tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
i wanted to separate my personal blog from my kin blog so go follow @tg-knightoftime if you want to keep up with the latest strider info
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
yo i did the thing. brand spankin new blog so i can send asks and shit that way. so thats pretty fuckin cool.
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
i really want to make this my main blog... or maybe just reblog everything to a new blog and have people follow that one... yeah that might be better than having a side blog so i can follow people without them seeing my personal blog
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
That kin feeling when a friend shows you a meme about something that you have no knowledge of and you just don’t get it because it was after your time.
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
please reblog this if it is okay to anonymously confess something to you
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
everyone deserves to know someone who makes them go “!!!!!!!!!!!!” inside
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
rereading some Homestuck logs and I rediscovered the most true and correct sentence in the whole comic
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
tfw you start thinking about stuff and it triggers memories but you dont know if youre chill with writing it out bc it just feels so raw and very personal
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
i am super touch starved. i miss jade’s hugs. those hugs made me feel so safe.
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
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In the early 1800s a man named Little Jon lived in this so called earth cabin (swe. ‘backstuga’) located in southern Småland, Sweden. An earthen cabin is built partially buried in the ground, in this case there’s three walls of stone and one wall made of wood. In Sweden earthen cabins was common in the forests from the 1600s until the late 1800s Link
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
i need lots of love rn
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
Black Cat and Eerie?
Black Cat: Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?
im superstitious about some things. like i when i go to a graveyard i step around the graves so i dont want to wake anyone up. i also always wear the same jewelry and carry good luck charms in my bag because if i dont have them bad shit usually happens so ive taken to wearing them always. and i dont open umbrellas indoors because growing up i was told its bad luck. ALSO i hold my breath every time i walk into an elevator and make sure my phone is in my hand so it doesnt fall down the elevator shaft
Eerie: One thing that always creeps you out?
fucking shadow people man or like the shadow figures where you can see just the bright white eyes... hells no. that shit creeps me the fuck out.
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
Halloween Asks
Bat: If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be?
Black Cat: Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?
Broomstick: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
Candy Corn: What food disgusts you the most?
Cauldron: What is your favorite thing to cook?
Cobwebs: One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark?
Coffin: Are you claustrophobic?
Demon: What is your worst flaw?
Eerie: One thing that always creeps you out?
Fright: What is your biggest fear?
Ghost: If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind?
Gravestone: Ideal way you'd like to die?
Haunted House: If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick?
Hocus Pocus: What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?
Howel: Your favorite kind of dog?
Jack-o'-lantern: Do you have any scars? If so, how many?
Monster: What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark?
Mummy: Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die?
Potion: What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic?
Pumpkin: What is your favorite food around the holidays?
Scream: Easiest way to scare you?
Skeleton: Tell me one of your biggest secrets?
Spooky: What was your last nightmare about?
Trick or Treat: Tell me about the greatest prank you've ever pulled?
Vampire: Which one are you? Early bird or night owl?
Witch: If could have the power to cast any kind of spell, what kind of spell would you cast?
Zombie: What is one food you always overeat?
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tg-knight-oftime · 8 years
if you plug your headphones into a hole in tree you can hear tree thoughts. stuff like “birds live in my hair” “water is my favorite” “the sun is my boyfriend”
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