terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Power of Hope 2: S√čútx̌ adəč
Power of Hope 2: S√čútx̌ adəč
What happened before: It’s been 10 years since Sam Salish‘s life has been taken over by the mysterious unNaturals Bureau. In return for his compliance, he’s gotten unprecedented access to worldwide research which he uses to find his love, now 387 years in the past.
Silli Enterprises, Publishers of children’s books, Omaha, Nebraska.
Sam Salish, renamed Tom TwoFeathers, wondered about…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Homecoming: How old am I?
Homecoming: How old am I?
What happened before: Cissy’s age is twenty-two but there are hint that she’s older, much older. She searches for the artifact the apparently six-year-old Sally told her about. Caught in a series of side-quests that have nothing to do with the artifact, she’s landed forty years in the past, at the Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho.
Following the main traffic flow out of the base, Cissy…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Fiction: The Power of Hope
Fiction: The Power of Hope
Another weekend Read. I’m working on a sub-plot to mature Cissy. I’m thinking of doing it via a romantic interest. I would love your input
The next day, Pike Street Market, Seattle, Washington.
With no reason to hope, Sam Salish had hope. SHE would return. The impossible woman, impossibly dark, impossibly tall and thin, with a scowl that curdled milk and captured his soul. When she…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
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400 year old dog searches for its owner More research for 3rd novel, "Causality AI". An extinct Indian dog breed appears in an Omaha suburb. 
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
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living with the Indians Research for novel 3, "Causality AI" lands one of the protagonist in the Pacific Northwest circa 1730. here is one of the research books.
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
I was a Teen-aged Mule.
I was a Teen-aged Mule.
I was a Teen-aged Mule.
Are you one of those who escaped high school with a diploma, no fond memories, and a determination to succeed beyond everyone’s belief? Yep, that was me. The upside was my academic successes, three degrees, a long career in systems engineering in many exciting technologies, and enough savings to retire early. The downside was my inability to remember roughly ten years…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
The shocking reason I delete posts
The shocking reason I delete posts
Getting away from my writer’s table and mingling with the societal underbelly, elementary school mentoring, Meals on Wheels, Habitat, Prison GED, Food Pantry, etc., has taught me many things.
One of those is that a mistake made in haste lives forever. In a small, in most senses, rural town such as I’m expatrioting in, whispers and faux-hurt feelings follow the smallest infraction into the…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Desteneé1: Trial by Graduation
Being the good brother, I came home from college to attend my brother’s high school graduation. It was the first at the new high school with students who went there for their full four years. Obviously, this was the right time to establish TRADITIONS! No not Tevye traditions, the type that will make you sing in joy. Well, the grads were forced to…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Banned by @facebook
I’ve started a campaign across social media. Using my tiny corner of reality, I’ve screen shot three postings @facebook has banned. They are below. This brings up several question:
Why? BTHOOM, all i get a garbled ‘not meeting community standards.’ look over the banned postings to see what @facebooks no longer accepts as within their community standards.
This is only three bans. What’s your…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Dystopian: more on this project
Dystopian: more on this project
Dystopias happen when the elite know what everyone else should do…and they manipulate the power to force the minorities to toe the line. The first to be screwed are the minorities.
This youtube is another example, this time of a capital “S” Socialist empire, USSR, decades long genocide against those who were known for progressing in social and economic terms faster than the socialist party’s…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Subscribers-only book discounts
Two new “Causality Heritage” Sci-Fi novels are coming out soon with *deep* pre-sales discounting.
The deep discounts are an expression of *thanks* for my subscribers’ loyalty. There will be no announcements outside of my newsletter.
Click on http://eepurl.com/gsHttr to get notices of the sales campaigns.🤩
😎book covers updated.
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Win a book: Catapults on sailing ships
Win a book: Catapults on sailing ships
This one is fun enough that if you solve my fellow-writer’s problem with real engineering math, you’ll get a free book.
Kim Maiford https://www.facebook.com/kim.mainord asks:
I’m posting this question from my page here too because I really need an answer.
Does anyone happen to know if it’s possible to put a catapult on a 30 ft boat and use it without destabilizing the craft? If not is…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
My nasty Social Media dysfunction
My nasty Social Media dysfunction
My main (social media) problem is I adore true-believers, religious/anti-religious, red/blue, left/right. I let the illogic bloom, watch it turn its seed head away from the heat of Aristolean and Gottlob Frege-ian logic. After the two fathers of logic finish rolling over in in their grave, my teeth itch.
For me, the cure teeth itching is pointing out blatant logic holes. A time sink, while…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Why I've dropped "The Rookie" TV program
Why I’ve dropped “The Rookie” TV program
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I’ll not be back for the second season of The Rookie.
Click on the Instagram link (https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vCRlxld74/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet) for background.
Obsensibly, the program was about three rookies struggling to make the grade in the Los Angeles City policy force.
To be honest, I was more taken with the sergeants’ back stories and how they dealt than the n00bs
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
A 'maybe' DYSTOPIAN Novel
A ‘maybe’ DYSTOPIAN Novel
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I’ve been toying with the notion of writing a dystopian novel based on real historical incidents in American history. The constitution had been interpreted and minority rights were no longer protected. The inconvenient Electoral College had been effectively suspended and replaced with a system where only the Right People got elected. German Immigrants, men, women and children were slaughtered as…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
What happened to Matryoschka's Daughters?
What happened to Matryoschka’s Daughters?
I’m notifying my newsletter subscribers that they will be getting exclusive deep discounts of my two new novels. I got this query which made my day! I have newsletter readers who Read my newsletter! (BTW: link for the newsletter-only discounts)
From: RichmondReader Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 4:47 PM To: terry gene, author<[email protected]> Subject:Re: deep novel pre-sales discounts…
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terrygeneauthor · 5 years
Best places to find my books and short stories
Best places to find my books and short stories
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