tgibbar · 11 years
Public Service Announcement
Public Service Announcement
I chose this video because its content made so many different points in one announcement. The video was the most dramatic and was straight to the point out of the many I viewed. Throughout the PSA the drivers of the vehicles experienced many different encounters with distractions. 
The trauma in this announcement brings the reality to what can really happen when you are distracted while driving. The premise really focusses on the fact that is not only your life that can be affected, but the lives of people surrounding you. 
When it comes to the persuasive nature of this video, I believe it had more of an affect on me than any other of its kind. It had many different settings and examples that most of the population can relate to. 
Even though there really wasn’t a script, the videos illustrations were still powerful along with the emotions of the characters. The music in the PSA gave off that of a sad feeling as it drew sympathy from its viewer.
I truly believe this will affect every viewer it encounters because of the sympathetic melody and the emotion of the film. The illustrations and the music both work together to make that of a powerful premise informing the viewer of the power of reality, and also bringing to reality the danger of vehicles. 
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tgibbar · 11 years
Obama's plan of attack on Syria
The Obama administration is debating on whether or not Syria’s Government should be punished for their actions back in August. According to CNN, the case that the Obama administration has voiced against Syria, is that their government is using nerve gas on their own citizens killing over 1,500 people. Obama’s case is built on speculations of Al-Qaeda involvements in the attack.
            Obama, along with the rest of the United States, is waiting for Congress’s decision for military strike. Obama states that he believes he “has ground” to strike without their approval but also believes that we would have more success if the country is in sync.
            Should we continue to play the role of big brother and come to the aid of those who died in the hands of their own president? No. I agree that these events that occurred in Syria were wrong and the people who suffered deserve justice, but I do not believe the United States is in the condition to serve justice.
            How will entering a third war benefit the United States? By throwing us into even more debt, sacrificing more of our men, causing more controversy within our own nation, and possibly damaging our economy that is trying so desperately to heal!
             If, as Obama has repeatedly stated, that America’s involvement is necessary to enforce the international community’s stated rules against chemical warfare, then the international community should respond: America should not be alone.
            If our Representative Democracy does justice to the people of the United States (judging by the recent polls), congress will not approve and the strikes on Syria will be limited. What is the point of a representative democracy if the people of the United States are not being represented?
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