tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
no okay. I understand. But I just remembered this account and I am like heeellllooo. 
I'm back guys. and I'll begin writing againnnn. ccc:
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Attention Damrissa Shippers!
Please, read this girls FanFic. Its one of my absolute favorites. (Under her 'What dreams are made of' tab.)
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
New theme. Tell me what you think? (:
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
I love your Damsay ff, I've been reading them all night. Can't wait until you update :))
Thank ya, Doll.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Damsay Drabble: One More Month.
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Pairing: Damian/Lindsay.
Fandom: The Glee Project, Season One.
Summary: Read on. c:
A/N: Welp. Loved writing this one too. I just love Damsay.fgafdkjg. ;_; Well, I hope you all like it as much as I do.
Lindsay woke up in the middle of the night. She stumbled through the house, finding the bathroom and switching on the light. She looked a mess and she groaned. She felt just as awful as she looked. 
She felt a familiar set of arms wrap around her, and she felt kissed plaster her neck. She smiled and arched her neck giving Damian better access. 
“Hello mother-to-be.” He whispered in her ear. “Up late now are we?” He went to kissing her neck again and she laughed as she turned around and put her arms around his waist.
“I am craving chocolate.” She said. “And she’s kicking tonight.” She said placing her hands under her large bump.
“Hmm. Well I guess we are going to have to find you some chocolate?” He said raising and eyebrow and taking her hand in his leading her to the stairs. “Watch your step.” He said, placing his hands on her hips. Lindsay laughed.
“C’mon, Damo. I’ve been doing this for eight months.” She said kissing his cheek. Damian rolled his eyes but kept his hands on her hips until they reached the bottom of the stairs. She walked to the kitchen and sat on the nearest chair. 
“You look tired.” Damian said, kissing her cheek. “Your eating than going straight back to bed.” She rolled her eyes but turned so that she could kiss him lightly.
“Yes, mom.” She said teasingly. Damian went over to the fridge pulling out a tub of chocolate ice cream and two spoons before taking a seat across from Lindsay.
“Now dig in, Mrs. McGinty.” He said taking her hand and kissing the finger that held both her engagement ring and wedding ring. Lindsay rolled her eyes before leaning across the table a putting a light peck on Damian’s lips. 
“I love you.” She said, and sitting back down in her chair. She picked up one of the spoons and stuck it in the ice cream, and putting it in her mouth. Damian stared at her, a light smile on his lips. Lindsay laughed, and swallowed her ice cream. “What?” Damian just shrugged and chuckled lightly. 
“Just wondering how I got so lucky,” Lindsay rolled her eyes before taking another bite. She felt her stomach squirm and she laughed. 
“She’s kicking a lot tonight.” She said placing her hand over her stomach, and feeling her kick again. Damian got up and walked around the table. “Here..” Lindsay took his hand and placed it over where the movements were coming from.
“God, I love you.” Damian said leaning up and pressing a kiss against her lips which tasted like chocolate. 
“Mmm.” She murmured as she pulled away. “I love you more.” Damian rolled his eyes and lightly interlaced their fingers. 
“Impossible.” He said, kissing her lightly again. “You done?” He said stroking her cheek. Lindsay nodded.
“I just needed something sweet.” She said getting up. She placed her hand in the small of her back for support as Damian put away everything. “I could have done that.” She mumbled. 
“Your pregnant, dear.” Damian said. 
“Lets state the obvious now.” Damian laughed, and grabbed her hand. “Your too independent.” She rolled her eyes. 
“Your too protective.” She said raising an eyebrow at him. Once up in there room, she sat down on the bed rolling back and putting her head on the pillow. 
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Damian said sitting down next to her. He kissed her neck, biting the smooth skin here and there to tease her. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” She turning over so she could kiss him. 
“A reminder would be nice.” He said, running his free hands through her hair. Lindsay chuckled. 
“I love you, Damian. You have given me everything. A home, husband, a soon-to-be family.” She said putting a hand on her stomach. “I could never thank you enough. I love you, Damian.” 
Damian smiled, kissing her again with a kind of longing passion. “One more month.” He said, placing his hand over the hand that laid on her stomach.
“Yeah.” She said. “One more month.”
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
i love your damsay fic! ♥
Thank ya. (:
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
omg yay you updated ! its so goooooood :)
Haha, I know FINALLY. It seems as if it has been forever! And why thank ya, love. Glad you like it.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Damsay Drabble? I think so.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Damsay: Bringing Back Memories. [Six]
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Pairing: Damian/Lindsay.
Fandom: The Glee Project, Season One.
Summary: Lindsay opens up to Damian.
A/N: FINALLY! ANOTHER CHAPTER. OHMYGOD. BUT BRITTNEE ITS BEEN FOREVER. Yes, I know. And I am so sorry, guisee. Really. But I like this chapter, hope you do too. Tommorow I will write a lot. Sooo. Yes. c: I love you guys. Your amazing. Tell me what you think?
Damian held on to Lindsay tightly, listening to her sobs over-powering the sound of birds flying through the air, and calling to their flight. Damian kissed her dark hair and kept trying to calm her. 
“Damia-Damian.” She stuttered out. “You were always the best choice for me.. But now..” She broke out into another fit of sobs. “I am so sorry.” She said, her voice barely audible. Damian just sat silent, letting the girl break down in his arms. Once she calmed down, she attached her bright blue eyes to his.
“Y’ okay?” He said, his accent heavy. Lindsay smiled, and nodded slightly. “You sure?” He questioned, as he took a piece of her hair and twirled it around his finger before letting it fall ever so delicately.
“I am fine.” She said, sniffling and wiping her eyes. She sat up and scooted away from Damian slightly, realizing what she just revealed to him. 
“Lindsay..” He took one of her hands. “I know you better than that. I can see your broken, and hurt.. And most of all scared.” He paused, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. “Why are you in a relationship with someone that makes you scared? I know you might love him, but I-” He paused again. “I love you.” More tears streaked her face, and a smile formed on her lips and she let out a light chuckle. 
“Your right. I am hurt, scared.. Broken.” She said looking down at her and Damian’s interlaced fingers. “But.. I love him.” She said, all to unconvincingly. “But I love you more.”
Damian couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He reached out touching her cheek with a smile on his face. He looked over her features but saw something in them before she stood up.
“But I cant love you.” She said turning to face him, her dress blowing in the wind and her hair wrapping around her face. She hugged herself, trying to shield in her body warmth. Damian stood up and got an inch away from her face.
“What do you mean, Linds? I- I love you. I love you more than I can even put into words.” He said, his hands shaking as he wrapped an arm around her waist. “Josh.. Don’t let him stand in the way of us.” Lindsay pulled away from him. Despite it being the morning, the clouds were gray and thunder rumbled. 
“Damian.” She said quietly. “You could have chased after me.” She paused turning around facing him again, revealing more tears. “You could have not let me go.. We could have been engaged right now.” Damian walked forward a step.
“I am sorry. I should’ve. I am not letting that happen again.” He said taking one more step forward, getting closer to her than almost humanly possible. “Lindsay Heather Pearce, I love you. I would die for you right now. And I don’t care what it takes, I will be with you. I will make you happy. One day you’ll meet my parents, move to Ireland with me. I am going to marry you one day. We are going to start a family..” He trailed off. Lindsay was crying and smiling at the same time, as a light rain began to fall.
She looked up feeling the rain increase and feeling her dress get slightly wet, and her make-up run more than it already was. Damian stepped forward, taking her hands in his. 
“Wherever you are, I will be.” He said bringing his hand up to her cheek. The rain hit them softly. Lindsay looked up at him through dark lashes.
Damian than kissed her. The rain fell on them as Damian brought his hands to her hips bringing her closer to him, and her hands interlaced through his soaking hair. The rain came down heavier now. 
Tears still streaked Lindsay’s cheeks, Happy ones though. But you couldn’t tell because the rain just washed them away.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Maybe for a little bit of this;
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Annnd this;
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And of course this;
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Apply Here.
Guys, Seriously. Apply. I RP as Lindsay and I am Lonely! I need my Damian! (Damian and Lindsay were in a relationship but Damian de-activated!) So all of you Damsay shippers, dont fret to join.I'd love you forever. Seriously do it.
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Damian McGinty needed for a The Glee Project Role-Play.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Sorry guys. Like. seriously. I haven't been on much and haven't written in.. FOREVER.
I am working on Damsay right now! So, stay tuned it will be up tonight. 
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Do you have a live stream for Glee??? I need it!!!
No! Sorry! I dont have one. 
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Am I the only one drop-dead excited for S3?
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Changed my URL.
No longer tgpfanfics. Now thegleeproject-fanfiction. 
Just letting everyone know. :)
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Damsay: Bringing Back Memories. [Five]
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Pairing: Damian/Lindsay. Damsay.
Words: 1062.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Damsay FanFic. Lindsay revisits Damian in LA. Bring back memories that neither really want to re-live. 
A/N: Hi guys. Bringing Back Memories. Yaaaah. Anyways, here you go. I know it sucks. Its kinda in that ______ Stage.. So, I hope you all stick around for more. <3
“Damian.” Hannah shook her Irish friend. “Do you know where Linds is?” She said, as Damian sat up, stretching and yawning. 
“No.” He muttered as he relaxed and remembered the previous night. “Why? You cant find her?” He asked, now suddenly worried. He sat up straighter, his blue eyes radiating into Hannah’s.
“No,” She said shaking her head. “I woke up and she wasn’t anywhere to be found. Weren’t you two the last two up?” She asked questioningly. Damian nodded and walked out into the living room just to Lindsay walking in a star bucks in her hand, and the telephone pressed against her ear. You can tell she had been crying. 
“No..” She said, barely audible. “No, Josh. Listen-” She said, before she groaned and looked up, half startled to see Damian examining her. 
“Hi.” She said, whipping past him, her scent blowing in his face. She rubbed at her eyes before stopping and turning to look at him. “I-” She croaked. “I am sorry, Damian. You know- About last night. Do you mind going out with me today?” She asked, the nerves written all over her features. Damian lightly smiled, and nodded.
“I’d like that.” She gave a forced smiled, and hugged him tightly, and Damian cherished every second. 
“Good. Thirty minutes?” She questioned, pointing toward her and Hannah’s guest room.
“Sounds alright.” He said. Lindsay smiled again, and turned on her heels, before racing off to her and Hannah’s temporary room. Damian grinned at himself before walking into his small room and changing. He combed his hair back, and took a deep breath before walking out into the living room where Lindsay sat patiently. 
Her light floral dress that came right above her knees accented her perfect. The dark blue on it accented her dark hair and blue eyes, and her gorgeous smile. Her hair was curled, and she looked much like she did during the Believability homework assignment. Damian smiled to himself because he always thought she looked incredibly beautiful in that particular assignment.
“You ready?” She asked. He nodded and helped her up before they walked in silence to Damian’s car. Lindsay opened the passenger side door and swooping in. Damian watched her with a smile hinted on his face. Before they knew it they were driving down the road, a comfortable silence feeling the air between them.  
“I see you can drive now.” She joked, and playfully nudged him. Damian rolled his eyes and looking over for a second meeting hers. 
“Obviously.” He said, laughing. Lindsay joined in, and it seemed like the old them. The friends.
“Lindsay-” Damian started after they calmed down. “Why’d you ask to go out with me today?” He asked, honestly curious. “Just wondering.” He said.
She shrugged, her hair bouncing, and the right light hitting her face as she looked at Damian.
“I just need to way out my options.” She said. Damian was now confused. 
“What do you mean options?” He said. Lindsay shrugged again before looking down at her lap.
“I need to know who I am in love with..” She said, being brutally honest. “Me and Josh fight- a lot. A lot more than an average couple, and it gets tiring you know?” She said,, in taking a deep breath. “Like I said I need to know my options before I make a rash decision.” She said again.
“Like.. Marriage” Damian said. Lindsay nodded before pointing to his left.
“Pull in here. I have a place where I want to go.” She said. Damian nodded and obeyed.
“I love Josh-” She paused, studying Damian’s features. “I really do. But..” She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts running through her mind. “I don’t know.” She laughed and placed her face in her hands. 
Damian took his eyes from the road. “Here?” He asked. She nodded as he pulled into a small park place. Big willow trees everywhere, gazebos at the end of walk ways and bird chirped from everywhere. It was a beautiful place.
Damian came to a halt and parked the car as Lindsay got out. She straightened her dress before motioning him to a quaint little bench.
“So..” Damian said sitting down next to her. She shook her head and looked up apologetically at Damian.
“I have been such.. A bitch to you.” She said. Damian rolled his eyes before placing his hand over hers, squeezing it lightly.
“No you haven’t Lindsay.” He said looking her square in the eyes. “Your engaged.” She flicked her attention to the ring that laid on her left hand. She flinched. 
“Can I please tell you something?” She said, barely audible. Damian nodded as she saw tears well up in her eyes. 
“Last Summer.” Lindsay took a deep breath calming herself. “Me and Josh got in a horrible fight. He threatened me in every way imaginable.” Damian wrapped his arm around her waist holding her tightly. “I threatened to leave him.” She paused, her voice cracking slightly. “He was drunk, Damian. Its not his fault, I shouldn’t have said I was going to leave.” She was now crying uncontrollably into Damian’s chest. 
“Lindsay..” He calmed her. “Shh. Linds, it’ll be okay. What happened?” He said, Lindsay sniffled, tears still flowing though. But when she spoke, she spoke it as if she wasn’t crying at all.
“Things got out of hand. I just remember screaming. And yelling, and than him throwing things, and than he hit me.” She said, another sob broke through and Damian felt like punching something; Someone. Like, Josh.
“He said he’d never do it again.” She said, “I want to believe it, But I am terrified of him. I cant leave him Damian. I just cant.” She looked up at him, need in her eyes. Damian held her for what seemed like ages letting her cry. 
She needed this, She needed Damian. She needed to get away from Josh, but that wasn’t going to happen. Lindsay sobbed, gripping Damian’s shirt as she relived the feeling of Josh’s hand smacking her across the face, and her limp body falling to the floor. All the word he called her, singed into her brain.
Lindsay looked up at Damian who still looked at her; At that moment she knew she had made the biggest mistake of her life. That mistake was choosing Josh over Damian.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Can you all tell me if I should do a sequel to 'A Big Day?!' I am confused.
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tgpfanfics-blog · 13 years
Damsay Drabble: A Big Day.
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Pairing: Damian/Lindsay. Damsay.
Words: 1385.
Summary: Read and see. :3
A/N: I LOVE'D WRITING THIS SO MUCH. I don't even know why. I was jusl kjfg;ladfalfg;lgdfg./ The whole time. But yeah, Here yah go Damsay shippers. I might make a part two, but it won't be a huge story.
Lindsay awoke to the loud ring of the alarm clock that she set for six thirty. She smiled widely as Marissa entered the room holding the long strip of white fabric. Hannah not to far behind holding all the other necessities Lindsay smiled widely and practically jumped out of bed, and to her feet. 
“Big day.” Hannah said, nudging her on the arm. Lindsay was bursting with joy as Marissa laid out the garment she was holding in her hands. Lindsay bit her lower lip.
“God, I’m nervous.” She said, laughing slightly and biting her lower lip. “But lets get to work.” She said sitting down in a chair. Marissa pulled out one of her brushes out of the huge make-up container and dabbed it into the right shade for Lindsay’s pale skin. She applied it to Lindsay’s face as Hannah begin brushing out her hair.
“Where’s Cam?” Lindsay asked about thirty minutes later, Hannah still brushing though her dark locks trying to unleash the tangled mess called her hair.
“He is with Damo, probably getting ready too.” Marissa said, turning the chair light as she applied Lindsay’s bottom eyeliner lightly, as she saw Lindsay smile brightly at even the pure though of him. This made her smile. 
“Think-” Hannah started. “This time tomorrow, you’ll be Lindsay McGinty.” She said. Lindsay nudged her playfully. Marissa rolled her eyes at the two before laughing along with them.
“Shh. Lindsay be still.” Marissa said, applying eyeliner on the other side. Once done she brushed her eyelids over with a light grey color and smiled and marveled at her work. “Perfect.” She smiled. “You look beautiful.” She said, helping her up.
Hannah grabbed the white garment on the bed as the walked to the car, ready to go to the salon. Once arrived, Amber, Lindsay’s personal stylist hugged her congratulating her. Lindsay eagerly sat in the chair as Amber worked on her hair, and Lindsay and Hannah got the full beauty treatment; Being her only two bridesmaids. 
“Soo.” Amber piped up. “What’s the lucky guy’s name?” She said with a teasing tone as she wrapped a piece of Lindsay’s dark hair around the curling iron and dropped it, revealing the perfect curl. 
“Damian.” She said. “Damian McGinty. He’s Irish.” This amused Amber for some reason, because she laughed out loud,
“Irish?” Lindsay nodded lightly and closed her eyes, thinking of her soon-to-be life with Damian. Forever, she thought. And she smiled wider at the word. Forever sounded okay, as long as it was with Damian.
After about an hour, Amber said she was done as well as her helpers that worked on Marissa and Hannah. Lindsay hugged them tightly as they took in the scene of them all. 
“You all look gorgeous!” Lindsay marveled, hugging them again, tears stinging her blue eyes. This day. God, it was THE day.
“Linds. Don’t cry.” Hannah said wiping a tear that streaked her cheek. “Save it for the ceremony.” Lindsay laughed, gently wiping away the other tears that followed.
“I am just so happy.” She said, looking at the ring Damian gave her a year ago from this date. June 6th. 
She smiled again as she watched the ring, and followed Hannah and Marissa to the car, laughing at stuff they were saying. She loved them; She truly did. The car ride was short. They came upon the destination where Damian probably was, and where she would marry him in an hour. Her nerves where finally starting to get the best of her.
Lindsay looked up at the building that her and Damian choose as their destination to be married. She smiled as she felt Marissa put a hand on her shoulder. 
“Ready?” Lindsay nodded, her stomach twisting in anticipation. When she walked in, Joanna was waiting for her talking to some guys hauling chairs into the room where she would be marrying Damian in less than an hour.
“Lindsay!” Joanne said, hugging her. “Congrats!” Lindsay muttered a low thank you before sprinting to the room where she changed. She looked herself over.
Her dress was close fitting, but ruffled at the bottom, gems bedazzled the torso and her hair fell back easily, in losse but firm curls. She smiled as she felt her mom hug her. 
“You beautiful, baby.” She said, pulling away revealing that she was crying. Lindsay pulled her into another tight hug. 
“Oh, mamma!” She said, tears coming easily now. “I love him so much.” She muttered. Her mom pulled away looking into Lindsay’s eyes. 
“I can tell. He is a good boy.” She paused as her father walked up taking her into his arms.
“God. Your growing up on me girl.” He said, Lindsay almost sobbed into his thick chest. “I love you, baby.” He said, wrapping his arms tighter around her. “He better be good to ya’.” He said. Lindsay laughed, and kissed her father lightly on the cheek.
“I’ll always be your little girl, Daddy.” Joanne walked in the room, smiling at her. And told her it was time. Lindsay took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She looked over at Hannah and Marissa how hugged her one last time. Their knee length, purple dresses fitted them perfectly and they looked beautiful.
“I love you guys.” She said, tears still coming. Marissa giggled.
“Go on! Silly, Damian is out there waiting for you.” Lindsay smile hugging them one last time as Samuel and Cameron entered the room.
“My, my.” Samuel said. “You look gorgeous, Linds.” He said. Lindsay nudged him as he took Hannah’s arm. Cameron patted her back lightly.
“You really do.” He said, smiling. “Ready to marry Damo?” He said, laughing. She rolled her eyes. 
“Lets go, Daddy.” She said, looping her arm with her fathers and placing her head on his shoulder. Her veil flowed in the wind as Marissa and Cameron walked in front of her, followed by Samuel and Hannah.
“Make sure I don’t fall.” She said laughing and moving her dress slightly. Her dad kissed he hair. 
“You look beautiful” He said, close to tears himself. Lindsay looked up at him a smile playing on her face, and than the music started sending a whole different set of nerves fluttering through her.
The music carried on as Marissa and Cameron entered the rrom and walked down the aisle arm and arm, followed by Hannah and Samuel. Soon, it was her turn. She paced trhough the doors and heard the clobbering of people standing up, and she saw the smiling faces of her Glee Project family, and friends, and other family. Followed by her soon-to-be-in-laws. She skimmed there smiling faces before coming to the most important one of all.
Damian Joseph McGinty. 
She smiled widely at him as his hand folded in his lap. There blue eyes, connecting in way they never had before. Her dads grip on her was the only thing that kept her from sprinting down the aisle.
They finally reached the end, Lindsay’s gaze broke from Damian’s and to her Dads face. She hugged him one last time and muttered an I love you to him. He returned the favor, and shook Damian’s hand.
“Take care of her.” He said firmly. Damian, smiled and nodded, looking towards Lindsay.
“I will, sir.” Her dad looked at her once more, smiling before sitting down next to his wife. Damian took her hands in his own, holding them tightly. The world felt right.
“You look…” He was at utter loss for words over her beauty. “Amazing.” He whispered. She smiled before mouthing ‘I love you’ to him which he returned. 
The preacher began talking and everyone sat down, as Damian and Lindsay recited each of the vows one-by-one they stared deeply in each others eyes expressing everything they felt for each other.
“Damian-” The preacher said, “Do you take Lindsay Pearce to be your wedded wife?” He asked. It wasn’t even a question of course he would.
“I do,” He said smiling widely.
“Lindsay-” The preacher said. “Do you take Damian to be your wedded husband?” He asked. Lindsay smiled, and but her lower lip.
“I do” Her voice cracked, telling her that she was crying. And with fourteen words, their future began.
“Than with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” 
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