telekinetickitchen · 1 year
I went hunting for the first time with my Grandad! Dove, coyote, and rabbits are all season till the 15th. AJ wanted a Coyote but no luck seeing any they’re so elusive. We got a few dove and de feathered them. He showed my how to get the breast and heart. Not to be morbid but it was crazy seeing its anatomy, I’m a certified EMT and remember being fascinated with the human anatomy is school so it itches that part of my brain. There are a lot of similarities, well humans don’t have a pebble pouch lol.- JT
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telekinetickitchen · 1 year
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Our little baby rats are growing up! Gray and white is named Pots which is mine (JT) and the yellowish with white is Sunny (AJ). They’re are such sweet little things. Sunny is a cuddly glutton and Pots is a restless explore that likes running down arms onto my desk.
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telekinetickitchen · 1 year
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We went to the Long Beach Comic-Con yesterday! Super fun tons of things to see. I talked to a few writers about my book and they taught me how they got their books published and gave me ideas on how to publish mine.
AJ did set up most of my costume and the silver in my hair to resemble Legoshi from the super hip anime Zootopi… I mean BeastStars. She went as the lovely rabbit Haru and smashed it. It’s funny that I showed her the anime so long ago and talked about cosplaying then and we finally got to!
Amazing experience with my first ever cosplay with my lovely girlfriend. - JT
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telekinetickitchen · 1 year
When I stare into your eyes
I see the cosmos in the making
Each beam of Incandescent light
Unabashed by the fated black around them
I see the vibrance of the dust
Bright in blues, reds, and orange hues
Indescribable alone, but
Watch as they collide into stars
With unrivaled luminosense
They burn without question
In absolute defiance of the soulless aether
To me my love we are more
We are not the remains of a chemical reaction
Nor are we driven by the doctrines of physics
No manner of law governs our entanglement
The love is the inspiration to galaxies.
This is just a poem I wrote last night. I thought it was nice when I was half asleep haha. So I thought I’d share here to be the first post! Enjoy and share criticism or your own poems in the comments thank you! - JT
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