tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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[There's nothing crueller than letting a dream end midway.]
Indie, Shota Aizawa, My Hero Acadamia.
Cross over/ OC Friendly/ Nomu/ Villain/Vigilantes and U.A. Verses available.
[18+ only]
Est. December 2022. Affiliated with @prezziemicc
[Ask] [Rules]
template credit. /Promo by: @oceanwhispers
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
Physical Contact Starters
No explicit NSFW, but some could be interpreted that way. Alter as necessary!
“Your hands are so warm.”
“Ah, that feels good…”
“Wait… are you braiding my hair?”
“Is it okay if I lean on you?”
“Just hold me for awhile. Please.”
“You don’t mind me touching you there, right?”
“Oh! I didn’t mean to fall asleep leaning on you.”
“Don’t stop stroking my hair…”
“Be gentle with me.”
“Y’know, I could go for a back rub right now. Just saying.”
“Please… Kiss me, even if it’s just this once.”
“I bet I’m strong enough to pick you up.”
“Can I use your lap as a pillow?”
“Touch me. I don’t care how. I just need to feel something right now…”
“I could kiss you all over.”
“That tickles!”
“Mind washing my back for me?”
“I didn’t know you were the cuddling type.”
“I love how soft your lips are.”
“Don’t get up just yet, I’ll miss having you next to me.”
“No one’s kissed me like that in a long time.”
“Ow! That fucking hurt!”
“Keep talking, and I’ll seriously slap the shit out of you.”
“You stepped on my foot!”
“Did you do that on purpose?”
“Please be more gentle next time…”
“Don’t squeeze so tight!”
“Hey, don’t touch me there. It hurts.”
“Did you just bite me?!”
“Next time I’ll hit you like I mean it.”
“Is that the best you’ve got?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I’ll make you bleed.”
“You really can’t take a hit, can you?”
“Hey!! What was that for?!”
“Shit, are you crying? I didn’t mean to do it that hard.”
“That stung a little. Go easy on me next time.”
“Don’t tell me you can’t handle a little sparring.”
“You almost knocked me over!”
“I won’t stop until I hear you scream.”
“That’s gonna leave a bruise…”
“You broke my nose!”
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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S6 promo banners (Kids and LoV counterparts)
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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from SUMMER 2021  our sunny spot.
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
There was no waiting in a time like this. No delaying the inevitable. It just had to get done. So he knelt there beside the other teen and waited. Waited for him to make the first move. When he stood, Shouto was there to help him stand and hold on to Katsuki at the same time. But only where he was allowed. They were all hurting now and everyone grieved in their own way.
As they entered the building, Shouto kept the people at bay, let them see but not near. While Izuku refused to look around, Shouto knew he had to. Had to to keep them from bombarding the green haired teen with questions he couldnt.. shouldn't have to answer.
"We will find someone to call. Don't worry. They will know soon enough." He said with just enough volume to be heard by others so they could make arrangements. Whether it was another Pro Hero or just a teacher. Someone in the building had to know how to get the information to Katsuki's parents.
He looked up at Izuku when he spoke again, sat now in the corner with Katsuki in his arms. "I'm sorry, but it is real.." He knelt down in front of his friend once more. "I wish I could make it a dream."
Pain was second nature to the dual user at this point. Win a few steps, loose others. It was the cycle of his life for a long time. Maybe it was what gave him the strength to be the rock for his friend now. Or maybe it was just that he was looking to show more care than he was ever offered in his times of need in the past. Maybe it was even the closeness the three of them had woven together in their weird mixed up ways. No matter what the reason was, Shouto was the voice of reason now. His feelings and own rage at the situation second to some one more important and still with him now.
“We always did. You always did, and do. Nothing is ever going to change that.” A thumb ran beneath Izuku’s lashes as he spoke, brushing away the falling tears as a tiny sad smile formed on his lips as he spoke. “I’m not asking you to be a saint. You know, I know that no one is a saint.”
Movement beside them pulled him from the small bubble he had created around them. People thinking it safe now that black whip was no longer active. Oh how wrong they were. The only ones who didn’t get a glare from Shouto himself were ones going to manage the villain. Keep Back. Thats what his eyes said with out a sound uttered from them. As far as he was concerned none of them deserved to try and help the boy they hadn’t even tried to console before him. And he had arrived later than most.
“Why don’t we get him back inside? Get you both away from this mess.”
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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How To Pick Up Hot Babes
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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They’re hitting up the 7-Eleven after school
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
Give the muse an object and see how they react.
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
If you send me a meme and I answer it, you aren’t obligated to continue it – but, if you like how it’s written & just want to reblog it to read on a rainy day ? Brother, I am 110% flattered & fully encourage you to do so ! Sometimes, it’s just fun to send in a one off thing to see how a muse responds and I am totally cool with not turning everything into a thread.
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
{{Like this post for a quirk accident child Shouto!!}}
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine.
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
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Art by mudubu00
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
He nods and switches the side he's sitting on and warms up his left side, turning into a human heater. "Bet."
“Geez you feel so cold. Let me warm you up.”
Mina looks over at him pouting, "then do it." she is grumpy because she is cold.
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tempered-in-flames · 1 year
Fluffy sleepy prompts
A long long while ago I made some prompts for muses needing sleep, and now here I am making more sleep prompts but this time with some warm and fluffy vibes!! Feel free to edit how you see fit!
“Come snuggle with me!”
“I bought the biggest blanket I could find so now we don’t have to worry about stealing blankets from each other!”
“Geez you feel so cold. Let me warm you up.”
“Pillow fight!”
“It’s too early to get up. Let’s stay a little longer.”
“And just like that, when I’m all comfortable, my bladder makes its presence known.”
“You need a break from all that work. Come lay down.”
“You know you talk in your sleep?”
“No, stay where you are. I’ll bring you some coffee.”
“Don’t think I don’t notice you yawning. I think it’s time for some rest.”
“Hey, I get it. It takes me a while to fall asleep too.”
“You must have been tired. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.”
“Sweet dreams, love.”
“I’m so glad you’re back home. I missed having you next to me at night.”
“Do you think counting sheep together will help us fall asleep?”
“You always have the most peaceful look on your face when you sleep.”
“You fell asleep right on my shoulder. Haha, no, no don’t feel bad. I thought it was rather cute.”
“You looked too comfortable to wake up.”
“I’m so sleepy…”
“Babe… shh.. don’t worry about all of that. You need to rest.”
“Wanna hear about the weird dream I had last night?”
“Did you sleep well?”
[HAIR] - For sender to stroke receiver’s hair until they fall asleep
[SHOULDER] - For receiver to notice sender falling asleep on their shoulder
[WARM] - For sender to share warm milk with receiver before they go to bed
[CUDDLE] - For both muses to cuddle up next to each other in bed
[CARRY] - For sender to carry receiver to bed
[DESK] - For receiver to find sender asleep at their desk after working nonstop
[CONVERSATION] - for both muses to have a late night conversation as they lay next to each other
[HUM] - For sender to hum a calming tune while cuddled up next to receiver
[PILLOW FORT] - For both muses to get comfy in a pillow fort they built
[ACTION] + reverse for the roles to be reversed!
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