texasphonographic · 6 years
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Howdy y’all!
We’re excited to showcase some of the pieces from our collection/archive, this one just recently acquired: a 10 inch reference recording of Ray Price’s 1973 single, “What Kind Of Love Is This” b/w “You’re The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me.”
These reference recordings are generally created for the artist and/or engineers/producers to approve the mixes and production prior to be sent off to the pressing plants. 
These sorts of artifacts generally don’t get out into public hands, but we are fortunate enough to be able to acquire this copy.
We generally prefer the early honky tonk sounds of Ray Price over his later, string-laden hits. However, this artifact was too good to pass up, especially for an important Country Music artist, such as Price.
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texasphonographic · 8 years
We’re just getting started.
Let me welcome you to the bare bones digital shed that is currently the Texas Phonographic Preservation Society, where our goal is to collect, archive and preserve popular Texas Music from the 20th Century. Much of our focus is on blues, rock n’ roll, rockabilly, gospel and country music from the early 1900s through 1970, specifically.
Texas has a rich and diverse music heritage, that’s for sure, much of it being lost time time, changing tastes and demographics. There is so much great Texas music that was pressed to vinyl during its hey day, much of it never seeing official digital release, and thus, falling through the cracks of time. 
The goal of the TPPS, over time, is to make these great recordings and collections, not only available to archivists and scholars, but to the general public to discover for themselves. 
This has been a bubbling passion of mine for a very long time, and I’m extremely excited to build this dream brick by brick. It’s going to take some time and effort on my part to make this society something great and important, but rest assured, the blood, sweat and tears it’ll cost me will be worth it.
In the meantime, I look forward to bringing you some great Texas music treasures and history within this digital space, while encouraging you to discover other great Texas music the state and history has to offer.
Thanks for riding along!
Jonathon Kimbrell / Texas Phonographic Preservation Society
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