tfwroland · 2 years
POINT DIVIDER / january 29th-february 4th
roland marks / total 175. (10 points for this week)
previous week points: 165
replies (10ea) x 1
replies w/ madeline north (20eah) x0
starters (15ea) x 0
starters w/ madeline north (30 ea) x 0
starter replies (15ea) x 0
edits/graphics (10ea) x 0
memes (5ea) x 0
plotting (5ea) x 0
narratives/drabbles (20ea) x 0
past events challenge (25) x 0
masquerade dress challenge (10) x 0
playlist challenge (30) x 0
character ask meme challenge: sent asks (5ea) x 0
character ask meme challenge: responses (10ea) x 0
feast of noros challenge (25) x 0
6 notes · View notes
tfwroland · 2 years
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Death Comes to Pemberley (2013 Mini-Series)
165 notes · View notes
tfwroland · 2 years
Dedicated Devotee | Roland & Ambrose 
“La, my dear admiral!” declared Ambrose, dramatically tossing up a hand as if to pluck the thought from Horatio’s bold head and toss it across the room.  “It is nothing, this once.  I am magnanimous enough, I hope,” he began in what would prove to be an extraordinarily unmagnanimous speech when its contents were fully communicated: “To ignore these little forgetfulnesses in gentlemen so loyal to His Majesty, my brother, as yourself,” he replied, inclining his head in what he imagined was a regal and dignified manner but perhaps more closely resembled a man falling asleep where he stood.  
It now perhaps became obvious to Roland (though not to Ambrose, himself,) that the prince had not fully listened to what Horatio (or, rather, Roland) had said, and had assumed that he was apologizing.  Of course, as it happened, Roland had no earthly idea that – upon happening upon Horatio at the races on Tuesday last, Horatio had committed the grave error of calling Ambrose “Your Highness,” straight off and not – as Ambrose felt he ought – “Your Royal Highness,” before truncating the label to the simple epithet of “Your Highness.”  Truth be told, it was likely Horatio, himself, was unaware of this perceived blunder – and certainly of any need to apologize for it – given the ridiculously petty nature of his supposed slight, but Ambrose had not forgotten.  These trivialities were, after all, the primary concerns of his daily life.
“After all, it is not as if you can have forgotten my lofty stature, can you?”  At this he laughed.  It seemed to him there was no more ridiculous notion in the world.
Indeed, as it happened, any ruffled feathers were instantly forgotten, the moment Ambrose attended to what Horatio was actually saying.  Realizing that he was in the throes of being lavished with compliments, he smiled in a particular self-satisfied way he had and, deliberately, he raised his hands up before giving a one-two clap.  (It did not, as Roland had surmised, strike him as strange that Horatio had so missed him, despite having seen him only Tuesday last – it would not have struck him odd had he been with him but five minutes previously.  Ambrose was of the happy habit of assuming that the people around him always missed him when he was not in the room.  How could they not?)
At once, one of the footmen materialized from the crowd and held Ambrose’ monicle up to his eye.  “Zooks!  What a fine brace of pretty girls!  I say, Horatio, you’re not so hideous a chap, yourself, though admittedly the comparison to my royal self sadly does you no favors,” he added, blissfully unaware that his companion was the far more attractive of the two.  “Stay by me and we may well find you a wife, someday.  Is there anyone you fancy?  Doubtless one of these fine ladies would do for you, for, sadly, I fear they are all quite beneath my royal notice – after all, I see not a single princess amongst them, sad to say.”
Sighing dramatically, he clapped again, the monicle was removed from his eye, and he turned to Horatio with a histrionic look upon his face.  “Tragic, indeed, is the life of a prince.  Glorious as it may look to you, my good admiral, all I do is suffer.  But you…I am convinced you can have no worries to equal mine.  After all, if your cravat should not appear so fine, why, who will note it?  And if your foolish valet should happen to stain it, why, what does it matter?  The fabric cannot be near so costly as mine!  What felicity, indeed, you must enjoy with such awful stress entirely removed from your sphere of living.  But, then, we who live amongst the gods must perforce suffer these travails that those beneath us might live easier lives.”
As he watched the laughing ladies compose themselves, smiling as they fought to hide back tears of mirth – an expression which Ambrose took for admiration – he turned suddenly to Horatio as a thought occurred to him.  “Egad!  It occurs to me, my dear sir – do you think His Majesty the King, my brother, will…snap up Her Royal Highness the Serene Princess Arya, so to speak?  She is, after all, to inherit a kingdom they say, and I daresay, if His Most Supreme Majesty my brother doesn’t go for her, you know, she could still use a strong husband such as myself by her side to help her through the duldrums of such weighty responsibility, what.  What a striking – imposing, even,” he added, stretching out his leg in what he imagined was an imposing pose, “Figure of a king I should strike!  Were His Most Magnanimous Majesty, my brother, to smile upon such a union, of course, that is.  But why should he not, man?  What say you, admiral?”
This was hardly the first time that Roland had stumbled across someone as Horatio to find that he had offended them at their last meeting. He supposed he should have expected it, given Horatio’s general unpleasantness and Ambrose’s sensitive nature, which made him especially susceptible to being offended. 
Given such a combination, he doubled the prince had ever had a pleasant encounter with the real Horatio. 
But Roland certainly had enough practice apologizing and so he bowed low a second time, “Your Royal Highness, please do forgive my past transgressions. I do hope you know that I am, as always, your most humble servant! Alas, I am, at times, subject to such horrendous wrongdoings. But, as I am of inferior in both breeding, rank, and intelligence, I hope that you shall accept my most sincere apology.”
Roland was not sure what it was he was apologizing for, exactly, but he knew that it would be hard to overdo one’s expression of regret when one was dealing with Ambrose Ardenne. And, as such, he used the same language here to apologize for stepping upon his toe as he might have for any number of insults.
When the conversation began to steer towards Ayra and Ambrose’s proposed pursuit of her, Roland could not resist having a bit of fun. Arya had become one of his own friends (even if she knew him as Horatio) and while he would never wish her a marriage Ambrose Ardenne, he couldn’t help but laugh at the image of a very encouraged Ambrose attempting to court a very uninterested Arya. He knew she wasn’t likely to let him off easily when she discovered that he was behind Ambrose’s newfound attentions, but he was convinced in this moment, that it would be worth it, whatever it was.
“I could not think of a better plan for your future! Of course, it all depends on the King’s own plans, but if he does decide upon her for his future queen, I can think of no better man than yourself to wed her.” He paused, stepping closer to Ambrose as if to discover a secret, “In fact, Her Royal Highness and myself have become rather good friends since her arrival and I have more than once heard her compliment your exceptional taste, devastatingly handsome features, and an unmatched lightness of foot on the dance floor. It has led me to believe that she would certainly not be opposed to the idea of such a match. In fact, I hope you will forgive me for saying so, but I do believe she prefers you to your brother.”
Roland wouldn’t be taking full advantage of the situation, if he did not take this opportunity to create chaos in Horatio’s life and he could not resist an answer when Ambrose asked him if there was any lady who had struck his own fancy.
“I confess that there is. I beg Your Royal Highness to speak of it to no one, as I have not said a thing to a living soul, but I have been completely entranced by Miss Teresa Villiers. I have often seen her in your company: I know she is a quite a devoted follower of your’s and I wonder if you might make an introduction?”
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tfwroland · 2 years
POINT DIVIDER / january 15th-january 28th
roland marks / total 165. (15 points for this week)
previous week points: 150
replies (10ea) x 0
replies w/ madeline north (20eah) x0
starters (15ea) x 1
starters w/ madeline north (30 ea) x 0
starter replies (15ea) x 0
edits/graphics (10ea) x 0
memes (5ea) x 0
plotting (5ea) x 0
narratives/drabbles (20ea) x 0
past events challenge (25) x 0
masquerade dress challenge (10) x 0
playlist challenge (30) x 0
character ask meme challenge: sent asks (5ea) x 0
character ask meme challenge: responses (10ea) x 0
feast of noros challenge (25) x 0
point history
0 notes
tfwroland · 2 years
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Death Comes to Pemberley (2013 Mini-Series)
131 notes · View notes
tfwroland · 2 years
Dedicated Devotee | Roland & Ambrose
Roland greeted Ambrose with an exaggerated bow. He’d contemplated prostrating himself before him, before realizing that, perhaps, that might be a tad too far. (Not to Ambrose, himself, of course -- the man would not bat an eye from such a display, but Roland considered that the other onlookers might. As much as Roland loved to paint Horatio as utterly ridiculous, he knew that he could only go so far, before his behavior was considered suspicious). 
“My Prince! It has been far too long since you’ve graced us with your presence. Valenmouth has been deprived of it’s prized jewel.”
Roland, as Horatio, had not encountered the prince since his return, but he had no way of knowing if he and Horatio had. However, he was certain that Ambrose would be too flattered to find any inconsistencies that might lie within them.
“It seems I am not the only one to have noticed,” He said, leaning in a bit closer, “It appears you’ve caused quite a stir amongst the ladies. See, your highness, how they giggle and blush in your company.”
Roland indicated a group of young girls who were giggling together, but he would bet that they had been laughing at Ambrose’s ridiculous dancing than contemplating his good look and charm, but he doubted Ambrose could tell the difference.
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tfwroland · 2 years
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Death Comes to Pemberley (2013 Mini-Series)
196 notes · View notes
tfwroland · 2 years
Shall We Have Some Fun? | Roland & Madeline 
There was something like a fall in Madeline’s stomach when she opened her slip of paper and saw written there a name that was familiar but nonetheless not the one she had been praying for. Blue eyes flickered to the High Inquisitor in his beautiful uniform trying to avoid her gaze. To the marquess standing cold and distant as ever and clearly uncomfortable. To the wandering eye and nonchalant grin of one of her dearest friends.
It was to the third that Madeline made her way, taking in a deep and steeling breath, reminding herself that it certainly could have been worse, and pulling her own sly smile to her lips. “Mister Marks…” She replied as she dipped into a small curtsy. “I will say I am quite shocked and appalled at such an accusation. If I were to do anything by trickery I certainly would have first enlisted your assistance, as I am sure you well know.” Madeline slipped her hand gently upon the crook of Roland’s elbow and brushed a hand across her fiery locks. “Though, it is true that we are perhaps best suited to each other if we intend to be crowned King and Queen. And, knowing you almost as well as I know myself, I am certain neither of us will settle for less.” She grinned up at the young man, barely holding back her laughter. “In all truthfulness, Roland, I am more than glad that we are together once more this Yuletide. If I had to spend yet another year tied to that bore Mister Persimmons or perhaps even worse – your lesser, Horatio – I would simply perish upon the spot!” She glanced the way of the young Cassandra Astley as she made a grimace of a smile at the aforementioned Persimmons.  “Though I wonder if perhaps you had hoped another would have wandered your way? I know this is often an event by which many serendipitous hearts find themselves perhaps a bit more permanently entwined. Could be a lark for us to try and weasel a certain young lady away from her escort.” Madeline turned to face Roland, lit up by the torchlight and stark against a sky full of stars. “I would wish for you the things I cannot, my dearest friend. Let me help you. I know our friendship has, at times, been one which may make others blush and exclaim, but truly I desire for your heart to be returned to you by the one who holds it closest.” After all, perhaps if she continued to have such terrible luck in love, at least she could turn it to the advantage of a friend 
Roland laughed heartily at that, “Ah, this is why you are one of my most cherished friends! Had you managed it, I would have been a bit disappointed not have to been in on the fun. Of course, the boost to my ego to hear the lengths you would have gone to to secure me as your partner, would have helped to sooth that regret. Hmm, it does make one wonder if we ought to try it during next year’s pairing.” He winked. “This year, however, I suppose we ought to just settle for being crowned King and Queen, eh?”
“Oh gods, no! Happy for us both that you found my name instead of their’s. I should not wish such a fate upon anyone. Mr. Persimmons is ridiculous - which, at least, should provide you with some entertainment, but there is only so much of him that one can tolerate for an extended period. And Horatio is, in my opinion, even worse! He is every minute insufferable - despite his exceptionally handsome features - and I’m afraid the likeness would make you miss me all the more.”
Roland’s cheeks turned the faintest shade of pink at Madeline’s comments, when she hinted that he would have rather been Cassandra Astley’s partner. It was true (and they both knew it) however, whenever Roland thought of her in that way, he couldn’t help but feel a uncharacteristic embarrassment over his feelings. He genuinely cared for her, in a way different than all the other girls he endlessly flirted with. 
His response to such was often merely that “she could do much better than me” but he found that, in this instance, she had not. He did manage a laugh then, trying to brush off his more serious feelings (who wanted to be serious on a day like today?), “Are you teasing me, Miss North?” He asked in mock offense. He knew even as he joked that she wasn’t. She knew how much he cared for Cassandra and he also knew that her desire to help would a) save Cassandra from Robert and b) also allow for Roland to have time with her, but he preferred to play it all off as another one of their teasings.
“But then, you know I cannot resist helping Mr. Persimmons make a complete fool of himself by seeing his misplace his partner. Even if I suspect we won’t have to do much interference, on our end, at all. I half suspect Cassandra Astley will be attempting to escape him, at every turn.”
But his teasings did cease hen Madeline spoke the words: I would wish for you the things I cannot, my dearest friend. Let me help you. Roland hung his head, and rain his hand through his hair, “Maddie,” He said, softly, “I - I don’t deserve her. And I don’t know if I ever will.”
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tfwroland · 2 years
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Matthew Goode best baddie final poll 2/4
George Wickham
A good-for-nothing scoundrel. He seduces and abandons young women (after getting them pregnant). He's self-centered and dissolute.
But Matthew Goode makes him wickedly charming and lays bare his vulnerability.
📷 Death Comes To Pemberley (2013) my edits
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tfwroland · 2 years
Shall We Have Some Fun? | Roland & Madeline
Roland raised an eyebrow when he saw Madeline North approaching him with her scrap of paper in her hands. He wondered, for a brief moment, if she meant to tease him and suddenly turn towards another gentlemen at the last moment, but when she finally approached, she showed him his own name written there.
“Miss North,” He said, bowing politely, “It seems you should be congratulated on receiving the very best partner. We may not solve the most riddles on the Day of the Wolf, but I promise you, we shall certainly have the most fun.”
He winked at her, offering her his arm, “I hope you did not obtain my name through any underhanded means. That’s not being fair to the other girls, you know.” He added, teasingly, “Besides, we’ve already been partners once before four years ago. And I know you’d be lying if you said I haven’t been your favorite Yuletide partner. You, my dear, have certainly been mine!” And that he genuinely meant. He often had bad luck with this sort of thing and had been paired with someone insufferable.
Madeline North certainly had outranked all of them by miles.
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tfwroland · 2 years
asdflkjalsdfjasldfj omg!!! I love this!!! (and so does Roland ngl)
Also, I think, just to mess with bOTH Ambrose and Horatio, Roland pretends to be a great fan of Ambrose’s while he’s Horatio and hangs on his every word ++ basically is his #1 disciple in the hopes that Ambrose will be extra annoying to the actual Horatio since he probably feels like they are of the same mind on pretty much everything and doesn’t pick up that one moment Roland!Horatio thinks he’s the ~greatest~ and the next actual!Horatio hates him.
OOC | Ambrose & Roland
ambrose is the one (1) guy who probs won’t even notice that ‘horatio’ has sudden and drastic mood swings bc he frankly retains super lil memory about him at all except what he was wearing when he last saw him and he will def make hella comments about thaT bc ambrose knows what REALLY matters kdlskdfjlksjdfj
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tfwroland · 2 years
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No-one can say we didn't live it to the full.
867 notes · View notes
tfwroland · 2 years
Plots & Plans || Roland + Eleanor
“Well then I suppose I might also wish to be more like Mr. Persimmons! I might then simple ignore his existence and be a much happier person for it!”
Unfortunately for all, Robert Persimmons was simply impossible to ignore. 
“Oh, you were an unfortunate who heard that terrible racket? He was trying to yodel,” Eleanor rolled her eyes and let out a hearty laugh. “Cassandra told him he would win the hearts of all the young ladies if he was an accomplished yodeler,” she explained. How the Turners had laughed when Cassandra has told them the story! “This was also after he mistook Cass for her mother as well. I’ve never met a man do so many wrong things in such quick succession!”
“You are completely correct and we all know it well– Lucy is the smartest of us all. Perhaps if I was even the slightest bit like her, I would not have won the heart of the most terrible man in all of the country!”
She paused.
“I shall amend my statement– he is tied with Allerdale for that position.”
Roland laughed, “Perhaps you might try that, next time? I’m sure you’ve tried everything else and as he will not listen to reason, there can be nothing more for you to say to him, anyway.” He chuckled.
“Although, I’m afraid that would likely backfire as well -- there’s only so long one can take such an insufferable man in silence. Not to mention, he more than likely would take your silence to mean that you agree with everything he says and you’d find yourself engaged to the silly fellow before the evening is up.”
Roland couldn’t help but beam at the mention of Cassandra: he’d been (secretly) in love with her for years and it was moments like this where he was reminded why. She was both brilliant and clever and while she used her abilities for good, it was not lost on him that she would quite often use them to satisfy her mischievous side as well, which was, as far as Roland was concerned, equally important. The lady who held his heart must not only have a sense of humor, but mischief, too.
“Smart girl!” He laughed, “Gods, I wish I had been there to witness it all. I suppose i shouldn’t be shocked that he managed to mistake her for her mother, when he managed to overlook Lucy’s existence, entirely. Ha! He’s likely to drive himself out of many homes this season after subjecting his hosts to those terrible noises. I am sorry you must live with it. I’m doing what I can to get him removed, at least temporarily -- “ His eyes gleamed with mischief of his own, “ -- With Allerdale, himself, if I am lucky. Who, although devastatingly handsome, is, as you say, one of the most terrible men in the country. They do deserve each other.”
He paused, “And then, after, I hope to place him with Captain Mallerton for a time. I’m not especially fond of that man, either. I hope to hear you’ve been beating him at cards again?”
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tfwroland · 2 years
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Death Comes to Pemberley (2013)  |  1x02
640 notes · View notes
tfwroland · 2 years
Feast of Noros
Roland’s first feast of Noros ... was a complete accident
It was when he was very young and living on the streets
At that time he had several shelters where he would go, depending on the weather, etc.
There was his favorite which was to hide out in the Astley barn which ... he first thought was their actual house because it was so huge alkdjfalsdjf but it was also very warm in there and unless they were hosting a lot of people, there was always at least one empty stall with fresh hay
There was a cave behind a waterfall that was always cool (better for summer nights)
There was a townhome in town that was constantly undergoing renovations to be up to the standards of the latest fashions, but the owner could never quite keep up and chances were, that he could sneak in by an unfinished wall or window
And lastly, there was a makeshift tree house that he had in the woods (he was the most proud of this, as it was by his own making)
And that was where he was one the night he first saw a crowd of people out in the woods at midnight
He had forgotten what day it was (as often happens when you are out on the run), and at first wasn’t sure what was going on
When he realized what it was, he used an old blanket as a cape and a stick as a sword and (dressed as a dragon rider) he attended the festivities
It was also the first time anyone mistook him for Horatio
There was a boy about his age who called him that and when Roland said that wasn’t his name, he just laughed and said he was taking his costume very seriously
Roland had a wonderful time that night and ate the best food of his life (nothing tastes so good after having been starved)
He claims he saw a spirit that night in the woods and will tell the story with great detail, but most people don’t believe it
He goes now every year and is always one of the last to leaves the woods
He says that the spirits don’t scare him ... one of them is his friend ;D
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tfwroland · 2 years
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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓟𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓮𝔂
Episode 1
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tfwroland · 2 years
“Well, I am happy she has at least that much sense about her,” Roland replied. He still wasn’t quite sure how he felt about Maria. To hear the Admiral speak of her, it was clearly a love match - for which Roland was happy to here - but he did not particularly care about how she continued to meddle in the future of her step-daughters. Roland didn’t think of the girls needed to marry if they did not wish it, and hardly needed her help throwing eligible men in their direction. 
He supposed he wasn’t likely to converse with her for any extended period, for they were only to meet when he was Horatio Allerdale and he was sure that she would do everything she could to cut that conversation short (and in that, Roland certainly could not blame her ... Horatio was typically a horribly boring, if not incredibly handsome, fellow). 
“Yes ... “ Roland quickly smiled down at her, “But! As the closest thing your poor father has ever had to a son,” He winked, “She’s sure to look at me as another one of her step-children, and would likely try to find a wife for me, as well, so unlike you poor creatures, I can easily escape such a fate. There are some perks to living your life in the shadows, you know.” 
And while Roland grieved the traditions that were now lost to him, because of Maria, he knew he had much and more to be thankful for, his position considered. Not many like him, he was sure, had a family like the Turners to call his own. 
“Oh, you can count on it! I shouldn’t miss it for the world. Have you any need of some supplies? I will, of course, be sure to bring along some cider for the occasion.” 
Master of Schemes || Roland + Lucy
“Your father has his reasons,” Roland said, softly - his tone far more serious than it had been moments ago. Truth be told, he had felt wounded when it became clear that he would have a more restrictive relationship with the Turners. At first he felt it odd that the Admiral would not trust his wife with this information, but then he realized that it was probably more than that: Roland’s relationship with the girls was dangerous and he was also more than old enough, now, to fend for himself. It was for his own safety, as well as their’s, that Maria did not know about them. The less everyone knew, the better. 
Still, Roland missed be part of their family gatherings, and wished he hadn’t been reduced only meeting them all in secret. 
“Well, I’m afraid it might ruin Maria’s plans,” He said, “Once word got out that the Admiral Allerdale was seen so frequently in your company, no one would consider you. Certainly, Mr. Persimmons would look to other options, for he would never compete with such a man. And we wouldn’t want all of you to lose out on such a fine catch,” He teased. “Speaking of - what does your step-mother think of him?” He asked, “I know she’s very desperate to get one of you married, but I hope that even she would not consider him for any of you?” 
He stopped short when she lamented that she would make a terrible wife, “Now that, I will not stand for. You are kind, you are brave, and you are one of the smartest people I know. If any man in Aclea does not want to have you as his wife, that is his own loss and certainly not your’s.” 
Roland laughed, “He is very clumsy. I think he trips over his own feet, half the time, and any other obstacle in his way will only ensure that he will fall. Did you, by chance, see him dancing at the masquerade? That is, if one can call it dancing. He fell over perhaps half a dozen times, and once I noticed that he even made both himself and his poor partner fall to the ground. I hope you did not have the misfortune of dancing with him?” 
Roland held out his arm for her, when she asked if he would escort her to the library, “You can always count on me for that. Although, you will have to lead the way. I cannot remember the last time I made a trip to the library.” He teased. “And on the way, we can devise more ways to divert your unfortunate houseguest.” 
“Maria utterly despises Mr. Persimmons. It seems to be the one thing she and the sisters Turner will actually agree upon,” Lucy informed Roland. “Though Eleanor has been being so contrary when it comes to our step mother lately, Maria might want to marry her off to him out of spite.”
Lucy was only partially joking.
Lucy squeezed Roland’s arm affectionately at him complements. She always  felt uncomfortable when someone complimented her in any way, but she knew Roland was nothing but the most sincere. “I know my father has his reasons, but I do think the saddest thing is Maria does not get to know you properly,” Lucy said with a sigh. 
“I had a thought,” Lucy said as they continued down the dirt path, veering off the main road towards the treeline. “For Noros… My sisters and I thought we might go early to the mausoleum… hopefully before anyone else is out… in case you wished to help decorate for Mama with us. “
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