He just keeps proving over and over that he does not give ONE FUCK about you! Every single time I point it out, I am the one who is somehow in the wrong! You never care if he treats you like shit, and that will FOREVER bother me. It bothers me that he doesn’t even give one FUCK about how he treats you and you still treat and look at him like he is some sort of infallible god. You always get mad at me when I refer to him as the “golden boy” , but it’s becoming impossible for you to even argue that you don’t view him EXACTLY like that. You SHOULD be able to tell him about something that’s important to you, or about something that’s dangerous to you or your health ONCE! He shouldn’t need REMINDING that he is literally PUTTING YOU OR YOUR HEALTH IN DANGER!!! I completely understand why you get mad when I mess up more than once, but the fact he can make the same mistakes OVER AND OVER again and you act like it’s absolutely FINE and like YOU’RE the one over reacting for asking him to care on a basic fucking level are the one in the wrong. I’m so tired of pointing out that you’re not the one in the wrong and he’s the one who keeps fucking up and then at the end of the day I’m the one who’s the villain in the story. It’s so hard to keep my mouth shut watching ANYONE treat you like shit, never mind someone who you claim cares about you or even loves you. When I try to get you to take off your rose colored glasses and take a good hard fucking look at how much of a GIANT FUCKING USELESS DICK HE IS, I always get told I am the one who ends up “ruining” the “perfect” day you have with him. It’s funny no matter what happens when we are together i have literally NEVER heard you describe any day we spend together as “perfect”. I can’t even begin to describe how very very fucking much that hurts, and I don’t know if I EVER will.
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You tell me you miss me or that you’re going to miss me but you don’t even bother to text me when you’re with him. You get sad/mad when I don’t text you when I’m doing other things but when you are with him it’s like I don’t exist. You are on my mind 24/7 no matter who I am with or what I am doing, but the minute he enters the picture it’s like I never existed. You promised you were going to call me on your way home but apparently he’s still there so I can’t even talk to you like you promised. Just another instance that proves he’s more important than I will EVER be. I’ll never leave, no matter what, but I can honestly say the pain of coming in last when he’s your top priority increases exponentially every time. You make me feel like I’m crazy for seeing what’s right in front of my face. I will NEVER be able to compete with him, and it’s time I stopped trying and just accept my place at the very bottom of your priority list, meanwhile he’s at the tippy top. I don’t think it will ever stop hurting knowing that I was so blind to the fact to the fact that he was going to replace me. I fought as hard as I could but I still ended up losing you anyway. I’ll always be here, waiting in the wings in the background of your life for any moment you might need me. I love you, and I just wished you loved me as much as you obviously love him.
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The Bathroom was a key invention in neurodivergent rights. Sorry I hate it here I need to exit the situation for several minutes and you can't tell me not to on the off chance that I actually have to piss. It's genius. Everyone say thank you bathroom for everything she's done for us
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This pandemic is really proving that government has the means to solve all problems they just choose not to
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they should invent joints that don’t hurt
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Rashida Tlaib has set up a petition to send to the White House to recognize and stop the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement happening in Gaza. If you’re a US citizen please sign. I have no illusions that this will change policy, but the public outcry against their actions must continue. We will not be distracted or discouraged from continuing to object to these humans rights violations.
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one day I woke up and realised all the waiting and yearning was actually me living my life and it’s happening right now and it’s still good even if it’s not perfect and there is no moment when all your dreams get fulfilled and everything makes sense. like… this is it. this is life. you’ll waste away your youth waiting for some imagined future if you don’t love life for what it is now and make the most of it
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it has never been so clear to me that there are queer people in the writer’s room.. i have never seen such a clear representation of the feeling of community and seeking out others who are like you. it’s what feels so incredible about this show <3
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literally screaming into my pillow right now
via @/ilia_fyi on twitter
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Thasmin taking over me controlling me ☣☣☣
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i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again but i will never forgive all the crap jodie got for being the doctor, it was happening when she was cast, it was happening during her run and it’s happening now when the next doctor has been announced, no other doctor got so much hate as she did and it’s disgusting
jodie will forever have my love and respect and 13 will always have a special place in my heart
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Why Yaz won’t go food shopping with The Doctor
This started as two tweets I made, but I just needed to expand on it here so…
The first time Yaz left 13 with the cart, she went to grab teabags and came back to a trolley full of custard creams, 10 tins of custard and 13 fighting with someone over the last pack of fish fingers.
She insists on picking the trolleys with the wonky wheels because they’re “unloved”
One time she licked the trolley
The time Yaz turned around to see 13 balancing a basket on her head and tried to encourage Yaz to throw things in and play “shopping basket ball”
Claiming she can use the sonic to fix the temperature of the fridges and instead she turns on the sprinklers in the store
She touches all of the produce and Yaz has to stop her from licking each potato to decide which to get
Writing all over the price labels because she thinks there are spelling mistakes and “Yaz these prices are ridiculous Who would pay this?!”
She keeps going back for samples and takes a whole tray of cheese cubes because she has to try them all
When she convinced Yaz she could fit in one of the children’s carts and got stuck.
13 doing a running jump to grab items from the top shelf
The time they got into a debate over satsumas
Running off when Yaz only came in for one thing and somehow they leave with a pack of jelly babies, two packs of custard creams and a microwave.
Flinging pears (that Yaz wanted) into a tinned display pyramid and sending like 30 tins of “beefy beans” crashing to the floor
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Live Dan reaction
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Being gay isn’t a choice.  John Bishop just turns up and tells you you’re gay. 
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Yasmin Khan, you speak my language.
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