tempusrimor · 3 years
i hate tumblr
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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Doctor Who moodboard: Tenth Doctor/Missy (requested by: @queencfevil)
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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Doctor Who - The Satan Pit
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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Oh, all right then. It’s me! Ta-da!
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tempusrimor · 4 years
“I know...it’s ok,” he whispers back, his voice soft and soothing.
His arms are shaking, his knees weak, struggling with holding her up, though he isn’t sure whether the unsteadiness is from his panic with the situation or because he hasn’t eaten properly in weeks. In hindsight, performing his own little hunger strike in response to his captivity probably wasn’t his best idea yet. 
“Just a little old bullet,” he murmurs, adjusting her in his arms as they walk along the corridors. A little smile is attempted, but it comes forth as more of a pained grimace.
When he turns to look at the Master, all traces of that attempted smile are gone. “Where’s my TARDIS?” His gaze is hard. A glare.
It should have been him. He should be the one fighting regeneration right now. The Doctor can’t help but feel weirdly bitter, frustrated with the crisis at hand. 
The Doctor continued to hug Stera close to his chest, trying to ignore the feel of warm sticky blood on him.
They were almost there, almost to the door, when Jack’s voice reached his ears. For fuck’s sake. He didn’t want to explain this right now. He didn’t want to see the betrayal on Jack’s face if he told him that Stera was their daughter. He didn’t want to see the disgust on Martha’s face.
“Jack, I can handle it. I’ve got this. Just trust me,” he hoped he looked and sounded reassuring, standing there and looking over his shoulder. “I won’t let him do anything.”
He looked away before he could see any expression on Jack’s face, and continued to follow after the Master.
@theresastargirl then @tempusrimor (since its been a while since i’ve responded)
Jack frowned, but his implicit trust in the Doctor - which Koschei thinks is, frankly, ridiculous - keeps him from moving, from stopping the group further. Koschei motions to the guards to open the doors, to let them through, and in some kind of miracle, they do.
He leads them through the doors, carefully, slowly, making sure that he’s still got a hand on Saeya’s. He doesn’t dare glance at the Doctor, his attention split between not running into the wall and keeping Saeya alive. “Don’t give into the pain, Stella, stay focused.”
He knows it’s possible to not regenerate, to give up and let death take you. In another life, he’d done just that, an alternate universe where he was the one who got shot. Where he’d rather die than become the Doctor’s pet. He’s not going to let that happen to his daughter.
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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DOCTOR WHO | Last of the Time Lords
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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DOCTOR WHO | Rise of the Cybermen (2.05)
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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Doctor Who | 3.10 Blink
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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The feel of Martha’s head is comforting, and were he not so distracted by the fact that she was wearing his clothing he probably would have been more appreciative of this.
The Doctor’s brain short circuits even further when he feels her hand laid over his, her skin warm against his own. His gaze flickers down to their hands, and then back up to her.
“I missed you too.” And he did. They always say you never know what you had until its gone.
After a moment of hesitation, he brings up his free hand to place it on hers, intertwining their fingers. Their hands fit perfectly together.
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“Oh.” The Doctor is a bit caught off guard by her voice, and he blinks once down at her.
He has to admit the coat looks quite nice on Martha, oversized and dragging slightly on the ground. The ends are probably filthy, but he really can’t find it himself to care. He’s too busy staring at her. He has been since she sat down next to him nearly 15 minutes ago, the coat wrapped around her.
He clears his throat, and wonders if his voice sounds as scratchy to her as it does to him. “No, you can keep it on if you want. I’m…warm, anyway.”
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His voice sounds like home, Martha thinks, before reminding herself that she has a new home, here on Earth. But it doesn’t help when she’s wrapped up here, in his coat, his smell surrounding her, her head leaning on his shoulder. Maybe he could be home again. Just for a little while.  “I missed you, you know?” She says softly, reaching out to place her hand over his.
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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“Oh.” The Doctor is a bit caught off guard by her voice, and he blinks once down at her.
He has to admit the coat looks quite nice on Martha, oversized and dragging slightly on the ground. The ends are probably filthy, but he really can’t find it himself to care. He’s too busy staring at her. He has been since she sat down next to him nearly 15 minutes ago, the coat wrapped around her.
He clears his throat, and wonders if his voice sounds as scratchy to her as it does to him. “No, you can keep it on if you want. I’m...warm, anyway.”
@tempusrimor​ liked for a starter from martha
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“You know, if I were crueler, I’d keep this coat,” Martha said, gesturing her arm down her body as the long tan fabric pooled around her. “But I know it’s the source of your charisma, so I’ll give it back.”
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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He wasn’t cross, per se. He couldn’t really find it in himself to be cross with her when he probably would have done the exact same thing had he been in her position. How was one supposed to resist a big glowing purple orb? Besides, the Doctor had had his fair share of mishaps just like this one; a hand laid in the wrong spot, a breath blown in the wrong direction, once even a tongue stuck on the wrong surface (probably serves him right for trying to lick a precious artifact in an alien museum anyway). The quaint little holding cell they’d been tossed into by the authorities of the planet they were currently visiting wasn’t exactly foreign to the Doctor. He’d certainly seen the inside of plenty of cells in his life.
So no, he wasn’t cross. He was more frustrated, because said authorities had actually had the wits to search his seemingly endless pockets and take most of his belongings, including his sonic. Fortunately, they’d left him his glasses and a few boring objects that had been in the very bottom of his pockets. 
He looked up from where he was currently sitting with his legs crossed up beneath him on the concrete floor, his glasses slipping down his nose slightly. He was in the process of trying to create a...well, a something to try to aid them in their escape from prison. “I don’t blame you,” he clarified, shaking his head slightly. “If they didn’t want people to touch their precious orb, they shouldn’t have left it so out in the open like that. It was just asking to be touched. Frankly, I think they were a bit harsh about the whole thing.” A little smile pulled at his lips and then he turned his attention back to the few choice objects spread out on the cold floor in front of him.
| @tempusrimor​ |
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“Okay… I know you said don’t touch anything, but look, I’m your kid, that’s a little bit difficult to follow when I’m still learning everything in the universe so really, you can’t entirely blame me for touching a glowing purple object on an alien planet just out of pure curiosity.” The girl was rambling quickly, trying to cover up her worry that was etched across her face, and pray that he wouldn’t be too cross with her at the moment. 
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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tempusrimor · 4 years
henlo pls go check out my other blog which is stil under construction but is very cool if I do say so myself... @tempusvictorem...he's my Time Lord Victorious character I've had in the works for a while uwu
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tempusrimor · 4 years
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