Terra was in awe as they flew up into space, looking around and laughing softly as she began floating above her seat. “This is amazing.. You get to do this whenever you want?” She asked, tilting her head and looking at the other
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra looked down in guilt, before she was told to drive, jumping and giving a small screech. She had never driven before! She stopped the car, instead lifting up the earth beneath it and moving it off and away from the robots, scared that she would crash the car if she tried to drive it.
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra happily took Starfire’s hand to get out of the cave, taking a breath in of the fresh air “Thank you.” She said, nodding slightly, before she felt a shock go through her body. No. Not here. 
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A piece of earth raised up and directed itself to Starfire, Terra helplessly screaming “Star! Watch out!” as her hand moved and the earth flew forward quickly. Why did Slade always have to ruin things for her?
Terra nodded when the other agreed to try again, before stopping still at Starfire’s words, looking over at her. “Yeah.. I hope so. I.. I really hope so.” She nodded, letting out a breath, and using her powers against the metal as much as she could, the rubble creaking and the sound of more rubble falling off outside. “Almost there-!” 
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Terra let out a breath of relief as the metal broke, opening a hole in the wall “We did it!” Terra cried out, running over and hugging Starfire tightly “We actually did it!” 
At this time, any awareness of this potentially being a trick was gone from Starfire’s thinking. Terra sounded honest, felt honest, she couldn’t actually be pretending all of this. With new encouragement, they began to work on the metal and the earth once more.
It moved, perhaps a little easier than before even, and after a few moments of pushing, a hole opened, big enough for bright sunlight and fresh air to join them, and also big enough to climb out through.
Terra hugging her came before Starfire had even realized that they succeeded, and she giggled in surprise before happily hugging her back for a few moments.
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“How wonderful! I am most delighted!” More actually because of Terra perhaps joining them again (which was a far time away probably, but, still, it was a possibility again now) than to be free, but of course getting out of this little cave before they’d be swallowed by the water was very relieving as well. “You did very well, Terra!”
Starfire moved towards the hole now and climbed out swiftly, before reaching a hand back in to offer Terra help in getting out. Her friends were not in sight, at least not in the first glance that Starfire had done for their surroundings, but that was perhaps even good. Maybe it would be better to prepare them through the communicator - once it would work again, which would likely still take a bit (if it at all would still work) due to the water and the crash and everything - than to just bring Terra over. “It is so nice to be at the opened air again!”
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Terra’s face lit on fire with a blush. “Oh- Right, sorry!” She rubbed the back of her neck, laughing awkwardly “No, no, its okay- we should get going.” She looked out the window, watching the earth fly by as they went to wherever they were headed.
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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“Look its-” She sighed, shaking her head “Its complicated. The Teen Titans arent here right now, and we really dont want the guy who sent these things to find me. He has access to the neurotransmitters in my body due to this suit, which is why we need to get it off quickly before he makes me hurt someone-” She tried to explain.
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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“Mars?” Terra asked, stars in her eyes now “You mean we’re going to space? Actual space?” She grinned “Yes i’m ready!” She chirped, before pausing “Dont i need a space suit? I need oxygen-” She questioned, getting into the space ship and looking around excitedly
“Oooo! What does this button do?” She asked, looking at a panel of buttons and controls. Well, she was most definitely cheered up.
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra nodded slightly at Angela’s response, before tensing up at her question “Thats..” She looked away “Complicated.” Speaking of, she was surprised Slade hadn’t taken control of her again. “We need to get out of here fast, though, if they’ve found us.” She said quickly, getting back into Angela’s car.
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra nodded when the other agreed to try again, before stopping still at Starfire’s words, looking over at her. “Yeah.. I hope so. I.. I really hope so.” She nodded, letting out a breath, and using her powers against the metal as much as she could, the rubble creaking and the sound of more rubble falling off outside. “Almost there-!” 
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Terra let out a breath of relief as the metal broke, opening a hole in the wall “We did it!” Terra cried out, running over and hugging Starfire tightly “We actually did it!” 
Terra shook her head slightly, running a hand through her hair. “I..” She hesitated “I only joined him because i owed him a favor after he taught me how to control my powers. It was just meant to be helping him get into the tower that once, nothing more. But then..” Beast Boy telling her she had no friends played in her mind “But then you all hated me, and i don’t blame you. I didn’t want to do it, but i had to repay my debt.” 
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“Right, this isnt the time for my sob story, huh?” She sighed, standing back up and changing her stance to try and push against the metal once more. “Lets try and push one more time, yeah?” Water was up to her ankles by now, as she started using her powers to push at the metal and clear an opening.
Terra’s explnations made a lot of sense, and Starfire frowned. If they would have been there for her, if they had only managed to talk to her in a calm situation again after the whole thing, perhaps it would never have come as far as this!
She would have answered, but Terra had a point there - they should spare the discussions for later. So Starfire simply nodded, and got up again as well, placing her hands against the metal. “Yes. Let us try again.” Before doing so, though, she felt the need to at least say something, so Starfire briefly looked over to Terra once more.
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“If you wish, Terra, I am certain that it can all become well again.” Whether or not that meant her returning to the team was a thing Starfire couldn’t predict here, but at least they would be able to help her get away from Slade.
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Terra sighed, but slowly nodded “Just for a few days.” She agreed, moving towards the other. “Where are we going? I can take us there on a rock, its faster than walking.” She said, shrugging slightly “Its basically flying if you think about it-”
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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By now, Terra was finishing up what she was doing, and getting ready to come back down to Angela. She heard the firing of the gun, jumping and getting on a rock, flying back down quickly and quietly panicking as she saw what Angela was fighting. “Shit.” She said softly, landing beside her “Sorry that took so long, are you okay?”
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra shook her head slightly, running a hand through her hair. “I..” She hesitated “I only joined him because i owed him a favor after he taught me how to control my powers. It was just meant to be helping him get into the tower that once, nothing more. But then..” Beast Boy telling her she had no friends played in her mind “But then you all hated me, and i don’t blame you. I didn’t want to do it, but i had to repay my debt.” 
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“Right, this isnt the time for my sob story, huh?” She sighed, standing back up and changing her stance to try and push against the metal once more. “Lets try and push one more time, yeah?” Water was up to her ankles by now, as she started using her powers to push at the metal and clear an opening.
Terra looked at the hand, tears beginning to stream out of her eyes. “You don’t understand!” She screeched, the girl being lifted higher into her tornado “I’m sorry, okay?!” The winds started to calm down “I didn’t want to hurt you guys..”
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And with that, she fell back to the ground, bringing her knees to her chest and staring downwards. “And now it’s my fault that you guys are hurt and suffering. Everything has gone to hell, and it’s my fault. And now? We’re gonna die here. I’ll never be able to tell him that I-” She hesitated, shaking her head “I’ll never be able to apologize.”
Terra’s powers calmed eventually, which was relieving, but it was also rather surprising to hear this from her.
Out there, they had still fought, and now, in this cave, she was admitting to not wanting any of it? What had changed? Or perhaps, nothing changed, and she long didn’t want to be on Slade’s side anymore but didn’t know how to leave and return to the team?
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“Terra…” By now, Starfire just couldn’t consider anymore that this could be just an act, just a trap to convince her to work together. It all sounded, felt, too real, and Starfire wanted to support her friend. “It is not too late.” It might not be easy to accept her back after the things that had happened - after her betrayal - but surely the team would at least consider giving her another chance. And even if not that, she still wouldn’t have to stick with Slade. “You do not have to obey Slade. We will help you! Cease your work with him, and you can still have the chance to apologize!” That was, if they were going to get out of this cave. But Starfire just had to hope for the best.
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Terra sighed as she looked around the room, grabbing a few extra things that she needed. Angela wouldn’t mind if she took a minute to look around the tower, right? She hoped not.
The robot had the same color scheme as the uniform that Terra had been wearing. It sparked and twitched a few times, before going limp. 
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra looked at her hand, biting her lip. Did she trust herself to stay somewhere new? “I.. don’t think thats a good idea. Earthquakes and landslides tend to follow me wherever i go. Besides, i like sleeping in caves, the earth is my home.” She said, looking down “My parents taught me how to survive in the wild, so i never go hungry.” She gave a thankful smile to the other, looking back up
“Thank you for the offer but.. I don’t really want to destroy another home, you know?”
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra looked at the hand, tears beginning to stream out of her eyes. “You don’t understand!” She screeched, the girl being lifted higher into her tornado “I’m sorry, okay?!” The winds started to calm down “I didn’t want to hurt you guys..”
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And with that, she fell back to the ground, bringing her knees to her chest and staring downwards. “And now it’s my fault that you guys are hurt and suffering. Everything has gone to hell, and it’s my fault. And now? We’re gonna die here. I’ll never be able to tell him that I-” She hesitated, shaking her head “I’ll never be able to apologize.”
Terra shook as she tried to continue to push at the metal, winds continuing to pick up around her until- Thud The metal bent inwards as Terra lost control, the girl letting out a frustrated yell and holding her head “God damn it!” She cried out, tearing up “I cant even move a piece of metal right!”
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She curled up as the wind continued picking up around her “We’re both gonna die and its my fault!”
Just a little stronger… a little bit more… Before they reached that point though, Terra’s power stopped pushing and the backlash of that was enough to push Starfire back who squealed in response to the force, before hitting the ground of the cave with a grunt.
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She gasped upon noticing what was going on with Terra. She was clearly struggling with her powers, perhaps losing control, and that was even worse when trapped in a small cave like here. “Terra!” Yes, she was still their enemy (sadly), but right now, that mattered little. If Terra lost control, they might as well both never get out of this again. Starfire rushed to her side (thankfully she as tamaranean was sturdy enough to easily move closer despite the forces pushing everything away), at first hesitating to actually touch her but then reaching a hand towards her. “Terra, please! I doubt that panic is helping the control over your abilities! Please, you must calm! You can stop this, I am certain!”
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Terra ran a hand through her hair, thinking quietly for a moment, before “Its too late, anyway. They hate me now. Even..” Her voice cracked as she spoke again “Even Beast Boy hates me now.”
Terra fell silent for a long moment, before shaking her head and standing up “I’ll just go somewhere new like i always do. They aren’t the first people to think i’m a monster.”
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra stared at the ground a moment longer, before “You’re probably right, huh? I’ve never been good at this emotions thing.” She shook her head, making a rock float up and hit the other side of the cave “I betrayed the people who accepted me, the people i thought of as a family. Well..” She hesitated “I didn’t mean to, i just..”
“I went to someone for help that i shouldn’t have, and he asked me for a favor in return, and it.. went downhill from there.” 
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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Terra was very grateful that the other didn’t say anything, letting out a breath “Yeah, stay here please!” She said, getting out and making a piece of the ground fly up to the tower, to her window, which she broke and climbed into. 
Terra began quickly trying to pack her bag, coming across the heart container that Beast Boy had made her. She teared up and stared at it for a moment, before turning and leaving it.
That was all Terra could do now. Slade hurt her, she had attempted to kill her friends, she had no family, nobody she could stay with. Thinking of all the good memories she had had with the Teen Titans, though, she unconsciously began heading toward the desert where she had first met them. Through the empty streets of the city, grabbing a rock and flying past the Teen Titan’s home, straight back to the desert, finding a small cave there and curling up.
“What have i done?” She sobbed, looking down at the outfit that Slade had made her. “Why did i hurt them..”
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