Somehow, some way, I found a cover of Painted Smile that perfectly fits my version of Jeff.
This version sounds...kind of sad? Like the singer is mourning the person he used to be and lamenting what he’s become. And then the chorus just sounds so angry??? Especially the “Go on, mock me, say I’m insane” line? Like the original sounds kind of playful in a twisted kind of way, but the cover sounds like someone who’s been treated like dirt all his life and is lashing out.
This whole cover just screams Urban Legends!Jeff and I love it.
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Yo why do people lust after Ben Drowned he’s literally a dead preteen
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Unfortunately Sally got yote out of the story bc apparently her creator does not like other people using her and I am not getting into stupid deviantart drama over a goddamn Slenderverse comic.
So disregard basically any info I’ve put here about a certain pink-clad poltergeist as it is no longer relevant.
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HC Ages: Frightening Fettuccine
Slenderman: Hell if anyone knows. He’s been around since at least the 16th century.
Jeff: 13
Ben: 12 (age of death, chronologically 25)
Lost Silver/Kenta: 10 (age of death, chronologically 25)
Sally: 8 (age of death, chronologically 57)
“Pirate” Percy: 12 (age of death, chronologically 56)
Luna (my OC): 14
Tim/Masky: 25
Brian/Hoodie: 21
Kate: 17
“Eyeless” Jack: 20 or thereabouts
Liu/Sully: 13
Zalgo: Yes.
Gorefield: 5 (years since corruption)
Pinkamena: 4 (years since corruption)
Michael Colon/Thade Soben: 28 (age of death, chronologically 71)
Red: 15
Su!c!de Mouse: ????????
Poochee: ?
Smiling Owls: Varies, depending upon the individual.
Laughing Jack: Uuuuuuuhhhhhh......
The Rake: God only knows
Jane: 15
Nurse Joy(s): Varies, oldest chronologically are 19, all of them physically appear about 20-ish.
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Creepypasta Voice HCs (Slenderman and Co. Edition)
Slenderman-Somewhere between a tenor and a baritone, lovely voice smooth like butter, echos slightly
Jeff-Raspy and loud, with a slight ‘northern United States almost Canadian’ accent, almost sounds like the English dub version of Edward Elric
Ben-Slightly low for his age, not particularly raspy, voice cracks sometimes
Lost Silver-very high pitched and light, with a Japanese accent. Seems to echo and fade at times
Sally-Energetic Squeaky Toy
Pirate Percy-Soft and somewhat feminine sounding. Slightly whiny. Stammers a lot.
Luna (my OC)-Basically Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
Tim/Masky-Jim from The Office. I don’t know how else to describe it.
Brian/Hoodie-Nobody knows because he doesn’t talk
Toby-Loud and high-pitched
Kate-Deep and almost gravelly by female voice standards
EJ-Smooth, and almost monotonous. Probably a low tenor.
Liu/Sully: Basically Light Yagami in terms of voice
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slenderman from creepypasta is unfuckable!
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My take on Ben. He’s a socially awkward 12 year old who’s too smart for his own good. Also there’s a Lost Silver in here.
Japanese text, roughly translated:
Ben: Your mom gay
Lost Silver: No you
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