rewritingkel · 2 years
Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge
Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge
Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop” known as the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge (WWBC). I have had a lot of fun participating in these weekly challenges and look forward to the rest of this year and new topics for 2023. To see what others had to say about this weeks WWBC click here. To see the list of topics for the rest of the year, click on the photo below: List…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Hidden Creatures Come Forth
Hidden Creatures Come Forth
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing you and yours a very happy, and safe, Thanksgiving.
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge - Overused Character Stereotypes
Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge – Overused Character Stereotypes
Helpless Female/Damsel in Distress – while I understand why it is used, it is also overdone a lot – as is a Strong Female lead which can actually cause the opposite effect of what it is trying to do. But the helpless female/damsel in distress is clearly overused – especially in old literature and movies – and is annoying because most woman are not stupid enough to fall into the traps the damsel…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Top Ten Tuesday - Thankful Freebie
Top Ten Tuesday – Thankful Freebie
Today’s topic for Top Ten Tuesday is Thankful Freebie. I sometimes get a little flustered with the freebie topics because than I have to come up with something on my own. So, for the first time in a long time, I read other’s answers to this topic to get some direction on where I wanted to go with my list today. (I usually read them after I have written mine because we are given direction with…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Music Monday
Because I feel like sharing some music today and remember when Music Monday was a thing in blogging (am I showing my age now?). Also I missed Sunday (that’s two so far) in this madness of blogging everyday and I’m not overly stressed about it like I have been before during NaBloPoMo. PS the genres here are all over the place kind of like my mind but I like it that way.
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Let's Pretend Is Actually What Matters?
Let’s Pretend Is Actually What Matters?
A few years back, I was listening to CBC Radio, and the guest on was speaking about unstructured play. His point was on how today we have children who don’t necessarily have the tools that equip them for today’s world. Unstructured play? What is that? Unstructured play*,†  happens when children follow their instincts, ideas, and interests without an imposed outcome. It may include challenging…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Sketch Saturday
So these are pic cross pixel pictures, also known as nonograms, I have done. I enjoy doing pic cross it’s soothing to me.
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rewritingkel · 2 years
My Gift List for 2022
My Gift List for 2022
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Creating Serenity From Wild Things
Creating Serenity From Wild Things
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rewritingkel · 2 years
That is currently the number of posts I have in drafts folder on this blog. ·        Fourteen. Of course, one of those is a list of possible blog topics to write about. And there are at least twenty different topics listed there as possibilities. ·        Fourteen. Seems like such a small number in the scheme of things. ·        Fourteen. Three of them should be on my devotional blog. ·…
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temenosjournal · 2 years
Of The Absence And Longing For It, I say
Of The Absence And Longing For It, I say
Life comes at you quickly. Sure. However, it also creeps along, molecule by molecule, seeps in quietly unbeknownst to you. Sometimes, before you know it, life has sucked your creative energy dry, and left you wordless. The spark sparks up every now and again, but is snuffed out by ‘the life‘. By the slow creep of blah. By too much solitude. By a myriad of chaos monsters on the take. By the…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
11/15 - Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite "Aww" Moments In Books
11/15 – Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite “Aww” Moments In Books
Today’s topic for Top Ten Tuesday is Favorite “Aww” Moments In Books (Share those sweet/cute moments in books that give you warm fuzzies.). Not gonna lie, this one took me a moment. I have read a lot of books that I know I love but it’s been a while since I read them so the exact part of the book when that “Aww” moment happened isn’t necessarily fresh in my brain. But I was able to pull them up.…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Every year in November, there is a challenge for bloggers known as National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). I try to participate every year but don’t always live up to the challenge. Posting daily can be stressful and sometimes feels forced. A few years ago, I was introduced to NanoPoblano which is a similar challenge but a little less rigid. So, I try to participate in both. This year I found a…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
All It Takes Is A Little Organization
All It Takes Is A Little Organization
My washer has been having some issues so yesterday my husband and son took it apart and got it all situated for me. It wasn’t draining correctly so we cleaned out some clogs. That is what happens when you have a dog that sheds massive amounts of hair; and three people living in your household with long hair, drains tend to get clogged. In the process we cleaned out and organized the laundry room…
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rewritingkel · 2 years
Sketch Saturday
All of these were found through Google. http://botanical-paintings.com https://doodlewash.com/a-fox-in-the-snow/
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