I am asking this for an essay. Try to answer honestly.
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Bro-- I'm dumb. I posted this on the wrong blog-- thank you so much for 103 followers! Even.. if I don't do anything.
I have been thinking of quitting the blog, but I do want to say thank you so much for the love. ❤❤❤🥺🥺🥺
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Uh, Scratch that, no NSFW.
Hello, Yee Y'all's!
I hope you all are having a wonderful day and that all is well! ❤️
I've never done this before, but I will try and post as much as possible, please send some requests and I will be posting Matchups as well, so those are welcome!
I will be writing for all the Merc's + Miss Pauling!
There will be a trigger warning here, I will not write about: Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Self Harm- that includes suicide, eating disorders, ect, Sexual Abuse and Racism.
But, I will write about NSFW so those are welcome as well, Golden Showers, Blood Play and Scat are not welcome.
I'll also post about memes that I've made and random story times, maybe!
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy my blog!
Signed, Addison! 🤗✒️
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Hi! I’d love to ask for a matchup if that’s okay. I’m a 5’3 trans guy with green eyes and brown (green rn) hair to my shoulders. I’m pretty funny and friendly but am fundamentally introverted. I end up needing a lot of space and time to myself. I love to draw, and pride myself in being someone who can make tough choices. I also have adhd and keep a lot to myself when it comes to feelings. I love plants but can’t take care of them very well. Thanks so much! 💚
(I'm so, so, so sorry about the late response! I hope this is alright!)
I Match You With... Engineer!
Loves to hug you from behind and kiss your cheek lovingly, you're the perfect height for him!
He thinks your eyes are like emeralds, they're so pretty!
Engineer loves your green hair, he thinks it makes you look like a badass.
He has pretty good conversations with you, he enjoys talking to someone who's kind and funny. He gets comfortable around you like a breath of fresh air.
And he also understands you being introverted, him being that way himself. Take all the time you need, he'll be there when you need him.
He requests you to draw a lot if you're alright with it. Keeps a drawing of yours above his bed frame.
He admires how you make tough choices, especially in an environment he's in.
He understands how you're feeling, and does his best if you're feeling stressed or upset in anyway.
He gives you tips on how to help take care of your plants.
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Hello there! If it’s not too late can I get a matchup please? I’m a 5’3” pale-skinned, blue-eyed, brunette-haired girl who’s zodiac sign is Cancer and is a ISFJ-T. Personality wise I’m quiet and nervous around new people but I’m still friendly to them. Yet around people I know I’m more outgoing and silly (as well as kinda sarcastic). I enjoy drawing, playing video games, watching movies, and learning about animals. I also have a lot of anxiety and need almost constant reassurance.
(Hello! I'm so, so, so sorry for the late response, dear, I hope you enjoy.)
I Match You With... Sniper!
Likes to rest his elbow on top of your head, but other than that, he loves your height and thinks you're adorable.
Likes to see you style your hair, run his fingers through it. He loves everything about you.
He loves your eyes, they're so beautiful, like diamonds.
He's a capricorn. You two are the perfect pair, especially your personality trait being ISFJ-T.
He's actually the first to approach you when he first met you at the base. He thought it was the polite thing to do. (And because he thought you were a nice girl.)
He likes the fact that you're kind and gets comfortable around you quicker than normal.
The more you two talk, the more he falls harder for you. He really likes your outgoing personality and sarcastic tones. Everyone on the team thinks you two are a perfect pair.
He can do a sketch or two, but he thinks your art is a masterpiece. He loves to watch you draw, admiring you.
Team Games! He loves working with you as a team in video games, and can get a little competitive.
You two have very comfortable movie nights in a pillow mountain he made in the camper. He loves cuddling and kissing you at random times during the movie.
Oh? You want to learn about animals? He's got you covered! He loves a good animal lover and often has conversations with you about them.
Having anxiety himself, he has tips on how to comfort those who have it. He'll do whatever you'd like to get yourself comfortable; hand holding, words of reassurance, he's got it covered. He cares about you too much.
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hello! i saw matchups were open so i wanted to send one in! Im 5’1, leo, enfp girl! Im an artist and I take it very seriously. Im shy, but Im very good at standing up for myself. I’m really easy to tease and make fun of. I try to be kind to everybody, but i can be really vicious and mean. I sometimes have really bad manic episodes. Im very affectionate, but Im good at giving people space/time to open up. Im aloof and spacey, but Im smart. Im moody, but easy to impress. Im hard to read. thank u!!
(I hope you have a wonderful day/night! Thank you!)
I Match You With... Spy!
He will give you little forehead kisses throughout the day.
Respects how seriously you are as an artist, and if anyone teases you or berates you about it, it'll be more than a backstab from him.
He adores how creative you are.
Spy also loves to see how you stand up for yourself and how independent you are. But he also finds it adorable how shy you are. He doesn't tease you about it, he just finds it cute.
If anyone teases you, he's going to get completely and utterly pissed, he'll tell them off for sure.
Spy is aware on how you can be vicious, and he doesn't take it personal or get mad at you for it. He does appreciate you being kind to people, he understands you and appreciates you no matter what.
It's suprises. the other men to see how much he really does care about you.
Spy supports you through your manic episodes, he gives you all the time you need and does whatever he can to help.
He loves to drown you in affection, and loves receiving it from you just as much. Endless kisses are from this man.
Spy appreciates how you give him time to open up, not many people have done that for him. He eventually does open up, and he's never felt more comfortable about it.
He finds you being smart and aloof to be amazing to him, hearing how intelligently you talk is something he admires. But he also finds you being spacey to be cute and sweet.
1# Moody Couple.
He's also a man hard to read, so he won't pick at you or forcefully.
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hiya! could i get a matchup please! Looks: 5’4”, dark brown curly/messy hair, blue eyes, very pale though im half thai, trans + on the bigger side usually wearing black jeans and some sort of oversized hoodie, probably black as well. Personality: very quiet, very awkward. some say intimidating when angry. likes to sit back and observe and will be a loud giggling mess if im comfortable with you. spends a lot of time gaming, singing, skating, and playing piano. tries hard to seem mean but is soft.
(I hope you have a wonderful day/night and thank you! :3)
I Match You With... Medic!
Likes to lean down to kiss you because he's such a tall man.
He plays with your hair when you both lay in bed.
Your eyes are so pretty to him.
He loves your body, everything about you he loves and cherishes. And he definitely supports you 100%.
He will suprise you with hoodies and new clothing from time to time. He won't wear your clothing but will cuddle your hoodie when you're not around.
Medic doesn't mind that you're awkward or quiet, he actually enjoys it. With everyone screaming and shouting he likes the company of someone more quiet. But when you get more comfortable around him and all loud and happy, he enjoys that, too.
He won't dare mess with you, he probably has made you mad or see you mad.
He'll actually play some games with you when he finds the time to, enjoys horror games the best.
Medic does like to watch you skate, it looks fun! He tried to skate once with you on your date night, and actually succeeded.
Will play violin while your play piano, he just thinks you're so talented and he often says he's a lucky man.
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Yo, could I get a matchup? :) Looks - 5’6”, trans dude, kind of messy auburn hair, athletic-ish build, different colored eyes depending on who you ask / the light, usually casual clothing but not afraid to dress up Personality - Intimidating to strangers, quiet, logical but softer if you get to know me I think, advice friend, loud when excited lmao, friendly enough? Hobbies - Drawing, writing, playing the guitar, occasional archery, being a rabbit dad and a professional procrastinator Thanks!
(You sound really cool! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night and thank you!)
I Match You With... Sniper!
He likes to pick you up, wrapping your legs around his weight and pepper your face with kisses.
Supports you being trans 100%, supportive all the way.
Adores your body fully, every part of you he loves and blushes over.
Loves your eyes, won't often make eye contact without blushing and turning away, but when he does he'll grin with his head full of love.
This man wears practically wears the same stuff every day. So when he met you, he sometimes likes to steal your clothes without you being in the area, he'll always wash them before you find out. (Spy can, and will snitch one of these days.)
He doesn't really get intimidated by people, but he is shy, he might take a while to talk to you.
When he does end up talking to you, he starts to feel more comfortable with someone more quiet and soft.
The poor man needs a little advice, a lot. He really appreciates you being there for him, and will return the favor with anything you need.
He starts to find it cute that you get loud when excited, it's a very wholesome sight to him.
Loves to see what you draw and write, keeps a drawing you made in his camper.
He gets lost in thought when you play the guitar, and it's times like that when he sees you play that he feels wholeheartedly entranced with your presence.
ARCHERY-! He loves to see you doing archery! Some friendly competitions here and there, he'll maybe teach you how to be a sniper if you'd like.
Please, let him help care for your rabbits, this man will die on the spot, because rabbits are everything to him. :D
When you procrastinate he tends to cuddle you shyly during that time, he can really be a man of affection, truly.
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Anyways, anyone who's homophobic, biphobic, transphobic (TERF), exclusionist, fascist, or a pedo please get the fuck off my blog before I remove your c3 vertebrae and make a necklace
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Hiii cutie, just dropping in to remind you how talented, sweet and amazing you are! 😊💕💗❤️💞 I was rereading the matchup you did for me a bit back 😤 so precious! I love you!
Oh, my goodness! Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it! ☆☆☆, you're very kind!
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So I just got this message literally few minutes ago
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A warning to all of my followers there no such a thing as @exposingthoselosers I just thought any form of information is good and can protect my followers from getting their phone or any other devices hacked if you’re connect to the wifi they might hack all of the devices connected.
Pls share this awareness ⚠
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Hi, everybody!
So, I've just noticed that I've reached 50 followers! Thank you all so, so, so much! Much love to you all and thank you for all of your support and love! Thank you! ♥️!♥️!♥️!💙!💙!💙!
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The following is a description of my friend for a tf2 matchup! :) I hope that’s cool with you Personality: very logical, friendly but has high standards, reserved, chill Interests/Hobbies: video games, anime, memes, drawing, cooking Looks: 5’4, Asian, kinda chubby, amazing long black hair, dark brown eyes Straight, Chinese female. I’m friendly but I’m not afraid to speak up on things I disagree on. I won’t lower my standards and I won’t change myself for someone else
(I AM SO, SO, SORRY FOR THE VERY LATE RESPONSE! I really hope you enjoy!)
(P.S. When I say 'You' I'm referring to your friend.)
I match you with... Medic!
Medic really enjoys conversation with a logical person, no matter the situation, he just loves that about yourself and he admires it.
He understands your high standards, he's had his fair share of being that way himself.
He also doesn't mind you're reserved, he understands and is there whenever you need him, no matter what.
Likes to see what video games you have and attempts to give them a try, but gets easily frustrated, he'd rather watch you play.
Honestly, I head cannon that Medic with Anime is a guilty pleasure, and you're the only one he'll tell that fact to.
He has those teachers memes, you two probably exchange them.
Loves watching you draw, it tends to make him feel more relaxed and calm for a while, besides, he thinks your art is absolutely wonderful.
Please cook for this man, he barely eats! He'll return the favor with kisses and poems.
Needs. To. Protect. You. At. All. Times.
He loves everything about you! And he'll show it with flirtatious comments and feathery touches of affection.
Loves to braid your hair, it's so beautiful and long, it's perfect, he'll be gentle when doing so and hums a soft tune, feeling at peace with you around him.
Medic adores and admires how you stand up for your opinion and won't ever get in the way of that.
He loves how independent you are and is proud of you for that, he'll never ask anything harsh of you and will let you always be yourself, he loves you no matter what.
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shoutout to all my followers who don’t hate me yet
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Hihi cutie!! I was looking back at my matchups and saw the one you did for me a while ago, reread it and I just aaaah 😍! You're so talented and lovely! I adore your writing and you! Hope you're doing well! 😊💗💕❤just want to drop some love for you!
💖💖💖 THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so glad, you're so sweet and I hope you have a wonderful day! 💖💖💖
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Hello. may i ask for an TF2 matchup? I'm a 20 year old, straight, Dutch female. zodiac Cancer. 1.67M tall. I'm a HSP. shy around new people but bubbly when I'm with friends. I'm a nerd, eager to learn new things. diy. history. tech. biology. learning languages are some of my interests my hobbies are drawing, sculpting. writing gaming and watching anime. I'm a medic main and I'm a support at heart in every other fps game. I love to wear Japanese Lolita fashion. all sub styles. hime, sweet etc.
(Much love! Have a wonderful day!)
I match you with... Pyro!
Pyro understands how shy you are and kindly tries to befriend you when you both first met.
When you both get befriended he adores how bubbly you are! He thinks you're so cute!
Yay! A nerd! So cute!
He loves to learn new things with you, he adores how open you are to everything and new things and he respects you for that.
He surprisingly knows facts about history and loves to talk about it with you.
He knows Spanish! And loves to learn more languages with you, he thinks you're so smart!
You draw?! He loves that! He draws for you which mostly consists of glitter and stickers.
Binges Fruit Basket with you.
He enjoys gaming with you!
He thinks it's so beautiful how you're a support and admires you for that.
Dies in love when he sees you wear Lolita Fashion and other cute things!
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matchup: asian+black (more spec. from thailand), 4'10, hazel eyes, short hair, born oct 31, infp-t, bi, she/her. i like gaming and music. i'm an actress. some drawing, lots of singing. kinda insecure. mentally ill. has cystic fibroses. absolute ambivert. outspoken activist. loves my pets. speaks english, french, spanish, and thai. scout main thingz bc i'm impatient with how slow the other classes are + it's fun to just run around
(I hope you like this! I'm sending out peace and respect to you, much love!)
I match you with... Scout!
He absolutely adores you beyond belief!
He loves your eyes, he loves to compliment them and everything else about you.
Please play games with him, he'll be the most competitive but so full of joy with you.
Scout loves that you love music, he does, too! Tom Jones-?
When you get a part in something when it comes to being an actress, he loves to whistle and clap loudly once you're done, he's so proud of you!
Draws with you a lot.
Please sing to him to help him relax, bonus points if you pet his hair.
"What's there to be insecure about, babe? You're absolutely beautiful, honestly, I wouldn't change a thang about ya'!"
He tries to comfort you through your mental illness, whatever you need from him, he's going to do it. He's 100% support.
He does get worried about your Cystic Fibrosis and gets you Medic for your treatments, he's always going to be there for you.
Loves that you're outspoken!
"Can we get another peeeeeeeet?"
He knows a little french, but curious about more! He loves to hear you talk in other languages and learns more for you.
Finally!! Someone who understands him!!
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