annabelle-creart · 3 months
Life of Rescue Bots Au X Sweet Tooth
As you know (maybe) the bots in this Au are that: robots, while their real selves are the hybrid kids, well, that is a look for:
The first time the wolves triplet saw the bots they got WILD.
Like, Hector (Heatwave) is a climber freak, he was climbing on robot Heatwave since the first day, but due to it's programmation the only thing Robot Heatwave could do was hold Hector and leave it again on the ground, and then Hector would climb again and again Robot Heatwave had to leave it on the ground. Shelwin (Shockwave) and Santiago (Soundwave) were scared of robot Shockwave, because it was made as a big weapon to scare invasors, and robot Soundwave was made for spionage, so, never got close to them for protection
Fang (Chase) and his obssesion for robot Chase came due to his relationship with Charlie, he sees Charlie as a father and as a protector, and that fascination is also refelcted on his respect to robot Chase, also, he really likes company for being a red panda, and when Charlie is out the island, Chase is a good comfort for him
Bernand (Boulder) is always with Graham, that means they're always with robot Boulder, actually, it's cause of them that Bernand is so freaky about science, what they don't like is the fact that robot Boulder never interact with Bernand because their spikes (Bernand is a hedgehog) are still delicated, and robot Boulder for some reason has annomalies in it's tires, and sees Bernand as the main problem of it. Bjorn (Bulkhead, also a hedgehog) also loves robot Bulkhead for it's great strenght and big fists, he even dreams to pilot it someday (he made it)
Rani (Blades) hates robot Blades because it flies, Rani is scared of heights because his "grandma" made him fly before time, so, Rani would never fly away from her, and Blades avoids Rani because Dani gave the order, mostly because she's scared that someday Rani do something stupid and scared robot Blades, that's something in need to fix, robot Blades get more easily on defense mode than the rest
Bianca (Blurr) and Sean (Salvage) are not great fans of robot Blurr and robot Salvage, they just go around them and ignore them and go into their own buissnesses
Elizabeth (Sissi, my oc) was born in the island, so, she was surronded by bots all her life, so, when robot Sissi met her, it was a casual moment, but sometimes robot Sissi let Elizabeth play with her drone mode
Edit and bonus because I forgot to mention: Hank (HIghtide) is the captain of robot Hightide (also transform into a ship), he has it since before the great crumble. And Suri (Servo) and robot Servo are not of interact with the other
I want you to remember in my Ao3 profile it is available my TFRB x Sweet Toooth one shot, give it a look 👀
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beevean · 8 months
Mactor + Escape :)
call me the spanish inquisition the way I pop up when you least expect it forgive me i have to physically brawl with my brain to get shit done
Happy birthday bestie <3
"Hector, come with me."
Mathias extended his hand towards his knight, frozen in surprise by his sudden request. Only the rustling of the dead leaves could be heard in the courtyard, but Mathias waited with all the patience that was necessary.
"Lord Cronqvist... You can't mean..."
"But I do. When the Count finds a way to send me back home... I ask you to join me."
A soft gasp escaped Hector's lips.
Perhaps he had expected him to propose to run away from the castle, like an eloping couple. Mathias had considered it, in the past days. But he was no fool: of the many, displeasurable things he had learned ever since he had been brought into the far future, the worst and most important one was that Count Dracula made fire and brimstone rain from the sky when something took his possessions away from him.
Only seeking refuge in another world would protect both of them from the monster's ire.
Hector, poor eyewitness and victim of said ire, still hesitated to respond, his gaze darting back and forth. Mathias held onto the thought that the knight was not rejecting him in full, ignoring what his racing heart was screaming at him.
"I understand your apprehension. To be flung in a different century, so far in time as to almost be a different world... It's disorienting. Nothing will be the same." He shook his head. "But surely it would be better than this life you're living."
Hector's fingers flew to hide the ugly purple bruise on his neck, hardly concealed by his uniform. His Lord was growing more shameless by the day - and it did not escape Mathias' notice how the vampire's nostrils flared like a hound's every time Hector approached him, and how he'd shoot a deadly glare at the younger Lord that nearly soured the sweet taste of Hector's lips on his.
Mathias had a tendency to keep his loved ones close to him, that was for certain, but it disheartened him to learn how petty he'd become in the future.
He no longer had the words to express the sickness that took his stomach when Hector returned to his quarters, pale as the undead creatures that roamed in the castle and with eyes just as devoid of life. There was only so much his embrace could do to soothe the shivering man.
They were both prisoners in that cursed castle, at the mercy of the Devil. But Mathias did not have the heart to seek freedom for himself, leaving the man that had captivated his soul behind.
A good Lord would do anything to protect his most important knights, and it was high time Hector learned it.
"I... It would be betrayal," the man finally whispered, in that tone typical of children terrified that their parents might overhear.
"Betrayal of what?" Mathias snapped. "Of a mindless slaughter of your own kind? Of a monster who only sees you as a meal to satiate his filthy appetite with? Do you truly want to place your loyalty in the claws of a creature who doesn't even deserve to gaze upon you?"
The Count's icy, cruel voice resounded in his head, cackling and wicked, that Mathias was not the one who saved the boy's life and thus had no right to claim him as his. What could he hope to achieve, after only a handful of months, while the vampire had years of time to shape Hector to his leisure and fill his mind with despicable lies, such as that he loved him?
But he could hope that he had done a good job as showing Hector what love truly was. The way the knight was balling his fists, instead of rebuking more, comforted him.
"Hector, please. You're too precious to waste yourself in a place like this. And you know it." Mathias refused to hold back: he approached Hector and put a hand on his shoulder, on the armor that marked him as one of Count Dracula's Generals. "You're one of the bravest, most noble men I've had the honor of meeting."
"Even if I'm a sinner rejected by your own God?" Hector asked with a wry smile, that Mathias reciprocated in full.
"Especially because you're a sinner, dear."
Count Dracula may have done his best to ensnare Hector's body and soul, but Mathias highly doubted that he had ever seen him with such warmth in his icy eyes, a deep sentiment that surpassed the mere loyalty of a knight. That sight was for Mathias and Mathias alone, and he nearly swelled with pride.
Hector's fingers brushed against Mathias' hand on his side. But still, he did not grasp it.
"Lord Cronqvist," he sighed, "you're asking me to live with humans. I can't do that. I do not belong with them, no matter in what time and place. I'm not a mere sinner: I'm a cursed being."
Mathias suffocated the wave of fury inside his chest. He wished he had crosses and holy water with him, to reduce the vile Count to ashes for what he had done to such a pure man, for the shackles he had put on his mind.
"I'm not. I'm asking you to live with me, my Hector."
The most he was able to do was to offer Hector the key to escape his prison.
The rustling of dead leaves was deafening, now. Hector looked at him, through him, eyes no longer warm but whet with sharp determination. Then, he took Mathias' hand with his ungloved, callused one, and placed his lips on its back, and took the key.
"Very well... my Lord."
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hecula-propaganda · 11 months
"You look afraid, precious," commented Dracula to the boy straddling his chest. Indeed, he could smell something akin to fear in his blood, but not quite. Hector simply had frozen in place, although the insistent throbbing coming from between his legs reassured Dracula that he was alright.
"I'm not, my Lord", replied Hector in a remarkably firm voice. "I… simply don't know where to begin."
Overwhelmed, then. It was understandable: Hector had always taken care in pleasing Dracula in the way he wanted, and he was perfect at it, his good boy who loved him more than his own life. But Dracula had half a mind to test his protégé further; he didn't fear disappointment anyway.
"Take your time, I'm in no rush," Dracula reassured him, stroking his firm thigh. "I simply wish to see how much you've learned from me."
"I'm… I'm honored, my Lord, that you trust me like this."
And he did. His boy made him feel safe and protected in a way only another man used to, a long time ago. Perhaps that, too, was love.
"Are you surprised, precious?" He took Hector's left hand, smoother and softer than the one protected by the glove, and kissed its back where the veins pulsed. "No need to be humble. You've proven your worth in every occasion I've given you, in the laboratory, on the battlefield, and in my arms. Therefore, you deserve a reward."
Ah, he would never get tired of the way Hector lit up like a flame at the sound of deserved praise. He never asked for anything more than that: Dracula would give him what he wanted, and more, if only to admire his eyes shining with adoration and gratitude and all the small things that made the boy so important to him.
"I can do anything I want…" Hector mumbled to himself, before commanding: "Then, my Lord, I wish to remove your clothes. I want to see you as you see me."
"Ah, bold and direct. That's how I want you, my boy," Dracula approved. Yes, his Hector had grown up quite a bit in recent years: no longer he was the shy, trembling child who looked ashamed of existing. No, he was a man now, standing with his back straight and his gaze unwavering, more Dracula than human.
Pride coiled warm in his abdomen.
Smiling, Hector leaned down to place his hands on Dracula's shoulders. But rather than taking his jacket off, as expected, the boy placed his mouth on Dracula's - and he was kissing him, with a sweetness that he had never experienced from his boy before, palm moving to cup one of his cheeks and hot lips gently suckling one of Dracula's like he would with his throat.
He was still full of surprises. Dracula couldn't wait to discover them all.
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teddyisback · 3 years
Ughh.. Hello! This is my first post on Tumblr. Unfortunately, It's not exactly a good post.
I'm watching the Castlevania series for about 3 years, I have watched it many times, so many times that i can figure some things out, about Hector, Lenore, and Carmilla. It's just my opinion, don't judge me badly. I'm not saying my opinion is entirely correct, but it's my point of view and I feel the need to talk about it.
Before all, if you're a Lenore/Carmilla fan, you'd better stop reading, because you may not like what you read, and I don't want you throwing insults at me. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
Firstly, I know it sounds silly, but Hector is my favorite character from Castlevania. I'm in love with him for almost two years, from the Christmas period of 2019, after a whole story from which I realized that I really love him. Though, I am aware that he doesn't really exist.
I think that Hector didn't deserved what happened to him because he assumed all he did and all of his decisions. He thought that Carmilla's plan was better than Dracula's and that's why he trusted her. He was a bit naive, that's true, especially when he trusted Lenore, but somehow he knew that Dracula lied to him. The series let us interpretate what happened. Honestly, to me it looked like he was more naive when he followed Lenore than he followed Carmilla because he made the same mistake before and because of that, he could be more cautious. But he fell in love with Lenore just because he was never loved by someone, even by his parents and he needed someone to be by his side. He was confused, scared, he didn't know what was going to happen around him, but Lenore was the only one who speaked better to him, and Hector trusted her, because he thought it will be better for him and that he will be loved. I wasn't expected Lenore to be such a b***h to Hector, and this is why I hate her so much. I hate both, her and Carmilla. But we need to know that Hector assumed all of this, as I said earlier and it's not his fault for the way Carmilla and Lenore treated him. The most disgusting thing was at the end, when Lenore told Hector that she didn't want to stay with him, in a cage. As if she didn't keep Hector in a cage in this whole time. And she is the one who choosed her end, just because she was a weak person. Absolutely awful.
I don't understand why some fans like Carmilla and Lenore and say that they didn't deserved to die in this way. In my opinion, Lenore was a r*pist, a traitor and she never loved Hector, but she was using him for her pleasures and to do Carmilla's needs. Yes, it's okay to like Carmilla and Lenore, but it's not okay to be unfair with Hector just because they like those characters. I'm not on Hector's side just because I like him, I just say and believe what I see and what I understand. And yes, many fans are unfair with Hector just because they like Carmilla/Lenore. Ughh.. there are some fans that say Hector and Lenore look good together. Well, no. They're both are beautiful, but the relationship was a toxic one from the beginning and to me looks an awful one. Why they need to be together? Just for Lenore to treat Hector as her pet? Really????? Hector is a human. And if you believe that he is an animal, believe what you want. It's just your problem, not mine.
I think that it was horrific what they have done to him: beat the sh*t out of him, they treated him like a dog, and made him their slave. Hector is a strong man, who managed to pass through a lot of phisical and mental pain, from when he was little, but he had control over the situations and after all, he realized all of his mistakes, this is why he cut off his finger, just to get rid of the ring. He wanted to repair the mistake, he wanted to repair all of his mistakes. And after that, it went all good for him. Now, he is free to have a calm and beautiful life alone, maybe with Isaac around him sometimes.
In conclusion, Hector is human, and I repeat, HUMAN, NOT A DOG, he is a good, mighty and a brave man, and I love him sooooo muchhhh and I consider that he deserves only good things in his life.🥺😭
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illenlan · 2 years
Pointnorth BACC... introduction?
I have no idea what I'm doing but I meant to make this kind of post earlier so! Here we go.
I'm using a mash up of rules and some of my own little ideas here and there. Pointnorth is a fishing town and as such, in the beginning everyone is only allowed to have a low level job in the fishing industry (custom career) And then they can unlock careers and buildings later on.
So far it means none of my sims have alot of money and earning money for community lots is VERY slow which is fine by me! More challenge.
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The Mayor: Jess Warwick. Initially at the lowest level until she befriended enough of the founders... which she did, easily. I think she's best friends with them all at this point! Popularity sims + Outgoing = Powerful. I like her a lot because she's very friendly and gets along with everyone great.
She's a lesbian and had a crush on the ever-sought after Zoe Bathory, but recently hooked up with a cute townie girl so she's got a love life to look forward to
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The Smith brothers. Me realizing that I don't take as much pictures as I think I do.
Glasses is Wade, brown shirt is Hector. Wade is a knowledge sim whose pretty outgoing and friendly. Very sweet and loves reading & writing. Hector is the athetlic jock sim who at first was not well liked. I don't think he's that liked, still, despite being a popularity sim. Probably because when he plays catch or soccerr, he hits too hard.
Wade's in a cute relationship with another founder, Beth Owen. Hector's invovled in the Bathory situation. Very mixed feelings, as he flirts with her but rejects any thing more intense.
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Beth Owen. Very tired, also me too girl. She's the poorest right now, didn't have enough to even pay her taxes. She likes art and painting and spends most of her time at the park (Well, everyone's hanging out at that park... I restrict what they can buy, 1 item per round, so if they want to do anything fun they go to the park) and fishing for extra income. She's very in love with Wade, but doesn't get along with Hector. She was also Jess' first friend, so I see them as being very close :>
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Bathory siblings. They started off with the most amount of money and contuine to be the richest, despite that only Tucker works. Zoe's a knowledge sim and I let her persue all her skilling, especially because I want science or medicine unlocked soon haha.
But she's so caught up in love drama?! Somehow? Her secondary is fortune... come on girl. She's going steady with Aaron Noble but I constantly see her canoodling with Hector on the park. And now with the introduction of new townies, she's getting spicy with them too! Poor Aaron.
Tucker's my fave. He's extremely playful, so he's always pulling pranks or playing around or being goofy. I gave him a pleasure secondary and now he's just a delight. I see him being a bit mentally childish and his sister takes care of him and is very protective. She was his only friend in the beginning when he pissed off the rests of the town. But now he's friends with everyone! He's like the loveable town foll ^o^
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And then Aaron Noble. Ah, my poor boy. Works really hard and is nice to everyone but is absolutely getting played by Zoe. At first he was pretty lonesome, not alot of people paid attention to him but he's rising in popularity now. He's best friends with Tucker and they're ALWAYS hanging out, like, Always coming back with each other from work. Tucker likes to convince him to pull pranks, haha. He's shy and reserved, so i find their friendship to be adorable.
That's it for the founders. I wanna try to post more as the rounds go on (I'm nearing a full in-game year! Yay!) but I'm bad at remembering and my game's ugly as hell so XD
I'm def h aving the most fun i've had a while in this game :D What a great idea to give a BACC another try. I'm excited to see where it goes ^o^
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morvantmortuary · 3 years
15 & 38 for the dark q’s (for whoever your heart desires lmao) if you’re still doing them ❤️🖤❤️🖤
(SAM!! 🖤  Ofc darling, anything you like ♥️ 
Sorry this took me a minute, I got halfway through it last night and then as it got closer to midnight my brain just got all swiss-cheese-y :’D it also got long, so it’s going under the cut!!
15. What is a secret they’ll take to their deathbed?
Hmmm, this took some thinking…
Maxi - How disappointed he felt the first time he summoned Rora and his mother as ghosts. It was the whole reason he’d even started undertaking his Chain to begin with, because he missed them so badly. He had hoped that their time beyond the Veil would have tempered them both, helped them to realize the important things they’d overlooked in life, made them eager to try for some kind of new relationship even if they had to be on different sides.
…And then he discovered that they were still themselves in all their flaws, exactly as they were when they’d died - if not moreso. And he realized how much he’d hoped they would have learned from their mistakes in life, how he’d been wishing for versions of them that might not ever get to exist.
Because you stop changing when you die. You can only change when you’re alive. That’s the whole point.
He’s maybe a bit more understanding of them now, so long later. Especially now that Rora’s back, and the two of them can be something new without Vincent and Mathilde (and their expectations) looming over them. But that sadness was part of what helped him realize that the mantle wasn’t going to be worth it.
Hex - How much he hates himself for ever thinking Vincent was the “strong” twin between him and his father, Emile. He was young, and Vincent was the selected scion for his generation - the representative to They Who Decide for They Who Provide, the primary wielder of death magic for the family, the acting mortician for the Mortuary after the death of their grandfather. Vincent was so charismatic and domineering, it was hard for Hector as a boy to not see his father as being the brother at the center of everything, even in his callousness and cruelty --
Not understanding how much Emile had given up by refusing the role. How he’d had the chance, at one point, to take the title away from Vincent, but it would have cost him not only his son, but his wife -- his two reasons for living. 
Rora mentions this briefly in part one of the Masquerade, when she’s getting Maxi’s Reader fitted for their costume. The most important person in Emile’s life was Hector, and Hector ultimately would have been his Obsession - the person he would have had to sacrifice to knock Vincent off his pedestal. Ranza and Emile agreed to keep this a secret from Hector until she ultimately killed Emile as part of their contingency plan to protect him, and we’re going to spend a lot of his arc figuring out how he’s reconciled feeling like his father’s cause of death spoiler alert: he hasn’t and how he feels about how he viewed his father at the time.
Rora - How scared she was for most of her life before she died. Rora got very good at hiding her feelings as a girl - she had a weird relationship with them to begin with, considering she never seemed to have The Right Ones at the Right Times for what was expected of women in the southern US in the ‘80s. It just became easier for her to disguise her actual feelings with a veneer of coquetry or aloofness, depending on what best suited her needs at the time. 
But she spent ages feeling just... afraid. She wasn’t Good at being the sweet little debutante her mother wanted her to be, and she knew that. She tried to play it off as not being interested - and truthfully, she wasn’t - but her mother still had a way of making it feel like the problem was Rora, and not her own expectations of a little girl that didn’t exist that she kept trying to project onto one who did. When her father continuously overlooked her advances in her discipline as a would-be Resurrectionist, even when she showed prodigious skill at a young age, she was afraid that meant she wasn’t Good at that either. And if she couldn’t be what her mother wanted, but she also couldn’t be the necromancer she felt she was... what was left? 
What if she couldn’t be anything else? Just always something that didn’t quite... fit?
When she died, she was furious with herself for fucking up her spell, but she was also terrified - not just at dying, period, which was physically very painful because of how she was dying, but afraid she would just become another pretty name on a tombstone that never meant anything at all.
She came back, of course. And it’s hard to be afraid of anything when you’ve already died and brought yourself back once. But there are days the fear is still there, especially now that Maxi seems to be settled and Hector is gearing up to make moves. But we’ll get into that more later.
38. If they hallucinated, what would they see?
aluhglhfgl the last ones got really long, so I’m going to keep these relatively short. I’m assuming all these hallucinations are hallucinations for Not Great reasons, not for Fun Recreational Reasons - or maybe I’m just in a silly, goofy mood, so we’re just going to go with that anyway.
Maxi - Vincent (as the undead)
Rora - Mathilde (when she was alive)
Hector - Emile (dead)
Thank you so much for your patience babe, and I’m sorry I took so long with this! <3 I hope these satisfied your curiosity!! :3c
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sepublic · 3 years
Isaac’s Coming-of-Age Moment
           I find Isaac’s talk with the Captain in Season 3 weirdly… sweet, in a sense?
           Like… I kind of get this vibe from Isaac during their conversation that he’s basically some hot-headed, emotional youth, who is confused in a lot of ways, basically a teenager, and he just really needs some actual guidance, a positive adult/parental figure in his life that he can actually count on! Which, I don’t want to infantilize Isaac, but then again he does refer to himself and Hector as children who need to grow up in Season 4, so maybe I’m not too far off.
           I dunno, I just get the feel that as someone who’s been alone for a LONG while, without any real positive interactions with people or older figures… Isaac’s just in a kind of generally moody, angsty sort of headspace akin to an angsty teenager, obviously unreasonable in some regards, but not truly, his feelings are valid and you can tell that by the end of the day, he just wants to be left alone and in peace.
           So it feels really sweet to have Isaac actually like- Talk to an older figure who for once is acting as a mentor, passing on some real wisdom and guidance. The Captain can tell that Isaac needs someone to help him through what is a VERY confusing part of his life, a part that will decide a lot for him –again, like a teenager- and he’s very patiently and considerately advising Isaac; But at the same time, he’s not condescendingly lecturing him either. The Captain shows Isaac a lot of respect and consideration, and is both talking to him as an equal, but also as a mentor if that makes sense.
           And to me, that’s just really nice and heartwarming to watch, because with Dracula also in mind, I’m lowkey getting the impression of Isaac as this like; Jaded youth who secretly yearns for approval by someone for once, we can kind of see this from his abuser in the flashback. 
          Isaac hasn’t quite completely gotten over this, but with the Captain, Isaac can finally get that validation and support that he really needs and craves from an older figure, in a way that isn’t toxic and unhealthy. And I love Dracula and I will always applaud his decision to save Isaac’s life at the end of Season 2, how THAT led to Isaac learning to live for himself, I will forever love that moment even more from now on;
           But I think Dracula and I can both agree that he’s not, like. The healthiest role model nor person for Isaac to look up to, nor dedicate himself towards. Really, nobody is the healthiest person for Isaac to dedicate himself towards, he needs to live for himself after all! So it really was for the best that Isaac had himself cut off from that sort of toxic dependency; Dracula is an ENORMOUS step-up from Isaac’s abuser, sure, but he still represented Isaac’s refusal to really value himself, only just in relation to others.
           Anyhow, I really appreciate that talk where Isaac low-key finds a bit of a Father Figure in the Captain. Maybe I’m just protecting a little, but I found it very endearing how the Captain talks directly to Isaac as a person, in many ways he’s kind of firm and fair, but in a way that shows that he actually CARES about Isaac, and not that he’s just trying to get his own way. 
          Like, the Captain is interested in seeing Isaac prosper, but he’s not toxically dedicating himself to Isaac, the way Isaac would’ve done to Dracula’s memory; And that ability to help others and invest in them, while still being yourself, was no doubt enlightening for Isaac.
           Just… that side-eye glance of Isaac’s bear the end, actually stopping to think and consider, when the Captain tells him that hey, you can be a ruler! An almost endearing kind of immature desire to deny this in a rather “It’s not a PHASE” type of way, but it is in fact clearly getting to him, whether he likes to admit or not, and it’s kind of flustering Isaac. When the Captain gives him no shit but still treats him like a person. In general, all of Isaac’s interactions in Season 3 came from older figures who were a lot more experienced than him, which I think just adds to this idea that… 
          He really is kind of young and inexperienced in a lot of ways. And he really needs some second opinions to surround himself with, perspectives that are at times differing; Which I think is a neat contrast with Carmilla, who mostly relies on an echo chamber of her sisters and isn’t very receptive to different opinions.
           But yeah, Isaac is an utter mood, basically a moody, edgy teenager, who just needs some love and cherishing, some real mentorship and guidance, provided with actual respect and consideration, so he can get through what is an incredibly confusing AND formative period of his life. 
          It makes me all the more happy that it turns out for the best for him, and I really want to see a fic where like; Him and Hector encounter Dracula and Lisa, with all four on healthier terms, and Dracula’s sort of joy at seeing his other two sons being happy and living for themselves like he’d hoped- While Hector and Isaac are lowkey like, “See Dad! See how we’ve really become our own person, isn’t that really cool?” In that sort of excited, endearing way where they show a lot of respect and admiration, and place a lot of faith and trust in Vlad’s opinion. 
          Because even if they aren’t dependent on Dracula’s opinion, it’s still nice to see him validated and swell with pride, to actually see his Forge Masters get along as he’d always hoped. Like a sort of Coming of Age moment where they happily reflect on how much they’ve grown, to people who’d really respect and appreciate it, telling them that hey, your love for me, it paid off- It really meant a lot and I’m happy to tell the both of us that it wasn’t for nothing, it really meant SO much to me and helped, thank you!
           It’s just… Really endearing how we can see Isaac comfortably, in a safe space and level of interaction that isn’t plagued by threat nor violence; Afford to get snappy with someone else, like he can actually express his feelings at the Captain, but he doesn’t have to worry about holding himself to a subordinate level like with Dracula. Isaac can just be himself without having to constantly brace himself for the possibility of conflict or bloodshed, he can just comfortably exist in this space with a stranger and actually, fully, talk with someone who he feels actually gets and understands him on some level.
          Isaac is in a good environment where he can just let himself out, and it’s incredibly refreshing to watch- It was no doubt extremely cathartic to Isaac, I imagine. And it really stands to show that just as Lisa advised Dracula, traveling around the world really can be good for your health, for opening your mind and worldview; So it’s sweet to see that Dracula ended up passing on and applying Lisa’s wisdom to his low-key son, and that wisdom DID end up working out for him in the end! Thanks, Lisa.
         Now I can only imagine Isaac talking to Lisa about this and feeling really grateful, because she ended up inspiring HIM as well… And Lisa just looks wryly at Dracula like, Oh so you DID take my advice, and not only that, passed it onto others as well?
         And THAT just makes me imagine an older Isaac who continues the cycle of not abuse, but growth and guidance, who sees himself later on in another angry youth who reminds him a lot of himself, and then guides them to be more constructive- Because believe it or not, this wise King DOES understand what it’s like.
         He chuckles to himself when he realizes how the tables have turned, how HE’s the one giving The Talk to some kid, and he kindly, nostalgically, gratefully reflects on the Captain’s wisdom, and how it lives on through him and now this youth. Isaac and the kid are not so different and this realization of similarity and common ground just helps Isaac with accepting that human part of himself, and reaching out compassionately.
         Isaac is joked with and given much-needed fun and levity, while still taken seriously and respected as an individual; And I’m sure it means a lot to him, not that he fully realizes it yet. The Captain really expresses faith and belief in Isaac to grow up and support others through his own wisdom, the Captain sees himself in Isaac and that’s really fascinating- How this stranger is acting on this empathy to talk to Isaac and relate to him, to humanize him as a person for once. And it’s kind of shocking for Isaac to realize that others can actually relate to and see themselves in him, this alleged ‘monster’ and ‘thing’.
         It’s just neat to see an older figure express belief and expectation in Isaac to be something good because he thinks the best of him, rather than Isaac dedicating his belief to someone else, and it kind of inspires and incentivizes Isaac to do better with his life. That maybe he CAN grow and this isn’t the end for him, and one day teach others- Because maybe he DOES have something valuable to offer! The Captain recognizes Isaac as someone with potential and growth, and the ability to nurture and be positive, and I love that. 
         Especially with how Isaac dedicates himself to Dracula and his ‘wisdom of ages’, only for the Captain to turn around and suggest that Isaac himself has his own knowledge worth passing on, and that’s more than enough reason for Isaac to live for himself, then. It’s very nice to see Isaac lowkey latch onto a positive authority figure and actually be emotionally rewarded for it like he needs and deserves. And it’s even sweeter how Isaac leaves the Captain with an amicable farewell wave, and even AFTER an immediate negative experience, Isaac still decides to do better, showing that his lessons really can apply and retain underneath hardship.
         Isaac is challenged but in a healthy way that he can actually engage with and really apply himself towards, because he is a very clever person, he’s allowed to think and be rewarded for it. And it makes it all the more interesting how Isaac in Season 4 does see himself as a holy figure in a sense, not necessarily out of arrogance I feel, but from a real understanding that he’s worth a lot himself. And now Isaac can embrace happily his own self-value and what he has to offer, and his ability to do good, that maybe he ISN’T a monster but in some ways a hero, imagine that!
           (Actually, maybe Castlevania really IS a Coming-of-Age tale in a sense. Hector and Isaac’s growth are obvious, we know Trevor and Alucard is admittedly kind of emotionally stunted teenagers who learn to open up and trust, and even Sypha has her moments where she sees how the world can really suck –like the end of Season 3- before deciding for herself to have agency and initiative, and not be a bit player in someone else’s story regardless, in addition to openly defying some Speaker traditions like a rebellious teenager, because good for her! A narrative about really learning to take initiative and control of your own story, to live life for yourself, DOES seem very Coming-of-Age now does it?)
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carriagelamp · 3 years
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Since it’s Pride Month, I decided this year I wanted to raid the library for a bunch of different queer books to read. Mostly graphic novels in this case, because I’ve had a hard time settling into much reading lately... thought hopefully now that it’s summer and I finally have my second shot I’ll be able to relax a bit more and dig into some heavier novels again. For now, enjoy some light, queer reads that I indulged in this June.
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A Wolf Called Wander
A beautiful novel I had been hearing lots about. This story follows the young wolf Swift, who grows up knowing that he and his pack are the mountains, and the mountains are them. It’s in those mountains that he grows and learns and loves… until disaster strikes and he finds himself viciously torn apart from his family and forced out of the mountains that have always meant home to him. Forced to survive on his own. Swift then begins a gruelling journey that makes him face injury, starvation, and the everpresent danger of humans as he seeks a new place he can call home, and new people with whom he can form a pack.
This is all based on the true story of a tagged wolf known as OR-7, following the unbelievable route he took through Oregon and northern California! It was a very neat read, and I’d definitely recommend it if you enjoy stories told from an animal’s perspective because this book is a master class in it.
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I decided for June to try to read a handful of different queer books, and this was one of the first graphic novels I picked up. It is a super sweet story and the art is lovely. It’s about Ari, a boy who has just graduated high school and is now desperate to move away from his small town and his family’s struggling bakery, to join his band in the city where they hope to make it big. An agreement is finally reached: Ari’s father will let him leave, if he can find someone who can replace him in the bakery, which is how Ari meets Hector, someone who sees artistry and peace in baking. For anyone that’s read Check, Please, it gives off those types of vibes!
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Boule et Bill: Bill est Maboul
Another book of Dupuis comics, because I can’t get enough of them! This one I just stumbled across and ended up reading on a whim but it was very cute. Geared younger than the others I’ve read, but still quite funny. It’s the charming hijinks of a young boy, his dog, and the family they live with. Each page or so is a different stand alone joke, a bit like Calvin and Hobbes except expanded beyond a single strip.
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Chicken Run: Chicken Pies for the Soul
This was a ridiculous urge I got and had to follow. I recently rewatched Chicken Run (which is, of course, one of the best movies ever made) and felt the need to see if it had ever been novelized. Well, I found something better than a novelization! This is a chapter book with “advice” and stories written by the various characters, post-movie. It really does a good job with grasping the different characters’ voices and making something simple and funny out of it. It was very cute (and available on The Internet Archive if anyone else feels like reading something ridiculous!)
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I picked this up on a whim and honestly, I shouldn’t have bothered. It was not very impressive. Very mediocre, awkward feeling artwork, and a story that only slightly manages to redeem it. The concept was kind of neat, and I did like how the ending came about, the rest was rather… plodding. I did not like the main character at all, her friends felt very Intentionally Quirky Aren’t We Cute :3 in a way that just tries too hard, and… yeah. Meh. It technically gets the “queer graphic novel flag” but it’s so in-passing that it feels rather excessive to give it that.
If you are interested, it’s about a world were doodles actually exist as living creatures that can be drawn into existence (the rather unsettling implications of which is never fully explored). This is all well and good, until the main character draws a monster and takes it with her to her art club... where it begins ravanging not only her doodles, but those of her friends. Together they need to work together to figure out how to stop this menace.
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Phenomenal. I adore the FRNCK series, and book four wrapped up the first “cycle”, revealing several of the big secrets dogging the series so far, and changing how things are going to be able to run in the future.
If you haven’t seen me talk about it before, FRNCK is a graphic novel (a franco-belgian bande dessinée) about a young orphan, Franck, who’s chafing under the constant parade of uninterested foster parents that visit the orphanage he lives in. Determined to learn about his mysterious abandonment instead, he flees the orphanage… but finds himself tumbling through time, landing among a family of cave-people who rather reluctantly take him in and ensure this modern boy doesn’t die in the strange, dangerous new surroundings he finds himself in. You can get these ones in English as e-books, so if you want a really kickass graphic novel series to read please try these.
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I’ve heard so much about Haikyu!! that I finally gave in and picked up the first book from the library. And I gotta say, it’s well worth the hype! This series really does capture the best parts of a good sports manga -- which is to say the team is filled with interesting, enjoyable character who all need to learn to pull together, boost each other’s strengths, and cover for each other’s weaknesses. Love me some found family tropes and this series oozes it in the best possible way. And then you also get some very cool action scenes as it makes high school volleyball seem like the most intense thing on earth. I can’t wait to continue it
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Queer Eye
I haven’t been keeping up with Queer Eye but I was watching it ravenously when it first came out, and this seemed like a very cathartic book to read… and it really was. It had the same gentle, loving encouragement as the show. It doesn’t expect you to change your entire life, but to learn to embrace who you are, and take small steps to enhance those things. There a segment written (presumably) by each member of the Fab Five, explaining the mentality behind what they do on the show and how you can grow in those areas too. It’s very zen.
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I got this graphic novel out at the same time as Bloom, but it was the one that interested me less of the two... though that’s just because I have less interest in “real world” slice of life as a genre and this one is meant to be autobiographical. If you’re into that, you’ll probably love this because it really is stunning. Very pretty, and the format and pacing is all really well done. It’s a coming of age story for Tillie as she grows up dealing with a crosscountry move, complicated friendships, a burgeoning attraction to girls, and attending competitive figure skating classes.
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This Place: 150 Years Retold
A stunning and heart-wrenching graphic novel told by a collection of different First Nation’s authors/artists, recounting oral histories about the 150 years since the colonialist formation of the country known as “Canada”. In other words, this is a post-apocalypse story, but one that really happened and that entire peoples are still fighting to survive. It’s very eye opening and beautifully told. Very strongly recommend the read, especially if you’re at all interested in history.
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Torchwood: Serenity
Whoops, not technically a book. I had thought these were technically audiobooks at first, but rather they’re audio dramas that were played on the radio. Still, I decided to include one because I’ve been listening to them like a person possessed and they’re too fun not to at least mention. Let me indulge in my obsessions.
If you don’t know Torchwood, it’s a BBC series that spins-off from Doctor Who, focusing on the enigmatic and flirtatious Captain Jack Harkness, who is running the covert organization known as Torchwood, which is tasked to protect humanity from and prepare them for alien contact. It’s goofy and campy but also more adult and heavy than Doctor Who tends to get, so it is (in my opinion) a really fascinating series. Though it also has content warnings coming out the wazoo so maybe make sure it’s for you before delving in.
Serenity specifically is possibly one of the best Torchwood stories I’ve ever experienced. The Torchwood team concludes that there’s an undercover alien hiding in the idyllic gated community Serenity Plaza, and so that means it’s up to Jack and Ianto to go undercover as a happily married couple and flush out the alien without being discovered first. Even if it means being sickly sweet together, pretending to care about the local neighbourhood barbecues, and actually caring a bit too much about the Best Front Lawn competition. What is truly magical about this one, is that it manages to make it a Fake Dating AU despite the fact that Jack and Ianto are actually dating in canon. But they’re both used to dating as a pair of alien hunters with insanely dysfunctional lives, and who now need to figure out how to deal with domesticity. It is marvellous.
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Wilderlore: The Accidental Apprentice
A middle grade novel that felt a bit like a cross between Harry Potter and Pokemon. It’s about orphan Barclay Thorne who wants nothing more than to be accepted in the rule-bound village of Dullshire, and live up to his apprenticeship as a mushroom farmer. He certainly wants nothing to do with the fearsome Beasts who live beyond the village, deep in the Woods or the sinister Lorekeepers that bond with them. It was, after all, a Beast that had killed his parents all those years ago. But when he finds himself at the very edge of the forest, hunting for an elusive mushroom, he is suddenly unable to avoid any of that. Not when a wild girl and her bonded dragon appear to summon a horrible Beast and end up getting Barclay bonded to it instead. Now, if Barclay ever wants to be welcomed back into his home, he has no choice but to venture into the Woods and find a way to sever the bond imprisoning him to the massive, monstrous wolf now imprinted on his body as a living tattoo.
I honestly can’t decide how I felt about this one. I feel like it’d be a really fun read for maybe a grade 5 to 7 student? I was a bit more meh about it. It was fine, but it was very hard not to draw unfavourable parallels to Harry Potter. But for a kid who’s never read Harry Potter? Or even an adult that has but is looking for something different to scratch that itch, this might be a good book to try. I’ll probably try reading the second book when it comes out.
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kkeidawrites · 3 years
Castlevania spoilers!!!! If you don’t want to know how the show ends in season 4 please refrain from reading the rest of this post because I’m not holding back! Also I’m writing this as I watched so, this is my raw review!
Okay, so first off I want to say personally, I loved how season 4 brought heat to the finale of the show. Although I’m sad as hell that this is the last season for a great show.
Episode 1: Murder Wakes It Up- I thought that it was cool to see Trevor and Sypha fighting again after what happened in S3, obviously they are tired from the long four week journey of fighting night creatures, skeleton zombies, vampires from different countries, etc. but clearly the end game is that humans and vampires alike are working together to bring back Dracula. Like seriously, y’all might not know this but I hate, HATE when children become involved in stupid shit like human sacrifices like I can’t. Not the children. Please, not the babies. Sypha complaining she’s becoming like Trevor, and she’s so cute when she curses lol. Then when they arrive in Targoviste we have some new faces as potential enemies. I thought they were lame honestly lol I couldn’t take Barney-Larney whatever his dumbass was; he was mad annoying.
Then they shift over to Alucard…I have never seen a more broken beautiful drunk man in all my life. Like I had S3 flashbacks. He’s asked for help from a messenger who ended up dying on the way to the castle but his horse made sure he continued the journey and Alucard received the message for help in Danesti. Alucard fights with the horse, I thought that was funny. He was thoughtful enough to bury the rider, that was very sweet of him.
Also, shirtless Alucard will be engraved in my mind for life. Whew, chile that’s one fine man. He’s beginning to talk like Belmont and I can’t help how hilarious that is.
Episode 2: Having the World: Quite honestly this episode to me was meh. Hector talking with Lenore about how he needs this and that to create his hammer to continue forgemastering then Lenore talks with Carmilla and the white haired bat talks about how she is going to rule the world and what not, clearly losing her sanity.
Then it shifts over to Trevor and Sypha and they are fighting in a barn and new character Zamfir. Her character for me was also meh, but it’s nice to see more PoC in the show.
Episode 3: Walk Away: I liked this episode a lot. Issac altogether was nice enough to sit down and talk with a night creature and tell him/them that they were free of their original program, which was: eating humans, causing destruction, used as tools to forge masters. But man when he received that berry from Issac he realized that there is still some kind of humanity in them.
Issac is contacted by Varney to bring back Dracula but, Issac wants no business with that; he doing his own thing and seeing him being sassy again is so refreshing.
Morana and Striga scenes!!! I loved them, and then there was Striga’s day armor, man listen…I have never felt more closer to watching Berserk again than in that moment. They are hesitant to return back to Styria when Carmilla calls them, and it puts them in a bind to return home to continue through with Carmilla’s plans.
Sypha being annoyed by Zamfir was me the entire time. How you gone run a kingdom again with out a kingdom. Like girl, help the people instead of the royals, my god.
Episode 4: You Must Sacrifice: A cute little Trevor and Sypha scene. They decide to investigate Targoviste more before helping Zamfir. The scene shifts and Alucard is riding towards Danesti, donning a shield and a longer cape. Monsters are attacking the walls of the village, villagers are on the other side waiting to defend themselves. Some Castlevania popular screenshots appear here.
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Then we meet Greta…Miss thang…that’s one beautiful woman okay. And she’s the chief of the village, cares for her people? Y’all I present. Her. And the fact that she is sassy too? I rock with her heavy as hell.
Saint Germain meets Alucard and I have a weird vibe coming from him. We see Saint Germain’s backstory or what little it will show us; he had a whole girlfriend, she a baddie too. Apparently she was like him? And she was the silhouette we saw in S3. Cool scene, inside the Infinite Corridor and I liked the library scene a lot too. Now he’s on a rampage trying to find access to the Infinite Corridor again to find his girl and he also wants to bring back Dracula? The fuck?
Refugees arrive at Danesti, and Saint Germain is acting very strange indeed. Like he’s desperate to go to the castle to help with the village “defenses”. Alucard agrees I guess? And he says another Belmont comment which I was happy to see again in the season.
Episode 5: Back in the World: Alucard leads Greta, Saint Germain and the villagers to his castle but, encounter a couple of night creatures on the way. Greta does Saint Germain y’all and I’m with her 100%. Alucard’s powers have definitely improved from last season. It was kind of interesting how Alucard willing told Greta what happened with him and you know who, kind of early in my opinion. Greta is bisexual?!!!! I love her 1000% now! I sense some chemistry between Greta and Alucard. I like that a lot.
Lenore really like annoys my soul, I do not like this mini bitch. I didn’t really care what Lenore and Hector talked about🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️sue me. Bruh Greta, beating that monster’s ass with just a hammer and a sword?! And Alucard impressed by it?! I’m here for it!! Some cute moments between Alucard and Greta got me gushing over here😝😝. Poor puppy😢😢. Alucard decides to “grow up” which I think is a nice step forward. Saint Germain is really making me mad.
They arrive at the castle and here goes Saint Germain acting like a fan boy, I mean who wouldn’t but you know…Greta killed me when she said the castle was ugly as hell lol. Another little cutesy scene between Alucard and Greta. Like I really like their chemistry y’all I’m sorry.
Trevor and Sypha demand that Zamfir take responsibility to help the people and I forgot what it was called but, before that they are attacked and Zamfir has something placed on her neck by a night creature.
Then Issac, he’s ready to fuck some shit up. And I’m here for it. Get em, bitch!
Episode 6: You Don’t Deserve My Blood: Carmilla’s castle is attacked by Issac’s night creatures. Lenore old punk ass running away does not surprise me in the slightest. Hector betrays Lenore and locks her in a cage. Hector has contact with Saint Germain like what? I don’t understand but, Issac comes in and it looks like Hector has given up, wanting to die honestly. Issac decides against killing him and Hector asks for his knife. This boy cuts his ring finger that the Lenore placed the ring, in front of her. That scene was meh, I thought he would get pissed at her for what she’s done to him in S3 but, I guess not.
Issac literally stole this episode, from his fight with the vampires and night creatures to Carmilla that shit was -chef’s kiss- magnifico! I loved the animation the fight scenes, yooo I was hyped the whole episode.
Morana and Striga make their decision to go their own way, living their own lives in the west so, bittersweet ending with them, I wanted to actually Striga fight the main trio but, whatever I guess.
Hector still has plans to bring back Dracula and asks Issac if he’s doing the same. Issac has other plans obviously, and tells Hector that they need to find their path in their lives. I feel Hector never knew where he was supposed to be placed in the world but Issacs words are very inspiring in my opinion. May have woke Hector’s dumbass up a bit.
Episode 7: The Great Work: Varney and the other guy, I really forgot his name found out about the catacombs and head there. Trevor and Sypha demand Zamfir take them underground, which to me I think it’s nothing there but her shit. Sypha gets mad at Zamfir and I’m with her, how you part of the royal guard when the people above need your help girl my god.
The cutest scene ever in this episode, was when the kids from Danesti wanting to play with Alucard and this boy jumps off the highest part of the castle just to show off. There should be more scenes of soft Alucard with children. Saint Germain is placing these weird stones it looks like in the castle walls. What is going on with him?
More Alucard and Greta moments please and thank you. The artwork in the castle is fucking phenomenal work. Saint Germain just gave the location to a vampire it looks like, from episode 4 maybe? He looks familiar.
There is a freaking army coming to the castle…lord Jesus. Like can they catch a break please? The kids just got settled.
Trevor and Sypha go to the catacombs and it’s just as bad as the people above grounds. New weapon acquired for Trevor, pretty dope. The king and Queen are dead and Zamfir is officially insane. She really thinks that the king and Queen will come back alive and protect their people like she’s done them. Sypha tries to talk to her, that puts her in a weird daze, Trevor is just being Trevor. Varney and his lackey, come to the catacombs looking to kill I really do not know that man’s name y’all so I apologize for not giving a damn about him lol.
The castle is about to be under siege, I’m not ready. Having a whole heart attack over here from nerves.
Episode 8: Death Magic: Varney and his partner attack the people in the catacombs, Varney is looking for a giant mirror? Why I don’t know. Poor Trevor and Sypha they are soooo tired, I feel so bad for them. Zamfir is actually not bad of a fighter, I like that. Sypha still the goat, no cap.
The castle is under attack, it’s actually nice to see how diverse the vampires are in this show, you can tell what countries their from and I think that’s dope as hell. And then every time a human dies their souls are transferred to Saint Germaine? So is this another S3 human sacrifice crap again? Omg…I’m so sick of that. Saint Germain uses the key he received from the woman in the Infinite Corridor and it creates the symbol of the corridor’s portal.
Here goes Alucard being a badass again, I never tire of him being one. Greta holding it down too is really cool, I don’t care what nobody say, she is that bitch. Her and that hammer, a force to be reckoned with.
Everyone is overwhelmed and have no choice but to evacuate to the castle, right before those doors closed Alucard nods to her to leave him out to fight and she looks at him like boy bye. Get yo ass in this castle. Greta pulling Alucard in just shows they are compatible for one another. Even the playful banter between them is cute.
The discovery of the stones in the walls leads Greta and Alucard to his childhood bedroom and they find Saint Germain where he reveals he’s opening the Infinite Corridor to bring back Dracula by using death magic. Petty Saint Germain, I do not like him bro.
They have to deal with him later though to fight off the night creatures that got into the castle. Greta still holding it down.
Trevor and the vampire guy is still fighting but, Trevor being so tired he’s slowing a bit, and honestly I don’t know how he’s still able to function at this point. Sypha shows off her powers like a G that she is and Zamfir is doing some great damage with the knives she’s got and that’s crazy how little knives can do to the body.
Did Sypha always have lightning powers? I don’t remember. If it’s new I love it! Trevor’s almost killed but a woman and child save him in time but, unfortunately Zamfir is stabbed in the stomach when the vampire moves to kill them both. I’m going to be honest I didn’t really care for Zamfir’s character she was just…there lol.
Then that scene with Sypha basically incinerating the rest of the monsters is fire!!! No pun intended lol. Varney finds the mirror and steps through it where Saint Germain is. Trevor and Sypha goes through the mirror as well but in a different location in the castle.
Episode 9: The Endings: This whole episode was literally the best of the best in any other seasons. The fight scenes, the banter, the main three…oh my God I loved it all. Noooooo, the dolls!!!!!! You bastards!!!! Trevor and Sypha’s entrance was perfect. Muah! Perfecto! The rock monsters really confused me on how they were killed but you know what who cares?
Alucard has wings?!!!!! What?!!!!!!!!! The general of the caravan have brought in the man woman thingy to Saint Germain. Death has appeared. His character design is dope af. Noooo not mom and dad!!! Nooo! Poor Alucard had to witness his parents literally in pain and of course Trevor ends it again, somehow Saint Germain redeemed himself almost?
The four vampires fighting the main trio had me running for my money. I liked the whole scene it was nice to see at least one or two vampires almost have the upper hand on the main trio.
That general vampire? His fight was wild, throwing his arm as it was about to explode and use it against Trevor was genius. And main trio…they don’t need to have a plan to fight they just work so well together that it works out in end.
Trevor vs. Death. Also was that the first time Trevor told Sypha he loved her? I can’t remember. Anyway, back to the final battle. The quality of the fight, the sheer power between both characters, and then he goes and sacrificed himself like Trevor are you deadass? You deadass died? Unacceptable. And then episode just ends.
Episode 10: It’s Been a Strange Ride: Lenore died so lame, and she was drunk as well when she died. I really won’t be missing her because she was just a character I very much disliked. Hector is finally free, little dumbass.
I wanna see what Issac is up to and Morana and Striga seems appropriate. But oh well, I hope they are happy wherever they are.
Tombstone for Trevor, it’s not real. He ain’t dead, I don’t believe that. Omg, Greta and Alucard are together?!!! Whoooooo!!! And the village kids are calling him father? Yasssssssssssss!!!!! I’m here for it. Alucard saying he’s not used to people is 100% me in public I don’t like being around a lot of people and it doesn’t help I have anxiety either. Sypha being pregnant was a given she looked a little thicker in the hips from episode one. She can’t leave…we need her. Really Castlevania creators? Y’all gone play with all our hearts? Thinking Trevor was dead and he gone pop up on a horse?
And look at this⤵️⤵️
He’s smiling, happy, soft, has a boo thang I’m….😭😭😭I’m so happy.
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Y’all….all in all this was a great ending to the show…a great ending…
Oh wait…wait…wait wait wait, mom and dad are alive?!!! But how? You know what I don’t care their going to travel to England and their heart shaped embrace is everything. Oh no I’m crying again….
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rubik-ashala · 4 years
Let Alucard have nice things!
This doubles as both a headcanon description and a rant so here goes:
I just got done watching the 3rd season of Castlevania and I am not happy. I have two things two say about it. This contains spoilers for the series so you have been warned.
First complaint and observation:
Did anybody get the feeling that the show was supposed to end after the second season but didn't? That everything was wrapped up nicely, Dracula was dead, the big world destruction war was halted, we were shown what the trio would be doing after everything etc. Like it was meant to end there but then a conversation like this happened:
Castlevania team: And that’s a wrap everybody! The good guys took down Dracula in an epic fight, the world was saved, Job Done! Time to move on to new things.
Shareholders, producers, etc: Uhh, actually we already signed you up for a 3rd season. So you might want to get on that.
Castlevania Team: What! But we weren't prepared for a third season! The whole plot is wrapped up! What are we supposed to do?
Shareholders, producers, etc: Don’t know but you better get to figuring it out.
Castlevania: I guess we will just game of thrones it terribly then and hope we make it through.
Because that is what it felt like happened. There seemed to be no overarching plot, just four separate ones and only two of them is even remotely together. They take two side characters Issac and Hector and give them there own plotlines. Issac gets the Denarius treatment for no real reason other than to seemingly follow in Dracula’s footsteps and Hector gets dragged to Camilla’s realm because, she needs a forge master to grow an army so she can take over what has been fractured. They split up the trio, suddenly giving Serphia and Trevor a romantic relationship with little to nothing building up to it and throw them in a quest to keep Dracula from coming back after some crazy monks due some occult doctor who style shenanigans to open a portal to other worlds. And while that is going on, Alucard aka Adrian Tepes gets left alone guarding his fathers now broken castle and the Belmont’s treasure trove for months after everything has happened.
Which flows into my Second point:
Alucard got done dirty in the third season!
We watch as Alucard deals with the mental repercussions of what he did, alone. We watch as he deals with the loneliness of being out in the middle of nowhere alone for months with none to talk too. And we see the toll it is taking on him albeit comedically. 
Then the siblings come in. 
They come to him for help and education on fighting vampires back in their homeland, something that Alucard is more than happy to help with. One, because he has company again and Two, passing on the knowledge to the new generation seemed fitting.
During the time they stay he grows fond of them and they him. You see them training and horsing around, eating meals together and other wholesome shenanigans.
You get to see a conversation where the sibling talk about how they notice how lonely he has been and how they believe he stays out here to punish himself and maybe they should do something for him before they move on. And it’s all like “aww that is so sweet!”
Then you see Alucard trying to sleep and failing miserably in his bed. Even so far as wondering if he should get a coffin to sleep in. Then you see the siblings show up in the door way and begin walking towards him in the bed saying , in a very sultry voice, how alone he must have been, how he should deserve a reward, ectera. Followed by them getting all hot and steamy with him.
 The scene makes a point to show how much Alucard is enjoying this attention, and how happy it is making him. Your watching it and it’s like “Maybe it's gonna be one of those fond memories he will be able to look back on after their gone.” or “Maybe they will become some Badass monster hunting thruple and Alucard wont be alone anymore.”
Nope! Not today in my Grim Dark Gothic Fantasy World!
They instead, after giving Alucard the night of his life, put these metal cuffs on him that shoot out a bunch of ropes that tie him in classic Jesus on a cross position and then proceed to try and kill him. 
Because the were under the belief he was lying and holding things back from them, and in particular about the castle not being able to move. And they were tired of being lied to.
Luckily for Alucard they didn't realize his sword could move on its own and they weren’t alive for much longer because of it but...Really?
Why? Why do this to him?
He lost his mother to a witch hunt, he had to kill his own father and now this? All in little over a year? What the Hell man!?
Let the Dhampire have nice things! He deserves better than this!
So, I made a headcannon to soothe me angry brain.
I took a fantasy race of mine that was inspired by the Crusnics of Trinity Blood and added them in to Castlevania. In Particular one specific one.
Name: Floki 
Age: Around Adrian’s age give or take a few months.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Mismatched blue/green
Height: About the same as Adrien’s perhaps a little taller.
Personality: Mischevious, HArdworking, Loves deeply, Fiercly but wisely protective, loves to work with his hands, loves to learn more about the world and how it works. Deeply fond of Adrian even though he hasn’t seen him in a few years. Also, a smidge psychotic, but just a smidge.
Floki is part of a race of beings referred to as “The Old Ones”. They are a race similar in habit to the Vampire but they feed off vampires, night creatures and other supernatural beings over humans. They are immensely powerful, even at young ages and have been rumored to be the source of some of the gods of Ancient Mythology. 
Floki’s father (Yet named)  was Dracula’s mentor and where he got much of his scientific knowledge from in his early years. They became friends during his teaching and even after parting ways, would still occasionally see each other every few half centuries or so to trade information and chat.
During this time, Floki’s father was desperately trying to have children of his own and failing. At one point believing that he was sterile and unable to father children. Something Dracula knew as well and so hid Lisa’s pregnancy from him for fear of making his sadness worse.
However, a few months later, It was revealed that his current love was with child and Floki was born accompanied by much drunken Norse revelry.
When the two men met again a few years later, Floki was brought with his father to show to Dracula that he finally had a child. A moment where Dracula also revealed his son and Where Floki met Adrian.
Floki showed Adrian what it was like to play and horse around. They would play pretend out in the woods, get dirty, skin thier knees, the works. And where one was, you would find the other close by.
The visits between the two powerful men became more frequent due to the boys wish to see each other, not that the parents minded all that much.
Over time Floki’s affection for Adrian would change and deepen. His longing to stay by his friends side would get stronger and one fateful afternoon when Adrian got hurt, FLoki would realize how he had fallen in love with him.
Adrian would never know this however, due to Floki’s unstable powers at the time, his sub par control of his hunger and the fear of hurting him.
As they got older, and partly to the above, their visits to see each other would lessen and by the time they were full grown, had stopped entirely. 
That is until Floki Heard of Lisa’s death at the hands of the church.
Even with his incredible power to teleport far distances it took him several months to reach Wallachia. He didn’t seek out Adrian immediately though, too curious to see the truth of what happened.
Each of “The Old Ones” Has a unique skill that is developed and evolved over time, according to personality, interest, skill and homeland. Due to Floki’s curiosity, his love for history and his desire to see how it all works together, he developed what he liked to call, memory recall.
His skill allowed him to see memories of the past through people, objects or locations where something that evoked strong emotional or magical reactions in the area happened. And if there was no such thing, if the event was more recent, if he had access to people that were there and stood on the location, he could see and feel the event as if he lived it.
Lisa’s death held him up in an inn for several days trying to chase the feeling of flames on  his skin. Dracula’s anger and grief laid him up for even longer as he cried himself sick. 
Gregit was better though, seeing the man who did the deed getting called out by a demon and then eaten gave him a bit of satisfaction.
Briela was fascinating though. He had to meet whomever managed to capture the ever moving castle.
By the Time Floki would arrive at the now defunk castle and underground hold, the siblings bodies are already outside on pikes.
This doesn't scare him away of course, and to find out why they were there he uses his memory recall. Where he sees through there eyes what they did to Adrian, albeit a little fuzzy. But is able to hear what the twins were thinking in that moment and see, just for a short time, Adrian tied to the bed afraid and hurt.
This causes him to snap his fingers and cause the corpses to burst into flames.
An action that draws Adrian’s attention causing a little bit of a fight before they recognize each other.
Over the next while Adrian allows Floki to stay and fix the castle as well as the Belmont estate and work towards getting the transportation engine online again. Eventually. 
Overtime, all of Floki’s feelings come back with a vengeance and he gives as much attention and TLC to Adrian as he allows. Eventually getting Adrian to allow him close enough to see though his memory what the siblings had done to him
A scene that will either start a few revelations with both Adrian and FLoki or lead to a very steamy situation. Possibly both.
But it all ends in Adrian getting all the Love and TLC that man deserves after the hell he was put through.
I just hope they aren’t trying to set him up to become an antagonist later... 
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onehandedly · 3 years
I want to troll you very badly but won't... so Achilles
XDDDDDD I welcome trolling! Even though I think I might know (and fear) yours!
How I feel about this character
I love him. He is among my favourites in the Iliad because he is utterly unhinged and still oddly wise (when calm). He makes the longest and strongest speech about peace in the whole poem before mowing down people and committing atrocities. He is horribly childish and wild in some moments while behaving like a wise king in others. He is compelling, strange, and a wonderful representation of a demigod: a creature that hasn't made peace with his own nature, that cannot be at peace with it. Made of blocks that don't quite fit together.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Patroclus (because I am an unoriginal bastard and their relationship is incredibly sweet, my murder babies). Hippodameia (Briseis is a patronimic) is a not truly romantic but interesting ship to me because I go all in for twisted and bad and I find the idea of Deidamia having fun with him compelling.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Thetis, his mother. Their relationship is so twisted and unhealthy: from trying to burn him alive as soon as he was born, to the name she gave him (Ligirone "he who cries"), to the way she is a pivotal center of his life, a source of comfort and help even though they are directed at allowing him to die gloriously. It is amazingly complex to me. Peleus, his father, I really like the affectionate way Achilles talks about him and how protective he gets. Chiron: after all he gave Achilles his name and I love the mentor-pupil dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Not really unpopular but I rarely see this spoken about: he has fire scarring on his lips. In the Iliadic myth there is no mention of any heel (even Hector tells his wife "he is a man and can be killed"), but Thetis tired to "burn away" the child mortal side as soon as he was born (like she did with his elder brothers and sisters). Unsurprisingly Peleus, that seemed to want children, stopped her and so he had 1 son left among the mortals, with some damages. I like to think that he cannot quite smile without pain and that the scars on his lips become extremely visible when he flushes.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
That he had actually spoken with Hector before the Patroclus mess. That would have been extremely interesting to me.
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krokonoko · 4 years
the heart wants what it wants. and as much as I love my angst, sometimes I need me some freaky shit like,,, Lacho AUs in which the cartel is not a factor and Lalo and Nacho are just. REGULAR ASS BOYFRIENDS.
LOTS of assorted headcanons under the cut!
shield thine eyes, there’s some heavy ass fluff incoming.
Lalo has his own little restaurant. No one knows how it stays afloat with the erratic way Lalo’s leading it, but it seems his family’s somehow just absolutely loaded, so he can afford it. Honestly sometimes it feels like he just uses it to fuck around with new recipes. Like there’s no real rhyme or reason to what he’s doing, but everyone loves his food, he’s really good with the patrons and if he parties the whole night through then it doesn’t matter cuz the next morning the kitchen still looks spick and span and Lalo’s awake and chipper, ready for the next day! How does he do it? No one knows, especially not his staff. But when someone asks, he just laughs it off and changes the subject and oh my god he’s so charming how could anyone resist him? -
Lalo’s still on the antisocial spectrum and manic af in this AU, so his approach to relationships and emotions is a bit different than your neurotypical one. He seems to have a penchant for breaking rules, can be manipulative at times, and certain things don’t affect him the way you’d expect. But most of the time you wouldn’t even know, cuz generally he’s a really affable guy who’s a lot of fun to be around. He’s genuinely trying not to step on anyone’s toes. That being said, you don’t like him then yeah, he don’t give two shits. -
Nacho used to be part of some gang, but got out in time. He now studies business or something like that. He’s super ambitious and keeps badgering his papá about investing into technical improvements that would make his shop more effective and streamlined. Manuel gets heart burn every time Nacho runs the numbers by him. He’s been running the shop for longer than Nacho is alive, he’s not gonna contract new debts after it took him so long to pay everything off...! And Nacho insists that’s how business WORKS, it’s all about investment and growth. Manuel says with a smile that when the shop is Nacho’s, he can stuff it with all the novelty apparatuses that he wants, but he’ll have to wait until Manuel is no more, and Nacho is like papá don’t be so overdramatic...!! And Manuel laughs and pats Nacho’s back because actually he’s really proud of his son and the fact that he’s so concerned with the shop and they’re HAPPY GODDAMMIT -
For some reason this AU doubles as a modern AU as well. Which means smartphones exist. Nacho spends. SO much time on Instagram. Photos of his car. Photos of Nacho leaning against his car. Gym selfies. All over the damn place. And Lalo doesn’t understand insta cuz he’s a tech averse king, but he still secretly checks out Nacho’s blog all the time cuz yummy! Sometimes he comments on Nacho’s posts with a bunch of. really weird emojis, half of which don’t mean what Lalo thinks they mean, and Nacho thinks it’s cringe af. -
They’ve been having this thing going on for about a year and they’re both suuuper casual about it, like, SO casual, especially Nacho, wow he is so incredibly low key about this, like he is not too all over this or anything, just the right amount of relaxed, laid back, so cool, yeah. -
Just that Lalo is actually incredibly flirty all the time and courts the hell out of Nacho, he’s almost a bit gentleman-like about it, almost a bit old-school, and Nacho thinks that’s kinda dope and the way Lalo treats him like he’s the sexiest thing on earth sometimes comes across as a little condescending but there’s something about it, too, that makes Nacho sometimes lie awake at night thinking about it, brushing his thumb over his lower lip and thinking about the way Lalo pulls him in for kisses. -
When Lalo picks Nacho up from the gym, Nacho smiles when he sees him. When Lalo cracks a crude joke about making people swallow condoms, Nacho chuckles. When Lalo makes him food, Nacho enjoys it. When they walk along the sidewalk in the evening, Nacho casually bumps into Lalo and Lalo puts an arm around Nacho. When Lalo is close, Nacho feels comfortable, and warm, and drawn to him. -
Nacho has had a couple of girl- and boyfriends, but he’s only ever introduced Manuel to his girlfriends. Manuel’s known that Nacho’s into boys ever since he came home early to teenage Nacho and Domingo sitting on the living room couch 6 ft apart with their shirts rumpled and their faces red as beet. But Nacho didn’t seem to want to talk about it, so Manuel respected that. He’s a bit concerned cuz he’s afraid Nacho feels like he can’t talk to him, but he wouldn’t wanna push him. -
So all of Lalo’s attempts to meet papá Varga have been met by Nacho with stone-walling and general avoidance. -
But Lalo’s a very family oriented person so he just decides to make it a surprise dinner! At first Manuel is a bit wary cuz alright, what’s going on, who is this guy? But then Lalo turns up the charm and he’s just one of these guys who are absolutely stellar at wooing older ppl. So he keeps charming circles around Manuel with food and jokes, and Manuel kinda starting to like this guy, and when Manuel wants to get himself some more beer- nonono you stay put Sr. Varga, I’m gonna take care of this for you - and then they get to the part of the evening where Manuel tells childhood stories about Nacho like how he cried when he lost his first tooth and Lalo is just ab-so-lute-ly ENTHRALLED by it all and before you know it he and Manuel are BFF. -
all the while Nacho just. SEETHES in his corner. -
Manuel leaves and Lalo and Nacho start cleaning up the kitchen, and they’re very quiet until Nacho just goes “are you going to tell me what the hell all that was about?” and Lalo’s like “???” and Nacho’s just. “That little sing-and-dance you just did there? Like. What’s your end-game here. If this was some kind of attempt to get to me through my, dad, to, idk, somehow get emotional leverage over me, istg...!” And Lalo’s gets honestly serious and looks and Nacho all earnest-like... “man... is it really that hard to believe that it’s important to me that your dad likes me...?” and then he goes “you know what, Ignacio, you seem upset. Why don’t you just go home and leave the kitchen to me, yeah?” and so Nacho does, and he’s really angry at Lalo, and he doesn’t really get what just happened there. -
a couple days later his dad calls him and Nacho is kinda concerned but Manuel doesn’t pick up on it, he’s just like “Mijo, I just. Wanted to say how important that was to me, to meet your boyfriend, he’s a really nice y-...nice man.” (Nacho notices the gap where the “young” should have been lmao) and actually Manuel is trying to be like “Mijo, I am supportive of you please notice that I am trying to tell you that I think this is super okay!” but Nacho is so busy being confused cuz he’s never referred to Lalo as his boyfriend in his head even though they’ve been at this for over a year. So Nacho’s kinda monosyllabic and like “so. he didn’t upset you or anything?” and Manuel’s like “noo, he was really friendly. You didn’t give him a hard time, did you, Ignacio...??” Manuel gets all stern and fatherly...!! “Let me tell you one thing. Not a single one of your girlfriends has ever been this polite or interested in me. This man, he’s being serious about you. Maybe it’s time to stop being cautious.” -
and that’s when it starts to dawn on Nacho that that’s. Honestly all there is to it. Lalo wasn’t trying to manipulate him or whatever. He honestly just noticed that Manuel is an important part of Nacho’s life, and wanted to connect with that. And that is- actually. really sweet of him, what the fuck?!? -
Nacho lays awake again that night and notices that there’s something going on in his chest, like something big and warm blooming there and oh my fucking god you can’t be SERIOUS this is RIDICULOUS he’s way too old for this shit, AND way too worldly-wise and all that! -
So Nacho drives by Lalo’s place the other day and asks him whether he wants to go for a drink and so they go to a bar and sit there in silence for a moment until Nacho goes “my dad asked about you” and Lalo chuckles and is like “yeah? at least someone who misses me!” and Nacho rolls his eyes but he’s kinda got it coming now. Anyway, so, Nacho starts explaining that his dad is the most important person in his life, and he is soft and sweet and precious and a national treasure that must be protected at all costs and if someone was to hurt him and all that jazz. And Lalo’s like, yeah, no, I get it. Family is everything. And your dad is a really cool guy.  The problem is that for Nacho, it’s just been him and Manuel against the world for so long, he’s gotten kinda prickly about letting anyone else get close to his dad. But maybe this is good, and maybe, oh god he doesn’t really wanna think about it in that much detail, but like, Lalo gets it, and they leave the bar together and Lalo immediately gets out his phone and calls Manuel like “Sr. Varga, I’ve been wondering how you’ve been doing! What, Nachito? He’s doing fine. No, nooo, he’s not been mean at all. Couldn’t if he tried. Well, I hope you have a great evening. Yeah, talk to you soon!” and Lalo’s just absolutely obnoxious about this, winking at Nacho and everything and Nacho sighs and accepts his punishment. (Later Lalo’s gonna be like “of course you were right, I did have ulterior motives. I was just trying to butter you up for the dinner I have planned with my uncle Hector!” and Lalo keeps talking about how much he loves his tio and how he’s basically a father figure to him and such a great guy. But then they meet him and Lalo only introduces Nacho as “a friend”, and Hector is this grumpy old guy who hates absolutely everyone and everything, can’t go two sentences without being racist, sexist or homophobic. And Nacho’s like aaalright, guess I gotta deal with THIS now. But they don’t meet him that often so it’s alright.) -
OH but Manuel is still a BIT conservative about SOME things?? Like, he’s fine with Nacho having a boyfriend, but does he have to be so. you know. old...? Like. He’s not your sugar daddy, right Ignacio...? You’re not expecting him to keep you, right Ignacio...??? And Nacho is kinda pissy because UHM?? the implications?? He would never?? He’s nobody’s trophy boyfriend. He does like getting paraded around like one every now and then but he’s not. He buys his own damn stuff. But yeah sorry Nacho, that’s just how parents are sometimes lmao -
ANYWAY the point is, they. They care. Nacho cares Lalo. And seeks out his company on his own accord without any outside influences forcing him to. And Lalo cares Nacho. And they kinda start to accept that this is. a thing. And Nacho learns to accept that he can let himself feel save and comfortable around Lalo. And they’re just regular ass boyfriends. Who go on vacation together. Who have just fantastic sex without any coercion or backstabbing involved. Who fall asleep on the couch watching movies together. Who celebrate each other’s birthdays. All that freaky shit!!! 😭😭😭
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Hector: “What’s all the commotion about?”
Lilina: “Hey dad.  It’s Melady.  She’s trying to recruit the Dieck mercenaries to help guard Princess Guinivere.”
Roy: “They’ve been going at it all day.”
Hector: “Wait, that guy’s name is Dick?”
Roy: “No, Dieck.”
Hector: “I’m gonna keep calling him Dick.”
Eliwood: “Is there some reason they’re having trouble?”
Roy: “Well, Melady’s really concerned about Guinivere’s safety, but being mercenaries, they’re not working cheap.  And being pulled from their homeland, they don’t exactly have the funding to pay up…”
Eliwood: “I see.  That is a significant challenge for anyone here in Askr.”
Hector: “We’ll handle it!”
Lilina: “Dad?”
Hector: “You’ve got two marquesses...Marqui...lords right here!  We’ll have this sorted out in no time!”
Lilina: “Oh no.”
Eliwood: “That’s fine, but Hector, let me do the talking.”
Hector: “Deal.”
Lilina: “Oh thank the gods…”
Melady: “Surely you must understand our current circumstances.  You can be compensated when we return to our world.”
Dieck: “We don’t accept retroactive payment.  We’re not a charity.”
Eliwood: “Is all well, Melady?”
Melady: “Ah, lord Eliwood, lord Hector.”
Hector: “What’s the problem?”
Melady: “I am trying to recruit this man’s services in protecting the princess, but I regret to say, we are short on coin to meet his demands.”
Dieck: “Listen little lady, if you want the Dieck, you gotta pay for the Dieck.”
Hector: *snorts*
Guinivere: “Please, Melady, it’s no trouble.  I’ve already told you, I would rather you fight for my ideals rather than just my life.  We should focus on defending Askr before ourselves.”
Melady: “I’m sorry, my lady, but I cannot agree to this.  I understand, and will defend your ideals, yet I cannot bear to have anything happen to you.  If not only for your sake, please, for my own peace of mind.”
Guinivere: “Melady…”
Eliwood: “I understand your resolve.  Dieck, is there any way we can work out some kind of agreement regarding payment?  Perhaps incremental payments, or collateral?”
Dieck: “Sorry pal, the Dieck mercenaries aren’t so easy to sweet talk.”
Hector, chuckling: “Oh my god…”
Guinivere: “Perhaps we should give up here.  There must be others you could speak with.”
Melady: “I cannot, Lady Guinivere.  No matter how hard it may be, there must be a way to get Dieck to rise to the occasion.”
Hector: “Have you tried working the shaft?”
All: “...”
Eliwood, rubbing his temples: “...Hector.”
Eliwood: “Hector please.”
Guinivere: “What does that mean?”
Hector: “Hmm?”
Guinivere: “You suggested we work the shaft.  What does that mean, Lord Hector?”
Hector: “Oh, well uh...you see, it’s like...uh…” *glances aside*
Melady: [MENACING]
Hector: “Well, you know I’m kind of an unusual lord.  Rough and tumble, not very lord-like?  I spent a lot of time in the arena, and around other mercenaries, so I just picked up some of their crass language.  It really just means to negotiate a deal, but it’s no something a young princess should be-”
Guinivere: “I understand!  Try to meet them at their level, use their own language and concepts!  A brilliant idea, Lord Hector!”
Hector: “Well, I wouldn’t really-”
Guinivere: “Sir Dieck, if you would, please allow me to-”
Dieck: “I will do literally anything to prevent you from finishing that sentence.”
Guinivere: “Wonderful!  Melady, we did it!”
Hector: “Haha!  Another successful deal brokered by Marquess Ostia!”
Roy: “I guess...technically he did make the deal for them.  And at a discount.”
Melady: “I am going to murder him.”
Lilina, exasperated: “You would be within your rights.”
Guinivere: “You must be the famed Gerik Mercenaries.”
Gerik: “The very same.  You looking to hire?”
Guinivere: “Yes!  I would like to sit down with you and ‘work the shaft,’ as they say.”
Ephraim: *spit take*
Lyon, blushing: “Oh my…”
Eirika, storming away: “Nope!  Nope, that’s it!  That’s the line!  Send me back to Magvel, I’m out!”
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Redeem My Soul Chapter 12 The Whole Truth
As they head back towards Edinburgh and their new life's, she knows she needs to come fully clean with him. “Jamie, you need to know about Frank.” We raises his eyebrows. “Randall, yah he was a relative of Jonathan, or Black Jack, a cousin. We were together until one of his girlfriends killed him, for cheating. That is when Jonathan came in. He promised to protect me. You know how that ended. So many men have come in and out of my life. My Uncle's Lamb and his lover Raymond. To trust is hard. I trust you. Do not make me ever regret it. Always be honest with me.”
“Oh Claire, I will never hurt you. But I need to tell you something that Colum may try. I told you that I will have to pretend to be a part of his web of ladies of the night and drugs. Well, there is a specific lass who I believe he will use to lure me back in. A lass I was to marry, Geneva Duscany, daughter of William Duscany. You may know his reputation as a Playboy, sleeping with both men and women. He has many children but Geneva is his favorite. He has given my uncles a lot of money. His princess wanted me so she got me. As I said, we were to be married. She was pregnant and gave birth before we were married. The baby wasn’t mine.”
“I’m sorry. How did you find out?”
“She gave birth to an Asian lass. A sweet baby I privately call, Faith. As the baby, even though she was placed in an orphanage, gave me Faith I could work my way out of the mess I had made out if my life. You see Claire, I fell in love with the baby before she was born. So even though she wasn’t mine, I still wanted to be her da. One of the reasons I started working with John, to make myself worthy of her.”
“Oh my love. Let’s finish this and go get your daughter.” They had stopped in front of the safe house. He looks at her with teary eyes.
“Christ Claire, that is one reason I love you so much. You really care about how I feel.”
They enter the house to find Murtagh with a tall red headed man. “Jamie, Claire, this is Sam Heughan, the man we hired to play you.” Claire examines him. It could work. His hair was obviously tied but looks enough like Jamie to fool those watching.
Jamie was also studying him. “This could work Mr. Heughan, you will need to put on some more muscle and will need a wig. No way your hair will take dying it my red long term. What other acting jobs have you done?”
“Just got done filming Island of War, have done A Very British Sex Scandal and Midsummer Night for the telly.”
“Well this job will be different. You will be playing me. Need to be seen moving in and out of my flat, heading to work at the police station. I will be doing my own impersonation to see some bad people brought to justice and protect the woman I love. If we both do our jobs, justice will prevail.”
“Sounds good. When do need me?”
“Around two weeks. Go spend some time at the gym and get a good wig.” Claire watches them talk and thinks they look like an older brother talking with a younger. Sam has a baby face to Jamie's slightly more rough weathered look.
“Grand job. Now about Claire. You will start back to work on Monday. Willie will be driving you there and back and you will be pretending to be dating. Jamie you will sneak back into the house through the hidden back door. That way no one will know that you are together and we keep the illusion.”
“We are all still using burner phones to communicate. We will get you one Sam. You will also need some of Jamie's scars. We will get make-up on it.” He says with a chuckle. “Okay guys that is all for now. We will get out of your way.” They leave.
“So what do you think? Can he play me?”
“Well, he is baby face cute but I would have to kiss him to really tell.” She teases him.
“Oh, are you laughing at me lass?” He says with a smile in his eyes.
“Yes.” She cheekily replies.
“Then you will get what you deserve.” Declared as he lifts her up and carries her back to their room, depositing her on it before starting to kiss her all over.
Colum looks over at Geneva. “So, can you get him back into the fold?”
“Maybe, but he was quite upset when he found out Willoughby was the baby’s dad. I really didn’t know. We only had that one time, really one night. He was very…”
“Please don’t need those details. Can you get him back?”
“If I can’t, the brat might. I know where she is. Can use that.”
“Good, because I need him. You will meet him in Edinburgh in two weeks. I will sent you the address and meet him myself in a month. I expect him to welcome me.”
Northern Scotland
John and Hector approach a old house in the Highlands. A lady with red curly hair answers their knock.
“Ma’am, I am John Grey and this is my husband Hector. We have information on your son, Jamie.”
“Jamie, I am sorry but you have the wrong house. Jamie is dead.”
“No ma’am, he isn’t. I am from Scotland Yard. May we come in?” Shocked, she moves aside to let them in.
“My Jamie, he is alive?”
“He is. And we need to talk to you and your husband if you want him to stay that way and get your brothers.”
“Brian!” she calls out and a tall man with dark hair comes up. “These man are from the Yard and they say Jamie is alive.”
“Gentlemen, what is this about my son?”
“Let’s talk.”
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thetwstwildcard · 4 years
Do you have any ships between your own ocs?
Ha, far too many of them. I have a lot of dynamics I like but I'm also terrible at explaining them so I just do them myself through my own ocs. To keep it short (er) I'll stick to my male x female ships
Ephraim x Lovette
New ship because Ephraim is new. Flirty fox meets blind knight (in training). Lovette relies on her pretty face (and UM that makes people fall for her) to date. So when met with Ephraim she makes it a challenge. She can't use her normal ways to win him, so for revenge she'll make him fall in love with her only to dump him. But instead he makes his way into her thorned heart and she falls for him.
Jasper x Catherine
Star crossed lovers. Jasper is the jabberwocky while Catherine is Alice. It's her destiny to kill him, and yet she falls in love with him. Because of that she'll sacrifice herself so he can live free. He was her first love. They're very sweet and soft, he can see through Catherine's always happy mask. Jasper loves Catherine and wants to date her again while Catherine denies her feelings so she can save him.
Valdis x Elysia
Immortal couple who only had each other for centuries. Valdis protects Elysia with his life (not like he can die). Elysia adores mortals while Valdis hates them. Both served under the same witch and were the sole survivors of the winter tragedy. Valdis is sweet only to Elysia. She's blissfully ignorant of the darkness in the world while Valdis knows the shadows.
Sergio x Catrina
Childhood friends. Sergio knew Catrina when she was completely opposite, a scary girl who always got into fights. The last time they saw each other was at Dante's funeral. The next time they saw each other again was 10 years later, Catrina was now scared and timid of the world. Sergio is outgoing and tries little by little to help Catrina. To help her overcome her trauma (stands by her side through it all). Sergio is a total dork but has a heart of gold. The couple twisted from Hector and Imelda.
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calebswitching · 4 years
Heart to heart with mom
Caleb has a long talk with his mother during parent week
Clara and Caleb had agreed to meet at the gates of the school. She did want to try out this new supposedly 'classic Greek' cuisine, but mostly she wanted some time with just Caleb. She wanted to make sure she got time with all three boys alone during the week. Her dear sweet Nick was easy. They got into the kitchen and the communication flowed. Noah was impossible for reasons that she didn't want to explore. Caleb should have been easier, but her dear, logical, brilliant boy seemed to be... well she wasn't sure what, but obviously it had to do with the whole mess the month before. There had been no time to talk since he'd been missing for what felt like a year. Damn Mark for continuing to be in her son's life. She wasn't someone who liked violence, but God help that man if she ever got alone in a room with him. It all feels so out of her control. She smiled when she saw her son already there waiting for her. As soon as she was close enough she pulled him into a hug. "Oh... this is the thing I miss most. Getting to hug my sons whenever I want. I don't miss the science experiments in my fridge and growing on my windowsill but I do miss this." She steps back. "Let me get a look at you." It's then that she sees it. His collar is missing. "Oh... sweetheart."
Caleb should have been excited to see his mom.  And maybe part of him was.  He loved her, and he wanted to get a hug from her and to talk like they used to.  He just wanted to soak up her maternal presence while he had a chance, since he got to see her so rarely these days.  But he was dreading the conversation that he knew was coming.  He hadn't told her everything that had happened in July, and he hated talking about it.  Mostly because it flooded him with guilt.  He had been so stupid, reacted entirely in fear instead of thinking things through, and he'd almost ruined his claim in the process.  And he still wasn't wearing his collar.  Which his mother was going to notice, certainly.  Dad had noticed, when they'd gone to the book store together, but hadn't really commented, other than to ask a few gentle questions about how things were going with Eric.  Caleb hadn't explained about the collar, but his dad had seemed mollified by his reassurances that he and Eric were working through things and were still together.  But Caleb was sure his mother would want to know more. Still, seeing her smile at the sight of him made him smile too, and he sank into her hug.  It was odd, because despite being both taller and broader than her, she still made him feel like he was the one being held against her strong frame and enveloped in her arms.  Maybe it was a mom thing, a psychological thing, that she never lost the ability to make him feel safe like that.  He pulled back, huffing a soft laugh at the mention of science experiments in her fridge.  Then her expression changed, and his own smile froze, then faded.  He looked down, ashamed.  "It's, uh...  it's okay, I've got a cuff."  He held up his wrist to show her the cuff Eric had given him, which he began to fidget with.  "Plenty of people have cuffs for their claims..."  It was true, but it still sounded like an excuse.
Clara saw the change in him. At first it had been just as always. Her tall lanky man still seeming like just her her little boy as she hugged him. But as soon as she mentioned the collar he tightened up and closed off, his words sounding like nothing more than an excuse. Their claim hadn't been dissolved. Hector would have told her immediately about that. But now that she thinks back to their parting that morning he had been a bit cagey. "Yes, some people do choose cuffs for all sorts of reasons. Did you and Eric change your minds about having a collar?" She knows this wasn't some sort of aesthetic choice either of them had made. She straightened up and breath in deeply and let it out in a slow exhale. "Alright, listen my little dumplin' I know something real bad happened last month. I know you haven't wanted to talk about. Nick and Noah told me it was that damn... that it had to do with Mark, but kiddo you gotta tell your mom what's goin' on because I'm getting mighty worried right now." Her veneer always slipped away revealing just how much of a Texan girl she was in these moments. Moving to the big city, didn't change the fact that she was an Odessa country girl deep down. She took his hand and clasped it tightly in hers. "I love you Caleb Aaron Duv... Anderson and that will not change, but you've got to tell me what's going on." Her statement had all of the power of motherhood and Dominance behind it. A powerful combination of strength and love that no one could resist.
Caleb hesitated, unsure how answer.  Because, well, yes, they had changed their minds, sort of.  Or, Eric had, temporarily, while they worked on restoring trust between them. Fixing what Caleb had broken. But that wasn't what she meant, and Caleb knew it.  She was asking if they had simply decided they liked a cuff better, and the answer to that was no.  But then his mother continued, and Caleb was saved from having to come up with an answer, at least for a moment.  Not that it made him feel any better.  He could tell his mother was getting upset, because her southern accent was getting stronger.  He ducked his head and shifted his weight uneasily, even as he held on tightly to her hand when she took his.
"I'm sorry, mama," he said quietly.  He never called her that anymore, just mom, but it slipped out.  He suddenly felt like crying, and it was mortifying.  He was a grown man, he shouldn't break down in tears like a toddler just because his mom was the tiniest bit firm with him.  He swallowed and kept control of himself, carefully.  "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry so much.  I, um...  I can't wear my collar right now."  His hand came up automatically to touch his throat where it should be.  "I'll get it back, when Eric and I... when we're okay again, I guess.  But I..."  He swallowed thickly again.  This was so difficult to admit.  "I broke his trust.  Some of it was Mark's fault, but I could have told Eric what was going on.  I had a chance, I could have gone to him.  Mark was threatening to hurt me, or Eric, or himself, but... I still made a choice not to tell Eric.  And I was the one who took the collar off.  So when I got back to school...  Eric wasn't ready for me to have again yet, is all.  Because it- it stands for something I had- had broken."  He grimaced, face screwed up, trying not to get emotional.
Clara's heart broke for he sensitive boy. All her sons were sensitive in their own ways. For Caleb it was different though because another human being had broken him open. He was like an open nerve and it was so damn unfair. She listened to him without interruption before sighing and nodding. She needed to be very careful here. Caleb was another Dominant's submissive now. And she herself had a duty as a fellow Dominant to look at this from that perspective as well as a mother who just wanted to protect her baby from everything and everyone. She pulled him into another hug and just held him. "Just breathe dumplin'. Just breathe with me for a minute. Okay?" She didn't care who was there or who saw. They could all get bent as far as she was concerned. She'd spied a small stone bench under a larch oak tree not far off and she pulled back to take his hand and lead him over. She sat and patted the space next to her.
"First, I'm so sorry all of that happened. Mark needs to be dealt with. This is completely unacceptable. He can't keep coming into your life and turning it upside down." She let that sit for a moment before continuing on to the tough stuff. "I love you, my own. I love you more than the sun... more than paprika and you know how much I love paprika." She chuckled wanting to keep things as light as possible. "I love you and I also know that you should have trusted your Dom. You know that, he does, it's not something that needs to be discussed too much. But what I think is the larger issue is that we might need to start really facing what his abuse of you did. Because dumplin' I know how much you trust Eric. That boy means the world to you and more than that, he taught you to trust after someone crushed all of your trust into dust. After someone you loved pulled trust from your heart fiber by fiber. I don't think trust is the issue here. I think trauma is the issue." She held his gaze. "Eric is right to wait until you've worked out this breach of trust. But how are you doing that? What work are you doing?"
Caleb let himself be pulled into his mom's arms again and tried to breathe, like she said.  He didn't cry, but it was a near thing.  He just breathed, slowly, counting to ten before exhaling again, then counting again, and repeating until he could feel the horrible tightness in his throat recede.
He followed her over to the bench, glancing around as he did.  No one was nearby.  Good.  He didn't want an audience for this conversation.  Obediently, he sat next to her, though he began to fidget immediately.  He stared down at his knees as she spoke, though the comment about paprika got a weak chuckle out of him.  He looked up at her towards the end, watching her with a worried expression.  It was comforting to hear her say she knew how much he loved Eric.  He was still so scared that people thought he was lying, and he didn't really love his Dom, or didn't love him enough, or the way he should.  As she finished, though, Caleb looked down again.  "...We're trying," he said quietly.  "I'm still seeing my therapist.  And I'm trying to do better about communicating.  Eric says he just needs time... and I'm trying to be patient.  He deserves whatever space he needs, after what I put him through.  Especially after Mav..."  His mother had heard all about that, back in May, when Caleb had missed his co-sub so much.  "I hurt him, mom.  I might still be dealing with what Mark did, but now he's hurting, too, and it's my fault."  His throat felt tight again, and he grimaced and turned his face away.  "I don't know how to handle it.  I... I'm not allowed to leave campus with anyone but him or Noah right now, because he doesn't trust me, but I haven't told him that I'm scared to leave campus anyway.  I'm glad I'm not allowed because then it's easy to use as an excuse if someone asks.  I don't know how to fix anything.  There's nothing I can do, but just try to be good, and obedient, and hope it's enough."
Clara again listened carefully and quietly. She let a breath of a laugh pass her lips as she reached up to cup his cheek for a moment. "That's a whole lot to unpack isn't it?" She tilted her head from side to side. "I believe you dumplin'. Neither of you are the type to give in are you? You'll keep trying. All claims have their problems. Your father and I have had plenty of tough times. Times I thought our claim might fall apart. And we've hurt each other. I hate to admit just as much as you hate to admit you hurt Eric. But you are admitting it. You are owning it and working to fix it." She smiled wanly. "You don't have to know how to fix it. Sometimes I think it's the effort that is the answer in and of itself. Claims are never easy. You have to work." She nodded. "I know how hard it is, but give him that space right now. There's a lot he's working through as well, I'm sure." She shook her head. "Oh dumplin' you are good. You are such a good submissive and Eric knows that. I think it's not your obedience that needs to be addressed. It's that fear. You've come a long way toward rebuilding your ability to trust. I saw that the last time I was here, but then the fear came and shattered it." She rolled her lip in and out before looking back at him. "Would you be alright with me talking to Eric? Not to put him on the spot or try and hurry him or anything like that. Just to give him the chance to talk things through."
Caleb ducked his head down and nodded.  It was strange to hear his mom admit to having hurt dad, or vice versa, but logically he understood.  Two people couldn't live together for three decades without at some point hurting the other one's feelings.  It had always just seemed like his parents' relationship was perfect, and that they both always knew what they were doing.  But of course they had been young once.  He let out a breath and nodded.  "I'm trying," he murmured.  "It's so hard, mom.  Because he's my Dom.  It's so hard to give him space, when I need him so much.  We're sleeping in the same bed again now, but the first few weeks, when we weren't... I couldn't sleep.  I felt so guilty just being in his bed, when he was in the spare room.  But he wouldn't listen, and I didn't want to push, I didn't want to argue over something so inconsequential...  And I know he's trying to be what I need, too, but it's all so delicate, I'm scared to push him on anything." He let out a breath when she reassured him that he was good.  Oh, how he wanted that to be true.  It was easy to let himself believe it, at least for a second, coming from his mom.  But she was right, he knew, about the fear.  It was poison, and he didn't know how to be rid of it.  He bit his lip, nervous and unsure, but nodded.  "If you want to," he said softly.  "Just please don't make him feel bad.  He's so worried that he's not a good Dominant.  He thinks that all this is at least partly his fault, and he blames himself for not realizing what was going on with Mav, and he's scared he isn't doing enough to help me.  And I don't want him to feel any worse.  He's been so good to me.  He doesn't know how good he is."
"Oh dumplin' of course you need him. And you can tell him that. Giving him space doesn't mean he stops being your Dom. In fact I think telling him exactly what you just told me will go so far to rebuilding his trust. Telling him how frightened you are to go into town. Telling him all of the feelings you're having." She paused. "This is going to be hard for you to hear, but you might have to argue with him. You're going to have to fight like hell for him. And part of that is going into that uncomfortable space where you tell him all of these things. You're working hard to keep him comfortable, but sweetheart in the end he doesn't want comfort he wants you. That you are floundering without him will not make him feel upset. It might be hard for him right now, but he's your Dom and he needs to know that you need him. Clara shook her head. "I will not be making him feel bad. I promise. I want to be a Dom he can talk to as well as someone who knows you and knows the situation." She nodded. "I think it's possible that with what happened with Mav, he's dealing with his own kind of trauma. That's what I'm concerned about. You're both hurt and your traumas are banging against each other. It's not about one or the other of you being 'bad' or 'doing it wrong'. You both just need a little guidance to get back on the path."
Caleb let out a breath and sagged a little.  She was right, he knew that.  Communication, wasn't that what Eric was always telling him?  He needed to speak up, say how he felt.  But he'd been so scared lately that if he asked for anything, Eric would just give it to him, regardless of how Eric actually felt.  That Eric wouldn't take the space he needed if Caleb asked him for anything. But then again, maybe that was just another failure to entrust his needs to his Dominant.  Wasn't the point of submitting to Eric to let him choose how and when Caleb's needs were met?  He was just so scared of doing the wrong thing, and it seemed like anything he chose had a good chance of being wrong.  "I know," he said quietly, miserably.  "I think he knows that I need him.  He has to know.  But...  you're right, I know you're right.  I'll do better, I promise." Caleb sagged a little and tipped to the side to lean against his mom, putting his head down on her shoulder.  "I hate that he doesn't think he's a good Dom.  I don't know what to do to convince him.  I can't even begin to understand how he could think that, but he really does.  He worries about not being good enough, and losing me and our claim because of it.  And it's hard for me to understand because...  I know I've told you about how amazing he is, mom, how patient he is with me, but...  Everyone says their Dom is wonderful and amazing, it just sounds like I'm in love with him.  And I am.  But he's more than that, he's so good, and I don't understand how he doesn't see it.  He got me to trust again.  He did.  When we met... I couldn't even admit to being upset in front of him, he tried to get me to tell him what was wrong one day and I hid in his bathroom because I couldn't do it, and he wouldn't let me leave while I was upset.  I know I still struggle with trust, but I never would have come so far without him.  Never."
Her sons were forever open books to her. Their thoughts were written across their beautiful faces. "Good boy. You'll feel... well you'll feel nervous and maybe a little worse at first, but in the end you'll be glad you opened up to him completely. Share it all with him, dumplin'. I know it's scary but share the good, the bad, and the ugly. Might be he shows you how mighty beautiful what you think is ugly actually is." When he leaned against her, she put her arm around him and held him tight. "There's nothing you can do. He's got to learn that for himself. These are the things that will make him truly understand what it means to be a Dom. Not the surface trappings. Doms hafta dig real deep to find what truly makes them a Dom. What makes us deserving of these marks." She nodded. "You love him and that's a very good thing because you have so much to love, but it's all of the other things that makes your claim strong. Stronger than this. You're both stronger than this." She thought about Caleb hiding in the bathroom unable to talk about his feelings. He's come so far and a lot of that is owing to Eric Anderson. "I'll talk to him. You'll see he'll come around. In the meantime just open up all of yourself to him. I promise you won't regret it."
Leaning against his mom, Caleb was able to believe, at least for the moment, that things weren't hopeless.  That he could say all these things to Eric and it wouldn't be scary.  And it made him feel better that she wanted to talk to Eric, too.  Hopefully she would be able to tell him just how good he has been for Caleb, and what an amazing Dom he really was.  Maybe hearing it from another Dominant would help.  "Thanks, mom," Caleb murmured.  "For talking to him.  I'll do better, I promise.  I can be patient.  I want my collar back, but I can wait until he's ready.  My instinct is always to keep quiet, not bother him, not burden him.  But I know you're right, that isn't submitting, it's holding back, and it's not my place to choose what he does or doesn't do for me.  I have to tell him what's in my head, or he isn't making a decision not to give me what I want, I'm making that decision for him."  He let out a heavy breath.  "It just feels like I'm being demanding, you know?  I don't want to push for more than he wants to give."
"Of course Cay. I will do anything to help." She felt her heart break a little. "And I know you'll do better, because you are better. You are wonderful. You're an amazing man and a beautiful submissive. And bit by bit as you heal and he heals you'll see that it will get better for both of you." She nodded. "You will need to be patient about the collar for now. Tell him everything, but let him decide when to put that collar back on you. He will, dumplin. I have no doubt about that. But yes be patient. When he puts it on you the second time it will be for a stronger claim. You will remember that day forever." She furrowed her brow. "You're absolutely right. There may come times that you're not ready to talk or that you need to make a decision for yourself. You're a submissive, not a slave. When those times come you just need to trust that you can tell him about that too. This is why we all gotta go to Institute. None of this stuff is at all easy."
Caleb nodded without lifting his head from her shoulder. "I know that, mom. That sometimes I have to make decisions and boundaries and it doesn't mean I'm being disrespectful. It's... Sometimes it's hard because somewhere in the back of my head is this voice that I should just submit, regardless of anything else, but I know I'm not a slave and I get to have a say. It's not really an issue, since Eric always asks how I feel about things. And I'm getting better at telling him even if he doesn't ask. And I have a safe word. Not just during scenes. We have a second one. I haven't had to use it much, but it's for times when I don't know what to do or I'm nervous and I need him to check in with me.  Heisenberg.  You know, because it's an uncertainty principal."
Clara smiled. Her sweet, scientific boy was still just that. "I think that's an excellent strategy. Having situation specific safewords is a good practice that not many claims take advantage of. Your father has a certain gesture that is situation specific." She smiled warmly thinking of her submissive. He is where the boys get their sensitivity from.  "Can't tell you what it's for since that would be breach of his trust, but I can tell you that it has been real helpful. But let me ask you something. Have there been times especially recently that you've needed to use that safeword, but you held back?"
Caleb felt a little better when his mom approved of their strategy.  The information about dad made him lift his head to look at her curiously.  Internally, he debated whether it would be a bad idea to ask dad about it.  He didn't want to make his dad uncomfortable, but he was suddenly very curious.  His mom's next question, though, made him look down again, and he shrugged.  "I don't know," he said softly.  He hadn't thought about that, lately, but now that she brought it up, he realized she was right.  He looked away, feeling guilty.  "Yes.  Probably.  ....Definitely.  I was trying to just accept what he wanted...  But yeah.  There were times."
Clara took his hand and squeezed. "I'm not asking to put you on the spot or make you feel bad. But you gotta let that boy know these things. That's why he wants you to have that safeword. It's not a limited supply that you have to save up. You need to use it whenever you feel uncertain. That's how he will know when you are having troubles. He'll figure out the things that trigger your anxiety. He'll figure out what things are connected to your trauma and bit by bit he'll be able to shield you from them."
Caleb grimaced but nodded. "I know, mom. I can do better. I've gotten better, I promise. Better than I was a year ago." He let out a breath and leaned his head on her shoulder again. "I will do better. I just want to be good, and make him happy. I hate that he has to be so careful with me. I hate being so difficult. And he always says I'm not, that I'm not difficult and it isn't a sacrifice, but that's not true. He doesn't want me to think I'm difficult because then I won't ask for things, but I'm not an idiot. The times he stays up with me in the middle of the night because I had a panic attack, or he changes his plans because I reacted badly to something, all the times he sets aside what he wants because he's worried he'll make me uncomfortable.  I know you're right, and the right thing for me to do is just to communicate and be honest and use my safe word, and trust him to make space for himself too. But I just hate how difficult it is for him. It isn't fair to him. He doesn't deserve this."
"I know sweetheart. I know." She didn't want him to think she didn't know how hard he'd worked. "This is just a little speedbump on the path. You'll both be stronger once you get past it." She shook here head firmly. "You are not difficult. You have been through difficult things. Eric knows that and he loves you. He chose you. He cares about you. He wants you as his submissive. All of those things are part of being a Dominant. They are the the things we want to do for the people we care about. We want to stay up late to comfort them. We want to help them and guide them." She paused, using her finger under his chin to make sure he was looking in her eyes. "I happen to like Eric and I happen to think he deserves to have a wonderful, caring, intelligent, and sensitive submissive like you."
Caleb grimaced but didn't argue.  He'd learned by now that there was no point in arguing when someone who loved him tried to convince him he wasn't difficult.  He knew he was, but he also knew they would never admit to it.  Because they loved him, and they would do anything for him, and they didn't want him to think of his needs as an imposition.  But that didn't mean he wasn't difficult.  Love didn't make something easy, just doable.  He let out a breath and nodded, listening to his mother, and then looked up at her when she prompted him.  He wasn't expecting what she said, though, and it made him smile and look down shyly.  "Thanks, mom," he mumbled, feeling a bit awkward with such open praise.  He knew his mom loved him, but that was a long string of positive adjectives she'd just used.  "...Eric agrees with you, just so you know.  We'll be okay.  I'm okay.  I promise."
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