terilibrizziblog · 4 years
"You know I can't give you the keys, right, babe?" -Rose Armitage.
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In this scene, Rose and Chris relationship drastically changed and the moments leading up to this moment, you can see all the hints of how shes been lying to him the whole time. She was never really with him as she says because she brought home the other three blacks and now they are all hypotized.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
Rose seems like she is such a nice girl in the beginning of the movie. In this scene, the police officier comes after a deer hits the car which can be a symbol of something bad going to happen since they were going to Rose’s house. The officier comes and asks for his ID and she protects him and seems like in a way she hypitized the officier to not want his photo ID and in a way sticks up for him can be another way for him to feel safe and secure with her. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
Do they know I'm- DO they know I'm black?
Chris Washington
Chris Washington says this to Rose Armitage, his girlfriend because during this time, interracial couples were still not a topic everyone was okay with. Even though, we found out that of course her parents knew he was black because Rose brought them all the black people they were bringing in to their home (can see this in the pictures that Chris found in her room). 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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During this scene, you can see that Andre Logan King was under a spell or something by Rose Armitage’s mom because he started going crazy and acting like his true self and not this high class person that they made him act. He was bleeding i believe because they probably beat him up before he was hypotizied and after the flash he wasn’t hypotizied he acted like he did right before he was.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
I'd like to write somethin' about the help.
Skeeter Phelan, on the phone with Ms. Elaine Stain
Skeeter callin her to tell her that she wants to write about the help changed the whole movie scenary. Before this, we saw how poorly the help was getting treated however, Skeeter took the chance and wrote about the help and everyone wanted to put her stories into it, to make everyone hear their voice. After the book was published, everyone saw it and heard them and saw how bad they were being treated. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
Maybe I can't send you to jail for what you wrote, but I can send you for being a thief.
Hilly Holbrook
At this time, The help would be put in jail if the whites said that they stole from them. This was a serious matter however, the whites would lie on the help if it benefited them in any way. She said this to Aibileen but she made sure she told Hilly that she knows a lot of stuff about her and that people have been telling her that she’s a good writer so they would believe what she wrote about Hilly. Hilly doesn’t understand that the way she treats the help is unacceptable and that she shouldn’t be acting the way she is.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
Minny gets back at how poorly Hilly Holbrook treated her when she was her help. Not only did she make her an “apology pie” but put her remains in it and Skeeter even put it in their book. Hilly was very angry because of this and wanted to get back at Skeeter but there was no way to do that because Hilly knows she wasn’t fair with the help. Revenge. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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Skeeter was a huge role model in this film because she wanted to help the help. She saw them differently than other white characters saw them. She wanted to write the book with Aibileen and Minny to reach many people’s hands to see how they felt working for them. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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Mr. T, Kamilla, and Eli had a very different kind of friendship. Kamilla was always arguing with Mr. T in the beginning of the film. But at the end of the film, you can see there was never really any reason for all of them to be arguing. Eli and Mr. T sit down and talk about how he owned the store with his Father before he took it over and this just gave a new light to a new friendship. However, Eli at the end decided to put the store up for sale because he knows he can’t hold on to it anymore. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
This trailer shows the relationship between Kamilla and Eli and Daniel. Kamilla screams out to her brother that they feel like family to her and it’s because of the fun they have, communication, all the days being together, and etc. Her family at home doesn’t really talk shown in the movie and she feels happy when being with both, Daniel and Eli. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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Daniel and Eli, the only Asian’s except for Mr. T, see how hard it is in the neighborhood they have a shop in. They experienced a lot of violence and many people think they could take advantage of them because they see them as a weaker race. These two characters grow a lot throughout the entire movie. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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This movie was such a great movie to watch because it showed many different gender and race roles. Since they didn’t have their mom and dad in their life, Ray was in charge of the house and the two sisters. He was a very dominant person when It came to the household. Even though, Ray didn’t want Kamilla to talk to Eli and Daniel, she still did and thought of them as family.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
Moonlight | Official Trailer HD |
This trailer shows Chiron, in his three stages of Life. Little, a small boy trying to find his place in the world. Chiron, started defending himself against the bullies. Black, the ending scence, he's a grown man, buff, but doesn't change his innocence he has in his interior.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
Chiron vs. Juan
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When watching this movie, I could completely see the similarities they have. Chiron didn't have any role models growing up but he had Juan and his girlfriend take care of him and teach him so many things like Trust. Similarity: Juan was a drug dealer and Chiron ended up as a drug dealer at the end of the movie.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
"You Sell Drugs? My Mama, She do Drugs?"-Little
Little (Chiron) was getting older and saw what was happening around him and his home life. He knew that his mother wasn't really around because she was addicted to drugs and was very hurtful. He makes a connection with Juan by asking Juan what his job was and founds out that the drugs Juan sells is to his own mother that struggles to not do drugs.
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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Chiron and Kevin have a unique relationship throughout the entire movie. Even when they were younger, it seemed like Kevin was always protecting Chiron. I was shocked when seeing the beach scene because I didn’t think Kevin saw Chiron in that kind of way. However, the beach scene to him seemed like their feelings for each other was real especially by Chiron. Chiron cared for Kevin even when visiting Kevin at the restaurant he works at. Even though, Kevin was married and had kids, I can still feel a connection between them too in the final scene. 
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terilibrizziblog · 4 years
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The three brothers were always together- Manny, Joel, and Jonah. Jonah always felt like he didn’t connect with them when they started getting older. Manny and Joel got into drugs and Jonah didn’t want to get into it. Manny and Joel tried to push Jonah in the water one night and was making fun of him a lot. Jonah had flashbacks of times all three of them would chant together, close their ears, go under the blanks and say “body heat,” etc. 
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