replied "That's what I didn't get at first. How can you transmute something while ignoring the Law of Equivalent Exchange? However, as I started thinking about it, I remembered hearing about an object that is known to amplify alchemic reactions as well as make the impossible, possible." Continued Edward. Father Cornello continued to act as if he had no idea what Edward was talking about as he said: "Boy, I have no clue what you mean."
"I'm talking about the Philosopher's Stone!" Edward bluntly stated. "It's your ring, isn't it?" Questioned Edward. Bendy sighed and then said "I think it is my turn now Edward." "Hey! I just got the mood set up!" Edward shouted in irritation. "Well I want to know despite him having the Stone, why hasn't he cured any Inklet with the Ink Illness as well if he has a Ink Machine piece, Ed!" Bendy yelled back. Cornello flinched at this statement. "He hasn't?" Asked SK. "Base off those we had talked to whom have or know those with the Inkness. None of them where seen by Cornello for treatment." Explained Boris. "That's because the Inkness cannot be treated!" Cornello said in a panic. "Right." Replied Bendy in disbelief. Cornello then pulled a lever that was behind him to unleash two large chimeras as he said: "These will take care of you, Heretics!"
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techtonsombra-blog · 5 years
The Tale of the Crimson Stone and Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Chapter 4
(In a hotel room in Lior)
"So what did you guys managed to gather from the Miracle Showing?" Asked Bendy as he was trying to find a music station on the radio in their hotel room. " Well, we know that he's using Alchemy, but we don't how he's ignoring the laws of Alchemy." Answered Edward. "Could it be possible that he's using magic?" Asked Boris. "No, it isn't." Answered Edward. "Why's that?" Asked Boris. "How to word this? Imagine the flow of power is a guitar and there's two strings on it. One of them represents Humanity while the other represents Inklets. The two strings play a different tone and those tones represent alchemy and magic. The human's string plays the tune of Alchemy while the Inklet's string plays the tune of magic. Although it's a common misconception that Humans can use magic due to the recent alchemic advancements." Explained Edward. "Ah." Replied Boris. "What did you guys learn?" Asked Alphonse. "Nothing interesting besides the fact that he hasn't treated anyone with the Inkness." Answered Bendy. "Really? Why would he ignore it?" Questioned Edward. "No one is sure why." Replied Bendy.
"I'll go see if I can find someone that can let us see Cornello." Said Edward as he headed out of the hotel room.
As Edward walk towards the elevator, I have no clue if Elevators exist in the world of FMAB or QFTIM, a small robot bump into Edward. Ed turned to the robot and was amazed by it because he hasn't seen anything like it. Few moment afterwards a fifteen year old three tailed kitsune Inklet girl came running towards the robot shouting "Higher! Get back here!" Edward look up at the girl. She was wearing a similar outfit that Bendy was wearing. The robot made a few noises to the Inklet. "You Know better than to run off!" Stated the girl before saying to Edward. "Sorry sir for my robot. He's just really friendly."
"Don't worry about it. Did you made that yourself?" Asked Edward. The girl nodded. " It was a lot of work. I'm SK by the way." SK introduce herself. "Edward Elric." Edward Introduce himself before noticing a map hanging out of her bag. "What's the map for?" Asked Edward. SK was shocked that Ed was able to see her map. "Let me guess, it's a map for the Ink Machine Pieces." Stated Edward. "How did you know that?" Questioned SK. "I have some friends that also have a map for the Pieces." Explained Edward. "Really? Are you trying to get a meeting with the priest?" Asked SK. Edward nodded. "Well, maybe I can help you guys. I did managed to get a meeting with the Priest." Said SK. "See if you can get room for four more people." Requested Edward. "I'll see what I can do." Replied SK.
The Elrics, Cromwells, and SK headed to the main church building to talk to one of the priests so they can get a reservation to meet Father Cornello. "So who do we have to talk to in order to allow us to be apart of your meetup SK?" Asked Boris. "I believe his name was Brother Craig. He is the priest that set up my meetup." Answered SK. Alphonse turned to SK and asked; "Do you know where he is?" "He usually at the main church, based off what I have heard from the locals." Replied SK.
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techtonsombra-blog · 5 years
ZPD & the Alpha Predator: Prolouge
(At the Black Forest's Power Plant Dam)
"I didn't think that the parasite has already gain this much bio-energy to take out this entire place." Mutter a large and muscular lizard, who was wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans as he tried to navigate through the pitch blackness of the Halls of the dam by smell alone. "I need to find it before it can completely drain the dam of it's energy." Stated the lizard as he suddenly pick up the scent of the parasite.
He then let out a subtle growl as he smirked. "Got ya." He remarked as he rushed over to the location of his prey, trying to stay quiet as possible. However, as he made his way to his prey, he overheard voices of the late workers of the power plant. "We need to turn on the back up generators! Black Forest City can't lose it's power now!" Shouted one of the workers. "They better not be Monarch Agents," Stated the hunter, "I have enough problems already." He added, in a bit anger, before realizing that the scent of his prey was leading him towards the workers.
'Of course! It's letting the workers lead him to the rest of the energy of this place!' The Hunter thought to himself as he bolted, trying to reach his prey before the workers could spot him or his prey. He knew that if the worker had noticed either of them, things would of have gone out of control and would bring unwanted attention to him. Suddenly he heard the parasite "howl", which drew the attention of the workers to it. The two workers then freak out when they saw the creature and tried to run for it, but their screams agitated the parasite as it then attack the workers, killing one of them with it's brute strength. The Hunter then tackled the parasite to the ground, allowing the other worker to escape.
The Hunter then charged up his Bio-energy for an close range attack, but his prey quickly spread it's wings to take them both into the air, slamming him into the ceiling, and then throwing him into a wall. The Hunter felt his left arm dislocate by the second impact. He growled in pain as he tried to get up to fight the parasite off, but once he got up, his prey had escape.
"That's a first... It usually didn't make that howl when looking for energy." Stated the Hunter before ramming his dislocated arm into a wall to relocate it. He wondered why the parasite gave away his location before coming to a horrible realization. "That was a mating call." Stated the Hunter before an alarm went off in the entire power plant. He didn't waste anytime escaping the power plant after that.
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techtonsombra-blog · 5 years
The Crimson Stone & Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Chapter 3
As the Elrics and Cromwells got off the train, Bendy asked: "So what exactly brought you guys to Lior?" "Well, we heard about a priest whom could do things that alchemy couldn't. So I assumed that he has the Stone. What about you guys?" Asked Edward. "Our map guided us here." Answered Bendy. Boris then noticed a poster labeling times for Miracle Showings that's being hosted by a priest named Father Cornello. "Ed and Alphonse, is the priest name Cornello?" Asked Boris. "Ya, why?" Questioned Alphonse. Boris then pointed out the poster to the Elrics as he suggested: "Why don't you guys check out the priest's Miracle shows while we gather more info on him." "Sounds like a good trade-off Boris." Stated Edward. "We can meet up at a hotel once we are done gathering information." Added Alphonse. The group agreed before splitting up.
(At Father Cornello's Miracle Showings)
Edward and Alphonse were trying to get situated behind a large group of humans and Inklets as Cornello performed his miracles. Cornello first started by changing a tiny flower into a large metal one. Then making wine out of thin air and a bunch of other stuff. "So what do you think?" Asked Edward as he watches. "Well, he's definitely using alchemy. I just can't figure out how he is ignoring the laws of alchemy." Edward nodded in agreement saying "Let's head to the hotel and order a room. I have seen enough."
(With the Cromwells)
Bendy and Boris were sitting at an outdoor restaurant trying to figure out what they wanted to eat as Father Cornello preached on a radio. Eventually Bendy asked, "Excuse me, what's with the guy on the radio?" One of the costumers turned to Bendy and said, "That's Father Cornello, the prophet of Leto." Boris looked at the person in confusion as he asked "Leto? Is that some kind of God?" Another Costumer, who was an Inklet tiger, replied "A sun God to be exact. Before Cornello was here, most of Lior was a desert. It was hard to get a drink of water at times. However, when Cornello came into town, he managed to transform this town into a desert paradise." Bendy roses an eyebrow, if he had one, as he asked "Really?"
The human costumer then added "Ya! Through his miracles and teachings. He says he could even resurrect the dead as long as you're faithful to the sun god." That's when Bendy decided to throw the hard question, "If he's able to resurrect the dead, could he cure the Inkness?" The two costumers looked at each other for an answered the question, but wasn't able to come up with one. "Uh... actually, I'm not sure if he has tried to cure the Inkness." Replied the Inklet Tiger. "Really?" Questioned Boris. The two Costumers nodded.
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techtonsombra-blog · 6 years
The Crimson Stone & Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Chapter 2
As the train started it's Journey to Lior. Edward, Bendy, Alphonse, and Boris looked for their train room. They eventually found their room and once they got settled in the room, Edward asked "So what's the map for?" Bendy sat down on the couch and replied "It is to help us find the Ink Machine pieces." "How come a few people can see it?" Asked Alphonse. "We're not sure. Maybe the angel that gave us the map used some magic on it." Said Boris.
(Just to clarify, Magic does exist in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood because it's one of the three major parts of Alchemy. In this fanfic, Inklets are more connected to magic than Humans are. I would like to also clarify that I will not go too bizarre with the capabilities of magic in this fanfic)
"Like what Inklet Sorcerers or sorceresses use?" Asked Alphonse. "It's possible." Replied Bendy as he shrugged his shoulders. 'Although I do wonder why Edward is able to see the map.' Bendy thought to himself. "Quick question, by Ink Machine, do you mean the device that can cure the Inkness?" Asked Edward. Both Bendy and Boris were shocked by the fact that Edward knew about the Ink Machine. "Uh, ya. How do you know about the Legend of the Ink Machine?" Asked Boris. "I read about it in a book that was about the Philosopher's Stone, which is what we are looking for." Explained Edward. "Isn't that the same stone that is known to amplify alchemic reaction?" Asked Bendy. Edward nodded with little surprise. "You don't seem to be surprised that Bendy knows about the Stone Ed. Are the Ink Machine and the Philosopher's Stone closely related?" Asked Alphonse. "Yes. Although there's little to no information on why." Replied Edward. Boris was shocked to hear this as he asked: "Really?"
"Surprisingly they are. However, why are you guys after the Stone?" Questioned Bendy. "It's better to show you then to explain. Al take off your helmet." Edward requested. Alphonse looked at his brother as he asked "Are you sure about this brother?" Edward nodded as Alphonse eventually took off his helmet to show the Cromwells that his armor was empty inside. As Boris' eyes started to widen, Bendy started to put the pieces together of what has happened to the Elrics. "H-how is th-that possible?" Boris questioned with a bit of fear in his voice. "Don't tell me that you guys did what I think you guys did." Bendy requested. Edward sighed as he replied "If you're thinking that we tried to use alchemy to bring someone back from the dead, then I can't help you there." Alphonse then put his helmet back on as he asked "Why are you guys after the Ink Machine pieces?" Bendy then started to rub the back of his neck as he said uncomfortably "Well, uh, I have the Inkness."
"The deadly disease that effects only Inklets?" Asked Edward. Bendy nodded as Boris regained his composer. "So you guys are looking for the Philosopher's Stone, hoping that you can use it to restore your guys' bodies?" Asked Boris. "That about sums it up." Replied Edward. That's when the train had come to a stop as the train's conductor said through the train's Loudspeakers "Welcome to the City of Lior, Home of Letoism."
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techtonsombra-blog · 6 years
The Tale of the Crimson Stone and Inky Death: Secrets of the Stone Chapter 1
As Edward and his younger brother, Alphonse, wonder the streets of New Optain, trying to make time past until the next train to Lior had arrived. Edward started to feel that his auto-mail arm was a bit off. 'Man, what's up with my right arm? That freezer guy couldn't have busted it.' Edward thought to himself. Al turned to his older brother and asked: "Something the matter?" Edward nodded.
"Something is wrong with my auto-mail." Said, Edward, as he tried to figure out what was wrong with his Auto-mail. "Maybe we should head into an Auto-mail repair shop. We have the time." Suggested Alphonse. Edward agreed to the idea and the two brothers look through the town but didn't have any luck finding an Auto-mail repair store.
"Seriously? There's no Auto-mail repair store here?!" Edward shouted in a bit of anger. "Having Auto-mail issues?" Asked a voice. Edward and Alphonse turned to the voice and saw a young Inklet wolf and small Inklet Demon. To remind you what an Inklet is, they are real-life cartoon characters with abilities. "You two are Auto-mail engineers?" Asked Edward. "Not exactly. We're actually mechanics." Stated the Inklet wolf. "I have some experience working on Auto-mail prosthetics." Added the Inklet Demon. 'I guess that I don't have much of an alternative for a repair.' Edward thought to himself. "How much for the repair?" Asked Edward. "250 Cenz." Stated the Inklet demon. "That's quite the bargain." Remarked Alphonse. "What's your guys' names by the way?" Asked Edward. "Mine's Bendy." Bendy introduce himself. "And I'm Boris." Boris introduces himself. "I'm Edward." Edward Introduce himself. "And I'm Alphonse." Alphonse introduces himself.
"I managed to figure out the problem with your Auto-mail." Stated Bendy as he looks at the inside of Edward's Auto-mail. "What is it?" Asked Alphonse. "Looks like some of the mechanism have splintered due to constant heating and cooling." Said Bendy. Edward then rolled his eyes as he said "Great! So that Freezer Alchemist did break my Auto-mail!" "You mean the guy that almost froze Central Command?" Asked Boris. Edward nodded before asking " Are you able to fix it Bendy?" Bendy nodded. "Just let me grab some things from my bag." Bendy requested as he went into his bag to grab some spare parts.
As he did that, Boris asked "So what brings you two here?" "We had a quick stop here since the train couldn't take us all the way to Lior from Central." Answered Alphonse. "What a coincidence, we are also heading to Lior." Replied Boris. "What for, if I may ask?" Questioned Edward. "We're searching for something." Answered Bendy as he pulled out some auto-mail parts from his bag. Although as he did that, a map fell out of his bag that immediately caught Edward's eye. "What's the map for?" Questioned Edward.
Bendy started to say "The map is to help us find..." However he then realized what Edward had asked as did Boris. "You Can See The Map?!" Shouted both Bendy and Boris. Alphonse then started to look for the map that they were talking about, but was unable to find it. "Why are you guys yelling? Also what kind of question is that?" Asked Edward. "We had tried to show others the map for assistance on our quest, but none of the people that we have shown it to were able to see it." Explained Bendy. "Really?" Asked Edward. Bendy nodded as he continue repairing Edward's Auto-mail.
"What are you guys heading to Lior for?" Asked Bendy. "Same reason you guys are." Replied Edward. "Maybe we can help each other." Suggested Boris. "That does sound like a good idea." Replied Alphonse. "But first, if we are gonna do that, we need to know what you guys are looking for." Stated Bendy. "I could say the same thing." Added Edward. After that Bendy had finished repairing Edward's Auto-mail and then checked his watch for the time. "We might as well discuss that when we get onto the train since its going to be here soon." Said Bendy.
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