testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
Capable: I actually miss him.
Toast: You... you miss... him...
Capable: I know, I'm so stupid.
Toast: Like... like you're attracted to him...
Capable: No, I don't-
Toast: Like... he could be your boyfriend? Your war boy... war boyfriend?
Toast: I mean, I know it's really hard to meet guys right now, with the apocalypse and stuff. Trust me. And, like, I know that you miss Angharad. But Capable, this is just weird. Like, I wish the internet was still working so I could just look up what whatever it is that's wrong with you.
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
Send me hearts
💖 - I admire you
💓 - You give me feels
💜 - You’re intimidating
💌  - We should talk more
💟 - How are you so cute
💝 - Love seeing you on my dash
💗 - I miss interacting with you
💞 - You’re amazing at ______
💘  - I’m crushing on you
💕  - I ship you with ______ 
♥ - You make me uncomfortable
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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I kinda wanna eat some toast with Toast.
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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This is why Ace is called “The Ace”
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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Never ending list of favorites movies: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) dir. George Miller
“I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead, hunted by scavengers, haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland. A man reduced to a single instinct: survive.”
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
Angharad: If this baby doesn't come out soon I'm gonna reach in and yank it out myself!
Toast: Oh, that'll be pretty!
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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Max Max: Fury Road (2015)
dir. George Miller
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
Send “💖” and my muse will admit something they find cute about yours.
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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The Milking Mothers: barely in the movie, but at the end they gave us a hint of what life at the Citadel can be like in the future. Feels like hope.
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
(via teamlockwood)
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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We’re not going back
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
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I find Toast The Knowing to be the most attractive character in the franchise so far.
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testytoasty-blog · 9 years
Difficult Questions for Muses
(Please remember to use trigger warnings as and when necessary)
Do you think that you’re a good person?
Do others like you? Do you want others to like you?
What do you think others like or admire about you?
How do you know when you’re in love? (romantic or platonic)
Would you or have you ever killed? What would drive you to kill? 
Do you think that killing is ever justified?
Have you ever done anything that you feel to be very morally wrong?
Should all people be treated as equal, and have the same rights?
If you committed a crime, would you accept punishment willingly?
Is suicide ever the right choice?
Is euthanasia ever the right choice?
Is it right to have an intimate relationship with somebody you don’t love?
What could make you break your own moral code? 
Have you ever doubted your own beliefs? (Spiritual, philosophical)
Would you always be loyal to your loved ones even if they wronged you?
What would you consider a fate worse than death?
Why do you love the person or people you love? (romantic or platonic)
Do you agree with capital punishment?
Could you ever forgive your worst enemy?
What would you like to achieve before you die?
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