catknitmom-blog · 6 years
When you’re too into x reader inserts that you start to hate your otp for being with your man/woman
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catknitmom-blog · 6 years
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13x23 - Let the Good Times Roll
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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it’s not true.. it’s not true. he takes the truth but he twists it and changes it to fit his own story.    it’s not— it’s not true.
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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My baby Sam. My little boy Dean. Just feels like yesterday, we were together in heaven, and now…I’m here, and John is gone, and they’re gone. And every moment I spend with you reminds me every moment I lost with them. [12.03].
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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21K notes · View notes
catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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”Where am I?”
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
Hunter One Shot
The rag in my right hand slapped against the hood of my Ford Escape as I washed the dried bugs from the hood and front bumper. It was a hot day in the August heat of Texas reaching close to 100 degrees and above 90% humidity. Sweat was dripping down my skin and saturating my thin green cotton tank top and cut off shorts as I ran the soapy rag over the small SUV. I stood up to stretch arching my back when I heard the thumping rock bass of a classic rock song from the 80's caught my attention, and I glanced over to the vacuum cleaners in front of the washing bay where I was parked. A '67 black Impala with Kansas license plates was parked less than 20 feet away from me with the front doors open and the stereo blasting over the roar of the vacuum. The chrome was polished and the black paint job was well waxed and freshly washed. It was the epitome of American made classic car and I admired the detail as it was obviously well cared for. Next to the passenger door, I noticed long legs and a very fine masculine ass swinging to the beat of the song. As he kneeled on the front seat to reach across, I saw he was wearing rugged brown leather hiking boots. I didn't want to be caught gawking, so I quickly turned back to washing my car. Since I happen to like the classic Def Leppard song playing, I started swinging my hips and dancing to the beat and singing "Pour Some Sugar on Me". I was really getting into the music as I washed my car when I suddenly noticed the man with the Impala had finished and was staring at me as he leaned against the trunk. His long legs were crossed at the ankles and his well muscled arms were crossed over his t-shirt clad broad chest. I couldn't help but slide my eyes up his body taking in the narrow waist, tight abs, well defined shoulders and thick neck. His chin was a little scruffy like it had been at least two days since a razor had touched it. His full lips were stretched into a huge smile of white teeth as he watched me and his jaw was square with a little dimple in the center of his chin. I couldn't see the color of his eyes behind the dark sunglasses perched on his nose and his hair was a darker blonde color pushed off his forehead with gel. I shot him a flirty smile back since he was very attractive, and I didn't mind the audience since I was enjoying to music. I went back to washing my Escape. When I heard the car wash sprayer turn on I looked up over the top of my car, and I saw the tall man rinsing the side I had already washed. "Thanks." I said. "No, problem. Since I enjoyed your dancing to my music, I thought I'd help you finish so I could introduce myself." His voice was a deep baritone that sent a shiver down my spine. We finished washing my Escape together. I poured the soapy bucket into the drain and rinsed the rag in the sprayer. Shutting off the water, the man turned around and held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Dean." "Nice to meet you. I'm Rachel." I smiled up at Dean since he was about six inches taller than me and took his large hand into my smaller one. He was very sexy and appeared to be in his mid-thirties. Goosebumps traveled up my arm when I felt his fingers softly stroke my sensitive palm. His bright white smile widened and crinkles formed in the corners of his eyes at my physical response to his touch. His eyes followed my tongue as I nervously licked the sweat on my upper lip. "I've got some beer on ice in the trunk if you would like a cold drink." Dean offered. "You know exactly what a woman needs, don't you, Dean?" I teased back enjoying flirting with this gorgeous man. "Absolutely." He replied with a laugh and turned to pop the trunk of the Impala reaching inside and grabbing two longneck bottles of Shiner Bock from a beat up old metal green cooler. I caught a glimpse of a complex design in white paint on the inside trunk before Dean closed it. Opening both bottles, Dean walked over and handed me a bottle. Taking a long draw of the ice cold beer I swallowed the crisp dark flavor with a hum of pleasure. "Awesome." As I lowered the bottle I noticed Dean watching a drop of sweat slide down my neck into the low cleavage of my tank top. "Enjoying the view?" "Yeah. Hot girl in more ways than one is my favorite view." Dean said as he raised his eyes to mine and they began to burn with green fire. I felt my face flush in response to his appraisal. I watched his throat and the muscles in his neck as he tipped up his own bottle taking a long drink. I resisted the urge to run my palm down his well defined chest but my eyes must have betrayed me because Dean leaned towards me to whisper, "Want to get out of here and get to know each other some place a little more private?" "I have a better idea." I whispered back coyly. I tipped the bottle up and downed the cold brew. As I flipped the bottle into the trash, I asked, "If you want to follow me, I'll take you to my favorite place to cool off." Without waiting to see if he was going to follow me, I turned and hopped into my Escape and turned the key. I pulled out of the car wash bay and took a right onto the black top road. I smiled as heard the deep growl of the Impala following me. Heading towards my brother's ranch for 15 minutes, I turned off the highway onto one of the back ranch dirt roads and bumped over the cattle guard between the barbed wire fencing. We drove down to the edge of the 40 acre lake in the back pasture. As I turned off the engine, the Impala pulled next to my Escape and the engine turned off with a rev. I dropped the keys into the console and stepped out into the Texas heat. Whistling appreciatively under his breath, Dean stepped out of the car and said, "Awesome." He walked around the front of the car to stand next to me looking out across the lake. The water was clear enough to see the rocky bottom and the small minnows swimming just under the surface. There was a small island of rocks near the center with a few mesquite trees along the shores. An earthen dam surrounded the lake on one side where the lake had been dug out providing a very private setting. "Welcome to the Rocking R ranch, Dean. This is my favorite spot and the best place to spend a hot afternoon." I waved my hand towards the lake. "Feel like a swim?" "Absolutely. I've got some cut-offs in the trunk." Dean answered. "Oh, you don't need those." I smiled wickedly as I pulled my tank top off and dropped my shorts down my legs. Dean's eyes went wide as he realized that I was stripping right there and then smiled and unbuckled his belt before pulling off his t-shirt revealing a perfectly formed chest and tight abs. Without any embarrassment I took off my matching lace bra and panties and stood proudly letting Dean look his fill. As his jeans and briefs hit the ground, I glanced down to see the impressive erection he was sporting. Before he could untie his hiking boots, I kicked out of my tennis shoes. "Race you to the island!" I said as I took off for the water and dove long and low into the lake. I heard a guffaw of laughter at my playfulness and before long there was a splash behind me. Setting out with long strokes, Dean quickly caught up to me and passed me to reach the rocks first. I reached the island just a second behind him. On the side we reached, there was a sheer drop below the water so we held the rocks while we caught our breath treading water. "I win." Dean said laughing. "What do I get as a prize?" I wrapped both arms around his neck so he had to keep one hand on the rock to keep us from going under the water. Pressing my body to his, I kissed him. He slid his free arm around my waist and arched my back into him so I could feel his naked skin from my shoulders to my feet. Tilting his head slightly he ran his tongue along my lips asking for permission to enter which I granted so our mouths could blend together completely. Using my tongue to trace every texture from the serrated edges of his teeth and the soft inside of his lips, I lost all sense of the world around me but my intense focus on the man in my arms. I felt Dean's hand move up my spine, and he buried his hand in my long hair holding my head as he plundered my mouth as thoroughly as I was exploring his. The intense explosion of passion between us was quickly unquenchable, and we were fighting to get closer without drowning. Breaking apart and breathing harshly, Dean quickly pushed up onto the small rock island and lifted me up effortlessly into his arms. He maneuvered me so that I was lying on my back with him leaning over me. He leaned down and rested his thigh between mine and continued to kiss me till nothing existed except him to me. Breaking contact, Dean pushed up onto his elbows to look down into my eyes. The sun was directly behind his head giving him a halo like look and almost all of the green was swallowed up with his blown pupils. "Damn! Rachel, you are so hot." Dean's voice was deeper and rougher as he tried to catch his breath. "Want to continue this back on shore so I can get a condom?" "Absolutely, cowboy." I smiled up at him stroking my hand down his slick damp shoulders and arms. Dean stood quickly and held out his hand to pull me up off the rocks. As I stood, I flowed into his arms again and moved my hand onto the back of his head pulling him down to merge my mouth to his for more deep wet kisses. I could feel the sun's warmth all over my body intensifying the sensations I was experiencing with Dean. All my focus began to pool into my lower abdomen and between my legs. Dean's hand slid up my rib cage to caress my breast causing a shiver to run down my spine making my knees weak. Placing my palms on his pectorals I gently pushed back gaining some distance between our bodies to draw a deep breath. Without a word I spun on my heel and dove into the lake setting out as fast as possible for the shore where my Escape and the Impala were parked. Again, I heard a splash behind me as Dean entered the lake swimming as quickly as I was. He made it to the shore first and I left the water a few seconds behind him. I stood admiring his body in the bright sunshine as he walked to the trunk of the Impala. There wasn't a single imperfection on that gorgeous body from his muscular calves, lean waist, rounded butt, and broad shoulders. Dean pulled a red and black plaid blanket from the trunk and spread it out between our cars. His eyes were burning with desire and he slowly held out his hand beckoning me to him. As if I was being pulled by an invisible rope, I walked toward him slowly giving an extra sway to my hips. I moved into his arms and he lowered us to the blanket covered ground. I was burning for him already, "I feel empty Dean. Fill me, please." I begged. Leaning up and rolling onto his side, he picked up a small foil packet and rolled the condom onto his engorged cock. It was as beautiful as the rest of his body, thick, rounded, and long enough to guarantee absolute pleasure to a woman. Trailing his hand up from my ankle to the center of my core, Dean moaned when he felt how wet and ready I was for him. "Jeez, Rachel, you are so beautiful and perfect." He lightly circle my clit drawing out gasps of pleasure from my lips. Increasing the pressure, he eased his long finger into me causing my hips to jerk towards his hand. "Easy baby, we're almost there." Adding another long finger, I gasped as he stretched me causing another wave of moisture to pool from my core as he watched my face for every reactions he was drawing out of me. My hands instinctively clinched on his shoulder digging my nails into him causing him to groan. "That's it, I can't wait another second." Dean rolled between my thighs and fitted his latex covered cock into my sensitive core. I melted around him as the stretching sensation made waves of ecstasy travel all over my body. I moaned as Dean fitted his mouth to my lips and mimicked the motion of his rocking hips with his tongue. Wrapping my arms tightly around his back and raising my knees to take him as deep as I could, I tried to hold onto the only thing in my reality at that moment, Dean. As I moaned into his mouth, he started moving faster hitting my sweet spot deep inside with every thrust. Unconsciously my nails dug into his butt cheeks and we began to be climb the pinnacle of ecstasy. Raising my hips, I met Dean's thrusts pushing us both towards climax faster and faster. I broke away from his amazing mouth gasping for oxygen and buried my face into the junction of his neck and shoulder. Dean was pushing up on his arms and every muscle was tensed with the strength of our mutual physical need. Just when I thought I couldn't contain his powerful strokes, I climaxed with a yell and bit down on the tendons of his neck where my mouth was. Right then, Dean threw back his head and gave a loud shout as he strained in finding his own release and poured into the condom. After jerking three powerful times, he collapse onto me, and I savored his weight cradled on my pelvis as we both gasped for air. After several long minutes, our breathing returned to almost normal. Dean stirred, "I'm crushing you." He moved to roll onto his side, but I held on him which made him smile. When his cock softened and eased from from my body, I let go of my tight grip on his shoulders letting him roll to lay beside me. He peeled off the condom and rolled to his side facing me resting his head on his hand. "Wow, that was incredible, Rachel." With my eyes closed I smiled, "Yeah, cowboy, that was a hell of a ride." Dean laid back and laughed loud and long. "I sure am glad I needed to wash the Impala today." Dean said as his laughing slowed down. The sun felt wonderful on my naked skin, so I lifted my arms above my head with a deep sigh. I was more relaxed than I had been my entire life thanks to the gorgeous man beside me. "I needed this so much, thank you." I said as I stretched fully on the blanket. "Really? Glad to be of service. Give me a call anytime you need to expend some tension." Dean said as he turned to face me again. "You weren't the only one feeling stressed. Baby, I should be thanking you." "Your welcome, cowboy." Goosebumps starting on my arms and legs and I shivered from the water and sweat drying on my skin. Seeing my shiver, Dean wrapped his long arms around me and turned me into his chest. It was like having my own heating blanket. "You are so warm. Does you internal heater always stay on." I teased and he chuckled. "Baby, you are the hot one, not me." He said against the top of my hair and pulled the blanket to cover me. We laid wrapped in each other's arms for about ten minutes savoring the euphoric aftermath before Dean's stomach made a loud growl causing me to giggle. "Someone's hungry." "What can I say, man can't live by sex alone." Dean gave me a squeeze and kissed my forehead. "The least I can do is buy you dinner for sharing your private lake with me." "Is that your way of asking me out, cowboy?" I said against his chest giggling a little at the absurdity of the situation since I just had sex with a man I met only a few hours ago. "Well...yeah." He said a little sheepishly. Until his stomach made another loud growl, causing us to laugh again. "Dinner is definitely needed." We got up and while Dean put the blanket back in the trunk, I opened the hatch on my Escape and opened my gym bag which had a complete change of clean clothes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dean open a beat up duffle bag and pull out clean clothes of his own. After I dressed, I walked down to the shore and gathered up our abandoned clothes. Separating them, I handed Dean his and laid mine in the hatch. "What are you hungry for?" I asked. Dean gave me a pointed look as his gaze slowly traveled from my shoes up my body to my eyes, "Besides what you already gave me? Can I get seconds later?" I playfully punched his arm which he grabbed and pulled me into a gentle hug. "You probably know a good local place since I'm not from around here, so how about you surprise me?" "You like barbecue?" I asked. "Awesome. I haven't had good Texas barbecue in years." He answered. "Then, I know the perfect place. It's only about two miles up the highway." With a small feeling of disappointment, I stepped out of Dean's arms and climbed into my Escape. He followed me again off the ranch and onto the highway to C&J's which had the best brisket in town. We had a wonderful dinner and talked for hours about all kinds of things that we had in common: classic rock music, driving on long road trips, even our love of the classic Three Stooges. Leaving the restaurant after it had gotten dark, Dean walked with me over to my Escape. Neither of us wanted this day to end, so the silence stretched between us for several minutes before Dean said, "I better get back to my brother at the hotel. He's probably wondering where I've been all day." "Me too. Kyle, my older brother, is a little over-protective and I'm surprised he hasn't tried to text or call me yet." Just as I finished saying that my phone vibrated so I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the message. Sure enough, Kyle was asking where the hell I was. "I better get going." "Yeah, me too." Dean leaned down towards me looking deep into my eyes. Just as I was drowning in Dean's apple green eyes, a large shiny black SUV with black tinted windows came squealing into the parking lot. It screeched to a stopped just in front of us, and four very large men jumped out. Dean immediately stepped in front of me and pushed me behind his wide back. Every muscle I could see outlined in his tight shirt was tensed and he widened his stance as the men approach. "Winchester. I've waited a long time to take you on." The first man spoke in growl that didn't sound quite human, and I noticed that his eyes were black as crude oil. Since my brother Kyle and I were hunters, I recognized the eyes of a demon and the name Dean Winchester was familiar too. "Let's get it on, you demon son of a bitch." Dean snarled in return as he slipped a wicked looking silver bone handle knife from the back waistband of his belted jeans. "Rachel, get in your car and get the hell out of here." Dean said without taking his eyes off the four men advancing on us. Oh, I don't think the lady should leave. Severn and Legion get the woman, Falkirk and I will take care of Winchester." The demonic leader barked orders to his companions. Two of the demons began to flank Dean and I before I could take one step towards my car. I spun till I was back to back with Dean and prepared to defend myself. Even with all the self defense and martial arts courses I had taken, there was no defense against their unnatural speed, and I was quickly rendered unconscious from a right hook to my jaw from one of the huge demons. As I fell into blackness, my last sight was Dean lying prone on the asphalt with blood dripping from a gash on his forehead next to my smashed phone. My last thought was how stupid Kyle was going to think I was because I left my weapons in the Escape and spent the day with Dean unarmed.
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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10.04 | Paper Moon
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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Dean Winchester | 10x02  - "Reichenbach"
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
Dean's Girl-Chapter Three
Heather’s POV “Mom says you’re a FBI agent here on a case. So finding out you got a kid must have been a shocker?” I looked straight into the same green eyes as mine. Meeting my father; probably the weirdest thing to happen to me, ever. At least my father is good looking like he could be a guest star on Law and Order SVU. He looked so uncomfortable and had the same nervous habit I did of repeatedly licking his bottom lip. “Uh, yeah. You could say that.” After neither of us spoke for a few minutes he took a deep breath and said, “I didn’t know you existed and I don’t know what we’re suppose to say to each other. I’m sorry about this.” “You think I’m angry at you? Well, that’s stupid! Mom told me you disappeared before she even knew she was pregnant. Tell me, would my life be different if you knew about me?” I watched my father look away before answering. “I don’t know, Heather. I was young and working a lot on the road then.” He was holding back and I just knew because I saw the same look in the mirror when I was hiding something from mom. “Can we take a walk? Mom’s watching us like a hawk and your partner has a goofy look on his face.” We both looked over to the coffee house counter where Mom and Dean’s partner, Sam, were sitting trying to give us privacy but failing from glancing over every few seconds. We stood up from the cafe table, and I grabbed my phone off the table pushing it into my back pocket. “Mom…Dean…uh…Mr. Winchester…What do I call you?” I looked up at my father whose 6’2” height towered over me. “Dean is fine.” “Ok, Mom we’re going to take a walk down to the park.” Mom didn’t look like she wanted to let me go off with a man, father or not. Dean reached out and put his hand on mom’s shoulder, “Rachel. It’s ok I won’t let anything happen to Heather.” His deep voice held such conviction and Mom lowered her head before saying, “Ok.” “Sam will you stay with Rachel?” It was with great familiarity that Dean spoke so I guess they had been partners for a long time. “Sure, I’ll try and find out a little more about the case.” Sam had long hair which I was pretty sure was not FBI standard. In fact they didn’t look anything like FBI right then. Faded blue jeans, t-shirts, flannel shirts, and hiking boots made them look about as far from FBI agents as they could get. Just as Dean and I walked out of the glass door onto the sidewalk I heard Mom mention Stacey’s name to Sam. Walking along silently I reviewed the morning since my life was completely turned inside out. Mom was sitting at the breakfast nook drinking a cup of coffee when I came downstairs. When I came into the kitchen she looked up with that face letting me know there was something heavy about to happen. After getting some instant oatmeal and orange juice, I sat down across from Mom. Telling me that my father was in town, she asked if I wanted to meet him. It took me a few minutes but I couldn’t deny I was curious as hell to meet him. Now he was walking beside me towards the park I played in all my life. Stealing sideways looks I realized he was shortening his long legged strides for me and it made me feel good for some reason. “How long have you been an FBI agent?” I asked. “Ummm, a long time.” “Wow, that’s vague. How about where do you live?” “I’ve got a place in Lebanon, Kansas, but I drive all over the country on cases.” “Cool, I’ve never been outside of Texas.” Once again we lapsed into awkward silence as we walked. When we got to the city park, I immediately headed to the swings and sat down on rubber seat and started pushing slowly with my foot. Dean eyed the shorter swing before he folded into the one next to mine. “I haven’t sat on a swing set in…wow, I don’t know how long.” He chuckled. “I guess being on the road all the time for work makes it hard to slow down. You probably would die of boredom in Cheyenne.” “Yeah, I can’t imagine growing up in the same town and staying like your mom did.” “She kind of didn’t have a choice.” I grimaced. “She had to give up a lot when she got pregnant.” “Hey, I’m sorry, ok. I didn’t know.” Dean started defensively. “No, you misunderstand. Mom’s awesome. She’s the toughest and strongest woman in this whole hick town. I’m proud of her and don’t think I missed anything not having a father around. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all pecan pie. I didn’t do the father/daughter dance in middle school but Mom took me to Dallas that weekend to see the Water Gardens. She always did stuff like that so I never felt like I needed another parent.” Dean was staring at me with a crooked grin. “So what can you tell me about the Winchester side of the fam?” “You grandfather’s name was John and your grandmother was Mary.” Dean went silent like he was struggling to find anything else to tell me. “That’s it? Are they still around?” “Uh, Dad died years ago…and Mom…” Dean had a look on his face that I totally recognized. “Why don’t you cut the bullshit and just be honest?” I said flatly shocking Dean into silence. “What?” “Look, I know you are trying to come up with lies and holding back like you’re afraid to tell me too much. One, I recognize the act. Two, working at the sheriff’s office I’ve learned a thing about witness statements.” “You are only 14 years old, night?” Dean asked grinning. “Don’t patronize me! I don’t know what you were like at 14 but I’m a freaking genius.” I was surprised as Dean at my outburst. Blowing out a sigh I said, “Sorry. I don’t know where that came from.” “I do. That was all Winchester arrogance.” Dean was smiling. “Well, I always wondered if my temper was from my father.” I smiled back feeling some of the tension fade away. “WINCHESTER!” Suddenly two women appeared about six feet in front of us. Moving so fast I couldn’t see the individual movements, my father was standing in front of me with a gun pointed at the strangers. I didn’t recognize either of them but I could have sworn I heard one of them hiss.
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
Dean's Girl Chapter Two
Dean’s POV
“So what are you thinking? Game wardens? FBI?” I glanced over at Sam as we pulled into the crappy small town motel.
“The Fed suits are good to intimidate the locals so I say let’s go with Agents Henley and Frey.” Sam said without glancing up from the tablet he was using to read the online copy of a local newspaper article.
I pulled Baby into the empty space outside of the office and shut off the engine listening for any odd sounds from the engine. Standing up I stretched my back and futilely tried to ease the back ache of driving 10 hours. Damn, I’m getting too old for this shit. Every hunt is getting harder physically and took longer recovery time. My knees are shot and after spending months in the federal hellhole prison, I’d rather collapse on a couch with a bottle of bourbon than gank some small town witch.
That’s what Sam thought we were hunting, a witch. A woman’s body stuffed inside a hollow tree with her right hand missing was the signal that we had a case. Something about this small Texas town kept bothering me like some long forgotten memory. It wasn’t just that I remembered coming through here after Sam took off to find dad during that fugly scarecrow case when I almost go sacrificed in a damn apple orchard. I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling like there was something important and bad about to happen. After all the hunts why the hell was I feeling nervous about an obvious salt and burn witch case.
I pushed opened the lobby door and walked up to the motel counter. Pulling out a credit card I did a quick glance at the name before signing in. Sam and I changed into our Fed suits and headed to the sheriff’s office to get the details of the dead woman.
As we walked into the office, I reached into my coat to pull out my badge. I stopped when I noticed a teenager working at the front desk. Her dark blonde hair was hiding her face as her hunched over what looked like an algebra textbook. When she heard us walking up she raised her very green eyes and stared straight with confidence and a slight smile.
“Hi. Can I help you?” I couldn’t help returning her smile. She was pretty and seemed to feel comfortable speaking to two men in suits. I had to say I was a little impressed since I know that Sam and I can be intimidating to young girls.
“Hello. I’m Agent Henley and this is my partner, Agent Frey. We need to see the sheriff about a case.” Sam answered.
“Sheriff Emerson stepped out for a minute, but maybe I can help. Do you want to see a case file?” She couldn’t be more than 14 so I wondered if she really could help us.
“That would be great, sweetheart.” I said with a wink.
“It’s Heather, not sweetheart.” The frown and raised eyebrow let me know that I wasn’t going to charm this one into giving us any information and my opinion of her raised even a little higher.
“Alright, Heather. Could you find any case notes about the woman who was killed three days ago.” I saw her face fall with sadness and tears form which made a unfamiliar wave of sympathy. “Sorry, did you know her?” I asked gently.
“Yeah. She was my mom’s best friend, Stacey Emerson.” Heather said as she turned around heading for a metal desk running her fingertips under her eyes swiping unshed tears. I felt like a jackass for making this young girl cry. She picked up a manilla folder and brought it back to the counter.
Reaching out for the file, I said, “Thank you, Heather. When Sheriff Emerson returns can you ask him to give us a call?” I handed her a business card before asking. “Was the sheriff related to woman?” Making the connection of the same last name, Emerson. I didn’t want to call her a victim thinking it would upset Heather more and why the hell did I care if this teenage girl was upset?
“Yes, sir. Stacey was Sheriff Emerson’s daughter.”
“Thank you for all your help. Is there a cafe or someplace we could grab a bite to eat?” I asked because from experience hunting in small towns it was always good to get the local opinion on places to eat.
“Yes, sir. My mom’s cafe is right on the other side of the square. Great WiFi too.” Heather brightened with pride as she talked about her mom. It made me smile at her enthusiasm.
“Sounds great.”
“Best pecan pie you’ve ever had!”
“Really?!?” I exclaimed and Sam let out a laugh knowing we would definitely be heading to her mom’s cafe for lunch. I took the file and we headed out the door.
“Let’s just walk since we’re right here.” Sam suggested and we headed around the courthouse for the opposite side of the town square.
R&H Coffee House was painted in bright red on a sign above storefront announcing what was the local cafe. There were tables set up outside on the sidewalk covered in red plaid table cloths with a napkin dispensers. The ceramic salt and pepper shakers where in the shapes of a tiny hen and rooster. Right outside the door was a quaint chalkboard sign with the day’s specials listened in colorful chalk. All of the decor was rustic and rural with a distinctly Texas flavor. As Sam pushed the glass door to enter, a door bell sounded that was the exact copy of a cow’s moo. Sam rolled his eyes while I let out guffaw at the unique way of announcing customers.
Walking up to the counter, we were greeted by another teenage girl about the same age as Heather, but this one was red headed. “Howdy! Just have a seat at any table and I’ll bring you some coffee. Right?” She said eyeing Sam and I and licking her cherry red glossed lips. Her obvious attempt at flirting was laughable and a little disgusting.
“Thanks.” Sam answered curtly and walked over to a table in the corner next to the windows where we could see the courthouse and town square. I sat down across from him while the girl working the counter came around the cash register and tottered over on platform heels.
The girl had way too much makeup on and the shortest skirt with a tiny little french maid apron. It actually made me feel old and dirty when she purposely leaned her hip against my shoulder. “What can I get for you?” Her name tag said “Steph”.
“How about some menus, Stephanie?” I asked in my stern FBI voice. She practically threw the menus on the table and stomped back to the cash register counter.
“What’s your problem?” Sam asked quizzically looking at me.
I blew a frustrated breath “I don’t know but there’s something about this town and that little girl acting little a slut really bothered me.”
“Yeah, well let’s see what the local sheriff has in his file.” Sam opened the manilla folder and started reading the case notes. I grabbed a menu scanning for lunch ideas.
In the corner of my vision I saw a small pair of cowboy boots covered in tight straight leg jeans. Forgetting the menu, I turned my attention to the jean covered thighs and tiny waist. A knotted flannel shirt rode right above the waist band and was filled nicely across the chest. A long elegant neck held a beautiful oval face with light brown eyes and light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. I watched as the full lips formed into a surprised “O” when our eyes met. An aluminum coffee carafe fell from her hands and crashed to the floor before the woman spun around and ran through the swinging saloon doors into the kitchen.
Sam’s head jerked up as I quickly stood and followed the woman. I looked left and right in between the stainless kitchen counter tops seeing the woman disappear into what had to be the back business office of the cafe. I knocked on the door before turning the knob and walking in without waiting for an invitation. She was leaning against an old metal desk with her arms wrapped protectively around her. She was shaking violently.
“Excuse me. Are you ok?” I asked softly.
She raised her face with a look of terror when she heard my voice. “What the hell are you doing in my coffee shop, Dean?” The anger was like a slap in the face which had me taking a quick step back especially since she knew my name.
“Do I know you?” Her flashing eyes and ramrod straight spine were indication that she was wound tight with strong emotions.
Blowing out a deep sigh she said, “I’m sorry. I was so shocked to see you here in Cheyenne. I didn’t ever expect to see you again.”
“Again? So we’ve have met?” She seemed to be getting a grip on herself so I took a cautious step towards her.
“You were in town for just a few hours 15 years ago, Dean.” I searched through memories and cases that far back trying to remember her. Oh Shit! A faint memory of taking a girl’s virginity in the back seat outside a bar crept in my brain. Oh damn! I guess she realized from the expression on my face that I remembered because she softly smiled. “My name is Rachel in case you don’t remember that.”
“Rachel. Of course I remember you.” I smiled sheepishly. “How have you been?” I said after a few awkward moments of staring at each other. “You look good.”
“So do you, Dean. Especially in a suit, although I did love the leather jacket.”
“Me too.” We both laughed at that. “So, you never left Cheyenne? I thought you were heading to college? If I remember right, you wanted to get out of this small town as soon as you could.” I watched emotions flow across her face: sadness, anger, and then fear. The fear didn’t make sense and made me suspicious.
“Uh….well…circumstances changed….things happened.”
“You still have a cute stutter when you are nervous.” I couldn’t help but notice that her cheeks were very red.
“Look, I need to clean up the mess I made with the coffee, so let me get you something for lunch and we can talk after closing?” She looked eager to talk so I immediately agreed to come back tonight. I held open the door for her to pass and I caught a whiff of honeysuckle and pecans. The scent immediately flooded my brain with memories of the sensations of stroking her smooth thighs and her lips beneath mine. I’ve had plenty of lovers and there was no reason this one would be remembered but there was something about Rachel’s innocence that night that haunted me. Her trust in me was such a foreign feeling and I was not sure how she did it but she was one of those good memories that were so rare for me.
Rachel walked back to the table where Sam was still sitting watching us approach with open curiosity. Picking up the coffee pot she took it back to the counter and started a fresh pot brewing after pouring the other down the sink. I sat back down across from Sam. “Ok, dude. What is going on?” He immediately asked.
“Later I’ll tell you everything after we eat.” I said as I tilted my head letting Sam know I didn’t want to talk in front of the other customers. Sam raised an eyebrow and then shrugged before picking up her menu.
Rachel came back towards our table with a small notebook. “What can I get you gentlemen?”
“How about a cheeseburger with curly fries. Someone also told me this place had the best pecan pie.” I smiled and winked.
Her smile lit up, “Who told you that?”
“The kid working the counter at the sheriff’s office.” Looking over at Sam, “Her name was Heather, right?”
“You…you met Heather?” She stuttered visibly turning pale.
“Yeah. She was a nice kid.” I said wondering what was wrong.
“Yes, she’s working during the summer for Sheriff Emerson.” Rachel gathered her emotions and turned to Sam to take his order of chef salad. She turned to the kitchen without another word.
“What the hell is going on, Dean?” Sam asked with exasperation.
“I’m not sure, Sam, but I’m going to find out.”
I didn’t see Rachel again during our lunch. Steph brought our plates and drinks. The pecan pie was really the best I ever had. The hours were posted on the glass door so I decided to get answers from Rachel at 8:00 tonight.
After lunch, Sam and I went back to the motel and changed out of the fed suits. I told Sam about meeting Rachel at the dance hall and thinking she was older than 18. I purposely left out that she had been a virgin but Sam guessed we’d made out. While Sam researched the town history and local unexplained events, I headed back to the coffee shop to get answers to questions rolling around in my head. I parallel parked Baby in front of the cafe and stood outside looking in through the front glass windows.
Rachel was sitting at the counter sipping from a tea cup. I watched her reach up and pull out the ponytail holder shaking out her long dark hair. The movement was so feminine and sexy causing a twist of desire in my groin. She looked deep in thought. The years since I knew the 18 year old girl had given her a wisdom and touch of sadness that I recognized in myself. She was more beautiful than I remembered. When I softly knocked on the door, Rachel gracefully slid off the counter stool and approached to unlock the door. I walked through and she relocked the glass door.
“Do you want some coffee?”
“I’d rather have a beer.” I gave her a grin. Rachel smiled and went into the kitchen returning with two bottles of Shiner Bock. Sitting at one of the small cafe tables, I lounged back while she nervously picked at the bottle label. “So, what made you stay in Cheyenne?” I broke the silence.
“To explain that is hard for me. I really never thought I would see you again. When you drove away that night, I didn’t even know your last name.” Rachel said. “I didn’t know anyway to contact you.” She looked down at her hands.
I took a drink from my beer mustering some courage to say, “I’m sorry about leaving like that. I was young and stupid.”
“No, Dean. There’s no reason for you to apologize. I don’t regret that night because…” Rachel stopped to take a deep swig before “…you gave me Heather that night.” Her words made no sense and I was confused trying to understand when she finished. “You met Heather. She’s your daughter.”
I sat stunned. My brain not accepting her words even with the truth shining in her eyes. “Son of a bitch!” I whispered still trying to understand the shift in my world that had happened. “I have a daughter?” I breathed in awe.
“Yes, Dean I got pregnant the night I lost my virginity to you.” Rachel said slowly.
“Shit! You mean I’ve been a father for 14 years?!” It was too much. I couldn’t process any of this. How the hell did this happen? Ok, I know HOW it happened but what am I supposed to do with it? “Does Heather know?”
“Yes, I have been totally honest with her. She knows her father’s name is Dean and that he was a one night stand when I was 18.” I couldn’t stop the wince of guilt that came over me. Rachel reached across the table and placed a hand over mine. “Dean, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Heather is my life and I love her so much. I can’t regret that night with you because you gave her to me.”
“I have a 14 year old daughter.” I repeated hoping my brain would start working again. I could see Heather’s sweet smile and her spunky attitude when I called her sweetheart. “Does she wonder about me? I mean does she ask questions?”
Rachel smiled. “Yes, she asks but I don’t have answers to most of the things she wants to know.”
“Should I….I mean, can I meet her?” I asked hesitantly.
Seriously Rachel said, “Let me ask Heather and see how she feels about meeting her father. Ok? It should be her choice.”
“Yeah, sure. Of course” I said quickly. Looking around I noticed softball team pictures on the wall next to some plaques announcing that the R&H Coffee House was a team sponsor. I couldn’t sit still anymore so I wandered over for a closer look. Rachel walked over to stand next to me looking at the pictures smiling.
“Heather is quite an athlete. She’s played softball since she could throw a ball and hold a bat. She even moved up into the travel league two years ago.” I could hear the pride in Rachel’s voice and felt a tug of pride too. “She plays third base and has a .347 batting average.”
“Awesome!” I spotted Heather kneeling in the front row in each picture. The oldest picture showed her in pigtails but I recognized her face right away. Her eyes were the same shape as mine and that self assured smirk was definitely Winchester.
“She’s an amazing young lady, Dean. Straight “A’s”, National Honor Society, and does UIL competitions in science, debate, and creative writing.”
“Wow! Sounds like you did a great job raising her.” I turned toward Rachel realizing she did this all by herself: had a kid, started her own business, and dealt with the small town bigotry of being a teenage mother.
“Thanks, I did my best. After I found out I was pregnant, I decided that going to college right then wasn’t possible. My parents were great. They supported my decision to keep the baby. When Heather started pre-school, I took college courses online. I have my MBA now and the coffee house supports us comfortably.”
Looking down my feelings of pride flowed towards Rachel too. This woman was so much more attractive than the girl she had been. I raised my hand and placed it on her shoulder feeling her strength. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help.”
Smiling up at me with a mischievous look Rachel asked, “Can you tell me your last name now?”
“Winchester. Can you tell me yours?” I said teasing back.
“Remington.” For a shocked minute we just looked at each other before starting to laugh. The sudden release of tension had us laughing so hard Rachel moved into my arms clinging to my shirt. I felt her struggling to breathe and she actually snorted which made me laugh harder. Finally we eased up enough to take deep breaths. I looked down at the woman whose eyes were filled with happy tears. I couldn’t stop from leaning down to brush my lips across her soft mouth.
All of a sudden it was like a match to gasoline, the passion flamed up between us. I flexed pulling her body tight against mine and buried my hand in her hair to cradle the back of her head. Slanting my mouth I pressed into her mouth and my brain shut down. Her mouth tasted tangy of beer we had drunk and the sweet warmth that was uniquely Rachel. Before I realized it, I had her pressed against the counter top grinding against her. Taking a step back I watched Rachel struggle to catch her breath. “Sorry. I don’t know what that was.” I said dragging my hands through my hair.
“That’s called passion with a whole bunch of lust thrown in.”
Damn. Her sense of humor was hotter than anything I ever felt. She had everything that turned me on and it scared the hell out of me. Turning around I grabbed the beer and downed the contents instead of grabbing Rachel again like my dick was telling me to do.
“Dean, what are you doing in Cheyenne?” Rachel asked obviously recovering faster than me.
I didn’t know if I could lie to her or if the truth was going to destroy any chance I had of getting to know my daughter. Son of a bitch! I hate these moments of truth.
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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Jensen’s brain: THINK OF A SEXY NAME QUICK QUICK Jensen’s mouth: “Fantastic Fred.” (Jibcon 8)
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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Opening and drinking a beer has never looked so sexy
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
Dean's Girl
Chapter One I tugged at the bottom of my pick crop top Stacey insisted I wear tonight. Shifting in my chair I also tried to get the denim miniskirt further down my thighs. How did I ever let Stacey talk me into going to a bar dressed like a slut for her 18th birthday?
She was my best friend since we were toddlers living on the same street just two houses apart. We were inseparable through high school so knowing in September we were going to colleges on either side of the state probably added to her usual ability to manipulate me into going along with her wild impulses again. The only reason we didn’t have juvenile records from all of Stacey’s wild ideas was her sheriff ather kept her and me out of the trouble she seemed to thrive on. So here I was sitting in a backwoods Texas dance hall bar in her idea of a party outfit looking like we were already in college years older than our real ages.
Stacey was dancing with the third cowboy of the night while I turned down my fourth offer to dance sipping my club soda with lime at a table right next to the dance floor. Watching Stacey twirl past me in the arms of some local diary hand brought my eyes to the entrance where a tall guy was getting his hand stamped showing he was over 21. The lights from the parking lot lit up the entrance framing his body. Broad shoulders, lean waist, close cropped hair, and long legs was all I could make out. First thought was that he must not be from around here because he didn’t have a Stetson and the pearl snap western plaid underneath a beat up old leather jacket.
Something about the way he moved over to the bar peaked my interest because even though he obviously wasn’t some local hick, he appeared to own the place. It wasn’t arrogance but just a palatable confidence in his own strength. He was slightly bow legged so maybe I was wrong about him not being a cowboy. After getting a longneck he turned around and casually leaned against the bar to sweep the crowd with an assessing gaze.
I couldn’t stop staring which quickly got the attention of the guy who smiled and winked in my direction. Quickly looking over my shoulder thinking there must be some other girl behind me who got his attention, I turned back to see him let out a laugh. Blushing with embarrassment I dropped my gaze and stirred my straw in my glass cursing my awkward shyness. When the chair next to me moved, my head shot up to see the guy sit down at my table.
“Is this chair taken?”
I choked and sputtered at his words since the George Strait song with that exact line was playing on the jukebox.
Giggling, I said, “No, but don’t you think you could come up with something a little more original?”
“Probably but aren’t all the good pick up lines written in songs already?” His voice was deep and smooth. I felt a shiver run down my arms.
“Those only work if you are Bob Seger.” I responded with sass. Where the hell did that come from? I was about as sassy as dishwater so I was surprised I could even speak with this gorgeous guy talking to me.
His eyes widened slightly with real interest holding out his hand he said, “I’m Dean.”
Sliding my hand into his feeling the warmth envelope mine, I whispered, “Rachel.”
“What was that darlin?” Dean leaned towards me until I could feel his body warmth through his jeans against my bare leg.
“My name’s Rachel.” I said a little louder with another blush rushing my face. In the dark bar it was hard to tell much about Dean except that he had beautiful bone structure and light eyes. There was something magnetic about him.
Stacey came twirling and panting back to our table hanging on the latest cowboy’s arm. As she reached the table, she grabbed my club soda and downed the cool drink. “Whoa, Jake can really dance!” She was almost gasping from exertion.
“That’s not all I’m good at honey.” Jake drawled wrapping a meaty arm around Stacey’s tiny waist. I wrinkled my nose at the obvious come on but Stacey just looked at Jake and licked her lips while she fluttered her eyes at him.
Dean stood up and after introducing himself to both of them said, “I’ll get the next round” and headed to the bar.
Stacey pushed Jake into a chair and practically sat in his lap and playfully put his Stetson on her head. When Dean returned with the drinks, I took a large gulp without thinking. The slight and then intense burn in my throat made me realize that Dean had brought drinks with alcohol back to the table and instead of club soda and lime, my glass now had a double shot of tequila.
Just as I was about to push the glass away and let Dean know we were underage, Stacey shot me a tell-and-I’ll-kill-you look. With a sigh because I didn’t want to ruin her birthday, I took another sip and swore that I wouldn’t say anything but I would get my own drink the rest of the night.
Now I understand the road to hell is paved with good intentions because after the first alcoholic drink, the two guys kept buying the rounds and before an hour, we were all doing tequila shots.
By the next hour, feeling tipsy and flying higher than I ever had in my life, my inhibitions and shyness were gone. Everything was funny and I even let Dean pull me onto the dance floor for a slow waltz. When he leaned down to put his cheek next to mine, I snuggled in smelling his woodsy cologne and the leather of his jacket. I was so warm and it felt very special being held in Dean’s strong arms. I stroked the short hairline on the back of his neck and felt him shiver. This encouraged me to be much bolder than I ever could be sober, so I leaned up and pulled his head down to taste his full lips.
My fuzzy brain made a weak protest that this was so wrong with a guy I just met in a bar. At the first brush of his lips across mine, I was lost. My mouth fell open in a gasp as he ran his tongue along my bottom lip. He eased his tongue softly against mine. Tilting my head onto his shoulder, Dean slanted his mouth and deepened the merging of our mouths. Sliding his tongue around mine and teasing the sensitive area behind my lips, he kissed me like I had never experienced. I would have fallen into a puddle in the middle of the dance floor if he wasn’t holding me so tightly against his body. I could feel the hard ridge of his erection against my stomach. I couldn’t even tell if we were still dancing or just slowly turning in small circles as we devoured each other.
Breaking away gasping for air, I looked into Dean’s eyes. His pupils were so blown with lust I still couldn’t tell the color, but he was panting as hard as I was. “Damn, Rachel, you are so hot.”
“I…uh….I never…uh…Thanks” I stuttered causing Dean to smile at my awkward reply. At that moment, I felt overheated and drunk. “I need some air.” Dean’s face lit up like it was Christmas and later I would realize he thought I was offering more when I really just wanted to clear my fuzzy brain. No experience with alcohol made me unaware of the position I was actually putting myself.
Taking my hand firmly in his, Dean walked quickly to the exit door towards the parking lot with me right behind concentrating on not tripping or stumbling. He didn’t stop pulling me along until we were in the back of the parking lot next to a jet black Chevy four door. Trying to catch my breath from keeping up with his long strides, I leaned back against the trunk.
The next thing I knew I was lifted up onto the trunk with Dean stepping forward. Rational brain completely shut down and I wrapped my arms around those broad shoulders hoping for more of his amazing kisses. He delivered perfectly. My head fell back as he pressed my knees apart to stand even closer. The stars were spinning in my vision as I felt his lips move down the side of my throat and his suction sparked a warmth between my legs.
Never had I felt this way. His assault on my senses was so complete that I lost all contact with the world around me. My focus was directed solely on the guy who was making me feel like a sexy desirable woman for the first time. Thanks to the alcohol I couldn’t hold a thought and the sensations that Dean was creating were overwhelming.
My skirt was already riding up around my waist so the zipper on his jeans was rubbing directly on my pussy. I whimpered and moaned into Dean’s mouth as he continued kissing my lips, neck and shoulder. The cool night air on my shoulders made me wonder how the hell did he get my shirt off without my noticing.
“Let’s get a little more privacy.” Dean whispered and his voice was so husky that my foggy brain took a few seconds to understand his words.
Watching my face, he patiently waited for my answer. I slowly nodded not really knowing what he was asking. I just wanted to feel more. He gripped under my thighs and lifted me off the trunk. I wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. I heard him groan as I pressed against his erection straining behind the denim.
He was so strong and managed to get the back door open while holding onto me. Carefully he laid us down on the black vinyl. Locking our mouths together and slanting to get deep wet kisses, Dean reached between our bodies and pressed into the soak crotch of my panties. At the first stroke of his fingers, I gasped into his mouth and broke away to breathe. As his fingers stroked and pressed, I couldn’t stop from biting down on his shoulder from the intense rush of pressure building. “You are so wet. Damn. You feel awesome.” He said as his licked my ear and suckled the lobe before moving down my neck.
I felt a sharp sting of pleasure shoot under my skin where he was sucking a mark right where my neck and shoulder met. Focusing for a second, I tried to tell him I had never done this before.“Dean, I haven’t…uh….I never….ahhhh…Oh God, don’t stop.” My words were lost in a moan as Dean slipped his fingers past my wet panties and slip his middle finger into my dripping core.
“Rachel, you feel so good and you are going to feel amazing on my cock. Fuck, you are so tight.” He pressed another finger next to the first and slowly stretched apart. I was a shivering mess underneath his body begging as I clenched and rode the waves crashing over me. A whimper slipped past my lips as he withdrew his hand from me. Leaning up onto his knees he undid his belt and opened his jeans letting his cock spring feel. Laying there dazed, I felt empty. Dean pulled a condom from his back pocket and rolled it onto his engorged member.
I glanced down to watch and a moment of panic caused clarity. “Uh, Dean, this won’t work. I don’t think this is a good idea.” I couldn’t seem to get a clear thought out of my mouth.
“Darling it will work. Don’t worry. I will go so slow.” Dean bent down and softly kissed my lips and my brain shut down again. I felt the beauty of his gentleness and trusted him on a level that wasn’t to be explained. I felt him begin to press into me and I realized I should tell him I was a virgin but the alcohol was still lighting up my blood so my reactions or ability to articulate a thought was slowed.
“Oh, you are so tight. It feels so good.” Dean breathed across my cheek as he pressed harder. “Relax darling. Take a deep breath.” All I could do was react and follow his instructions as I was overwhelmed in sensory overload.
As I let out the deep breath, he pressed his hips forward and fully embedded his cock int me and then froze. As I panted with the feeling that I couldn’t contain his engorged dick, he soothed me with kisses and soft words. Soon the urge to mover overcame me and I lifted my hips slightly trying to ease the stretched feeling. He took this as my need to continue and gently rocked forward into the cradle of my thighs. A new sensation of urgency started in my core and I wrapped my arms around his back and buried my face against his chest.
Dean slowly pulled out and pressed back into me as I moaned his name. With each thrust, he began to move faster and my nails dug into his shoulders as he become the center of my world. I felt the ecstasy building and driving more intensely than I ever felt with my own hands to bring me pleasure. Dean braced his feet against the car door giving himself leverage to thrust harder and deeper. I heard the grind and squeak of the shocks as the car rocked with the force of his movements. It was incredible and nothing felt as amazing as the press and tug of his cock inside me.
Just as I exploded into a million pieces and every muscle I had clamped onto Dean, he threw his head back baring his teeth as a came with a yell. I squeezed with internal muscles I didn’t even know I had deep inside as I felt his cock swell and pulse into me.
We were shaking and clinging to each other in the aftershocks and panting hard. My arms and legs suddenly went limp like I had no strength left. Dean collapsed on me but instead of feeling smothered, his weight was balanced perfectly on my pelvis. I was savoring the euphoric drifting when I felt a warmth spilling underneath me. I was feeling so good that I didn’t care there was a sticky mess beneath my ass now. Dean lifted up and braced his arms on the seat next to my waist and looked down at me with a satisfied smile before gently kissing me.
As he sat up onto his knees I sighed as the slight pull as his softening cock slid from my body. “Oh shit, shit, SHIT. Fuck!” he exclaimed.
Alarmed I struggled to sit up feeling more warm wetness oozing out of my pussy. “What?!?”
“The fucking condom came off. Son of a bitch! Rachel, I’m sorry. Shit!”
“Oh my God!” I whimpered.
“What the fuck?” Dean was staring at his softening dick so I looked down to see not just shiny cum on him but bright red blood as well. “Are you on your period?” he asked suspiciously and a little hopefully.
Now that adrenaline had pretty much killed any buzz I had, I couldn’t look at him when I stuttered “uh…no. I’m not on my period…I….uh….I was….a virgin.”
Incredulously, he yelled, “What?”
I winced and repeated. “I was a virgin.”
“Fuck! Wait, how old are you?” Dean seemed to be thinking quickly.
“I’m 18.”
“Holy shit! Damn, why didn’t you say something? Stop me? Son of a bitch! I thought you were 21.” Sitting back he quickly tucked himself back into his jeans and buckled his belt. I noticed that he hadn’t even removed his t-shirt and I felt stupid and ashamed.
Tears started falling silently down my face. As a tried to pull down my mini-skirt I sobbed “I’m sorry.”
Dean blew out a long exhale and moved to pull me into his arms. “Shh. I’m the one who should be sorry. Damn, between the condom and finding out I took your virginity, I really fucked up tonight.”
After a few minutes, the tears stopped falling and soaking his chest he continued to caress my back till I took a deep shattered breath. “Look, I don’t know what you were doing here tonight, but I’m sure this wasn’t what you expected for your first experience with sex. Let me drive you home.”
“You don’t have to do that. I need to go find Stacey.” I said as I eased out of his arms and opened the car door. My legs were shaking so I stood leaning against his car till they supported me. Dean got out and stood in front of me. Taking my face in both his hands, he lifted my head till I could look into his eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of green that I ever knew.
“Rachel, don’t regret this. You were a warm passionate woman and some lucky son of a bitch is going to sweep you off your feet one day.”
I snorted at his attempt to soothe me but I knew I had screwed up and had no one to blame but myself. I gave him a small kiss on the lips and pushed away to walk back into the bar to find Stacey and go home from this crushing embarrassment. When I reached the door, I looked back to see Dean slide into the driver’s seat of an Impala and drive away into the night.
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catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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8K notes · View notes
catknitmom-blog · 7 years
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A study in bowlegs and thigh holsters. | For my beloved  @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog and  @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid ♥
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