temenosjournal · 2 years
Me And A D@^~ Fern
Me And A D@^~ Fern
When I walked in the store, I knew exactly where it was. Had watched it these last few weeks. Saw it when it first arrived, in its latte brown clay cover pot, and its lovely soft blue-grey leaves. Mesmerized, I left my grocery cart by the salads, out of the way, and went over to touch its beautiful leaves. I was enchanted. But, I left it there, but noted the grower. Once home, I googled what it…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Who To Watch When The Political World Seems Too Much
#WhoToWatch #NewsJunkieResources
I’ve not written, and barely read a word of anything, anywhere. Not even this new ebook I bought a few weeks back. All hot to trot to dive in to this fantastic book by Egyptian specialist Dr. Kara Cooney, The Good Kings: Absolute Power in Ancient Egypt and the Modern World. Saw her interviewed on this YouTube channel I follow, MythVision, and was intrigued. I know, maybe not everyones cup’a, but…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Hidden Creatures Come Forth
Hidden Creatures Come Forth
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Let's Pretend Is Actually What Matters?
Let’s Pretend Is Actually What Matters?
A few years back, I was listening to CBC Radio, and the guest on was speaking about unstructured play. His point was on how today we have children who don’t necessarily have the tools that equip them for today’s world. Unstructured play? What is that? Unstructured play*,†  happens when children follow their instincts, ideas, and interests without an imposed outcome. It may include challenging…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Do You Believe In Magic? ~ Part I
Do You Believe In Magic? ~ Part I
I peed on it when I was little, I think I was 3. So, when my sister and I were divving up the furniture – after Wendy-bitch {ya, long story you can read something of here, if you so desire} had redecorated the Homestead – we decided I should have it since I’d technically claimed it. I have an old photograph of me sitting on it with great grandma. I’ve actually only seen, in person, one other…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Creating Serenity From Wild Things
Creating Serenity From Wild Things
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Of The Absence And Longing For It, I say
Of The Absence And Longing For It, I say
Life comes at you quickly. Sure. However, it also creeps along, molecule by molecule, seeps in quietly unbeknownst to you. Sometimes, before you know it, life has sucked your creative energy dry, and left you wordless. The spark sparks up every now and again, but is snuffed out by ‘the life‘. By the slow creep of blah. By too much solitude. By a myriad of chaos monsters on the take. By the…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
The Resilient Parlour Palm
The Resilient Parlour Palm
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Like A Migration Back In Time, From Avians To Pachyderms, Goeth I
#CompuServe #nanopoblano2022 #twittermigration
Way back in the long ago, before the World Wide Web, before everyone and their grandma had a computer, before facebook, before hashtags and domain names, before trolls were really a thing, before all this… I was… well, maybe you can say I was a late to the game pioneer… on Compuserve. It was the mid-90s, and was married and a bit lonely, as my ex was a railroader and gone quite a bit. Well,…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
This Semi-Hardy Purple Swedish Ivy That's Not Really Swedish
#NaBloPoMo #Houseplants #UrbanJungleVibe
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temenosjournal · 2 years
I ♥‿♥ Syngonium
#NaBloPoMo nanopoblano2022 #syngoniums
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temenosjournal · 2 years
This Thing About My American Cousins
This Thing About My American Cousins
I don’t know how to write this, cause in a way it surprises me. It feels weird saying. It has been rolling around inside for years. The first tinglings of it hit me in the Spring of 2017, listening to Yo Yo Ma play Appalachian Spring. Not sure how to say it, because I guess I don’t know where to start. Or… er… where it starts? First off, I am not Canadian, I’m American, like my dad. Mom’s…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
a short poem not about plants
a short poem not about plants
so, I was all set. tea made. idea almost in reach. and I was sideswiped by a friend, with Pika’s sister in tow. ugh. so. we kvetchedok, i kvetched he can’t talk much brain injurysodrank beertold me I reminded him of Margaret Thatchereventuallyafter some timei guess that’s kinda a hard one to mime– which maybe I deservedas I was expounding on the advantages of Prime Ministers over Presidents I’m…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Let me Introduce You To An Alocasia Named Ali
Yeah, so, if ya know a thing or four about Alocasia Amazonica, you'll know their favourite thing to do is die on you fairly promptly.
It really was all her fault, you know, Fred and I were just fine. We didn’t need no more plants around. Oh sure, there were the Oxalis I’ve almost killed 50 billion times – though if you know anything about those false shamrocks, you’ll know they also call them the Shamrock o Lazarus, cause they will always rise from the dead. Yeah, so late January 2021, late to the plant craze I guess you could…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Let's Start With A Tree Named Fred
#NaBloPoMo #NanoPoblano2022 #CheerPeppers
For some reason, beyond the realm of matter, distance, and time, I have had to pull this post out of me. I have not written for months, and this post has been dragged out of me kicking and screaming. For months, and months now the words get stuck, I am stuck. I miss writing. I love writing. I feel like a piece of me is missing without it. So, I took the challenge. Ugh. Yet, this…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
on a walk was i
on a walk was i
on pathways i’ve beenthru a meadow, by a streami was yesterday
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temenosjournal · 2 years
And Just Think, Accountants Brought Down The Mob
She was cognicent of reports that came in, attitudes, what she heard, what she saw, what she knows. Tales of tantrums, assaults on Secret Service detail, indifference to calling off the mob storming the Capital, she laid it all out there.
Hutchison was on the inside, she was on Trump team, and as an aide to the Chief of Staff, and special assistant to the president, she once worked for House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, but she is also a familiar face on Capitol Hill because she held a prominent role in the White House Legislative Affairs Office, and now held a prominent role right inside the White House, with her office several…
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