teddyisback · 3 years
Ughh.. Hello! This is my first post on Tumblr. Unfortunately, It's not exactly a good post.
I'm watching the Castlevania series for about 3 years, I have watched it many times, so many times that i can figure some things out, about Hector, Lenore, and Carmilla. It's just my opinion, don't judge me badly. I'm not saying my opinion is entirely correct, but it's my point of view and I feel the need to talk about it.
Before all, if you're a Lenore/Carmilla fan, you'd better stop reading, because you may not like what you read, and I don't want you throwing insults at me. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
Firstly, I know it sounds silly, but Hector is my favorite character from Castlevania. I'm in love with him for almost two years, from the Christmas period of 2019, after a whole story from which I realized that I really love him. Though, I am aware that he doesn't really exist.
I think that Hector didn't deserved what happened to him because he assumed all he did and all of his decisions. He thought that Carmilla's plan was better than Dracula's and that's why he trusted her. He was a bit naive, that's true, especially when he trusted Lenore, but somehow he knew that Dracula lied to him. The series let us interpretate what happened. Honestly, to me it looked like he was more naive when he followed Lenore than he followed Carmilla because he made the same mistake before and because of that, he could be more cautious. But he fell in love with Lenore just because he was never loved by someone, even by his parents and he needed someone to be by his side. He was confused, scared, he didn't know what was going to happen around him, but Lenore was the only one who speaked better to him, and Hector trusted her, because he thought it will be better for him and that he will be loved. I wasn't expected Lenore to be such a b***h to Hector, and this is why I hate her so much. I hate both, her and Carmilla. But we need to know that Hector assumed all of this, as I said earlier and it's not his fault for the way Carmilla and Lenore treated him. The most disgusting thing was at the end, when Lenore told Hector that she didn't want to stay with him, in a cage. As if she didn't keep Hector in a cage in this whole time. And she is the one who choosed her end, just because she was a weak person. Absolutely awful.
I don't understand why some fans like Carmilla and Lenore and say that they didn't deserved to die in this way. In my opinion, Lenore was a r*pist, a traitor and she never loved Hector, but she was using him for her pleasures and to do Carmilla's needs. Yes, it's okay to like Carmilla and Lenore, but it's not okay to be unfair with Hector just because they like those characters. I'm not on Hector's side just because I like him, I just say and believe what I see and what I understand. And yes, many fans are unfair with Hector just because they like Carmilla/Lenore. Ughh.. there are some fans that say Hector and Lenore look good together. Well, no. They're both are beautiful, but the relationship was a toxic one from the beginning and to me looks an awful one. Why they need to be together? Just for Lenore to treat Hector as her pet? Really????? Hector is a human. And if you believe that he is an animal, believe what you want. It's just your problem, not mine.
I think that it was horrific what they have done to him: beat the sh*t out of him, they treated him like a dog, and made him their slave. Hector is a strong man, who managed to pass through a lot of phisical and mental pain, from when he was little, but he had control over the situations and after all, he realized all of his mistakes, this is why he cut off his finger, just to get rid of the ring. He wanted to repair the mistake, he wanted to repair all of his mistakes. And after that, it went all good for him. Now, he is free to have a calm and beautiful life alone, maybe with Isaac around him sometimes.
In conclusion, Hector is human, and I repeat, HUMAN, NOT A DOG, he is a good, mighty and a brave man, and I love him sooooo muchhhh and I consider that he deserves only good things in his life.🥺😭
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