tenaciouswitchcraft · 9 years
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The name sounded familiar to her too. she remembered Homura grabbing her and interrogating her, and calling her ‘Charlotte’. And a witch. Now, this was only getting more confusing, or at least to her.
“What?! No! I would never say that to anyone! Wait, if your name is Charlotte and Homura called me Charlotte the witch…Than are you like..sorta like me from another timeline?”
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❝Not quite, but close. I’m more so a version of you from a separate reality. Different universes and all that.❞ He explained cheerfully, glad that he wouldn’t have to explain as much as he thought he would.
❝I’m the witch that used to be the Nagisa Momoe of this world. I dunno who this Homura person is, though. Another magical girl?❞
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 9 years
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Red and orange eyes narrowed as she took the male in. He…looked so much like her. She gently reached up, poking his shoulder to see if he was real. 
“Nagisa…my name is Nagisa. So, who are you? And why do you look like me?”
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❝Nagisa...?❞ He asked slowly, ignoring the the pressure on his shoulder as he kept staring. Blinking slowly, he realised that he hadn’t actually introduced himself back.
❝My name is Charlotte, the witch of desserts. As for why I look like you... Well... I, um... You trying to say I look like a girl !?❞
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 9 years
tenaciouswitchcraft started following you
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Nagisa looked around the labyrinth she was currently in. It felt and looked quite…familiar. A minion that looked like one of her own ran by, carrying cheese. She gaped, following it as it led to the center; the young girl coming to a halt as she came eye to eye with…someone who looked like herself?
“What the…Who are you?”
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❝Huh...?❞ Charlotte looked up from his cake, taking in the girl that had wandered into his labyrinth. What the heck...? Why did that girl have the same face as him? Jumping down from his tall chair, he landed in front of the whited hair child, looking closely at her.
❝...I could ask you the same thing.❞
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 9 years
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            ❝You’re the type that blends into someone else’s shadow.❞
                                                   {guidelines} {profile} {verse} {ask}
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 9 years
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❝I’m an anomaly compared to most Witches. At least, that’s what I was told.❞
Not even Charlotte himself was 100% sure just what his deal was, he really only had the word of Kyubey to go on.
❝I liked sweets a lot when I was a human, so that’s where most of it comes from. The medical stuff is probably because the hospital is where I... Well, y’know...❞
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“Yeah, that’s the name that most of you’ve been going by! Gotta say, you’re the first “Witch” I met so far who hasn’t tried to kill me in some way. Always good to see.”
A few glances around, the hybrid looking around with interest.
“So this is your barrier, huh? Any reason why it’s… like this, in particular?”
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
Gretchen is back. Isn't that great~?
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Charlotte paused, only to moments later let out a horrified high pitched sound.
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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❝Youkai?❞ Charlotte had to think about the word for a few seconds before remembering what it was. There went his theory of her being a magical girl. ❝I’m a Witch, not a youkai.❞
He wasn't sure if asking about the whole growing up with youkai was polite or not.
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"Why would I do that? I practically grew up among youkai, and in that kind of environment you learn to live and let live real quick. Sides, you look like an okay person."
She could sense the magic on him, so she’ll assume he’s that until shown otherwise. 
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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Charlotte pauses mid-bite, feeling an odd shift in the air. Did the universe just become more despair filled...?  ❝...What the heck just happened...?❞
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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"...You're not going to attack me? Most girls I meet tend to do that."
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"Can I help ya, kiddo?"
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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"I'm not sure if I can make something like that, sorry..."
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"Ehh, like a normal coffee but sweeter taste, also some cubes of ice."
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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"...I have never actually seen what iced coffee looks like."
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"I’d rather have ice coffee."
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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"For all those who didn't receive chocolate this year, that's okay! I have plenty to go around!"
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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An embarrassed flush settled on his cheeks when his suspicion had been confirmed. The witch had brought her into his barrier, by accident of course. "...Oh. Oops. My bad. Sorry, completely my fault." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, trying not to frighten the older human any more than he might already have.
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     The rose-haired middle schooler lifted both hands across her chest, the front of her neatly formed ribbon grazing upon the tips of her flesh. A look of dismay came to her facial expression before she flinched at the progressive approaching of the young boy. “W-What? But.. I’ve always gone past here." 
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
[ hmmmmmmm what if i made a trans man homura blog?????? ]
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tenaciouswitchcraft · 10 years
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 so i made this new side blog, and it’s a madoka kaname  so please like this or reblog to get this started by tommorow.
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