Terran Empire Tier 5 Colony Dance Party!
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Worf has never been so happy
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Just for Funsies
I couldn’t resist when we got those mini tophat unlocks a few weeks ago...
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Terran Empire MACOs
We’ve just acquired a new Beta Fleet and are in the process of starting our new Armada!
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Mirror MACO Uniform
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REQUIRES: Nol-Ennis Uniform [Armistice], Kobali Uniform [Phoenix], Enterprise Mirror Uniforms [c-store], Mercenary Set [c-store], Open Jacket Uniforms [c-store], Outfit Box - Terran Empire Jupiter Outfit (Leeta's Variants) [exchange]
I’ve been tinkering with this uniform for several years now... Since the fancy Terran lobi outfits leave invisible arms on my Xindi boff. Things finally came together once the Nol-Ennis vest became an option! Anyone that’s been playing for at least four years should have all of these pieces already aside from the Terran Empire outfit box that was never a giveaway or mission reward. If you don’t have it already and can’t afford the ~55m it goes for you can just substitute in a Mercenary belt and some kit pieces like from the Terran Empire Uniform Guide on the wiki. And the other profession color schemes for the tunic are F7 for Sci and C11 for Eng. Enjoy!
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House of Kriton Tier 4 Colony
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Supreme Commander Kriton has been very busy dealing with matters of greater galactic importance... So it took him a few weeks to perform his final inspection of the latest upgrades to the Empire’s forced labor colony. The denizens of the colony will have to redouble their efforts to ensure completion now since the work is only halfway done!
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Terran Empire Tier 4 Colony
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Progress on the Dranuur Internment Camp is proceeding as scheduled! ...though the progress reports from it’s Kentari overseers leave something to be desired as this one is nearly a month late. The latest Imperial Cabinet member and new Jem’Hadar super soldier Dun’Xel was sent to whip things into shape. But as much as there appears to be done construction is barely halfway completed at this point.
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Terran Shock Troops
Yesterday the Terran Empire acquired another fleet to aid in their quest for galactic domination. Introducing Terran Shock Troops!
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Mirror KDF Uniform
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I came up with this one late last year while trying to make my Terran bridge officers look as authentic as possible. It’s at least 90% accurate from the images posted when the mirror costume box outfits were released. But using 100% free uniform pieces! This can be worn by both KDF and the T4 FED Diplomacy boffs that have access to the Bortasqu’ pieces at the tailor.
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Terran Empire Tier 3 Colony
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With the progression of Terran Empire domination of this universe it became necessary to construct an Internment Camp in the remote Dranuur System. In order to more easily facilitate matters the nearby Kentari were contracted as overseers and progress on fortifications, mining, and energy production has been commendable. In order to curry more favor with their Terran masters the Kentari have even ordered construction of leisure facilities for the invasion forces. There are few things the Emperor enjoys more than sipping on some absinthe while at the beach.
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Terran Empire Full Special Holdings!
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Last night 3rd Fleet completed its final Special! Putting them alongside House of Kriton in the top 99.99% of all fleets with complete Holdings (aside from the Colony) and all of their Specials! EXCELLENT WORK!!! With that monumental task finally completed it’s time to forge ahead with our new Armadas and realize our dreams of galactic domination! Long Live the Terran Empire!!
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Ship Builds
One of the most common questions in this game, because it's so overwhelming and confusing, is how to make a good build! Well, aside from getting into specialty or massive 100k+ builds, it's really not that difficult. Especially with all of the bonus sets that are available now. So we'll start with probably the most confusing part:
1. Skill Points! Unless you've been here for years this will make absolutely no sense to you when it comes time to start spending these while levelling up. And it's so easy to mess things up and have to either pay to redo them or delete your toon and start fresh. This is my preferred Skill Point Build that I use on everything but my Sci toon and on all of my Ground Points. Some people say it doesn't make much difference now but I've never had any issues since I started using this. https://terranempire-housekriton.tumblr.com/post/158364908164/skill-point-dps-build
2. Critical Hits! I had played this game for almost 2 years before anyone even mentioned Crits to me. Again, with all the things available now it's not difficult at all to get up to at least 20-25% CRTH and 100% CRTD for Space DPS. You can check your stats while in orbit of any planet or space station. Short version, the higher your Crit Chance is, the more bonus damage you do on a Critical Hit. While a lot of your bonus can come from Traits, Sets, and random Consoles, most of your bonus comes from Superior Romulan Operative Boffs (SRO) and CRTH Tac Consoles from the Fleet Spire. Get as many of the (Energy Specific for your build) Spire Consoles as your ship can take and as many SRO as your ship can fit. Romulans can fill all 5 of their Boff seats with SRO. All other factions can buy the Blue Male Tactical Boff from the Fleet Embassy. For ground it's not difficult to get the 20/100 Crit Stats either. Especially if you buy a Gambling Device off the exchange.
3. Personal Traits! Another thing that can make no sense without years of trial and error. This list is pretty old now but still covers most of the highly useful traits that are either unlocked or bought off of the exchange. https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/43wj0o/personal_space_trait_tier_tables/
4. Ship Traits! This is a highly debateable subject. I just found this far more recent post that I disagree with greatly. Even a lot of the 100k DPS people would throw nerd fits at some of these rankings. But, as with most things, if you have the right build for it some low end traits can far overshadow the common high DPS ones. So read the descriptions on them. That being said the traits I lean towards are All Hands On Deck, Superior Pedal To The Metal, Supremacy, Improved Critical Systems, Supercharged Weapons, and Reciprocity. Emergency Weapon Cycle is near the top of most DPS lists as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/6dky8i/starship_trait_ratings_discussion/
5. Reputation Traits! Another highly debateable subject. This list explains things pretty well. Long story short I stick to Advanced Targeting Systems, both of the Auxiliary Power traits, Chrono-Capacitor, and Precision on most of my builds. https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/wiki/build_anatomy/traits/reputation
6. Boff Traits! As mentioned above, there’s also certain Boffs that have Space Traits when slotted on your ship. After the all important SRO there’s also things like Pirate and Efficient that give slight boosts to DPS. Among other things...
7. Gear! Really, this section is whatever makes you happy. As stated before with all the sets available now you can make a great build out of any energy type or specialty that you desire. It's only when you're trying to get to 100k+ that there's things you'd really want to avoid. But one-shotting a Borg Cube never interested me so I've never tried to do it. All of my toons use a different energy type, cannons or beams, so building for the ship is the thing. Generally the Iconian Space Set has been near the top of the list ever since it was released. But depending on your preferred energy weapons it might not suit you best. I'd just suggest reading up on all the sets on the STO Wiki before getting too invested. The basics of this, after deciding the sets that fit your build the best, is fit as many other Crit Boost consoles as you can and get the best weapon procs you can before upgrading. If your CRTH is at least 20-25% you'll do best with CRTDx4 (or x3 PEN) and if you're 20% or less get DMGx4 (or x3 PEN) for the best DPS.
*STO is always subject to change so feel free to comment
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House of Kriton Tier 3 Colony
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House of Kriton just hit it’s first major milestone on the Dranuur Forced Labor Colony with it going full T3! It will be a bit of a push to T4 now since it takes quite a bit of Dilithium on those daily projects. But if everyone chips in we can get there pretty easily. And there’s always easy Fleet Credit available to anyone that wants to help collect more Colony Provisions since KDF always need more of those. You can donate to the Coffer even if the daily projects are already filled.
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Terran Empire Tier 5 Starbase
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House of Kriton full special holdings!
Qapla, Warriors!!! This weekend House of Kriton completed it’s last special on the Starbase putting us into the top 99.99% of all KDF fleets! EXCELLENT WORK! We’ve even managed to keep on top of all the current Colony specials so we won’t have any trouble staying up to date on new specials as they roll out. Also, I’m WAY behind on posting about the holding upgrades. Been way busy and keep forgetting about it... I’ll try and get that updated this week and backdate them to as close to the completion date as I can.
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Kill Accolades
updated 7/31/18
Some of you are probably saying “why should I bother with these kill accolades, anyway?!” Well, on top of most of them giving you new titles to use and some trophies to display on your ships, they also give you a 2% damage bonus on ground/space per enemy. And all of those damage/resist percentages really start to add up after a while. The hardest part really is just knowing how to build those numbers up quickly outside of doing story missions. The 200 kills per for space isn’t so bad but the 1000 per for ground can get...tedious. So, here’s your master list for attaining all the kill accolades. I’m working on building foundry missions for the one that KDF does not have yet. I’ll do my best to keep it updated so please let me know when things change. As they often do...
Beast Ground: Beast Master
Go to Numbus III.
Bluegill Ground: Bluegill Exterminator
Search “Bluegill Ground Accolade” on the Foundry.
Borg Ground: Assimilate This
Go to Defera Battlezone.
Borg Space: Nanoprobe Immunity
Do Borg Red Alerts.
Breen Ground: Cold Hearted
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Breen Space: Frozen Over
Do Breen Deep Space Encounters in the Alpha Quadrant.
Breen Capital Punishment: Kill all 3 Breen Capital ships.
The Desna patrols near Deferi Outpost 3, the Istapp is sighted near Kelvani Belt colonies, & the Snosk is sighted in the Defera Sector stalking Deferi Patrols. These capital ships do not pop up every time you enter one of these encounters so the easiest way is to team up so if one person finds a capital ship the rest can follow to that zone.
Cardassian/Dominion Ground: Founder Foil
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Cardassian/Dominion Space: Alpha Quadrant Savior
Do Cardassian Deep Space Encounters in the Alpha Quadrant.
Devidian Ground: Neural Feast
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Elachi Ground: Spore Smasher
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF do “Defend Rh’Ihho Station” PVE.
Elachi Space: Free Thinker
Do Elachi Deep Space Encounters in the Alpha Quadrant.
Federation Ground: Scourge Of Starfleet
FED search “Accolade- Federation” on the Foundry.
KDF search “seethestar” on the foundry.
Federation Space: Order Of The Bat’leth
FED do a PVP with FED players.
KDF go to the Kahless Expanse in the Beta Quadrant.
Fek’ihri Ground: Haunted
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Fek’ihri Space: Wicked
FED search “Accolades - Fek’ihri” on the Foundry.
KDF search “Fek’ihr Space Grind” on the Foundry.
Gorn Ground: Cold Blooded
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry”
KDF go to the Gorn Canyon on Nimbus III.
Gorn Space: Arena Champion
Do Gorn Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Herald Ground: Demon Bane
FED search “A Barrel Of Heralds” on the Foundry.
KDF currently story missions and Arena of Sompek are the only way.
Herald Space: Light Bringer
Do Iconian Space STFs.
Hirogen Ground: Hunter
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Hirogen Space: Alpha Of The Pack
Do Hirogen Deep Space Encounters in the Delta Quadrant.
Hur’q Ground: Reckoning Of The Cycle
Complete the Hur’q story missions.
Hur’q Space: Reaper Of The Swarm
Complete the Hur’q story missions.
Klingon Ground: Descendant Of Kahless
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF do the first part of “The House Always Wins” and beam out after the battle to easily repeat it. There’s also Arena of Sompek and “Brushfire”.
KDF-ROM the only way outside of Arena of Sompek is “Brushfire”.
Klingon Space: Champion Of The Empire
FED do Federation Fleet Alerts.
KDF do Klingon Fleet Alerts.
Klingon Empire Rebel Ground: Defending The Empire
For FED/ROM kill Zorgun on the Snap Dragon crew in “The Undying”. Beam out after that round to more easily kill him again.
KDF can kill 8 at a time in “Bringing Down The House”. They’re in the first two rooms of the “Heir We Go Again” section. Beam out before Worf yells for easy repeats. Also Zorgun on the Snap Dragon crew in “The Undying”. Beam out after that round to more easily kill him again.
Klingon Empire Rebel Space: Maintaining Order
Do Klingon Rebel Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Na’kuhl Ground: Monster Hunter
FED search “Na’kuhl Grinder” on the Foundry.
KDF currently story missions and Arena of Sompek are the only way.
Na’kuhl Space: Time’s Archer
Do The Battle Of Procyon 5 STF.
Nausicaan Ground: Brute
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF/KDF-ROM Arena of Sompek and one on the Snap Dragon crew in “The Undying”. Beam out after that round to more easily kill him again.
Nausicaan Space: Mercenary
Do Nausicaan Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Orion Ground: Syndicate Boss
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF/KDF-ROM do “Warehouse” on New Romulus for ~42 kills each.
Orion Space: Hitman
Do Orion Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Reman Ground: Caste Mutiny
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Reman Space: Xenophobe
FED search “Accolades - Remans” on the Foundry.
KDF currently “The Vault” is the only way.
Romulan Ground: Praetor
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Romulan Space: Tal Shiar’s Most Wanted
Do Romulan Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Species M-113 Ground: Salt Vampire Slayer
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Sphere Builders Space: Wrecking Ball
Terran Empire Ground: Evil Twin
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Terran Empire Space: Scourge Of The Terran Empire
Go to the Badlands Battlezone.
Tholian Ground: Shattered
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Tholian Space: Spider’s Bane
Do Tholian Red Alerts.
Tzenkethi Ground: Reptilian Ravager
FED search “Accolade: Tzenkethi Ground” on the Foundry.
KDF currently story missions and Arena of Sompek are the only way.
Tzenkethi Space: Crusade Conqueror
Go to Gon’Cra Nebula Battlezone.
Undine Ground: Liquidator
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Undine Space: Planet Killer Killer
Go to the Dyson Sphere Space Battlezone.
Vaadwaur Ground: Cobra Crusher
Go to Kobali Prime Battlezone.
Vaadwaur Space: Vaadwaur Vessel Vanquisher
Do The Battle Of Korfez STF.
Voth Ground: Extinction Event
Go to the Dyson Sphere Ground Battlezone.
Voth Space: Heretical Doctrine
Go to the Dyson Sphere.
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House of Kriton Tier 5 Starbase
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House of Kriton’s Starbase hit T5 nearly 6 months ago... But with the push to get the rest of the holdings to full T3 we have just now finished our final Transwarp Gate upgrade. So with everything unlocked all we have left to do is the Dilithium Specials!
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