tendonsatire · 3 years
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Jinx - Arcane Icons
@PERCYPHNE on twitter
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tendonsatire · 3 years
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like and © @falcongxrl on twitter if you save pls
without psd here X
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tendonsatire · 3 years
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𝑱𝒊𝒏𝒙/𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒅𝒆𝒓 ♡ Icons
feel free to use! ♡
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tendonsatire · 3 years
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𝑱𝒊𝒏𝒙 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑬𝒌𝒌𝒐 ♡ Icon & Header
feel free to use! ♡
note: I luv this scene so muchh
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tendonsatire · 3 years
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tendonsatire · 3 years
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Arcane Headers
please like if you save or use.
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tendonsatire · 3 years
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tendonsatire · 4 years
donations masterpost
i've composed a list of all of the donation fund i could find. i will stand with black lives forever and always and everybody should do the same.
donate to the minneapolis bail fund here
donate to the black lives matter movement here
donate to the george floyd memorial fund here
donate to george floyd's family here
donate to the justice for regis fund here
donate to reclaim the block here
donate to the i run with maud fund here
donate to justice for jamee here
donate to the eric rosalia fund here
donate to campaign zero here
donate to the north star collective here
donate to black visions here
donate to the national police accountability project here
donate to the unicorn riot fund here
if i've missed any then please add them onto this post! if you're a black person with your own donation fund then feel free to add that too!
share if you can't donate, share if you can
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tendonsatire · 4 years
please reblog if you have links for bail funds in other cities or other resources!
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tendonsatire · 4 years
Comrades in Minneapolis—this video from Chile shows how to extinguish tear gas canisters quickly, safely, and easily. To deal with tear gas canisters, take a water jug with a wide mouth, put a little baking soda, dish soap, and/or vegetable oil in the jug of water—3 tablespoons of each to 1 liter of water. Pick up the canister with protective gloves (it’s hot and can burn you!), drop it in the jug, and shake the jug while covering the top with your gloved hand just enough that the gas doesn’t get out. Don’t cover the top too tightly—you don’t want to make the jug explode. Don’t let the police or #COVID19 cut off your air supply. Fight back! #icantbreathe #GeorgeFloyd #Minneapolis
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tendonsatire · 4 years
for people who are unaware of why the riots in minneapolis started happening, here’s the facts:
it wasn’t george floyd’s protesters who started reacting violently; it was the cops.
the protest was peaceful until the cops showed up in riot gear, and started using water cannons, followed up by tear gas and rubber bullets. i got videos from friends who were there, of people screaming and running away from the cops shooting the water cannons, rubber bullets and throwing tear gas at them. they were even shooting at the protesters dragging people away to get medical attention.
speaking of medical attention, dispatch refused to provide any medical attention to the protesters. people literally had to drive their bleeding friends to the hospital because they refused to send ambulances.
cops are using non-lethal weapons in a lethal way. they shot rubber bullets into people’s heads and injured them. there’s dozens of photos of protesters with bleeding head wounds from the rubber bullets.
multiple people used police scanners and heard that there were undercover cops pretending to be violent protesters who were throwing rocks and whatnot at the police, with dozens of eyewitness accounts confirming that information.
the person who instigated all the chaos last night (it was a fire at an autozone) with the looting and burning buildings is highly suspected to be an undercover cop pretending to be a protester, because the video of him keeps getting taken down. protesters tried to stop him but couldn’t because he had a hammer and they were scared for their safety.
the cops jammed cell phone towers and cut live streams to interrupt broadcasts and to prevent people from seeing what was really going on and who actually started the violence.
the cops lied about protesters being armed and about throwing rocks and are literally trying to continue the violence happening and yet no one is holding them accountable for that.
and during all this, the cop that murdered george floyd still hasn’t been arrested. he has had more than ten complaints filed against him and was involved in three other civilian shootings in the past. and yet he’s still out free along with his three other buddies involved, probably sitting on his couch while all this chaos is happening.
so don’t get it twisted. the cops just want to change the narrative to make it look like they’re the wounded and righteous party, when they’re the ones who started reacting violently in the first place and are still acting violently. so don’t you ever forget who started this tragedy and murdered someone, and who are continuing to react to the situation with violence. 
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tendonsatire · 4 years
Money? Please and thank you...
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741K notes · View notes
tendonsatire · 4 years
Red (Ginny Weasley x fem!Reader)
Ginny and I grew up together. We were best friends and I would have never expected it to come to this. I honestly would have expected myself to maybe fall for one of her brothers, I mean a lot of them are nice and funny, they were just more like the siblings I never had. Yet here I was, falling in love with my best friend.
I was just finishing up my summer work in my bedroom when I heard the sound of pounding footsteps going up the stairs and coming towards my room. I knew my parents were gone for the day, so I quickly grabbed my wand and hid in my closet. I peaked through the small crack as someone burst in through my bedroom door and flopped on my bed. I watched as the red head sat up and looked around, confused. I swung the closet door open with a huff. 
“Why didn’t you write before you came? You scared me half to death.” I declared lowering my wand and setting it on my dresser. 
“Sorry I figured I’d surprise you. You haven’t been around to the Burrow in a while. I wanted to check in on you and hang out,” Ginny explained with a shrug. I could only nod a bit in understanding as I sat back down at my desk. 
“I’ve been working on the school work we were assigned for the summer. I’m almost done with the last essay.” I turned away from my very attractive distraction and picked up my quill. “It shouldn’t take me long to finish it so you better entertain yourself without distracting me.”
I heard a sigh from the bed beside me and laughed, continuing the essay. Having Ginny around did make it take me a tad longer to finish the task at hand, but checking the time, it only took me about twenty minutes. I put the work away in my school bag and put it in my school trunk so I wouldn’t forget it like last year. My mum and dad were not happy to have to deal with that.
“Okay, you have my full attention.” I said with a grin flopping down onto my back beside her. 
“As if you’d have it any other way.” Ginny teased, turning to her side to face me. I raised an eyebrow before laughing, having to look away to try to avoid blushing.
“Oh for sure,” I agreed, finally turning my gaze back to her. 
“Speaking of who has captured your attention-” Ginny started, catching me off guard so I naturally interrupted her. 
“-come on Ginny not this again!” I muttered, grabbing a pillow and covering my face with it. 
“-oh no you don’t! You have never once told me who you had fancied except the one time it was Ron and then you saw him throw up slugs and realized how bad of an idea that was.” She reminded me, watching me cringe. 
“I don’t know how I ever thought he was even a little desirable.” I agreed, shaking my head. “I just haven’t really liked any other guys.” I added with a shrug. 
Ginny hummed, nodding as well. “I mean, we’re young so it doesn’t really matter right now, but you really haven’t liked anyone?” 
I looked at her and raised my eyebrows and watched as she finally relented. “Thank you. What about you Gin? I haven’t heard much from you about anyone recently.” I turned the conversation, honestly surprised by my realization.
Ginny hummed, thinking for a moment before speaking. “I mean there’s Harry and Dean, but you know I pretty much gave up on Harry.” She looked over at me. “What do you think about Seamus?” She grinned and I couldn’t keep in the incredulous laugh.
“Really? You think it’d be a good idea for me to pursue Finnigan?” I asked, sitting up and crossing my legs. 
“Okay maybe not Finnigan.” She agreed with a smile. She sat up and scooted back a little. 
“Oh, I was supposed to ask you guys if you want to come over tonight for dinner, mum and dad are doing a barbecue night.” I asked when I managed to remember. 
“I wish, Harry and Hermione are staying with us for a bit, I know mum wouldn’t want to impose with so many mouths to feed.” Ginny sighed, to which I laughed.
“Oh please my family loves company, maybe a little too much. They’d love to host them too.” I returned and waved a hand before choosing to sit against the wall. 
The school year was going alright so far. I was obtaining pretty good marks in my classes, the only thing that sucked was that a certain someone was actually dating Dean Thomas. It honestly broke my heart when Ginny told me she was dating him. Of course I was roped into so called “double dates” since Seamus and I were both single. I despised such dates and I knew he wasn’t very fond of them either considering the fact he drags his feet and slumps quite a bit on the way. Him and I actually did become friends through this and I knew he had his eye on some smart Ravenclaw at the moment.
“You could just, I don’t know, ask her out? Then you, Dean, and Ginny could go on a real double date instead of having the two of us tag along miserably as we watch our best friends get all mushy.” I pointed out, figuring the suggestion would be helpful. He looked horrified by the suggestion.
“Oh as if you can talk, you’ve never gone out with anyone.” He retorted to which I shrugged, kicking a rock.
“I’ve never liked anyone who’s liked me back. That, or I come to my senses before there are any moves made. It’s just not something that’s in my cards.” I half-explained, there was no point in telling the full truth. 
I was jostled a little as Ginny trotted up to me and slid her arm through mine. “Sorry Finnigan, she’s mine now.”
“I guess I’ll see you later, don’t forget to use some of that Gryffindor courage.” I teased before walking away from him and Dean and turning my attention to my best friend.
“You two were getting along well.” She pointed out, I looked at her, raising my eyebrows. 
“You know he likes a girl from Ravenclaw right?” I mentioned, just wanting her to leave it be.  
“You're a girl from Ravenclaw.” She pointed out to which my mouth dropped open in surprise. 
I took a moment, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to figure out what to say. “I’m pretty sure it’s not me...” I told her to which she laughed. “Besides, it doesn’t matter. I like someone else.”
“What? You never mentioned that! Who is it?” Ginny looked way too excited to the half truth. It's not like it'd matter. Nothing bad would ever come of lying about this so, might as well. I looked towards her and smirked before having to laugh at her pout. 
I took a moment to think up some random guy who was far too unobtainable.
"Okay fine, I just don't know how to tell you." I only kinda admitted since it's actually not a he in the first place, letting out a long breath. "I'm sorry Ginny, I'm in love with Bill." I watched as she pulled away in horror, gasping dramatically.
"No you do not! You do not like Bill!" She exclaimed far too loudly. I couldn't help but laugh. When she took notice she hit me on the arm, fairly light.
"Merlin, you should've seen your face!" I laughed, turning from her and taking off in a run back to the castle, knowing full well she would be chasing after me.
I ran inside, immediately finding Professors McGonagall and Flitwick conversing down the hall. I turned to go back outside, only for Ginny to collide with me. I let out a groan grabbing onto her so I wouldn’t fall. 
“What are you-” she started before looking past me and seeing the professors. “-oh.” She muttered, grabbing my hand and pulling me back outside. “To the lake it is!” She declared, leading me out to the lake. 
It had been months since Ginny suggested Seamus has a crush on me. I still didn’t believe it, until she pointed out all the flirting he did towards me and the looks he threw my way. I started to notice too. 
I couldn’t believe what was happening. Ginny had convinced me to sit at the Gryffindor table with Dean and Seamus for dinner. Unfortunately for me she was sat across from me beside Dean and Seamus had taken the seat beside me. I stared at Ginny, giving her a look to express how betrayed I felt at the moment. Seamus was acting way more confident in how he acted towards me. Ginny gave me an innocent smile before turning her attention back to her boyfriend. 
I reluctantly turned my attention back to the boy beside me and couldn’t help, but smile when I saw him looking back at me with an orange peel in front of his teeth. I decided to relent and looked around the table. I grabbed my spoon, glad I hadn’t chosen to eat an and breathed on the concave side of it before sticking it on my nose. I turned to look at him with a small smirk as he laughed at the sight, but he wasn’t the only one. Ginny was looking at me and laughing behind a well placed hand in an attempt to hide the fact that she was watching us. I turned my gaze away from her as Seamus took his own spoon to try the same thing. 
After dinner, full of thrilling conversation and many jokes, we were walking back towards our common rooms. When we got to a point where I’d part ways to go to my common room I stopped, everyone else following suit.
“I know we usually hang out after dinner, but I’ve got some essays to finish up.” I told them, angling myself towards the Ravenclaw common room. 
“You’d choose homework over us?” Ginny complained, feigning hurt. 
“Oh please I’m choosing homework now so I can choose you later.” I reminder her with a laugh. Ginny let out a long breath, but eventually nodded. 
“Fine. I’ll let you this time.” She muttered before laughing when she saw the face I was making. 
“Whatever, Gin.” I laughed as she hugged me. “Have a good night boys.” I said with a short wave. I turned away and made my way back to my common room.
Seamus did not fancy me. I found out from him when we were hanging out with Dean and Ginny in the library. They were off making out in a back corner. I didn’t know who she was well. She was in his year and I didn’t talk much to people who weren’t in my year. He had told Dean and Ginny probably knew by now.
Later on I was hanging out with Ginny and Luna. Seeing my smirk Ginny cut me off before I could say anything. 
“Don’t say it. Dean told me. I hate it when you’re right.” She muttered, I laughed at her words, shaking my head before explaining to Luna what we were talking about.
“You thought Seamus liked her? They would have never worked out.” Luna commented offhandedly, looking down at the latest issue of The Quibbler, one I’d probably borrow from her and read. It was definitely my guilty pleasure. 
I stared at Luna, my eyes wide. I knew she knew how I felt about Ginny. I had never told her, but she was too observant for my own good. 
“What does that mean?” Ginny asked, looking between us. Luna looked up, looking at Ginny, before looking at me.
“She fancies someone else.” Luna answered simply. 
“Luna!” I cried, face palming. Now Ginny would never leave it be. 
“What? You never told me that!” Ginny complained, looking at me. “We’ve been best friends forever!” 
I sighed, shaking my head, “I never told anybody. Luna figured it out on her own. We’re dorm-mates and she’s super observant. It’s like impossible to hide anything from her.”
“Well who is it then?” She asked, I didn’t answer right away, leading her to gasp. “It’s not Harry is it?” She questioned, looking betrayed. I made a disgusted face. 
“Are you kidding me? Do you really think I’d fancy someone you’ve been in love with since forever?” I retorted, growing upset. I quickly stood and grabbed my things. “And do I need to remind you that you do in fact have a boyfriend who isn’t him? You’re acting betrayed at the prospect of me liking him, yet here you are lusting after him when you should be loyal to Thomas. Who are you kidding even dating him? Everyone knows he’s just a detour on your way to Potter.” I turned on my foot and walked into Thomas. My eyes went wide and I glanced down at Ginny. I swallowed hard, turning my gaze downward and trudging past him and to the library instead. Luna followed shortly after since I had managed to start a fight. 
It was  well after the winter holiday. I had managed to break up Dean and Ginny before winter break, but Ginny, shortly after the break up, started to date Harry. My heart quite literally broke when I heard the news. She hasn’t talked to me since Dean broke up with her, which I understood. Luna was ironically the only person keeping me sane. I sat down at my desk and grabbed a roll of parchment. I was the only one in my dormitory at the moment, might as well use the time.
I’ve probably written and rewritten this letter a thousand times. I’ve never known what to say. I’ve tried “I’m sorry” over and over again. That felt weird. You haven’t talked to me since the fight and I haven’t figured out a way to approach you since the first few times I apologized. I figured now was as good a time as ever to write this out. I don’t even know if I’ll send it. I’ve practically ruined this friendship anyways so there’s not really anything stopping me. Here goes nothing...
I have never had a crush on any guy since he who I cannot bring myself to name. I have always had my eye on someone though. I never thought I’d actually tell you. The reason why I never told you who I fancied, was because it’s you. It’s always been you. You’re so brave and confident and amazing at everything you do. How could I not eventually fall for you? It was only a matter of time. I didn’t even realize it at first. Luna said something about how my feelings for you were obvious and I haven’t been able to calm my heart since. Every time we’re together, I get butterflies. I’ve learned that I love you. Even now it’s hard to admit. I could burn this and it wouldn’t matter. You are my everything. I just want you to be happy and I can tell you are even though it hurts to know it’s without me. I will always love you. 
Your Ravenclaw and Admirer
I read over the letter, only just now noticing a few tear stains. Had I really been crying? I guess I did notice my vision getting wonky. I just had to pound this out already. 
I rolled up the parchment, tying it off with some twine. Me being the dork I am, I grabbed some wild flowers from what I picked today and put in a vase and stuck it under the twine. I wrote her name beside the bow and grabbed my sealing wax. I cut a few chunks off and placed it in an old spoon that I used to heat it. I poured it over the bow, letting it drip down the curve of the scroll. Picking up the scroll I pressed my lips against it before moving to my open window. 
I gave a sharp and loud whistle and waited for my owl, Hecate, to perch on my window. I tied it to her leg. “This goes to Ginny.” I muttered, giving her a few treats. “Don’t wait around long enough to see if she writes back. I don’t want to put her out anymore than this. And make sure she gets it when she’s alone. I don’t need to be embarrassing myself more than that.” I told Hecate, brushing a hand over her head. I knew Ginny would be out by the lake, but I didn’t know if she’d be with anybody.
Hecate gave a short trill before flying out. I sighed, watching her go. I went to my bed and laid down, closing the canopy around me. Might as well try to get a little rest. 
I woke up to someone forcibly pulling my bed’s curtains back. I groaned, turning away. “Closed curtains means do not disturb.” I muttered allowing myself to fall back asleep. I peaked an eye open as a crumpled piece of parchment was dropped atop me. I saw the was drippings and a G on the paper before sitting up. I looked to the red headed girl I hadn’t had the chance to properly speak to in months. 
“Ginny? How did you get in?” I asked grabbing the paper I had poured my heart onto. I started to smooth it out over my knee, frowning, welcoming any reason to not look directly at her. 
“I answered a riddle, it wasn’t very difficult.” She retorted. She pulled my desk chair towards the bed and sat in it. Once it was straightened out I set the letter on my desk. I looked to her waiting for her to say something, why she was here. 
“I obviously got your letter.” She nodded at it and I shrugged. “I didn’t know. You acted so weird about it.” She told me. “I thought the worst.”
“It doesn’t matter, you ended up with the man of your dreams.” I muttered, crossing my legs beneath me. 
“We broke up.” She whispered, I barely heard it. 
“What?” I asked, completely caught off guard. 
“Your letter, it made me think... I wasn’t worried about you liking him... I was worried about you liking him, because it wasn’t me. I wanted you to like me.” She admitted, swallowing hard, “something felt weird about my relationship with him. Something just wasn’t there. You weren’t there.”
“Ginny, I-” I started to say, looking to my hands and playing with my comforter. I looked back to her only to be taken completely off guard. 
Ginny’s hands came up to cup either side of my face and she was kissing me. My eyes fluttered closed as I leaned into her touch, my hands moving to her waist. She stood from the chair and climbed onto my bed, straddling me. The kiss deepened and suddenly everything seemed to fall right into place.
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tendonsatire · 4 years
297K notes · View notes
tendonsatire · 5 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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tendonsatire · 5 years
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tendonsatire · 5 years
PSA for Star Wars fans:
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