texilauniversity · 3 years
Are you a doctor who hasn’t completed a GMC-approved program? You can still register as a specialist in the UK if you can prove that your specialist training, experience, and qualifications are equal to that of the requirements for CCT. Let us look into the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) in detail.
What is the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR)?
It is a certificate awarded to doctors who have not completed a GMC-approved training program but still have the capacity to show that their experience, qualifications, and specialist training are equivalent to what the CCT in the UK requires.
Who is eligible to apply for a CESR?
In order to apply for a CESR,
You must either possess a specialist qualification in the same specialty you are applying for.
You must have a minimum of six months of specialist training continuously in the same specialty you are applying for.
The above are the basic requirements to apply for CESR.
Do I have to produce documents for the CESR application?
Yes, you will have to produce evidence to prove that you possess the necessary qualifications as part of your CESR application form. This could be evidence of employment or a copy of your qualification. Additionally, you will have to prove that you meet the CCT curriculum requirements in your specialty.
The GMC has listed CESR guidance for each specialty on what evidence you will have to produce. Read the respective guidance document for your specialty before starting your application.
How is my CESR application processed?
Your application will go through two stages, one and two. Below is a detailed description of what happens at each stage.
In stage one
An applications adviser will check your application to see:
If you’re eligible
If you provide all the documents
If the pro-formas are present to verify your evidence
If the referees you have nominated are of the correct type
During stage one, GMC will contact you if any of the prerequisites are missing. You will have time to produce any requested documents. They will also contact your verifiers during this stage.
In stage two
In this stage, your application will be complete once:
You have submitted All your documents
The evidence sample has been verified with your verifiers directly
You have submitted all your structured reports
Upon completion, the application reaches the relevant royal college or faculty for evaluation. Disclosure of final decision can take up to three months from the day your application reaches the royal college or faculty.
See Also: How to Practice Medicine in the UK: The Choice Between PLAB and MRCP
What can I do to complete the application quickly?
The application process can take anywhere from three months to up to six months for completion. To get the job done quicker, you can make sure that:
You submit any additional evidence as soon as possible.
Before you choose your referees, it would help if you spoke with them.
You submit your online application only after you are ready and your evidence is ready for submission.
How can I apply for CESR?
To submit your application, you must have a GMC Online account. If you have a GMC Online account, you can simply log in and start your application by clicking on “My Registration” first and then “My Applications.”
If you have never logged in but have a GMC reference, you will have to activate your account first. In case you do not have a GMC reference number, in that case, you will have to set up a new account. Please get in touch with the General Medical Council to request a reference number or advice regarding setting up an account.
You can take up to a maximum of 12 months for application submission from the date of starting it in your GMC Online account. You can also treat your application as a portfolio and upload your evidence as you acquire it. Even the GMC recommends the same.
Updating the information on the application is crucial to have your account active. Additionally, it is advisable to keep updating your application over 12 months. When updating your documents, you will have to choose to edit the information since you cannot upload documents as updates in GMC online.
What happens if I am successful (CESR)?
Suppose you’re successful with your CESR application. In that case, you will receive your CESR, and your name will be added to the Specialist Register. When you are successful, it means that you have met all the assessment standards set by the GMC.
Up next, you will receive physical copies of your certificate and GMC evaluation form in the post to your registered address. The documents you submitted to support your claims will also be sent back to your GMC registered address through secure delivery, as per the GMC website.
If you happen to change your address over the 12 months, you can simply update your GMC Online account to reflect the same. Make sure you do that in such a situation.
What happens if I am not successful (CESR)?
Do not worry if you are not successful on the first go. You will receive information on why you were not successful. You will also receive a recommendation list listing all the missing evidence and required training.
You have two courses of action you can take in this scenario.
You can submit a review application requesting a reconsideration of the decision not to grant your Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR). You get to apply for a review 12 months after receiving the decision on your application.
You can only apply for a review if:
You possess previously unsubmitted documentary evidence.
You have completed the necessary training.
You think that they have processed your application unfairly and that there might have been a procedural error.
Read the guidance provided by GMC on how to apply for a review.
You also have the right to appeal against the decision of the GMC regarding your application or if you do not receive any decision at all. The team that handles the appeals process is not involved in the decision-making regarding entry to the Specialist Register. It is to ensure that the decision-making process is fair.
The window to appeal is 28 days from receiving the GMC’s decision.
Take a Look at PG Medical Programs
TAU, a pioneer in medical education, offers a plethora of postgraduate medical specializations that you can enroll in right now.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
What Is the Best Course After CAPE?
Is it true that the business administration course is the best course after the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)? After CAPE, it is time to think about the next step in your education. Are you planning for a career in a large corporate? Or, do you want to start a business and take advantage of the evolving market?
Either way, the best way to do so is by taking a Bachelor’s in Business Administration course (BBA). A BBA degree will offer you a versatile range of business studies, including mathematical or statistical parts of the business, finance knowledge, production and management techniques, leadership skills, and more.
Why is BBA getting more attention among students and employers? How to get a BBA degree while working? Here is everything you need to know about your next step in your career path.
Demand and Scope for Graduates with a Bachelor of Business Administration Course
The e-commerce sector of Latin America is growing at a rate of 37%. Many market giants are showing more interest in establishing their presence in this region.
Moreover, after the treaty of 1990, it is now easier to start a business in this region. These favorable criteria make Latin America, a magnificent place and a large market to start a business. There are 20 major companies with their headquarters in Latin America, including Petrobras, Pemex, Techint, PDVSA, Vale, and so on.
There are numerous smaller companies and corporates currently thriving in this region. The presence of such a dense employer population indicates the requirement of management graduates. A company cannot survive without a robust administrative workforce and a technical team. Only a candidate with a BBA course can apply for a starter administrative position in these firms.
With such a high and stable demand, it is safe to say that BBA is the right way to boost your career. This market is volatile, and thus, it is wise to stick with BBA to secure your growth.
With more companies looking into the Caribbean region and Latin America for new markets, the demand for the course is on the rise. With a BBA degree, you can either take up a fresher position in any of the major departments like HR, finance, operation, marketing, sales, PR, and so on.
Or, you can choose to take up a master’s degree (MBA) and try out for middle management positions. If you are planning to start a new business, your business administration masteral would be a calling card for a loan from finance institutes.
With the part-time business administration course, it is possible to get your business degree without quitting your job. A business degree would add more weight to your promotion and appraisal. A candidate with both technical experience and a BBA certificate is an asset for any growing organization.
Advantages of Studying a BBA Degree
For a growing market like the Caribbean economy, it is easier to find jobs with basic operation and business knowledge. Freshers with BBA degrees can hold a strong connection between middle management and the floor workers. Thus, the demand for such candidates is higher.
Many countries have a mandate for the students to have a business administration masteral to enroll for MBA degrees.
BBA degree will give you exposure to strategic decision making, leadership skills, current market knowledge, and industry-relevant skills.
The scope of career growth for a candidate with a BBA degree is far higher than someone with just technical expertise.
Remuneration is a vital part of any career. Candidate with a BBA degree is more likely to have a higher salary than other candidates with the same experience or technical expertise.
A BBA degree candidate has a higher chance of landing a career in telecommunication, banking and finance, NGOs, agro-industry, and FMCG industries.
BBA is versatile, and it covers multiple disciples, thereby giving you a spectrum of options to choose your career.
A management degree is becoming a trend and essential. It would not be advantageous to be one of the very few in a company’s workforce without a management degree.
A BBA course will take you out of a floor-level job and move you towards office work. This advancement gives job satisfaction and self-appreciation.
A business administration degree will help you be up to date with the market information and professional practices.
How Can a BBA Degree Be Pursued While Working?
A bachelor of business administration is a professional degree that requires classroom training, hands-on training, and more. However, not every eligible candidate can leave their current job to pursue BBA or afford to take up the classes without having a day job. The e-learning market is growing 14% every year, and Latin America is now the fourth biggest market for education technology. According to a survey conducted in UNESCO, 12 million and more adults (across 20 countries in Latin America) are currently taking online courses (including all disciplines).
In simpler terms, online degrees are a dime a dozen, and there are numerous platforms that would offer a certificate to anyone who pays. If you wish to enroll in a business administration course without leaving your career, it is best to choose part-time courses from reputed institutes. Reputed institutes offer courses with a different time frame for different types of students. An excellent part-time program would be identical to the regular program with a semester-based curriculum with projects, computer classes, and classroom training.
How Much Will It Cost to Pursue a BBA Degree?
The cost of the degree depends on the type of course you choose. Those with a bachelor’s degree background can choose the two-year program. Those who are looking for business management courses right after CAPE should choose the 4-year plan.
Moreover, the course cost varies from one institute to another, and for regular classes, part-time, and online courses. Talk to the institute, learn more about the BBA course information, and compare the prices from different institutes.
Remember, you should not make a decision just out of the price tag. The institution’s reputation, the depth of the course, curriculum details, and quality of education are also essential factors in considering the price.    
Pursue BBA at Texila American University
Are you looking for an institute to follow your business management courses? It is vital to choose a high-standard institute, which has a high reputation among employers. One such affordable option is the Texila American University (TAU).
Reasons Why It Is Better to Choose Texila American University
Here are some of the reasons to choose TAU over other academies to pursue your BBA education:
TAU is a global institute with more than 4000 students from more than 70 countries on one campus. This diversity gives you a unique opportunity to create your network, clear cultural and business differences, and become global-ready.
A BBA degree from an institute with government accreditation is highly valuable in the eyes of an employer. TAU has accreditations from the National Accreditation Council, Association of Commonwealth University, IAU-UNESCO, and many more.
TAU has experienced professors who have expertise in classroom training and industry processes.
TAU has an affordable price tag for all its courses. It allows candidates from various backgrounds to choose a BBA course without financial worries, thanks to its flexible payment option.
TAU gives both online classes enabling students to have flexible timings, and at the same time, they can also have a concrete learning platform.
BRICS methodology is the backbone of the TAU curriculum. This learning methodology allows students to learn in blocks. This method helps students increase their concentration by learning one subject or concept at a time.
The university facilitates student-mentor support for a successful knowledge transfer.
Although the Bachelor of Business Administration course is a part-time program, TAU does not take it light-handedly. Every deadline, assignment, project, and class is essential for credit. Every single session comes under the tracking of the mentor. Thus, the programs withhold integrity from orientation to graduation.
Weekly discussion, student-mentor meetups, and other co-student activities are available. The strength of the business administration course lies in increasing interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and technical and management knowledge. TAU helps to create a platform for the same.
If you wish to learn for your career growth, you need to become industry-ready. Learning from textbooks about old concepts and theories is not enough anymore. TAU brings out the case study training, allowing students to create logic and strategies with practical knowledge.
The world updates every second. The theories of the last financial year might be obsolete today. TAU does not rely on textbooks alone. The program focuses on utilizing research materials, news articles, and so on.
TAU is very transparent in every aspect, starting from fee structure to the curriculum. You can get detailed BBA course information with ease, to make an informed decision.
After all, the Bachelor of Business Administration is not just a simple course. It is your ticket right into corporate management. It is best to get knowledge from industry experts.
Are you looking for a head start in your career? Do you think your career growth is not as you expected? It is time to create a new path for you with a business administration course from a reputed institute like TAU, Guyana.
Enroll in a BBA course
Get your career started today with a BBA degree! from a reputed institute
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texilauniversity · 3 years
Congratulations! Getting into medical school. Becoming a doctor is a dream of many students. Achieving success is one of the most important and challenging in everyone’s medical career life. It is always a struggle for most medical aspirants to get admission in a government or aided medical college in India. The competition is immense, and the route to becoming a successful doctor earning a good salary is full of obstacles and potholes.
On the other hand, students choose to study medicine abroad, where countries like Guyana offer quality medical education at an affordable fee structure. Upon choosing Guyana as your study destination, you can get some helpful insights into how you can succeed as a student in Guyana medical schools.
Problems with Medical Education in India
India is a country with more than 500+ medical colleges; sadly, they fail to fulfill the need of healthcare of the 1.3 billion Indian population. In most cases, the students are also divested of the necessary skills, development, and hands-on experience required to become a skilled doctor. Here are the challenges faced by medical students in India.
Tough Competition More than 15 lakh students have registered for the NEET 2020 examination, with the total number of NEET basis seats being only slightly more than 35,000. While India has the most number of medical colleges, it’s difficult for students to get admission in a reputed college that can structure their future and career for years to come.
Rote Learning Medical colleges in India still judge the student’s ability by the amount of information they can memorize. India does not use objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs) to test the clinical skills of medical candidates. Instead, rote learning is still considered to be the primary indicator.
Outdated Syllabus and Teaching Style New developments and breakthroughs are reported in the medical field every year. But, the syllabus and curriculum of medical colleges in India are not updated with the advancements, making the students consume the same, outdated information.
Lack of Skilled Teachers and Mentorship Professors in medical colleges are hired based on their degrees and certifications instead of the clinical experience they possess. Becoming a doctor is a long journey that comes with a lot of impediments and struggles. A medical student needs to have a mentor to guide them through good and bad times. Medical colleges in India lack robust, thoughtful leadership, which impedes the social and clinical development of the students.
Donation Copious amounts of donations are demanded to grant admission to rich students instead of the ones who are skilled and intelligent.
Benefits of Studying from Caribbean Medical Schools in Guyana
In recent years, Guyana is gaining prominence among the Indian medical aspirants by creating overwhelming opportunities for medical aspirants to pursue their MBBS course abroad. From best-in-class education to a student-friendly environment, pursuing MBBS from one of the best Caribbean medical school offers the following benefits:
High-Quality Education Guyana is home to some of the top-notch universities to study medicine in America, offering quality education to students from Guyana and abroad. These colleges follow a US-based medical curriculum that provides a plethora of opportunities to develop clinical skills and have a demanding medical career. Moreover, the medium of education in all Guyanese colleges is English, so you don’t need to learn any local language.
Low Tuition Fee The tuition fee in Caribbean medical schools like Texila American University is low compared with the typical fee of medical colleges in India and other first-world countries.
International Recognition and Exposure The best Caribbean medical schools in Guyana provide a medical degree recognized by most of the countries in the world. Moreover, you also get to explore international opportunities via global medical practice clinical rotations.
Low Cost of Living One of the major concerns of international students studying abroad is the cost of living. They end up taking part-time jobs to pay their bills, which affects their education. The cost of living in Guyana is significantly low compared with countries like the USA and the UK. Hence, you can enjoy a comfortable, enjoyable lifestyle on a student budget.
5 Pro Tips to Be a Successful Student in Guyana Medical Schools
Joining one of the universities to MBBS in Guyana can be exciting. Being an international student, you may come across some difficulties. Getting a medical degree is not easy; you’ll need to study hard and maintain a healthy study-life balance.
Moreover, it is essential to make friends and enjoy life as well. So, how is it possible to study efficiently, score good grades, and at the same time, enjoy the entire process? Follow the tips discussed below to excel in your medical education abroad:
Find a Mentor Medical colleges in Guyana have a learning-friendly environment, and you will find a lot of people willing to help new students through their journey. You can find a teacher you feel can help you with your challenges and guide you in the right direction. Faculty are dedicated to helping their students and take great pride in mentoring you. If not teachers, you can also find seniors who are intelligent and helpful. Finding strong mentorships is one of the early tasks to do as you enter a medical college because you will need someone to guide you when times become difficult. If you fail to find a mentor, at least have a few go-to teachers you can consult if you face any troubles. Getting help is a sign of maturity and not weakness; getting help from the right person at the right time will help you become a better doctor.
Organize Your Studying Methods When you enter a medical school, you’ll be accompanied by dozens of heavy books containing texts about everything ranging from biochemistry to medicines. And, no matter how much time you spend studying, you will not be able to learn and remember it all. Therefore, it is crucial to organize your studies and create a study plan relevant to the exams. Also, don’t bunk classes. While it’s intriguing to enjoy college life, bunking classes, and hanging out with your friends, missing out on classes can restrict your learning and development. Medical science is a field of expertise, and in order to learn, you’ll need to attend classes. Lastly, prepare for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) examination if you aspire to practice medicine in the USA. The USMLE is a skill-based examination that assesses your ability to apply skills and values in real-life, patient-centered scenarios. It enables you to apply for a residency and fellowship in the USA, along with attaining acceptance to work in countries like New Zealand, Canada, Dubai, or Australia. Make sure your study plan aligns with your preparation for USMLE.
Make Friends Once you organize your studies, it’s time to take a step back and make some friends. Medical schools can be challenging at times, and having good friends is essential to have a strong support system. Besides, college time is meant to be enjoyed, but you will need people to share your joy. So, start making connections and friends early on.
Stay Motivated A doctor is a demanding profession, and there will be times when you will feel like giving up and going back home. Understand that a career in medical sciences requires a lot of dedication and focus. However, once you successfully complete your education, the other side of the road is bright and full of opportunities. So, keep reminding yourself why you are here and what your ambition is.
Prioritize Your Health You will need to study hard. There will be days when you’ll end up studying for hours without a break and feel tired, burned out, and even sick. While it’s important to stay motivated and focused, don’t look past your health. Take the right nutrition and sleep to ensure you maintain the right levels of energy and focus required to succeed through the course of the coming years.
Choose the Best Caribbean Medical School
If you are looking for universities to study medicine in Guyana, Texila American University is the ideal pick for you. This acclaimed institution is one of the leading Guyana medical schools that offer a wide range of medical degree programs. Texila American University provides a four-year Doctor of Medicine (MD) program that helps you develop the necessary skills and expertise in basic and clinical sciences. The completion rate of this degree program is 100%, thanks to expert teachers and state-of-the-art teaching practices.
Besides, here are a few more reasons why you should choose Texila American University for your MBBS:
Dedicated student mentors
Hostel facility with safe and modern accommodation
Mess facility with delicious, nutritious cuisine
In-house USMLE step preparation
No student attrition
Succeeding in life and career solely depends on our reaction toward external forces. Wherever you study, you need to persevere to reach your lifetime goals. Think twice before making any decision; do not think after making a decision. Be stubborn and achieve your target!
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texilauniversity · 3 years
The competitive world has pushed the students studying in class 1 to look for a course with career prospects. A candidate with a keen interest in succeeding in the management field must study BBA degree. You can get exposure to effective business management techniques to turn you into a successful entrepreneur. Bachelor of business administration set up a bridge to higher studies such as an MBA (Master of Business Administration).
A BBA degree improves your confidence level and prepares you well to face future corporate world changes. Students with exceptional leadership skills and communication skills can achieve great heights in this field. To stay in tune with the market trends, students must read newspapers regularly and interact with a peer group. Read the article to get a one-stop source point offering the complete details about the BBA course.
What is a BBA degree?
Bachelor of business administration program remains a popular degree among students everywhere. But people have developed a misconception that BBA suits the candidates who want to pursue an MBA degree. The truth behind the Bachelor of Business Administration Course offering unlimited career opportunities after completion of the program. You can gain in-depth knowledge about the business market that supports business running.
Why Study Bachelor of Business Administration?
People may wonder how the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program stays at the top choice after Grade 12. BBA degree remains as the first preference of commerce students but also the arts and science students.
Knowledge Base Expansion Industry experts frame the syllabus for the BBA degree. Whether it is product marketing or branding, or running a company BBA course, offers you the most.
Personality Transformation Individuals get trained with a unique personality with a Bachelor of Business Administration Course. You get training excellence in leadership, public speaking, and soft skills.
Opportunities for Careers After graduation, individuals can join as a trainee manager or an administrator in the corporate field. Even freshers offered a good salary package with employee benefits.
Prospects for Networking Most BBA graduates work in different industries. Thus, you get connected to professionals with a solid knowledge base network. Students can also search for work through this professional network.
BBA Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must complete 12 years of Schooling and should clear the examination approved by the respective education board in the country
Minimum Pass in Grade 12.
Certain universities have set the entrance examination to get admitted to the BBA course. Candidates need to pass the entrance examinations to acquire a Bachelor of Business Administration.
BBA Entrance Examinations
Institutions admit the students for BBA courses based on an entrance examination. Some renowned schools also conduct group discussions and interviews after the entrance test. The Qualifying Examination and GD-PI scores determine final admissions to the BBA course. Some popular BBA entrance exams include:
BBA Specializations
Digital Marketing Nowadays, digital marketing is replacing traditional marketing. You get specialized product and service marketing strategies with social media leverage.
Human Resources The biggest valuable source for growing an organization is employees. With this specialization, individuals learn how to manage the employees and recruit the right talented people for the organization.
Business Analytics Students get specialized knowledge about business data analysis with the software. With proper business data analysis, one can develop a better strategy for the business. As everyone knows, business analytics experts hold a prime position in an organization.
US CMA US CMA specialization is associated with account management. This certification is considered a globally approved certification with detailed knowledge imparting of accounting. This specialization helps you get hired in international companies.
BBA Curriculum and Subjects
Eight semesters comprise the BBA curriculum. Study BBA syllabus topics and subjects are listed below:
In addition to these, the BBA curriculum includes practical skills, such as the following.
BBA Career Options
Data Scientist
Are you wondering what to do after BBA? Here is an unconventional answer to data science. The misconception is that only technical graduates can do data science. Even with a BBA degree, you can become a data scientist!
Structured and unstructured data provide insights to data scientists. These insights help them make informed decisions to ensure client success with plan development.
Data Science is a PG education program that provides you with all the knowledge and skills necessary for becoming a professional in this field.
Digital Marketer
After BBA, digital marketing is a popular career option. Online businesses can gain more exposure through digital marketing. A current estimate puts the digital marketing industry at $68 billion. A BBA degree will prepare you for a career in digital marketing.
Product Manager
A perfect job to choose after BBA is product managers. Generally, product managers deal with the product plan and execution of the product lifecycle. They set up the vision of the product and guide the salespeople, marketers, and engineers.
Understanding Business and Management will aid you in reaching your goals in this field. It is one among the best career options after getting a BBA. The annual fresher salary is 7-8 lakhs, which is an acceptable salary amount.
Blockchain Expert
Do you know about Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a fast-growing cryptocurrency creating a revolution for people who think of money. Blockchain technology is modern. An open ledger distributed across multiple parties with an efficient record of transactions.
Digital currencies dominated the Blockchain initially, but it has developed like never before. Several companies and organizations use blockchain technologies to solve their problems. BBA graduates who take courses in Blockchain can become Blockchain professionals.
Choosing A Course of Study After Your BBA
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Most people who study BBA and complete they prefer to an MBA. Taking up a master’s degree after completing a BBA course is the best option. MBA is a better choice for people running your family business or starting your own business. It is a great idea to gain work experience before starting your own company.
Working at a job allows you to find your strengths and weaknesses that can improve work. To get admitted to an MBA in college, students have to prepare for entrance exams XAT, CAT, GRE, GMAT, and CMAT.
An alternative to the MBA program is the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM). In contrast to MBA, autonomous institutions offer PGDM (diploma program). The duration of the PGDM course is one year. PGDM courses offered by medium-level MBA colleges are a better option than IIMs and XLRIs because it is tough to get into these institutions.
Chartered Accountant (CA)
An exciting option for the students who study BBA interested in a career in financial management and analysis is Chartered Accountant. A CA degree after an undergraduate degree in Finance, Accounting, or any other similar specialization can be greatly beneficial for candidates. You can pursue an MBA course along with a CA course. You can expand your career opportunities with an incredible advantage.
Final Thoughts
Young and innovative minds always look for what to expect from a BBA degree, and this article will guide you to the right platform. You can know about the duration, specialization, and vast career opportunities of the BBA course. A BBA is a course that directs you to a great job that enables you to land up your professional journey.
Get a BBA Degree now!
Join Texila American University’s BBA program to unleash your full potential.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
Are You Preparing for Grade 12 Exams? Choose Texila Academy and shine in your career with improved STEM subject scores! Texila Academy is a preparatory platform that offers smart, quick, and reliable means to revise and get ready for those attempting to sit for ECZ final examinations in Grade 12. Crack your grade 12 exams with our practice questions in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology scores. Our goal is to increase every student's scores that subscribe to our program with an extensive reservoir of practice questions that include a full revision and topic-wise revision. Subscribe to Texila Academy's preparatory platform and achieve your life goals with the height of greatness!
Visit us to know more : https://www.texilaacademy.com/
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texilauniversity · 3 years
Depending on what you want to do with your life, your grade 12 exam outcome can be life-changing. Ace this exam, and you can set out on a path to excellence. The Examination Council of Zambia conducts the grade 12 examination every year.
Over 150,000 students passed the Grade 12 exam in 2020. To be one of the achievers, you will need a good preparation plan and support. This is where online test preparation tools like Texila Academy come in handy. Let us look at what you need to do to achieve excellent marks.
You will need to plan your preparation schedule and stick to it religiously. Your schedule should align with your goals and capacity. It would help if you gave equal time to all subjects and special focus to those you might have trouble with information retention.
In addition, you should have the examination timetable handy during planning. When you complete your planning, you will have to find suitable programs to provide you with grade 12 past papers. During your preparation for grade 12, practice exams can help you check how well prepared you are. It will also help you judge improvement and notice shortcomings earlier.
Texila Academy provides an expert-built platform for grade 12 students. The Texila Academy portal provides you with the opportunity to take grade 12 practice exams before attempting the final ECZ Exams.
With the plan mentioned above set in place, you can proceed to prepare for your exams. Make sure you are fresh during your preparation because a tired mind cannot retain information as efficiently as a fresh mind could.
You should make sure that you are on a healthy diet and getting proper sleep.
During preparation, you should revise all your lessons frequently. Revisions can help you with retaining all the information you need. It is best to test yourself during revision too. Texila Academy has the perfect resource to help you with that.
Sign up with Texila Academy using your Email Id and phone number. You can then proceed to select the subjects that you need help with. You can choose as many subjects as you prefer. After choosing the subject, you will have to select the kind of revision plan you require; more on this later.
All you need is a PC/mobile device with a reliable internet connection. With Texila Academy’s online platform, you can access your revision plans from anywhere in the world. Moreover, it is free to enroll to promote intelligent, reliable, and accessible means of revision for grade 12 exams.
The portal provides topic-wise revision and final revision for students. The revision comes in the form of multiple-choice questionnaires. You get a plethora of questions from each subject during revision. You can take the practice exam within the provided time limit and review your performance at the end.
You can view a comprehensive report on the number of questions that you have answered, correct and wrong. Additionally, the report will provide you with a detailed explanation of the answers.
Using the Topic-wise Revision Plan
The name is self-explanatory. You will receive a list of topics or lessons in each subject, and you can take practice exams on the said topic separately. This is helpful when you find yourself struggling with a specific subject repeatedly.
This revision plan can help you rule out potentially easier subjects and concentrate more on the harder ones. You can also use this revision plan after completing each topic. Taking practice tests after completion of each topic can help you improve proactively.
Using the Final Revision Plan
Contrary to what the name of this plan might sound like, you can take this revision multiple times. Final does not mean that you can only take it once at the end of your revision. The final revision plan will allow you to take subject-wise practice exams after you have completed studying the subject.
This revision plan will help you gain valuable insights into where you stand with your preparation. You can view reports in a similar fashion to that of topic-wise revision.
With the reports you get post completion of revisions, you can find your weaknesses and work towards fixing them.
The basis for success, not just in exams but in any aspect of life, is good planning and perfect execution of the plan. Online test preparation platforms like Texila Academy can help you with executing your exam preparation plans flawlessly.
Revision, recalling, and summarizing are essential during your exam preparation. Pictorial representation of concepts, well-written explanations, expert guidance, and customized study plans can help you too. Texila Academy’s platform allows students to access most of the above, either directly or indirectly.
If you are having trouble deciding if Texila Academy can help you, contact the experts directly for help and guidance.
If you are sure that Texila Academy can help you with ECZ grade 12 exams, sign up and use the platform to your benefit.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
Are you interested in joining a Bachelors in Business Administration course? Are you curious about what skills the course can help you gain? Are you questioning why you should choose business administration as a career path?
Read more to learn about all the essential skills a person will gain with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
Why Study Business Administration
Today, the setup of competition is not very easy to survive. As the competition is increasing every day, the business world is becoming more demanding and more challenging. To handle the hurdles in the business world, it is essential to learn a degree in Bachelors of Business Administration.
The BBA is one of the top courses that a student chooses after their 12th grade. It is because the degree always has an evergreen scope. If a student needs an immediate job offer after finishing his graduation, he is undoubtedly on the right path.
A Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) program is always worth the money you spend. The degree will help you gain the skills necessary to perform and excel in today’s corporate world. These skills are highly preferable in a competitive career path.
How are Skills Earned in BBA?
Have you ever noticed that most of your friends opting for traditional degree courses in science and engineering? Do you want to look distinct in the boring crowd of science and mathematics degrees? The following process enables a BBA student to earn skills.
Exploring various fields: You can explore your interest in multiple areas, including international business, finance, accounting, marketing, and many more. BBA will provide all the foundation for basic concepts of business and management
Fundamental Knowledge: BBA will offer plenty of lessons on business fundamentals, accounting principles, human resource management, project management, and business laws.
Learning Numerous Subjects: The main subjects you will learn in BBA are Personnel Management & Industry Relations, Marketing Management, Introduction to Operations Research, Business Economics, and International Business.
Increasing Professional Network: As a BBA graduate, you will grow a robust professional network through short-term internships, projects, and interacting with high-ranked business professionals.
What are the Skills Earned from BBA?
Have you ever thought about the skills you will acquire from a degree?  A bachelor’s degree in business administration can help you gain high-demand skills. Additionally, they are transferable skills too. The below list mentions a plethora of skills a BBA program can provide you.
Expand social consciousness
Improve critical thinking skills
Develop integrative thinking skills
Improved communication skill
Enhances physical well-being
Ethical understanding
Foundation of basic subjects for management skills
Enhanced language skills
Develop leadership qualities
Improves team spirit
Living a professional life
Balance in professional and personal life
Time management skills
Innovative and creative skills
Grow an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Enlarged global network
Academic and industry knowledge
Problem-solving skills
Practical learning
Identification of risks
Risk management
Usage of highly competitive tools
And now, let us look at some of the most in-demand skills you can acquire with a BBA program.
Improves Managerial Skills: Managerial skill is one of the crucial skills needed for a BBA graduate to sustain in the world of business. Students can also upgrade their managerial perspective along with entrepreneurial skills.
Personal Skills: Through a BBA degree, you will not only gain academic knowledge, but you will soon develop leadership skills, public speaking, and can able to manage a team.
Organizing Skill: Students will learn different courses and will also get a chance to earn specialized courses. It teaches all about the competitive business world and the programs related to it. At the end of the course, a student can organize and manage a company and prep business plans/ideas positively with all the required skills.
By opting BBA course, you can fulfill your dream of becoming a significant member of a managing team in an MNC.
Entrepreneurial Approach: If a student plans to become a future entrepreneur, BBA is the most appropriate course to earn all the capabilities to become a successful future entrepreneur. A BBA student must have an entrepreneurial approach to every idea. To make future skillful entrepreneurs, BBA provides entrepreneurship as one of the subjects.
The Capability to Study the Country’s Economy: BBA consists of economics as one of the subjects, enabling a student to study the country’s economy. It teaches people’s purchasing capacity, which will help the company to triumph. This will provide the knowledge product launch and time. Many people nurse economics as a subject, but it is a skill for BBA graduates.
Communication Skill: To become an efficient manager, a student must have good verbal and written communication skills. A manager’s communication skills will be tested throughout their career. People believe that a person with good communication will certainly carry good knowledge and personality.
A manager must produce his ideas to his higher authorities and clients, which needs a simple and error-free communication skill. To Conduct seminars and meetings needs good verbal skills.
To be an efficient professional in the business world, one needs to strive hard to gain all these skills and qualities. These skills require years to acquire. Of course, it is very tough to survive in a corporate world. A BBA degree will enable you to function and manage the breaks and peaks in your career.
The flexibility of the degree makes it more prominent among the students. So, it is better to have complete knowledge of any degree you are planning to gain in the coming days. The skills earned from BBA will strengthen you professionally and build you into a wiser and more energetic person. In addition, to become a complete businessman, you need to interact with numerous professionals, read books that will enhance your skills and knowledge.
Begin your journey to excellence
Take a look at the Texila American University’s BBA program and admission requirements to start your career wisely.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
In a dynamic world where our education system tries to keep pace with a rapidly changing global society, our children need to be equipped with the skills and tools to survive in this technological era. At Smartlabz, we seek to make it a little easier for the dreams of the future to become a reality today! This platform offers smart, quick, and reliable means to revise and prepare for those attempting to sit for the WAEC exam. The exam portal offers various practice tests and questionnaires that will help you pass the WAEC 2021 exam.
To know more, Visit: https://smartlabz.pro/
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texilauniversity · 3 years
In a dynamic world where our education system tries to keep pace with a rapidly changing global society, our children need to be equipped with the skills and tools to survive in this technological era. At Smartlabz, we seek to make it a little easier for the dreams of the future to become a reality today! This platform offers smart, quick, and reliable means to revise and prepare for those attempting to sit for the WAEC exam. The exam portal offers various practice tests and questionnaires that will help you pass the WAEC 2021 exam.
To know more, Visit: https://smartlabz.pro/
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texilauniversity · 3 years
A medical student or an MBBS graduate needs to do a medical fellowship to pursue a career in medicine in the US. Ideally, to become a physician in the US, the candidate first needs to complete an undergraduate degree, then a graduate degree, and finally, residency. An additional requirement is to pass USMLE, after which the candidate can apply for a fellowship in the USA. This medical fellowship program helps candidates specialize in a field of the medical specialty of their choice.
If you wish to pursue a medical fellowship in the USA, evaluate the program details discussed in this article.
What is a Medical Fellowship?
Before we move to the discussion, let’s understand what a medical fellowship is.
When a patient suffers from a generic illness, such as flu and cold, they visit a physician. However, when there’s a complex health problem, such as heart disease, they see a specialist. This specialist doctor spends time focusing on one specialty of medicine.
It means medical fellowship contributes to the specialty training of a physician. During the fellowship years, the doctor is closely scrutinized and trained in a sub-specialty of their likings, such as orthopedic, pulmonology, or other specialties. These applicants are also practically qualified and nurtured by experienced leaders in the domain or specialty.
What Does it Means to Apply for Fellowship in the USA?
Once the candidate completes MBBS and residency, the fellowship allows gaining additional skills and knowledge. However, while you can directly start working after residency, pursuing a fellowship delays this so that you can acquire more credibility. Therefore, fellowship in medical education requires commitment and utmost dedication in the field.
So, who should do a medical fellowship?
Suppose you are an individual who has completed MBBS, and you don’t wish to practice the entire medicine scope. In that case, fellowship helps you pursue a subspecialty. This subspecialty training will offer:
Future opportunities
Better pay scale
Workplace credibility
What Comes After Fellowship?
During the fellowship in medical education, the applicant is called a fellow. These physicians can assume the role of a consultant physician in the subspecialty or attending physician in the absence of the attending. For example, a pediatric fellow can act as a consultant or attending under different circumstances.
Once fellowship in the USA is complete, the physician can work without the supervision of the attending in that subspecialty, such as oncology or cardiology. Hence, the next step after the medical fellowship is a career as an attending in a specialty field.
Here are some steps to help you,
During the final year of your medical fellowship, start selecting the job description that you aim for.
Focus your energy on developing skills necessary for the next step (job as an attending or specialty physician).
Consistently strive to make connections throughout your fellowship years. It will help you move to the next stage once your fellowship is complete.
Requirements for Fellowship in Medical Education in the US
We are sure that you have a lot of questions in mind,
How long are medical fellowships? What are the requirements? What do I need to do for VISA?
Below we have answered some of these questions. Check how you can pursue a medical fellowship in the USA.
Educational Qualifications
Generally, it would help if you qualified for the following to enroll for medical fellowship,
MBBS or equivalent undergraduate degree
Complete internship and residency
Clear USMLE exam
If you wish to apply for a medical fellowship, pass the above or equivalent qualifications.
VISA Needs
Any non-US citizen willing to pursue a medical fellowship in the country should acquire a visa allowing direct patient care. Therefore, according to the institute’s policy, you need to get an H1 B or J-1 visa.
Remember to submit your visa a few months before to avoid glitches at the last minute. For more details, consider connecting with the American embassy in your area.
Can I Enroll Without USMLE?
As a foreign medical student who wants to pursue a medical fellowship, you must clear the USMLE exam (United States Medical Licensing Examination). The reason behind the prerequisite is that you need to USMLE to obtain a visa to the USA.
Once the candidate clears the USMLE examination, they become eligible for J-1 visa ECGMF sponsorship allowing advanced clinical fellowship. It is also necessary to note that ECFMG doesn’t allow changing visas once you are in the United States. It means that you can’t change ECFMG sponsorship to a research visa or the other way round.
Completing Fellowship in the US: The Best Option
Are you searching for the correct route to complete your medical fellowship? Texila American University (TAU) is an optimum choice. TAU, in collaboration with the University of Central Nicaragua, has launched multiple fellowship programs.
All these PG fellowships in medical education are unique and designed to help physicians study a specialty in-depth. Check the choices you have to enhance your career.
How To Apply For Fellowship In the USA?
If you want to apply for a medical fellowship program after MBBS, here are steps to follow,
Visit our website from the link. On this page, you will find every fellowship program offered by TAU.
Please scroll to the course you wish to complete and open it.
On the course page, first, evaluate eligibility criteria.
If you clear the eligibility criteria on the top of the page, click on Apply Now.
Type relevant details such as name, phone number, etc.
Once you submit the details, we will reach you for further action.
Any medical student who has completed MBBS or undergraduate studies should think about a fellowship course in the US. A specialty fellowship offers career progress, a better salary, and advanced opportunities in your career as a physician. These specialty doctors often receive credibility in the industry and easily find a job in various countries.
Hence, to complete a medical fellowship in the USA, check courses by Texila American University. Enroll in the relevant course and allow our experts to help you in this journey. We have faculty members certified by Royal Colleges. The training included in the course also aligns with the guidelines of Royal Colleges.
So, you can receive guidance from some of the best minds in the right way.
Pursue a Medical Fellowship in the USA
Register at Texila Ameican University medicine programs offered in association with the University of Central Nicaragua and become a master in medicine.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
Getting the top grades in your CSEC CXC POB exam can be tedious, so it is essential to follow a few tips and tricks to help get the best ranks in the exams. Following these study tips for the POB syllabus from examiner reports can help you get the best outcomes.
Knowing The Format Of Your Exam
Knowing the proper format of the exam is the key to getting top grades. There are three parts of the assessment: paper 01 the paper 02, and paper 03/1, which is a part of the school-based examination. In addition, the private candidates need to write paper 03/2, an alternative for the school-based paper, which is only offered for the entire time candidates and not the distant students.
The CXC principles of business syllabus can help you get acquainted with the correct format of the exam that can help you score higher marks.
Thoroughly Studying The Content
It is necessary that you thoroughly study the content given to you as per the exam syllabus. It is essential to put your complete dedication to work and out in your hard work for consistent performance to get the highest success rate. Dedicating your time to classroom delivery is not enough to get the results in the exam. It is essential to create routines that will help you utilize your time to gain the required knowledge to score higher marks in the exam.
Learning Time Management
One of the essential tips to excel in learning the art of time management. Thoroughly studying for the exam is the key to managing the time. Since you are ready for the exam, you know precisely what to write. Thus, you can prevent losing time on remembering content that you might have skipped when studying.
Once you know the paper’s contents, you can divide your time depending on how much time you think you need to solve a particular question and finish the piece on time.
Practicing Problem-Solving
One of the vital factors to take into consideration while writing the CSEC CXC POB exam is that you need to have the required experience that can help you answer the questions correctly and offer the necessary solutions for a particular scenario.
Following the Principles of business syllabus can help you provide the correct solutions according to the context depending on the case and the situation is given to you. The best answers that you can offer are the ones that are related to primary schools and how they are education-linked.
Being a candidate, you must be familiar with the different assessment methods according to the CSEC POB syllabus. To make sure that you gain the maximum marks, it is necessary that you offer a vivid explanation of the situation shown in the particular question and also help to develop a proper response.
Always Keep An Eye out For The Verb Cues And The Keywords In The Questions
To get the best grades following the CSEC principles of business syllabus, it is essential that you read and analyze each question and also understand the type of response that your examiner requires from you.
You must pay attention to certain basic words that help bring out the true meaning of the question, whether it asks you to state a hypothesis or ask you to explain a particular question or ask you to provide an outline. Keeping an eye out for these keywords can help you offer the required response for the required questions once you find the correct meanings of the questions and follow the exact instructions given in the question.
Pay Attention To The Marks Allocated To A Particular Question
The CSEC POB past papers can offer you the required knowledge about the marks allotted per question to prepare your answers accordingly. Every question in the exams set according to the principles of the business management syllabus has particular mark allocations. It helps indicate the response level required for the specific question, whether you need to define them or offer a full explanation. When writing answers for allotted one or two marks, you can write short and precise answers.
If you answer a question assigned 6 or 8 marks, you must offer an extensively detailed explanation. No matter how vividly you may know the portion, you must submit an answer that best suits the questions so that you can address the exact situation given in the question rather than scoring a flat zero. It is necessary to read through the CSEC POB multiple choice papers and the various other references to ensure that you know the type of question you may encounter.
Once you are prepared for the exam and sit in the examination hall, you must read the question thoroughly to ensure that you don’t have any misinterpretations and offer the correct answers for the questions.
Writing answers with bullet points helps attract the reader’s attention. It also helps to make the critical issues more visible. Using lining phases is also encouraged, especially when you are trying to compare two things.
Using certain words like whereas, however, and on the other hand, helps to offer the proper comparison between the different points. It is also necessary to use words like “discuss” and “outline” to outshine the exact issues you are trying to pull attention towards. It is always essential that you use these words in front of the content you want to emphasize. Continuously practicing the CSEC POB past papers helps you get familiar with and meet the question’s expectations.
The finest way to make sure that you get the best grade is by practicing as much as possible. Just find a quiet place, use a timer, set the exam’s timing, and test your performance based on the CSEC Principles of business syllabus. Always make sure that you follow the two-hour constraint when you solve the previous year’s papers to ensure the best performance during the main exam.
Cracking the exams following the POB syllabus CXC is not a piece of cake. You should expect at least one question out of the blue that will challenge your ability to make sure that you pass the exam with flying colors. It would help if you created a strategy by working through the previous year’s papers to ensure that you can answer the questions with utmost confidence and score high marks.
Never Leave A Question Unattended
When giving your exam following the POP Syllabus CXC principles of business syllabus, you must never leave a question unanswered. This is because it will not fetch you any marks. But, on the other hand, if you make an educated guess, you can quickly get one to two marks for the answer as long as it is relevant to your answer.
Conclusively these are some of the tips for the students that can help you score high grades in the POB exams.
Take unlimited Test and Practise
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texilauniversity · 3 years
Learning and development (L&D) in the workplace have always played a critical role in the fast-changing world. It has taken on a prominent role in the hybrid workplace. It has also forced the development of learning prototypes rapidly.
By learning new skills, you can stay ahead and keep well-informed about industry trends. However, knowing something new-fangled at work can come across as a challenge to some. Let’s understand why workplace learning is essential and how you can simplify the learning curve, ensuring continuous growth and learning.
Why is learning important in the workplace?
Developing new skills is no easy feat, so can it be avoided? Unfortunately, the answer to that is a loud no!
Developing new skills is crucial for several reasons. Acquiring new skills is necessary for improving leadership and building a positive and healthy work culture. In addition, upskilling employees can also help companies avoid the costs they can incur from lack of communication, absenteeism, low quality work, and ultimately losing good talent.
Have you ever given a thought, why are learning and development important for employees? Given the shift in balance the pandemic has created, learning in the workplace, regardless of their industry or market position, is among the top five priorities for most organizations. Hence, in these cases, Learning and Development must be more strategic and proactive to ensure holistic development.
While the nature of work and workplaces were already changing, the pandemic has fast-forwarded many aspects of the upcoming work. We are at the inception of a new era of work. The recent shift to work remotely has driven the human race to reimagine how businesses and people operate when virtual meetings are the only way to go.
Despite all the challenges, the new normal is to provide an opportunity to improve them wherever they are. The path forward is definitely “Hybrid Workplace.”
Benefits of learning and development in the workplace
Every day all you need is just 15 minutes to obtain new expert skills. But why is learning new things important, particularly at work? Well, the benefits are ample.
While you are trying to handle the constant change during this pandemic, learning and development in the workplace can help you keep up with the industry trends and stay pertinent. Adding new skills is sure to help you stay alert and very sharp. Finally, you can maintain stable psychological health and sturdiness.
Many employees want to have better skills at work. But how does that happen? And what is the most significant way to go about it? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this. Of course, You can’t attain the skills needed for work by simply reading or observing others.
You cannot become a pro golfer by reading books on golf or watching tournaments on TV. One can’t just expect to learn new skills at work by attending one-time training programs. One must also be aligned, committed, and desire the change; they need feedback and practice to develop the skills.
How to improve training and development in the workplace
Encourage a mindset of learning
Encouraging and boosting yourself to learn and upskill yourself at the most needed time will help you grow and automatically evolve. All you need is to embrace yourself with the change and set your mind to learn.
Begin the Learning Process Right
If you are interested in molding yourself and learning a new skill set at your workplace, treat it as an initiative to the change and not as an event or forced task. Your learning should start with high relevance to the business or job, people, and your industry.
It is all up to you to build your skills. In your own interest, it is best to invest time and energy to learn fresh skills compared to all the other priorities on your plate. You will personally have to understand how new skills will take you to net steps at work, your team, and the organization as a whole.
Break It Down Into Micro Behaviors
Once your business case for upgrading your skills is clear, break down your desired skills into micro-behaviors. They should be directly associated with the desired outcome of your performance. For example, to learn how to hit an appealing serve in tennis, you need to break down your learning.
Have the proper posture
Use the suitable grip technique
Toss the ball decorously
Twist, bend your knees, and punch the racquet to gather verve
Hit the ball at the top
Follow from side to side
Create a New Habit with Micro Behaviors
There will be excellent outcomes when your new behaviors turn out to be a habit. If you want to create new habits, the best way is to couple up your behavior with a cue and then practice them repeatedly. For example, if your team meetings need to be more beneficial,
The first and foremost skill would be preparing an agenda.
The cue would be the setting up of a meeting.
The micro behavior would be detailing the agenda.
Then spend the initial portion of the following meeting discussing key points on the previous meeting with the meeting attendees. This way, every new meeting will soon become easier to be conducted, and the behavior will become a routine or a habit.
Subsequently, you can focus on the meeting facilitation skills like how to focus on the topic, how to cope with the conflict and how to stick to timings, and more. One skill builds upon another will soon make your meetings more productive.
Impart skills that are lacking
Sometimes, all it takes is imparting knowledge that there is a better way to do things, such as learning how certification could help you develop yourself and hone. Do a SWOT analysis, get to learn where you are lagging, and focus on the skills to develop yourself.
Learn one skill at a time. It is vital that you set a short-term learning goal and learn one by one to master it. Also, it is relatively not an easy feat to learn and upskill. But it is very crucial. So keep updating yourself.
Apply what you have learned
You should not stop with just learning. You will have to apply whatever you have learned in your workplace for your betterment. It could be anything like problem-solving skills, time management, or any technical skills. Let the organization discover the skills that you have acquired newly.
Unless you apply your skills, there is no way that your organization knows your capability. So, keep yourself updated and keep showing up when your teammate or organization needs your help.
Accept feedback
It is vital that you accept feedback from your higher officials about how you have been performing and improving yourself in the areas you lack. Feedback in the right spirit should always be well received- especially if you are looking forward to learning and growing.
While learning and development in the workplace are essential, it is equally important to accept the feedback positively to improve you in the workplace when there is an obstacle in learning a new skill.
The Bottom Line
You are the difference! You can bring in change in the organization by bringing change in yourself. Focus, time and energy are the thumb rules to learn and develop the inner you.
As companies are looking for the best out of their employees and work with maximum efficiency, learning and development is the need of the hour. They can give a company a competitive advantage, improve work culture, and even positively affect its bottom line.
As you transit to a hybrid workplace, you may face unfamiliar work situations when brainstorming, collaborating, and problem-solving. To meet these challenges, see if your organization leverages training and continuous learning. There are organizations like Texila in virtual collaboration and offering learning environments with significantly more options than traditional in-person complements.
As the avenues for traditional upskilling are ruptured, there is a lot of shift towards on-the-job learning, training, mentoring, and cross-functional live projects. While the company does not mandate non-structured learning, it is a crucial part of learning in any hybrid workplace. It can give more insights into interest areas, study patterns, and also engaging formats.
And now, it is your turn! If you have assured to learn and upskill yourself, then it is time to go ahead and hone yourself. Also, you need to know if you are in the proper organization where you get the opportunity to improve your skills through learning and development.
In the context of remote working, businesses are becoming more conscious of dwindling engagement levels among workforces. Social learning is becoming a much ordinate part of the agenda and is an effective approach.
Update the skills required in the workplace. All the best!
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texilauniversity · 3 years
For most of us, especially students moving forward to pursue a doctorate in the field of mental health, the branches of counseling and clinical psychology are more often similar than not. We are often biased about what they mean, what these fields may branch into, imply and offer a career focus. Read on to find out what both the disciplines are all about and what may be the right choice for you.
How do clinical and counseling psychologists compare?
How do clinical and counseling psychology differ?
Which is better clinical psychology or counseling psychology?
Which is better clinical or counseling psychology?
This article is an outline and a guide to enable you to understand the similarities and differences between clinical and counseling psychology. And we hope this article answers all the questions listed above.
Clinical Psychology
What is clinical psychology? It is the branch of psychology that deals with assessing and treating mental illnesses and behavioral problems. When a person needs psychological and evaluation, a clinical psychologist plays the part and deals with disorders such as schizophrenia, multiple personalities, depression, etc.
Clinical psychologists use psychoanalysis after an assessment and evaluation. A clinical psychologist determines the severity and nature of the mental illness after a detailed study. They decide the treatment modality according to the diagnosis and the expected treatment outcome.
Clinical psychologists are sometimes assigned to patients by a physician or with a court recommendation to deal with the problems that a physician has diagnosed. Healthy individuals who have no or limited pathological mental issues are the focus of attention for clinical psychologists.
A clinical psychologist focuses on those patients who have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness. In today’s time and age, clinical psychologists have partaken some of the work, usually in the realm of psychiatry. Still, both streams are involved in a great deal of research and supervision activities.
In clinical psychology, the learners focus on psychoanalytic persuasions, a critical analysis of these processes, and behavioral issues. It implies the reaction of the individual and the society surrounding the client. The field of clinical psychology looks at psychotherapy from more of a generic healthcare perspective. Clinical psychologists receive training to identify, diagnose, and treat psychological conditions. This training is very similar to how a doctor would diagnose and treat medical conditions that belong to the physical realm.
Clinical psychologists use diagnostic tests, assessments, and inventories to identify psychological conditions, including emotional and behavioral disorders. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, some subspecialties of clinical psychology include health psychology and neuropsychology.
Clinical psychology programs are always more research-oriented and require many hours of counseling, even as you are pursuing the course. It is a requirement for the programs to have a certain fixed number of hours of the internship experience.
Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychology is the treatment of the problems of everyday life through proper communication and understanding. Unlike clinical psychology, counseling involves mentally healthy individuals who need help with certain areas of their lives and seek professional help in that regard. It emphasizes and deals with the current status of a person’s life and the current events in the patient’s life.
Counseling psychology focuses on a person’s thought process and how they can deal with a particular situation effectively and positively by getting a professional opinion. Counseling psychology is a branch on its own, and a physician’s diagnosis has no interplay. There is no reference needed, and whoever thinks they need help may reach out directly to a counseling psychologist and book a session.
A counseling psychologist provides opinions on dealing with daily life issues effectively, improving communication with society, enhancing mental health, and improving existing social relationships. A counseling psychologist will teach new coping and survival strategies and help to draw resources, such as personal support and community services that they can use for personal improvement and deal better with society in the process.
Counseling psychologists deal with people struggling with depression and anxiety. At the same time, they work with them extensively, work with the clients to address life changes, deal with crises that may persist, combat stresses and traumas that might trigger the development of these issues. Counseling psychology degree programs focus on psychotherapy, as do their clinical psychology colleagues.
According to the American Psychological Association, counseling programs aim to utilize multicultural and cultural training methods to prepare aspiring professionals to work with clients of varying ethnicities and cultures. Counseling psychologists help patients with life events that contribute to or exacerbate psychological disorders. They work with individuals who have a diagnosable mental illness.
Clinical vs. Counseling Psychology
Both of these disciplines are sciences of the mind and are meant to better a person as an individual but vary significantly in how they deal with the types of issues they encounter. There is a requirement for professionals to specialize in streamlining their field of practice.
A counseling psychologist leans towards the societal, humanistic, and client-centered practices that have evolved. In theory, clinical psychologists adopt psychodynamic research, in contrast to counseling psychologists whose approach was towards cognitive behavior.
Counseling psychology involves working with people on an individual and personal level, sending time to analyze their situation. Most often, counseling psychologists encounter clients who want someone to listen. They want to feel important and acknowledged. The counseling and therapy come next for the client.
In a corporate setting, a counseling psychologist will play an essential role in vocational and career assessment. In contrast, a clinical psychologist aims at projective assessment training.
So, suppose you think you are a people person willing to work within individuals, groups, and communities.
In that case, counseling psychology may be the one for you. On the other hand, clinical psychology involves studying how the brain functions as an organ and how those changes affect an individual’s behavior and may cause disruptions in everyday psychological attitudes and perceptions.
The training involves arriving at a diagnosis of the existing condition and deciding on the best treatment for the particular client. Clinical psychology represents the largest subspecialty of psychologists. It involves research, assessment, intervention, and consultation as applied to the betterment of those who may need your services.
Despite the many differences, these two disciplines overlap and share several common goals concerning helping clients get better from where they are today.
Both of these professionals work with a variety of conditions and with those from very diverse backgrounds.
Both of them attend to clients/ patients in private clinics, health centers, mental health facilities, and personal therapists. They work with clients with varying degrees of severity of the conditions.
When you try to choose between the two disciplines, you must know what you may be looking for. For instance, if your interest is more towards communication, logical analysis of a critical situation, and arriving at a science-based decision, counseling psychology may be the right choice for you.
A PhD in Counseling Psychology
It will entail and expect you to:
Bestow advanced knowledge in the field with best practices in the field of counseling psychology.
Create a substantial body of evidence and practice from it
Acquire and establish a leadership role at the community, professional, and university organizational level in counseling psychology.
A PhD in Clinical Psychology
The following are attributes where clinical psychology differs from a PhD in counseling psychology.
It is focused and founded on research.
The study will be in developing research ideas, conduct experiments and analyze such data.
The degree requires submitting a doctoral dissertation and defending your thesis.
Depending on what country and university you plan to enroll for a doctorate program, the requirements for admission and the process will vary. Do refer to the relevant university website and country regulations before embarking on your journey to earn a PhD.
Enhance your career with Doctorate Degree
Join the Doctorate program at Texila American University is associated with the University of Central Nicaragua that might benefit you.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
With a PhD, you acquire fresh knowledge, develop new skills and invent new things that help change society. A PhD in management program is one of the most sought-after degrees. But when it comes to specialization, most management students are confused. There are several programs available, and they do not know what to choose.
There is no shortage in the number of institutions that offer a PhD in management program to gain specialization. If you are looking for international universities that offer a PhD in management program, here is all you need to know.
Why Should You Choose a PhD in Management?
One of the benefits of doing PhD in management is it leads you to a career in academia or industries associated with research and innovation. Moreover, it can open doors for a career in various organizations, government agencies, and other industrial sectors. Some benefits of pursuing a doctorate course in management are:
Competitive professional profile
There is a high demand for a PhD in management today, irrespective of whether you do it online or from a university campus. The scope of PhD in management is overwhelmingly high. A prospective student will get opportunities to deal with clients and businesses across the globe.
Being an expert in the field, you will get high-profile jobs openings in teaching, research, or consulting. Furthermore, the programs also give you a remarkable level of trustworthiness, proving knowledge in your field.  
Develop critical thinking
With a good doctorate program in management from the best university globally, you will learn to think more critically than to consume knowledge. Through critical thinking, you can reach higher levels in your profession, which helps develop your career further.
Hone your skills: You can learn new strategies and acquire valuable skills essential to working in any career field. The program will help you make an impact in your career, as well as in your current role, by using your expertise in the field.
Become a scholar-practitioner: A PhD program in management will give you enough knowledge and confidence to become a scholar in your field. You can gain your scholarly voice and present your papers at academic conferences with utmost confidence. In addition, you will have the authority to publish your articles in leading journals.
Learn the latest innovative concept: There are several online university courses globally that focus on providing the most advanced innovative concepts in management. Through training, live projects, and studies, you can discover the latest innovations in the management field. It will make a difference in your community and the organization as well.
Compete for the global platform: By pursuing a PhD in management degree, you will acquire the knowledge and practical skills required to compete globally. The syllabus focuses on developing cultural skills and business competencies that pertain to the global market.
How to Choose a Right PhD in Management Specialization?
When you choose a specialization, you need to consider your passion and aspiration. It would be best to consider how it aligns with a PhD (in management) career prospects.
Choose the research topic right for you and leverage your career goals when you complete the doctorate programs. Some specializations in PhD management programs help you choose the right topic for your research. They are:
Human Resource Management: In a broader sense, HR management is a function that deals with:
hiring an able workforce
offering required training and development
maintaining staff
assessing the performance of staff
providing perks and incentives to motivate them
maintaining healthy relations with labor, and
having a safe working environment
It applies the latest analytical tools to pursue research and explore global aspects of HR management.
Information Systems Management: A PhD program can give an in-depth understanding of all features of e-commerce systems, risk assessment, system design, and security management. You can attain expertise in IS processes and systems and improve performance through IS management in an organization.
21st Century Finance: You will gain insights into developing and using financial models and theoretical tools. This knowledge will help you acquire an understanding of complex national and international economic challenges. Furthermore, the specialization will allow you to do case studies and integrate social and behavioral research standards. It will help your expertise in financial systems, practices, and theories.
Organizational Change: With this specialization, you will learn to think critically about the latest organizational concept and explore innovative ideas about leadership. In addition, you will acquire alternate conceptualizations of management and 21st-century leadership practices. You will also develop an understanding of socially conscious leadership and cultivate contemporary leadership procedures.
Organizational Design: It covers organizational design and innovation and includes artificial intelligence, disruptive and agile innovation, and autonomous systems. You can explore changes in organizational innovation and develop leadership strategies.  
Self-designed PhD programs: You can find the best universities in Africa and other countries that allow you to create specializations based on your interests in management. Moreover, you can select specialization courses from different PhD specializations. Also, the assignments will be on the lines of the practical application of writing, incorporation of specialized practice, and critical-thinking skills.
Apart from the specializations mentioned above, you can also choose to do a PhD in:
Economics and Management
Tourism Management
Consumer Science – Clothing Management
Sustainability Management
Strategic Management
Doctorate in Security Risk Management
Business Administration
Based on your specialization, you can use your PhD in Management education in several professional sectors such as private, nonprofit, and international organizations.
Know More About Online PhD in Management
A PhD in management from the best universities can help you achieve your career goal. The online learning program is one of the best ways to earn a doctorate. Some of the best universities for PhD in management offer both offline and online programs.
Career Prospects of PhD in Management
Doing a PhD in management opens doors for high and perspective career opportunities in several industries and management positions across the world. Some current job positions the candidates can opt for are:
Policy Analyst
Management Consultants
University Lecturer
Chief Executive Officer
Strategic Manager
Business Development Manager
Quantitative Analyst
Market Research Analyst
Product Manager
Other than the above, some candidates choose to teach at the university level, become consultants, or take corporate leadership positions. Thus, acquiring a PhD in management gives you immense opportunities in academia and industry. Texila American University is among the best universities in the world if you are looking to pursue a PhD in management. Being a business school of international repute, Texila has the expertise and experience to provide the knowledge and competency required to excel in this ever-changing world.
Enroll now in Texila’s Doctoral Program
Choose what is best for your future after clearly weighing your options and keep growing in the field of management.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
WAEC examination is a national exam administered by West Africa Senior Secondary School Examinations (WASSCE). West African students are eligible to appear in the examination. Only Nigerian students can take the National Examination Council (NECO).
Students enrolled in senior secondary school must pass either the WAEC or NECO exam. Admission to the University or Polytechnic requires the SSCE result.
Would you like to know how to prepare for WAEC 2021? Are you aiming for an A grade in every subject? Well, this article will guide you about the preparation for the WAEC exam. You can also get to know about the tips to succeed in the examination with colors.
What is WAEC Examination?
Western African Examination Council is the acronym for WAEC. The West African English-speaking region of the organization is an exam-taking body. The primary goal of WAEC is to assess the student qualitatively. After the successful completion of the exams, WAEC awards certification. For students who wish to pursue a degree abroad can make use of a WAEC certificate.
West African Examination Council (WAEC) History
From the year 1952 WAEC examination body conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). JAMB enrollment in Nigeria uses WAEC certification. WAEC effectively functions in the following countries Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
With the efforts of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, the University of London School Examinations Matriculation council, and the West African Departments of Education WAEC formed. After the meeting closure Dr. George Barker Jeffery, a spy sent to West Africa. George reviewed the examination bodies and recommended WAEC in West Africa countries.
Eligibility Criteria for Tertiary Institution Admission
Tertiary institutions have set the minimum credit limit as 5 for every candidate. Students must have a credit score for English and mathematics subjects. The credit score is associated with any institution study.
WAEC Examination Malpractice Punishment
Students caught engaging in malpractice during the WAEC examination forfeit from writing the examination. If the malpractice issues are associated with a whole center, then serious actions are taken. Disciplinary actions may close down the center or withheld the results. So never attempt to engage in malpractice.
WAEC Question Format
WAEC examination question paper format framed with two parts. 1. Theory part 2. The objective part.
Theory Part
Students need to answer in detail questions without options.
Objective Part
This part contains the options for questions, and the students can choose from them to answer the question.
How To Pass WAEC Exam 2021
Avoid Fear About WAEC Exam!
WAEC candidates often commit the mistake of always being afraid of the examination. But this is a wrong approach. Usually, students facing fear issues find difficulty in passing any examination. Mostly, such students fail to clear the WAEC exam. But the student had prepared well before the examination day. Therefore, one must completely shed their fear of the WAEC exam to perform well. Embrace optimism and courage. Avoid taking the input of terrible experiences of WAEC exam stated by other people. In this way, you can clear your examination extraordinarily.
Have An Enthusiasm To Pass
Enthusiasm is the primary factor for passing the WAEC examination. You must always have the zeal to do anything to clear the examination. Having eagerness assists you in overcoming the WAEC exam fear. Avoid approaching the examination with a trivial mood. Ensure that you need to pass the WAEC exam.
Start Your Preparation Earlier
Students have to answer a variety of questions in the WAEC exam. So they need to start their preparation earlier to face the challenges. If you wonder how to pass the WAEC exam? Scholars recommend starting exam preparation after the announcement of the WAEC examination registration on the website. Well, depending on the intellectual ability, a person may require time exam preparation vary. Additionally, the registration time is somewhere around six months before the examination. Reading early increases your chances of passing WAEC.
Intensive Study
In today’s world, students often fail to succeed in the WAEC examination due to a lack of preparation. And that’s the reason students don’t find a way to succeed. Many people have a simple thought to pass the WAEC exam just moving into the examination hall. Passing the WAEC examination requires concentrated reading.
Make Use of the WAEC Study Group
Study groups support students for better comprehension of the WAEC exam. Initially, you may not even realize that study groups indirectly benefit you to pass the WAEC examination 2021. The effectiveness of studying in a group becomes immediately apparent at the examination hall. For those who wish to pass the WAEC 2021 exam, scholars recommend joining a study group now.
Follow the WAEC Syllabus
A good WAEC syllabus is another beneficial resource to help you prepare well for the WAEC exam. WAEC includes questions from every topic that students learned in school. But that does not cover the entire WAEC syllabus. The truth is that Every WAEC exam syllabus contains a subtopic list.
The majority of questions of the WAEC exam come from these subtopics. Moreover, start your preparation with your books and your WAEC syllabus in preparation for those questions. On the other hand, a passing score on WAEC exams will not be dependent on this syllabus. However, if you get the syllabus will help you greatly in passing the WAEC examination.
Go Through Past WAEC Questions
To face any examination, preparing the past year’s questions will help you the most. Well, the WAEC exam does not fall under the exception category. Most of the WAEC exam repeats the questions of the previous year question paper.
At times the questions are framed with the twist of the previous year. So preparing with the past year’s question paper assists you in clearing the WAEC examination 2021.
Practice On your Handwriting
The WAEC examination requires handwriting, which is just as opposed to other exams. Every one of us knows that teachers can correct a paper without hassle if the handwriting is good. Students with illegible handwriting often fail to succeed in the examination since they score low marks. And that’s why you need to update your handwriting skills before you write the WAEC exam.
Improving your handwriting will support you move ahead in the WAEC Preparation.
Participate in Mock WAEC Exam
You must take part in the mock WAEC examination to eliminate the fear in main exam participation. Gather the previous year’s question paper and start answering the questions. Verify the answers to the question and check out how well you have responded to the questions.
Suppose you think it is a waste of time. In that case, however, the truth behind mock examination assists you in clearing the WAEC examination with steady preparation. WAEC mock score helps you find out the preparedness level for the examination. You can improve your performance. Prepare well as that you are attempting for the main examination.
Stay Focused
Generally, WAEC exam preparation gets hampered by distractions. If you want to pass WAEC, you must always keep it to a minimum. Try your most to avoid distractions and start your preparation voraciously.
Educate Yourself on WAEC Tutorials
Understanding tough topics are simple if you attend WAEC tutorials. Tutoring centers provide a simple explanation of subject topics. Students at secondary schools usually participate in WAEC lessons. Participate in a tutorial provided by the school is a better idea to succeed.  
Answering questions properly requires understanding the questions first. Have you ever wondered why some students feel joy after taking their WAEC exams, but when the results come out, they start to cry out. The main reason for the failure is not understanding the questions. Spend ample time to comprehend the question, which makes it difficult to clear the exam.
Eat Well and Exercise!
Exercise helps your brain retain all that you read. You should eat well and eat healthy foods. While preparing for your examination, eat only foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. If you are preparing for an exam, avoid junk food as it has no nutritional benefits.
Also, keep your body hydrated while you read by drinking plenty of water. You can optimize your brain’s function by exercising for at least 30 minutes every day.
Final Thoughts
You can pass the WAEC exam in one shot with the tips of this article. Grab excellent grades by putting in your hard work. Schedule your reading process for the WAEC exam earlier, and consistent practice will help score good grades. Stay tuned with updates on the WAEC exam and move ahead in your preparation.
Streamline your preparation for the WAEC exam today!
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texilauniversity · 3 years
In which medical stream should I specialize? It is a common question most students ask after MBBS. For an MBBS graduate, it is a dream to pursue a career in medicine with a postgraduate degree. You can hardly excel in the medical industry without any specialization in the stream of your interest. Nevertheless, most MBBS students lack enough knowledge about the best postgraduate medical courses in India.
Before deciding on a PG medical course, knowing the NEET PG eligibility requirement for admission is essential. NEET PG, an entrance exam, helps secure admissions to a list of PG programs after MBBS, and they are:
Master of Surgery (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Post Graduate Diploma
Diplomate of National Board (DNB)
There are numerous postgraduate courses to choose from after studying MBBS. Here are the top 7 among them:
Radiology and Radio-Diagnosis
Among medical PG courses in India, Radiology or Radio-Diagnosis is the most sought-after course among PG medical students. A medical specialty, clinical radiology is using imaging to diagnose as well as treat various diseases.
As a radiologist, you will have a rewarding career working with clinicians. You spend time analyzing medical conditions and planning patients’ treatment. What is appealing about this post-graduation after MBBS course is it is exciting, challenging, and rewarding. There is an escalation in demand for trained radiologists owing to the extensive use of radiological imaging in most treatments.
One among the best PG courses in India, an MD/MS in Radio diagnosis is a 3-year course, or M Sc. Radiology is a 2-year course. The course offers training in the latest radiology and imaging techniques. Advancements in medical science have helped diagnose most diseases and perform effective surgical procedures using X-rays, CT scans, and MRI.
With this PG course after MBBS, you get to become a skilled and competent radiologist. It helps you perform interventional radiology, interpret the images, and diagnose injury or disease.
General Medicine
A postgraduate in medicine is majorly opted by most medical graduates due to the increasing demand for general practitioners. With more general medicine seats in medical colleges across the country, you can opt for this PG course after MBBS. You can gain much knowledge on various health issues and medical conditions and treatments for them.
The course duration is two years, and after completion, significant hospitals are hiring GPs with a better pay package. As a general practitioner, you will focus on the overall health of a patient.
General medicine is one of India’s top medical PG branches that offer exciting career opportunities in the healthcare sector. Laboratories, pharmaceuticals, private clinics, and research centers are prominent sectors that use GPs’ services.
You can pick either an MS or an MD in Anatomy as a PG medical course in India. In the 2-year post-graduation after MBBS course, you study the bodily structures of living beings, as well as living organisms.
Additionally, it involves studying the human body through dissection and observation and the positioning of its various parts. With gross anatomy, you learn to conduct a detailed investigation of body structures without using instruments. It may involve noninvasive and less invasive methods.
The course also teaches microscopic anatomy, studying cells and tissues of living beings using a microscope. An MD in anatomy is one of the after MBBS PG courses that make you a specialist. With advanced research and training, you become capable of providing the best healthcare in the field. The Doctor of Medicine in anatomy is the best course after MBBS for those who want to work as professors in medical colleges or other related positions in hospitals.
Forensic Medicine
Forensic medicine has gained much prominence among other medical PG courses, with more and more medical students opting for it. It is a medical niche that deals with applying medical knowledge to prove facts in legal cases.
Forensic medicine helps you learn how to examine evidence to determine the cause, manner, and time of death. Forensic doctors generally perform autopsies and may assist in criminal investigations. They are also called medical examiners or forensic pathologists.
The Postgraduate Medical course duration for forensic medicine is three years, with a one-year internship and MBBS being mandatory. After this PG medical course, you can enter into an adventurous career by joining the crime investigation team. Some job prospects in this stream include working as a forensic scientist or criminologist, research assistant, and investigator in any related private and public organizations. You can also work as a forensic teacher or professor, or lab technician.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics and gynecology come under top medical PG branches in India. The twin subjects of medical science cover the female reproductive system. Obstetrics is concerned with providing care during pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
Also, an obstetrician is responsible for giving the best prenatal care both to the mother and child. They intervene in case of any complications and ensures safe childbirth. Gynecology pertains to any ailment related to reproductive organs such as fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina.
The other problems a gynecologist may deal with are the bladder, bowel, and urinary system. The reason is because of the close connection with female reproductive organs. In this branch, PG course duration is three years for MD or Doctor of Medicine in OB-GYN, three years for MS or Master of Surgery in OB/GYN, and two years for Postgraduate Diploma in OB-GYN. This twin specialization in obstetrics and gynecology demands extensive training for three years to gain various skills related to the field.
The job opportunities for Postgraduate Medical courses in India and other countries are high. You can work as an obstetrician, gynecologist, consultant, lecturer, clinical associate, and general physician. The course is preferred mainly by female medical students, who are prepared to manage female reproductive organs successfully.  
Pediatrics, as a medical specialty, is relatively new. It is concerned with the healthcare of infants and children from birth to 18 years.
The significance of pediatrics lies in meeting the unique medical needs of children. They may undergo rapid physical, behavioral and emotional changes when they grow up. A pediatrician today starts providing medical care from the time of conception through pregnancy.
Pediatricians should undergo additional education and training to treat medical conditions in children. They have to perform various physical exams, treat injuries, evaluate a child’s development, give vaccinations, and treat medical conditions. Post-graduation after MBBS in pediatrics gives you numerous opportunities to work in specialized fields like:
Child neurology
Pediatric oncology
Pediatric critical care
Pediatric cardiology
Adolescent medicine
Pediatric endocrinology
The Doctor of Medicine (MD) in pediatrics, like other after MBBS PG courses, is a 3-year full-time course. It is open to candidates who have MBBS from a recognized university and have completed a one-year internship.
Orthopedics is one of the best PG courses in India that offer immense opportunities to work here or abroad. You can join as an orthopedic surgeon, physical therapist, researcher, consultant, sports medicine physician, etc. With this postgraduate in medicine branch, you learn about medical conditions related to the musculoskeletal system.
Orthopedics concentrates on the care of muscles and bones and ligaments, joints, and tendons. The three-year MS in this field will help you become an orthopedist who can treat various musculoskeletal issues.
You learn more about the surgical and nonsurgical methods of treating joint pains, bone fractures, back problems, sports injuries, etc. An orthopedist generally works as a team, including general physicians, nurse practitioners, consultants, and physical therapists. These are the top 7 postgraduate medical courses you can consider for a rewarding career in India.  Pick one that suits your dreams and enroll right away. Like any other career, the sooner you start, the sooner your career skyrockets.
Become a Specialist in Medicine
Enroll in PG medical courses that Texila American University offers in association with University of Central Nicaragua.
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texilauniversity · 3 years
By now, you have successfully completed your secondary level of education. But it’s time to prepare for CXC and CSEC exams conducted in May and June. The CXC /CSEC exams stand for Caribbean Examination Council / Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams. CAPE abbreviates for Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations.
If you are in the preparation process, this article will guide you with valuable tips to come out of colors in CSEC and CAPE examinations easily.
What is a CAPE Examination?
CAPE assesses the academic excellence of a student at the secondary school level in Trinidad and Tobago. After completion of secondary education, students write the CAPE exam to acquire higher studies. Students can choose academic or vocational courses of study through the CAPE certification.
A student must undergo one year of study in the CAPE program. To acquire the CAPE certificate, a student must score at least ten credits equivalent to one unit. Students who have the required 60 credits or six units of completion receive the CAPE Diploma.
Some of the core subjects of the CAPE exam are communication studies, functional French, information technology, and statistical analysis. These subjects are considered fundamental in improving the knowledge and skills of the individuals to get into the workforce.
The CSEC examination marks the end of secondary education. Students take the exam after completing five years of secondary education. The CSEC examination is an O-level examination equivalent. It is also called the CXC exam since the CSEC exam was the only exam conducted by the CXC between 1979 and 1998.
Avoid Stressing Yourself For CSEC and CAPE Exams
In the preparation of CSEC and CAPE, students are highly stressed out. Many of the teenagers report severe hair loss, acne breaks out, depression, and weight loss. Students must consider the CXC/CSEC exams as just an academic test, not a life-deciding issue. If you think CSEC and CAPE exam stresses you out, then be ready to face it.
Face the stressed situation with a calm mindset. Engage yourself by spending time breathing exercises, workouts, and listening to music. Remember, you always have a second chance to try yourself better in the next year.
Avoid Memorizing! Try Spot Study!
CSEC and CAPE exams cover many sections. So prepare for the exam entirely rather than focusing on few areas. If you attempt to muck up the cover-to-cover, the textbook overnight is just a time waste. You will not remember anything even after spending hours reading the last paragraph.
Have a good try for spot studying when you are not prepared. In this technique, identify the key ideas and discuss them with your friends aloud. Comprehend the ideas with real-life examples, which enable you to remember the concept and answer precisely.
Utilize The Different Resources To Gain Knowledge
Generally, students get collapsed during the exam preparation phase. People get confused about where to look for suitable study material for a particular concept. The well-known technique to resolve this issue is to make use of every resource effectively.
In the digital world, you can get help from online test prep sites like CXC Academy to help you gain valuable knowledge. Few students attend subject marathons or undergo special training with experienced teachers to get high scores in the CAPE exam.
Request For Help From Others
If you find difficulties in learning the CSEC exam concepts, don’t be frustrated. Just ask for help from your friends, family, and teachers. Course Instructors will readily help you in grasping the concepts and achieve success in your examinations.
Understand About CSEC and CAPE Exam Format
Before you are into preparation for CSEC or CAPE exam, have a look over the question format. The CSEC exam contains three assessment components paper 1, paper 2, and paper 3. The exam structures and CSEC exam paper offer you a clear idea about the assessment method.
Schedule A Unique Method To Study
Students can figure out the best technique to learn and remember concepts depending on their reading and listening competency. You can even try to learn through group or take short notes separately. It helps to refresh your ideas frequently.
Go Through The Past Year’s CSEC and CAPE Exam Papers!
Most of the time, students learn the concepts clearly, but they fail to apply them. Experts recommend the best CSEC study tips to fix this issue. You can be a master in what you learn by solving the past year’s CSEC and CAPE exam papers. When you work with the previous year’s question paper, you are well aware of the examination format. Moreover, you get an insight into how to face the examination and time management.
Start Your Preparation Process Earlier!
The mistake committed by the majority of students is starting their preparation process too late. Nearly half of the student population had felt that they would have started their preparation earlier. When the dates were too close to the examination, students found that they have missed the entire topic to cover. To combat this problem, start early and read the topics in-depth to answer the questions precisely. You can also break the topics into sections and set up a schedule for each. In this way, you can cover the entire syllabus of the CSEC and CAPE exams.
Start Your Preparation Today
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