tglob · 9 months
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The people of Mbaise have received with joy the newly appointed auxiliary Bishop, Msgr. Simeon Okezuo Nwobi ahead of his Episcopal Ordination Tuesday 19th December, 2023 by the Archbishop of Owerri and the Metropolitan of Owerri Ecclesiae Province who is also the Ahiara Mbaise Apostolic Administrator, Most Rev. Dr. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji Archdiocese, Bishop Lucius Ugorji. Receiving the auxiliary bishop-elect to the Apostolic Administrator at Mater Ecclesiae Cathedral, Ahiara Mbaise, the Cahirman of the Episcopal Ordination and the Dean St. Cyril's Deanary Ahiazu Mbaise who also doubles as the Parish Priest of Holy Trinity Catholic Church Ogbe Ahiara, Fr. Celestine Ekennia said it was a day of joy and Mbaise nation welcomes him wholeheartedly. He recalled that from childhood, the auxiliary bishop has shown great zeal in serving in God's vineyard and expressed gratitude that God has deemed it fit to elevate him. Speaking, the former Diocesan Administrator, Msgr. Theo Nwalo remarked that the diocese started like the mustard seed and glorify God that it has become a very big congregation. The traditional ruler of Nnarambia Ahiara and the cathedral landlord eze, Eze (Dr.) Pius Onyekwere said he could not hide his joy that the dream has come true in his time and that Mbaise is agog and set as a family for the ordination. On his part, the traditional ruler of Eziama Oparanadim, community of the Bishop-elect Nwobi, Eze Louis Nwokeke thanked God for the choice of his kinsman, pointing out that it was a Christmas gift to Mbaise nation. He reaffirmed that just as the name of the new bishop sounds - 'Okezuo,' he will carry all along without discrimination or segregation. The Superior-General, Daughters of Providence for the deaf and dumb, Sister Mary-Clara Chidnma Onyeoziri said God has been gracious to Mbaise in the choice of Nwobi whom she described as humble and unassuming. Appreciating the people and those who came from far and wide for the reception, the Bishop-elect, Msgr. Nwobi said he was overwhelmed by the honour done him and applauded the diocesan Apostolic Administrator, Archbishop Ugorji for his support and guidance. He exalted Most Rev. Wilfred and Fr. Henry O. for coming from far away to join in episcopal ordination and prayed God for his divine blessings and protection. The new bishop urged people of Mbaise to work with one heart and co-operate for peace, progress and sustainable development, reminding all that God is the refuge and stronghold of the faithful. The event which attracted priests, religious, laities, traditional rulers, community leaders, catholic solidarities and other faith based organisations' members observed a solemn moment as the new bishop to went in to pray at the tomb of the pioneer late bishop, His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Victor Chikwe. Meanwhile, as part of activities marking the Episcopal Ordination of the Auxiliary Bishop Simeon Okezuo Nwobi, the Novelty Football Match between Ahiara Diocesan Priests and Owerri Archdiocesan Priests at Sacred Heart Parish Nguru Centre has ended goalless just as gala night commenced immediately after at Mater Ecclesiae Ahiara Catholic Cathedral.
Anyanwu D.C. Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-17-12-23.
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tglob · 9 months
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ADVENT: BE MODEST, DON’T IMPERSONATE – FR. OPARA Do not think too high of yourself, be modest and do not claim whom you are not. Fr. George Opara of Holy Ghost Catholic Church Umuevu Okrikanweke Ahiazu Mbaise LGA gave the injunction in his homily marking the 3rd Sunday of Advent which coincided with the Harvest of Divine Favour: Family and Solidarity Harvest in the parish. Preaching on the theme: “Who are you?” the cleric noted that many like to place themselves higher than their status and stressed need to be humble, upright, firm and unbiased. He remarked that John the Baptist was sincere and truthful, and never lied about himself or claimed to be Christ or mightier than Christ. The clergyman observed with chagrin that many today would have bragged of whom they are, what they can do, the powers and authority they have but John was straight forward, simple and forthright. Fr. Opara bemoaned the craze for acquisition of titles that adds nothing to human righteousness and called for redress to minimize poverty, hardship, worries, anxieties, hypertension and other stress related diseases. In his text taking from John 1:6-8,19-28, Fr. Opara recounted: “When the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask John the Baptist, ‘Who are you?’ he not only declared, but he declared quite openly, ‘I am not the Christ.’ ‘Well then,’ they asked ‘are you Elijah?’ ‘I am not’ he said. ‘Are you the Prophet?’ He answered, ‘No.’ So they said to him, ‘Who are you? We must take back an answer to those who sent us. What have you to say about yourself?’ So John said, ‘I am, as Isaiah prophesied: a voice that cries in the wilderness: Make a straight way for the Lord.’ Now these men had been sent by the Pharisees, and they put this further question to him, ‘Why are you baptising if you are not the Christ, and not Elijah, and not the prophet?’ John replied, ‘I baptise with water; but there stands among you – unknown to you – the one who is coming after me; and I am not fit to undo his sandal-strap.’” Continuing, he said: “We should fellow the example of John – humility. Shun personal aggrandisement. Do not pride. Do not claim what you are not. Do away with impersonation. Come down from your prestigious high standing and be yourself. Keep to your level. Do not boast. Do not exaggerate. Eschew flamboyance. Be simple and Frank. No candle lights itself. Somebody must testify for you. John testified for the light, Jesus Christ. Wherever we are, bear witness for Christ like John. It is important to be humble. If you bring yourself low, God will lift you up. Jesus said in ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:11‬ ‘Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.’ All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:20‬). We are preparing for Christmas – getting ready to welcome Christ. ‘Be happy at all times; pray constantly; and for all things give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus. Never try to suppress the Spirit or treat the gift of prophecy with contempt; think before you do anything – hold on to what is good and avoid every form of evil. May the God of peace make you perfect and holy; and may you all be kept safe and blameless, spirit, soul and body, for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has called you and he will not fail you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 )’ Let your good works speak for you. Remember, you must render account of your stewardship on earth before God the creator.”
The First Reading was taken from Isaiah 61:1-2,10-11 “He has sent me to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord,” Responsorial Psalm – Luke 1:46-50,53-54 “My soul rejoices in my God,” Second Reading “1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 “May you all be kept safe for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Gospel Acclamation Isaiah 61:1 (Luke 4:18) “Alleluia, alleluia! “The spirit of the Lord has been given to me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor. Alleluia!” Gospel – John 1:6-8,19-28 “There stands among you the one coming after me.”
Anyanwu D.C. Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-17-12-23
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tglob · 1 year
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GOD WILL LEAD YOU THROUGH THE STORM - VEN. EKE God will lead your through the storm and open all doors closed against you. Ven. Emmanuel Ngozi Eke of St. Matthew's Anglican Church Nguru Agbaja Archdeaconry, Aboh Mbaise LGA gave the assurance in his Sermon at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Oru Ahiara East, Ahiazu Mbaise LGA marking Change of Pulpit Service ahead of Mbaise Anglican Communion Crusade 2023, tagged: "Peace, be still" In the Lessons drawn from Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 8:8, the clergyman narrated how Jesus calms the storm saying: "That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”" The cleric stressed the importance to be bold and not afraid, reiterating that storm will surely come but God is capable of rescuing us from any situation we may found ourselves. He urged those in Jesus Christ to rejoice that the hand of God is strong in their life and called on all to be joyful for what God has done. Rev. Eke enjoined all to pray that no Jonah should enter their vehicles but for Jesus to be in control and avert evil manipulations. Continuing, he stated: "Let Satan not pilot your vehicle. Any boat Jesus is in control can never sink no matter the storm. If God is with you, nobody can be against you. The God we are serving is a God of miracle. God will give you a surprising package. God that led you will safeguard you. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God will deliver him from them all. Temptations must come. There must be storm. But in all things - storm, hardship, petrol price hike, illness, wilderness of starvation, hunger, persecution, there is God. Be patient, firm and steadfast and not wobble. False allegations will come. Be strong and have faith like Daniel and you will triumph. If you were Daniel and after calling on God, you were tied up and thrown into the den of lions, what will you say? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were faithful and never shivered when false allegation was levelled against them and the angel of God came into the fire with them and they were not charred. Even when you think God has abandoned you, he is there with you. He never abandon those who trust in him. He is the God of gods. He is the God of impossibility. God will fight for you. In your troubles, call on Jesus. When David was in trouble, he wept deeply but encouraged himself in the Lord. Many Christians have lost faith in the face of persecution. Do not be weary, God is with you. Death is on the increase. Insecurity has become the order of the day. Do not lose hope. It will all be over. Children of God are at war in their families, in their kindreds, in their churches, in their businesses, in their offices. God is able to deliver. He will open all doors the devil has closed. He will liberate those in bondage and held down by the evil ones from captivity."
Anyanwu D.C. Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-24-09-23
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tglob · 1 year
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LOSE CONNECTION WITH GOD AND GET SUNK - FR. LILY When you lose your connection with God, you will begin to sink. Fr. Raphael Ugochukwu Lily of Christ the King Catholic Church, Umuihuocha Obohia, Ahiazu Mbaise LGA gave the injunction in his homily marking Thanksgiving Mass in the parish. Preaching on the theme: "There must be challenges," the clergyman harped on the importance for one to make God his refuge and bedrock. He said God is a shied and strong tower and never fail those who run to him. Fr. Lily recalled how Prophet Elijah defeated and slew the 400 false Prophets of Baal but ran when Jezebel, wife of King Ahab  sent him a threatening message in ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19:2‬ - “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.” He said Elijah was afraid and ran for his life, beckoning God to take his life but God came to his rescue and never failed him. The cleric also recounted in Matthew 14:22-33 how Jesus walked on the water, saying: "Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he would send the crowds away. After sending the crowds away he went up into the hills by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, while the boat, by now far out on the lake, was battling with a heavy sea, for there was a head-wind. In the fourth watch of the night he went towards them, walking on the lake, and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified. ‘It is a ghost’ they said, and cried out in fear. But at once Jesus called out to them, saying, ‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.’ It was Peter who answered. ‘Lord,’ he said ‘if it is you, tell me to come to you across the water.’ ‘Come’ said Jesus. Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking towards Jesus across the water, but as soon as he felt the force of the wind, he took fright and began to sink. ‘Lord! Save me!’ he cried. Jesus put out his hand at once and held him. ‘Man of little faith,’ he said ‘why did you doubt?’ And as they got into the boat the wind dropped. The men in the boat bowed down before him and said, ‘Truly, you are the Son of God." Continuing, he said "You must be faithful. You must be steadfast. There must be challenge. Prophet Elijah defeated the Prophet of Baal but ran for his life when Jezebel threatened him. God did not forsake him. He came to his rescue. Be courageous. When you are in trouble, who do you run to? Who do you run for help? God delivers his people. He makes ways where there is no way. What do you do in your private moment? Do you think of things of the past that you cannot change? Do you pray to God for help in your private moment? Do you have fellowship with God? Elijah called onto God in his time of trouble -  when he was alone with God. Jesus prayed in his time of silence. The disciples of Christ became afraid when the faced difficult moments of wave in the sea. But when they saw Jesus walking on the water, they were strengthened. Do not let fear overwhelm you. If you lose connection with God, you will begin to sink. If you are with God, you will be victorious. Victory is assured. Do not forget that your God is near. Do not forget that God is with you. Do not look onto man. Man will fell you. Your father will fail you. Your mother will fail you. Your brothers, sisters and relatives will fail you. But God will never fail you. The First reading was drawn from 1 Kings 19:9,11-13 "The Lord was not in the wind, or the earthquake, or the fire," Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 84:9-14 (R.v.8) "Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help," Second reading - Romans 9:1-5 "I would willingly be condemned if it could help my brothers," Gospel Acclamation - Luke 19:38 "Alleluia, alleluia! ‭Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!Alleluia!" and Gospel Matthew 14:22-33 "Jesus walks on the water."
Anyanwu D.C. Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-13-08-23
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tglob · 1 year
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tglob · 1 year
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tglob · 1 year
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tglob · 1 year
#Ahiazu #Mbaise #LGA #ImoState #Nigeria
DON’T FAN EMBER OF DISUNITY – REV. OSUKA Do not sow seeds of discord and fan ember of disunity for harmonious and good neighbourliness, peaceful coexistence, progress and positive development. Rev. Canon Vinson Osuka of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Oru Ahiara, Ahiara East in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA gave the injunction in his sermon marking the Third Sunday after Trinity in the parish. Preaching on the theme: “By the Spirit of Unity, build up one another” the clergyman harped on the essence to help, tolerate and encourage one another. He frowned against lack of unity and understanding in homes, communities and even in the churches, reechoing the need to tolerate and help one another. The cleric underscored the importance of love and team spirit, decrying the havoc disunity has caused in homes, churches, communities, states, nations and the world at large. Rev. Canon Osuka noted that all humans are not equal in strength or same in character, reiterating the importance for the strong to help the weak just as the weak should also help the strong as no one is an island. He asserted that no matter how wealthy, powerful, highly placed and influential one is, he needs help from others – the poor, weak and downtrodden. The clergyman called on the rich to assist the poor and needy overcome financial difficulties to reduce poverty, hunger, starvation and crime to the bearest minimum for a peaceful world order. In his sermon taking from Romans 15:2,6,7 “Let every one of us please the neighbour for good and edification to the glory of God,” the cleric said: “Do things that will be pleasing unto God. If you have knowledge and there is no wisdom in your knowledge, it is useless. Your faith and good works must tally to help one another. Is your help for one another feasible? Is there help in the church of God? Is there help in the society? We have offended God. We can not help one another. There should be unity. We should be together. Look at our country, Nigeria. It is full of chaos. It is full of hatred, violence, corruption, banditry and sufferings. Man against God is man against fellow human being. There is infighting and bickering, discrimination and dichotomy. Where there is no unity, there is no peace and progress. There is no unity even in the church, at home and society. Some are like the devil. They sow seed of discord and fan ember of disunity wherever they found themselves. They create room for divide and rule to suite their evil purposes and eat from the spoil. Embrace others and live life that is pleasing to God and humanity. We are not equal. Some are weaker than others. We should help one another and close the rank. Help your wife to make up the imperfection. Wife, help your husband to to fill up the gap. Jesus asked the woman of Samaria for water to drink when he knew that the Samaritans and Jews do not co-relate. He did this to give her the water of life, close the gap and stop the racism. The strong shall help the weak. Are you a Jew? Are you a gentle? There must be unity for peace and progress. That is God’s will. We must tolerate our weaknesses. Children of God, what do we do to attract God blessings? We must love one another and be in unity. Those who knows God knows God. Struggle for your deliverance. It is time to ask God for liberation. Why are you still in darkness and bondage. Ask Jesus to come into your life. Jesus is calling you now. He is ever ready to build you up. The First Lesson was taken from Ezikiel 18:1-4,19-end and second Romans 15:1-8.
Anyanwu D.C. Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-25-06-23
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29th Jun 2023
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tglob · 2 years
Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sole Administrator, Chief Tony Anakani has assured the traditional rulers in the area better welfare and robust synergy.
Chief Anakani who gave the assurance in his maiden meeting with the ezes said he is a respecter of traditional institution and is aware of the significant role they play in the domain and society at large.
He maintained that he would continue to partner and consult them and solicited for their prayers, guidance, support and co-operation as the custodian of culture and tradition.
Chief Anakani who advocated for constitutional roles for the ezes, lauded the Imo state Governor, Sen. Hope Uzodinma for beefing up the security in the state and underscored the importance for all hands to be on decks to checkmate crime.
He stressed the essence for unwavering support to the state government and called for replication of the campaign at the grassroots.
The LG boss hinted plans that soon the state governor would commence tour of LGAs with Town hall meeting with stakeholders to ascertain their plights and find ways to resolve them.
Chief Anakani guaranteed better welfare of traditional rulers and assured to leave a legacy.
On the erection of bumps, the Solad enjoined communities to get permission from the LC
Speaking, the LGA Chairman Council of Traditional Rulers, Eze Saby Nwaneche of Ogwuama remarked that the appointment of Solad was divine and urged him to be firm and bold, reaffirming their uninterrupted back-ups.
He lauded the sons and daughters of the area for their contributions in the rebuilding of the police station burnt down during the End-SARS protest and appealed for the assistant of the state government to quickly bring the project to completion.
The LGA Deputy Chairman Council of Traditional Rulers, Eze Stanley Iwu of Umuokrika harped on watertight security and called for urgent attention to roads in Ahiazu to reduce the suffering of the people.
Public Relations Officer (PRO) Imo State Council of Traditional Rulers, Eze Boniface Onuoha of Okrikama/Umugwa expressed gratitude to the Imo State Governor, for choosing Chief Anakani as Solad and urged him to continue to live up to expection.
Commenting, LGA immediate past Chairman Council of Traditional Rulers, Eze Barnabas Mmmdinobi thanked the Solad for the encouragement and appreciation and prayed him to ensure that the roads in Ahiazu are graded and made motorable ahead of Christmas.
Eze Dr. Dom Okoro of Okrikama pledged their resolve to work in tandem with the Solad and lauded him for the good start.
Eze Louis Nwokeke of Eziama Oparanadim lamented the spate of bumps on the roads in Ahiazu and called for redress.
Eze Bar. Thomas Nwokedi said he has trust in the Solad to replicate his fathers legacy in the area and prayed for reconstruction of Eke Ahiara - Aba Branch road.
Eze Pat lhuoma of Ogbe Ahiara decried the state of Afor Oru and Afor Ogbe markets and called for urgent remedy for progress and development.
Former Chairman LGA Council of Traditional Rulers, Eze Godwin Obasi of Umumbiri Oparanadim expressed worry of the inherent danger posed by the indiscriminate erection of bumps, pointing that out that it is an advantage to criminals pursuing their victims.
Eze Cosmas Onyejiji of Aguneze Ahiara said experts should be consulted on the placement of bumps, decrying the speed of drivers on the road.
Other traditional rulers present include Eze Finian Chukwu of Otulu Ahiara, Eze Engr. Des Diala (Obodo Ujichi), Eze Sir. Blessus Alilonu (Umuihuocha Obohia),.Eze Nicholas Nwahiri (Elekenowasi Obohia), Eze Victor Amadi (Okrikanweke), Eze Dr. Pius Onyekwere (Nnarambia), Eze Remigius Ihejiṅe (Nnemere Mpam) and Eze Cyril Uwaoma of Lude Ahiara.
Highpoint of the meeting was the royal blessing of the Solad, Chief Anakani by the traditional rulers.
 Anyanwu D.C.
Ahiazu Mbaise LGA
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tglob · 3 years
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#Ahiazu #Mbaise #imostate #nigeria
TOUCH OTHERS POSITIVELY - FR. NWOKOThe need for children of God to live life that impact positively on others and bear testimonies for Christ have been reemphasized.
Fr. Sunny Joseph Nwoko of St. Brigid's Catholic Church Nnarambia Ahiara in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA, lmo State -Nigeria laid the emphasis in his homily marking Eucharistic celebration in the parish.
Preaching on the theme: "God sent you to bear witness," the cleric said God called us to bear witness for him anywhere we find ourselves.
He harped on the essence to seek for the fruit of the spirit and exhibit good conducts that glorify God.
The clergyman expressed worry that many have gone after material things of the world, forgetting that when one seeks God's kingdom and his righteousness all these things will be given to him/her as well (Matthew 6:33).
Continuing, he said: "Amos was a shepherd but God took him from there. As a priest, you are called to intercede for people, break the yoke of bondage and relieve them of worry, anxiety and pains. As kings, you are called to serve your people, better their lives and lift the burden from their shoulders. As children of God and followers of Christ, you are called to serve. We are called to heal others - the sick, the poor and indigent, the destitute, the less privilege orphans and widows, the downtrodden, and the overburdened via our affection. It may not be a physical touch. You may not have the power to heal. Your love and care can transform others spiritually, mentally and physically. Give yourself out to the poor and the needy. Assist and support them at the point of their needs. Those you look down on could be of assistant to you no matter how highly placed you may be. Do not account faults. Be tolerant. Have a forgiving spirit. He who say is not a sinner is a liar before God. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of Cod. The bible said, "Two is better than one." In Mark 6: 7-13, "Jesus called the twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two. He gave them authority over the evil spirits and ordered them, “Don't take anything with you on the trip except a walking stick - no bread, no beggar's bag, no money in your pockets. Wear sandals, but don't carry an extra shirt.” He also told them, “Wherever you are welcomed, stay in the same house until you leave that place. If you come to a town where people do not welcome you or will not listen to you, leave it and shake the dust off your feet. That will be a warning to them!” So they went out and preached that people should turn away from their sins. They drove out many demons, and rubbed olive oil on many sick people and healed them." Jesus sent them two by two for support and witness. The Lord Jesus Christ supports us to support one another. God blessed you to bless others. Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. No one can be slave to two masters. You cannot serve God and wealth. You cannot serve God and mammon. Power and wealth have taken us away from the presence of God. Pray God to be focused to witness for Christ. Good fruit you bear can impact positively on others and bear testimony for Christ. It is not only when you are ordained priest or pick the bible as a pastor that you can proclaim the word of God. You can preach in your home, office, work place, business and anywhere you find yourself. We are crowned as God's own people and chosen from the beginning. Let the life you live bear witness for Christ. Let the life you live transform others who come in contact with you."
Fr. Nwoko reiterated that God's right of truth guides us in the way of Christ and that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, pointing out that no one goes to the Father except through him (John 14:6)He admonished against inordinate quest for wealth and power, miracles by chauvinistic self-acclaimed powerful men of God, outlining that magic are not miracles and that divine blessings and eternal bliss come by the good fruits one bears and account rendered before God the creator.
The First Reading was taken from the book of Amos 7:12-15 "Go, prophesy to my people Israel," Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 85: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 [8] "Let us see, O Lord , your mercy and give us your saving help," Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 "He chose us in him before the foundation of the world" and Gospel: Mark 6: 7-13 "He began to send them."
Anyanwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-11-07-21 #orientfmtv #visionafricaradio #NTA #TV #purityfm #channelstv #coalcityfm #tvcnews #bbcnews #BBCWorldNews #CNN #VaticanNews #NigeriaNews  #clergy #FoxNews #VOANEWS #Saharareporters #Reuters #FRCN #TheGuardian #Africanews #AITNEWS #family #DailyMirror #dailymotivation Pontifff ABS-CBN CBC Sofra African Network News Firstpost Newsner.com News Echo Mbaise Newsdesk My State News TV Harvesters tv Globalfm 101.9 Global Radio Fm FRCN Power 100.5 Bida Positivefm Frcn Radio Nigeria (FRCN) Friends Who Like Sahara Reporters NEWS WORLDWIDE - DW24 DW News Theguide Newspaper India Today BREAKING NEWS IN ZAMBIA AHIAZU MBAISE SONS AND DAUGHTERS, HOME AND ABROAD FORUM AHIAZU MBAISE SONS AND DAUGHTERS, HOME AND ABROAD FORUM MBAISE ARENA MBAISE INTEGRITY FORUM MBAISE  HOME AND ABROAD Apex Online News Ahiazu/Ezinihitte federal constituency Daylight Report RADIO GOLD 90.5 FM Radio Boss Fm 98.9 Fm Global Radio2Nwoga Bernard and 1 other
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tglob · 3 years
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God is always faithful and never disappoint his people.
The Education Secretary Ahiara Mbaise Catholic Diocese, Fr. Julian Nwachukwu gave the attestation in his homily marking Eucharistic Mass at St. Brigid's Catholic Church Nnarambia Ahiara, Ahiazu Mbaise LGA, Imo State - Nigeria.
Preaching on the topic: "God never appoint and disappoint," the clergyman maintained that God never forsake his own and urged children of God to be steadfast and focused.
He remarked that God chooses the Israelites not because they were the best but because of the love he has for them.
Fr. Nwachukwu further stated that not only that God chose the Israelites but that he also promised to uphold his promise if they keep the covenant he made with them.
The cleric harped on the essence for one not to harden his/her heart when he/she hears the word of God, underscoring that those who hear and allow the word God to permeate and dwell in them are given the power to become the children of God.
He pointed out that St. Paul who was formerly known as Saul and persecutor of Christians was arrested by Jesus on his way to Damascus and from then on, he repented and prophesied Christ till death and never revert to his old ways.
The cleric admonished against condemning or writing off anybody, underling that only God can determine what somebody will be in life.
In his text taking from Hebrews 4:12-13, Fr. Nwachukwu stated that: "The word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword and penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; and above all judges the thought and attitudes of the heart.
"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account," the clergyman recounted.
Continuing, he said, "He who comes to God must know that God exist. God is sacred. Do not become too familiar with God that you become complacent and forget that he is sacred. Jesus is the only begotten son of God just as he is the only child of Mary. Some say Virgin Mary had other children with Joseph after Jesus, forgetting that like in our culture, cousins are addressed as brothers and sisters. May the Lord fill you with fresh anointing for restoration, deliverance, liberation, breakthroughs and open doors. Trust in him. He will strengthen you and give you the boldness to surmount all challenges."
Fr. Nwachukwu underscored that one can hardly triumph without scaling through hurdles and reiterated the importance to pray to God fervently in all circumstances to break the yoke from the neck and lift the burden off the shoulders.
The First Reading was taken from the book of Prophet Ezekiel 2:2-5 "The sons are defiant and obstinate and they shall know that there is a prophet among them," Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 122.R.v. 2 "Our eyes are on the Lord till he show us his mercy," Second Reading - Corinthians 12:7-10 "I shall be very happy to make my weaknesses my special boast so that the power of Christ may stay over me" and Gospel - Mark 6:1-6 "A prophet is only despised in his own country."
Anyanwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-04-07-21
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tglob · 3 years
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Children of God have been reassured once again that God is capable of calming all storms in their lives if only they have faith as little as the mustard seed.
The Dean of Student Affairs, Liturgy and Music, Mater Ecclesiae Seminary Nguru, Ahiara Mbaise Catholic Diocese, Fr. Henry Ekeh gave the assurance in his homily marking Eucharistic Mass at St. Brigid's Catholic Church Nnarambia Ahiara in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA, Imo State - Nigeria.
Preaching on the topic: "Faith is our problem," the cleric said God has power over all our problems and can change every situation for the better.
He outlined that the only thing that stands in our way with God is sin and reiterated the essence to jettison evil and have absolute faith and trust in God to enjoy his fullness.
In his text taken from Mark 4:35-41 “Jesus Calms the Storm,” he recounted how a furious wind came with waves that broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped as Jesus was in the stern, the rearmost part of the boat and sleeping on a cushion when his disciples who took him along, crossing over to the other side of the water woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” and he got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” and the wind died down and it was completely calm and he said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” and they were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and waves obey him!”
Continuing, he said: “Goodness of the Lord is immeasurable. Ask God to do something new in your life. Ask that his goodness shall locate you. Plead for God's mercy. His love endures forever. When God comes into your life, everything will be at peace. He will change your life for the better. The only thing that makes it easy is your faith. Men of little faith, where is your faith? What makes the difference is your faith. God makes impossibility possible. We ask God where are you when things happen to us, forgetting that our lives are in his hands. We challenge God without fear of his infinitesimal power. Thank God. Appreciate God. Those trials and tribulations in your life, God wants to test your faith. Let your faith be strong. Let your faith speak for you. If God can raise the dead, what can he not do? God is always with you. Faith is our problem. You are a Christian is not just by mouth. You have to put it to action. Today, Block Rosary is gone. That is where the faith started.”
Fr. Ekeh who also cited the book of Job, reechoed the importance of faith, outlining that Job had an unshakable faith in God and overcame the temptation by the devil as well as regained twice what he had lost and therefore urged children of God to remain focused and steadfast to surmount all challenges that may come their way.
The First Reading was taken from the Book of Job 38: 1, 8-11 "Here your proud waves shall break," Responsorial Psalm - Psalms 107: 23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31 (1b) "O give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever," Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 5: 14-17 "Now the new creation is here," Acclamation - Luke 19:38 "Blessed on the King who comes, in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven! Alleuia!" Gospel - Mark 4:35-41 "Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him."
Anyanwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-20-06-21.
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tglob · 3 years
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#Ahiazu #Mbaise #imostate #nigeria
As the world marks 2021 World Father’s Day, fathers have been urged to be resilience and not relent in their efforts to raise sound moral disciplined families.
The Chairman National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) Comrade Anayochukwu Acharike gave the charge while speaking on the role of fathers and the prevalent economic challenges.
He said the Father’s Day is a celebration of fathers, honouring fatherhood, paternal bonds, contribution of fathers to their own families and the role they play in society.
The peace advocate remarked that it is the day one recognizes the importance of the role a father plays in one’s life and show their love for their fathers or father-like figures, encouraging children to celebrate their fathers alive and show them care and love.
He paid glowing tributes to his late father, Senior Comrade Bertrand Acharike who he described as one in a million, a father and a friend indeed.
Comr. Acharike appealed to government to promote people oriented policies and programme that would alleviate hunger and poverty, reduce food insecurity and crime and above all turn around the fortunes of families for the better.
The NURTW boss underscored that not only that the fathers play key role in procreation, they are guides and counsellors just as they also provide their families with basic needs as well as shroud and protect them in times of trouble.
He reminded fathers that they are the pillars of their homes and enjoined them to lead their families in the path of truth and godliness, pray ceaselessly and as well make God their bedrock to surmount all challenges.
Comrade Acharike implored fathers to love and cherish their wives and children as Christ loves his church and work hand in glove with their wives for a successful and happy home.
He enjoined children to love their parents, be respectful, obedient and heed to their wise counsel for breakthroughs and bountiful blessing.
The NURTW boss regretted that many fathers have abandoned their key responsibilities, giving rise to wife battery, marital separation, divorce, sexual violence, juvenile delinquencies, increased societal moral decadence, violent extremism, gangsterism, drug abuse, rape, armed robbery, kidnapping and terrorism.
He reiterated that a family is the smallest unit is a society, pointing out that if there is peace in a family, there would peace in the society and world at large.
Anyanwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Sun-20-06-21
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tglob · 3 years
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#Ahiazu #Mbaise #imostate #nigeria
A new Divisional Police Officer (DPO) has been posted to Ahiazu Mbaise LGA.
He is Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Ishaya Dauda Pam from Jos, Plateau State.
CSP Pam, formerly the DPO Ngor Okpala LGA, replaces Deputy Superintend of Police (DSP) Emeka Nnorom now redeployed to Ngor Okpala LGA.
He has officially assumed duty at the Divisional Police Headquarters, Afor Oru after formal handover.
Meanwhile, Ahaizu Mbaise IMC Chairman, Chief Larry Chikwe has assured the new Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Ishaya Pam adequate co-operation and support of his administration and people of the area.
He gave the assurance while welcoming the DPO alongside the LGA Chairman Traditional Institution and Community Policing, Eze Saby Nwanwche of Ogwuama autonomous community at the Divisional Police Headqurters, Afor Oru.
Thanking the LG boss, Chief Chikwe and Eze Nwaneche earlier for the warm reception accorded him, the new DPO appealed for untainted collaboration and undivided spirit in the fight against crime for water-tight security, sustainable peace and positive development.
He vowed to put in his best to stem the tide of crime and called all hands on deck to nip the monster on the bud.
Anyanwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Wed-16-06-21
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tglob · 3 years
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#Ahiazu #Mbaise #imostate #nigeria
A new Director of Administration and Gemeral Services (DAGS) has been posted to Ahiazu Mbaise LGA.He is Comrade Christian Iwuanyanwu from Isu in Nwangele LGA, Imo State.Until the posting, Comrade Iwuanyanwu was the DAGS Ohaji Egbema LGA.He replaces Mr. Henry Chukwuka now posted to Ohaji Egbema.Comrade Iwuanyanwu has since assumed duty at the LG Headquarters, Afor Oru.
Anyanwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LGA Mon-21-06-11
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tglob · 3 years
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#Ahiazu #imostate #nigeria
BE STEAFAST - FR. IROZUZU ENJOINS CHRISTIANSChristians have been enjoined to be focused and steadfast in God and not wobble no matter the challenges.Fr. Chamberline Irozuzu of Christ the King Catholic Church Oru Ahiara in Ahiazu Mbaise gave the injunction in his homily during the Feast of Pentecost in the parish.Preaching on the topic: "Make yourself open to the Holy Spirit" the clergyman stated that Pentecost is the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles of Jesus Christ and reechoed the essence for one not to harden his/her heart to reap from the gifts of the holy spirit of God which Jesus promised and fulfilled.He stated that some people are dwelling in sin today because they hardened their hearts and refused to listen the voice of the holy spirit embodied his them.The cleric said the holy spirit is the sound voice of reasoning, director, guide, lead, adviser, counsellor, best friend and helper, reemphasizing the importance to work in tandem with the spirit for seamless success.Continuing, he said, “Do not wobble. Worship God in truth and spirit. Do not fear, Jesus has given you the gift of the holy spirit. He came to restore the original state of man. Adam disappointed God and lost the grip. God sent Jesus through Virgin Mary to restore the glory. Jesus gave himself to the world and was crucified for the salvation of mankind. He reunited man to God. How do we know that the holy spirit is in you? Do you have love in you? God is love. Joy: Do you have joy in you? Do you give people joy? Peace: Do you make peace. Are you in peace with your neighbours? Blessed are the peace makers. They shall have peace. Patience: Do you have patient. Wait on the Lord. God's time is the best. Kindness: Do you show kindness to people. Kindness is a sister to love. Who and who have you touched positively? Faithfulness: How faithful are you to God? If you do not Know God, the spirit of truth is not in you. Gentleness: You must be humble, gentle and meek at heart. Self-Control: Man is a higher animal. You must have self-control. Knowledge is from God. Rely on God and do not depend wholly on yourself or else you stumble and fall. The three qualities of the Holy Spirit - Counsellor: Holy Spirit is a counsellor and an adviser. God has given you a recording agent who speaks to you and guides you away from sin and against evil. If you listen to the holy spirit in you, you will not fall into darkness. The holy spirit is your best friend and adviser. Pray God to help you listen to him. The holy spirit helps you to testify Christ. The world is in dilemma. You must work with the holy spirit against the evil of the world. The holy spirit is the spirit of truth, a teacher and guides you in all things. Make him your friend and you will not blaspheme. You will not derail. You have no power of your own.”Fr. Irozuru asserted that with the gift of the holy spirit, God wants man to abide in him and bear good fruits, underscoring that without God, one can do nothing on his own.The First Reading was taken from the Acts of the Apostles 2: 1-11 "They were all filled with the Holy spirit and began to speak," Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 103, 1-24, 29-31, 34. R.v.30 "Send forth your spirit, O Lord and renew the face of the earth," Second Reading - Galatians 5:16-25 "The fruit of the spirit," Acclamation - "Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindles in them the fsm of your love,” and Gospel - John 15:26-27, 16:12-15 "The spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth."
Anyarwu D.C. Area Info Officer Ahiazu Mbaise LG ASun- 23-05-21
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