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test00660606 · 1 month
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test00660606 · 1 month
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test00660606 · 1 month
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test00660606 · 4 months
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test00660606 · 5 months
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test00660606 · 5 months
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test00660606 · 5 months
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test00660606 · 5 months
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Meena Raja is a vampire that currently resides in Celestial Hills and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 211 years, but she’s been wanting her husband to drop dead for far longer than that.
DATE OF BIRTH: February 15, 1787
PLACE OF BIRTH: London, England
OCCUPATION: Mayor & Owner of the Country Club
FACECLAIM: Simone Ashley
SPECIES: Vampire
Try as Meena might, but ever since she was a little girl, it seemed nearly impossible not to feel as if she was an imposter in her own skin. She barely had any recollection of her birth father, but the first thing she ever remembered being told was how she was the spitting image of him. She had his overly expressive eyes, the same slight up tilt of a smile and they both possessed an infectious laugh that was practically physical. Their shoulders would shake as they both would toss back their heads and an almost musical sense of mirth would flow out of them. Apparently, that’s how he had been when she had been born. The embodiment of happiness during the Thottil ceremony when they chose her name, reciting it three times each and drawing it out on a platter of rice. He was a self-made man who had worked his way up to being one of the wealthiest men in England and, although the Rajas were guests to all of the most exclusive social gatherings among the ton, it was hard not to notice, when sat shoulder to shoulder in aristocratic ballrooms, that their lack of title made them albeit undesirably ones. 
And, as if the occasionally ill-mannered comment or roll of the eyes didn’t get the point across, the way Meena had spent her first two seasons, back pressed up against the wall in the corner of the room did. But, while the other wallflowers fidgeted back and forth on their heels, their eyes glued to the empty dance cards in hand- Meena had other plans. She knew what the rest of the ton thought of her and she knew that her prospects of marriage were slim to none. Something that bothered her during her first entrance into society, but with the recent passing of her father, her later spinsterhood and, with a great sum of fortune now falling into that her and her mother’s laps, she was fairly set on the idea, much to her mother’s dismay, of separating herself from the ton in its entirety.
They might not accept her as one of them, but there had been a boy out there who had. Having worked down at one of the most exclusive gambling houses in the city, Kadir had hardly been the type of man a young witch, such as herself, should be consorting with and, yet, she couldn’t help, but pass him glances whenever she caught his gaze or lose her chaperon in the crowd during a trip to the Pleasure Gardens, a popular amusement park at the time in which men and women from all social statuses who could afford entry could meet. She had been, naively so, entirely too infatuated with him and she learned her lesson in the end. 
It should have been a night like any other. Meena had finally managed to sneak away from the crowd she had come with, all too thankful for the unlit dark walk to their typical meeting spot, only for her blood to run cold the moment she turned the corner. The man she had thought she had been falling in love with was bleeding out before her on the ground with a familiar face standing above him. One belonging to a Theodore Moore, the son of a duke and notorious rake who was rumored to in debt to over half of London with no way to pay those he had borrowed from back and was apparently… a vampire? His fangs on full display as he eyed her cautiously, taking a step back from the other’s body as he tried to explain himself. To say his explanation went in through one ear and out the other, was putting it lightly, but from what Meena had picked up from Theodore’s hastened words and the weapons she found on Kadir as she applied pressure to the wound Theo had torn into Kadir’s neck- the man she had been courting had been a hunter. He had been tracking Teddy for quite some time and likely had been tracking her. The news was quite a lot to process and she assumed she probably would, process it all, at a later date, but in the moment all she could think about was saving him and, so she asked Teddy nicely, to which he scoffed in reply rightfully so. The man bleeding out on her lap was on the brink of death and why should he help him anyway or her for that matter? If she even dared to tell anyone what had happened there or what he was, he could ruin her in a matter of seconds. Only, the clever witch that she was proposed a deal she knew the vampire wouldn’t be able to refuse.
He was a man of title in desperate need of a fortune. A fortune she herself could provide. They could help each other, if only he helped her first. It was tempting of an offer enough, but Theo wasn’t inclined to heal a hunter and send them on their merry way to kill again, so instead he offered to turn the poor sap instead. That way the man Meena was so desperate to save would live on while he’d get the satisfaction of watching the human whom had tried to kill him be forced to live as the species they hated most. It seemed like a fair addendum to him and, although Meena knew in her gut that Kadir would prefer to die that day, she made the deal.
The next thing she knew, she was getting engaged. The marriage between her and Theodore was a marriage of convenience. But, it made her mother happy at least, to see her daughter finally paired off in this world, and, a year later, the vampire that was her husband finally fulfilled the last end of the bargain they had made that day. He reluctantly turned her as he said he would. She had insisted upon it, although she had wanted a few more years of being a witch before he did. But, she’d be damned if she died as a mortal and let him live on with her father’s fortune and her inheritance. No. If Kadir and him would live forever, she would too, even if it was primarily out of spite. 
And the next couple centuries continued on just like that. Her and Kadir kept their distance, his resentment apparent at the choice she had made for his life. While she traveled across the sea to meet up with Theodore and started to dominate the social scene. Her husband vying for the role of Clan Leader while she took on the role of his Second in Command, enjoying the luxuries her new life brought her while also feeling relegated into the shadows of the man she stood beside. While he helped form the first safe haven for their kind, she felt like nothing more than a pretty face linked on his arm. Theo was charismatic and confident with an almost addictive wit that couldn’t help, but pull you in. It was no wonder the clan members looked up to him. But, with his charm and what seemed on the outside as endearing confidence, came a cocky bluntness as he denounced her advice at each turn. He’d rather seek comfort from other women in his bed than that of his wife and, although she knew it shouldn’t bother her- it wasn’t as if she didn’t have a handful of lovers of her own, she felt herself loosing any semblance of the identity she once held. Sure, she was probably the most talented Siphoner of the group, curtesy of her witch origins, but other than that, she found herself beginning to question if she truly had anything to offer besides her captivating looks and hefty credit card? 
That was until her life got flipped upside once more. In March of 2022, Meena awoke in the dead of night to find a severed heart left in a box on her front stoop and, from the agonizing pain she felt in her chest, it didn’t take long to deduce whom it belonged to- her sire and once husband. She should have been devastated and that wasn’t to say that she didn’t feel his loss. After all, Teddy had been one of the few people still in her life who remembered her back when she had been mortal. They may have fallen into each other’s lives out of circumstance and financial gain and she may have wanted to kill him, as she imagined he probably had her on a daily basis, given the amount of time they spent bickered, but they had, in their own weird twisted way, grown to love each other. But, she didn’t grieve the way she probably should have.
Instead, she decided to take a chapter out of Teddy’s own playbook and honor him by using his death to her advantage. She was still his second in command, which meant that now she was in charge. It was her Clan for the taking and it was her chance to get the spark she once had back. She may still have doubts about her capabilities to fill the man before her’s shoes, but that didn’t stop her from taking his place nor did it stop her from putting together a quick-turn campaign to run for Mayor after the old guy in charge bite the dust. Meena may be in over her head, but no one can deny that the magnetic new mayor and clan leader is determined.
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test00660606 · 6 months
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test00660606 · 6 months
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Welcome to Lunar Cove, Neighbor! We’re glad you made it. Please be sure to grab a pamphlet on your way out of Town Hall and cross off all your to-do’s on the New Resident Checklist. See you around town!
J. Royce Van Doren III played by Pip.
Todd Miller played by Ted
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