IM👏LOVE👏YOU? That's👏right,👏I👏love👏you with👏all👏my👏heart👏you👏are👏so👏important👏to👏me👏I LOVE👏YOU
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Ah. Hello there.
I am Rosali Lalond, the Oracless. Welcome to my blog, which mostly consists of purrbeasts and rampant inactivity. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
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I am in the process of knitting you a tank top that reads “I flexed and the sleeves exploded”.
@tentacle-thaumaturge​  #I am surprised your sleeves have not ripped with that flex however. [x]
Ros omfg.
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I returned to my blog on the Blue Hell Site in order to bring attention to my beautiful matesprit.
Reblog her selfie.
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[Alternian text reads: “I find your lack of cheer disturbing” (”Star Wars™”)]
Local badass shows off. Empire surrenders immediately. ;33
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You’re quiet for a bit as you mull this over, then...
“You had a similar reaction to dander from Jaspers, did you not?” you ask calmly, not accusatory. “It sounds like a severe allergic reaction. Kittens often shed more than adult cats since they are losing their young fur and growing more coarse adult fur, so I would not be surprised if a more severe response were had.”
Whoops, your fingers are playing with her hair. You retract them since you’re never quite sure who likes that.
“Do you have any idea how it got in here?”
Frown. Your gaze drops to the ground and you mentally retrace what happened… but you have a suspicion that you already know what caused it. Though you really really reaaaally don’t want to be the one to say it. 
“id finished practicing telekinesis, soo i started exercising… it wasnt anything really strenuoous oor soomething ive never doone befoore and it was gooing fine.”
Now. Now you must venture into mentioning the cat. But you don’t dare implicate. And also admit that you ignored the warning signs oh jeeze you hope hope hhhhope they aren’t disappointed.
“the kitten came in and everything was still fine, and i was running, and started too feel kind oof ooff, like, tired, but i just assumed itd goo away and ignoored it. but it oonly goot woorse and even stoopping didnt help it”
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“Do not worry about thanking me, all I did was remember my training. Though this does make me think that we should perhaps go over these protocols with the rest of the crew.” Just to be safe. You sling an arm around Jadine’s shoulders. Good Gl’bgolyb, she’s tiny.
“Feeling better?”
Goddammit. You’re trying not to sputter-laugh into your oxygen mask. But you’re sputter-laughing into your oxygen mask and holding tighter to Rosali in a vain attempt to ground yourself. Jaheim has earned a (gentle!!! he is too good) elbow to the side. Rude.
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You roll your eyes. You even make your pupils dilate by blinking a few times just to emphasize just the fact that you’re enthusiastically rolling your eyes.
You laugh anyway.
You already know ahead of time that you’re going to regret dignifying his joke. And yet. And yet…
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It probably didn’t occur to Jadine because she probably didn’t go through the training. You accept the mask and tank, offering the mask to Jadine.
“Just put this on your face,” you explain, knowing she probably didn’t go through ascension training. But this was the basics. “Make sure it covers your nose and mouth. You will probably feel like you are flying.” If she takes it, you’d help her strap it properly to her head.
“As for what is ‘sup’, the ceiling.” Oh no, the lusus jokes are spreading. “Breathe deeply and try to stay calm. We are here with you.”
Why did that not occur to you at any point? You would facepalm, but your arms are occupied with datemate, so you do it internally. 
Oh, good, you feel well enough to feel embarrassed. You lean into Rosali about as much as you can and keep your eyes focused on the hatch now. “sup”
Still wheezy, and kiiiind of strained, but the question stands.
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((I keep my desktop fairly organized, but you should see my folders...))
Reblog with your desktop background, no cleaning!
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why arhange e ur desktops all so m ess y/stuffed
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You respond to the aggrieved moirail by waltzing over and wrapping an arm around wherever you can hit.
“She needs oxygen. Where are the masks built into the ship?” Not far, every block had them. Ah, there, that hatch. “Can you grab a tank and mask?”
Always pragmatic, but feeding her extra oxygen would probably help her breathe more easily, at least until she calms down.
The Urgent Situation™ that greets Rosali looks VERY BAD. With Jaheim’s help you managed to stop crying, but you’re still sitting against the wall and proooobably squishing him with your hug, and you’re still struggling to do the breathing thing. It’s a bit easier but it still sucks.
You shake your head, still keeping it buried on your moirail, and make grabby arms for her with a different arm. You w a n t her.
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As soon as you get the message, you’re out of your knitting supplies and up running towards the holodeck. You have no idea what the situation is, but Jaheim said it was urgent, so it could be anything.
The doors to the Holodeck swing open and you stomp in. Your heels click loudly. You are on a mission, and that mission is Urgent Situation with the Moirails.
“What is going on?”
You try to do as Jaheim says- just focus on breathing (good idea!) - but he’s right. It’s very hard. And so is deliberately slowing down when you feel like you’re suffocating.
You cling back, so thankful to have him with you, so thankful to at least be able to cool down. You try not to think of anything but Jaheim and his voice and–
Well. Fuck. You swallow heavily.
“i want roOsali”
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The Insurrection crew joined this role-playing site IC, and Rosali is having a field day.
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☽ Litheriel’s Realm  ☾
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Tag Yourself: Fanfiction Authors Edition
the newbie: has written like 1 super cliche fic, doesn't space paragraphs, everyone secretly hates them but doesn't want to be rude
the high schooler: only writes high school aus, is actually a middle schooler, writes 3 chapters then gives up and writes a new fic, wants to be more creative but nahhhh
the firecracker: CRACK FICS, just writes weird shit, usually only writes one shots but when they do go for chaptered it's super creative and well done, likes body swap a lot, always uses overdone memes
the fluffmaster: their stuff is short and sweet, always G rated, but they secretly have ten million kinks
the texter: can literally only write group chat fics, not creative enough for anything else
the infamous: wrote only one fic ever but it was super long and it's the most popular in the fandom
the smut addict: only writes smut, probably really kinky, seriously though you haven't even heard of half of these, this is messed up
the nonexistent: writes such average fics that you forget them, but they're actually really creative
the procrastinator: chapter 2??? what chapter 2???
the wattpad: writes self insert fics for one direction, uses wattpad, probably 9 years old, always adds vampires, generally hated
the monster: likes hurting the characters, will make you cry, kills off a lot of the characters, wHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THIS???
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