tether-th-blog · 9 years
Here is an example message, for your viewing pleasure.
And an answer for you! Huzzah!
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
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The Wild Unknown
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
Where were you when I was still kind?
Gregory Alan Isakov, “Master & A Hound,” Album: This Empty Northern Hemisphere (via wnq-music)
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
This is a title.
This is a HEADLINE.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc massa urna, lacinia vel posuere id, mollis nec est. Nunc justo eros, ornare non ultrices vel, ultrices at urna. Duis id dui dolor. Integer bibendum eleifend justo non lacinia. Aliquam diam enim, luctus at ornare ut, maximus quis nisl. Sed ut posuere ligula. Nunc a sem urna. Donec scelerisque turpis id magna tincidunt, efficitur blandit tortor efficitur. Donec eros erat, sagittis nec placerat ac, suscipit vel turpis.
Phasellus malesuada accumsan nisl. Maecenas non arcu iaculis, cursus mauris ut, interdum ante. Vivamus semper turpis vitae orci tempus, eu varius magna porta. Proin et nisl molestie, pellentesque elit non, euismod odio. Curabitur risus nibh, cursus vitae nisl sed, iaculis maximus sem. In malesuada sodales ex, egestas fringilla purus convallis sed. 
Donec et consectetur dolor. Nulla euismod tortor turpis, at consequat quam facilisis in. Praesent ante lorem, tempor et risus ut, posuere iaculis felis. Maecenas hendrerit euismod nisi nec semper. Donec rutrum consequat cursus. Phasellus egestas nibh vel ex consequat posuere. Aenean ac augue molestie, bibendum nibh vitae, varius ex. Pellentesque vitae efficitur ex, non scelerisque nunc.
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
ON AN ON | Drifting
How do people write such beautiful music.
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
You have my permission not to love me; I am a cathedral of deadbolts and I’d rather burn myself down than change the locks.
Rachel McKibbens, “Letter From My Brain To My Heart” (via wordsnquotes)
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tether-th-blog · 9 years
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