thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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They created more outrage over absurd accusations against Palestinians of rape than actual rapes that 'Israel' blatantly commits against Palestinians and doesn't even bother denying.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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A throwback and build up to the present day, to which I have finished painting the part five poster. This has been four years in the making…mainly due to the fact that I needed the inspiration to hit. Although I don’t draw as much Jojo as I used to, I still love the series dearly. And research for these posters has been a lot of childhood nostalgia from old gothic novels to Drew Struzan styles movie posters.
And so for part 6 it will likely take me a long time lol…who knows. But it’ll be a lot of fun to paint!
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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It’s “BRING THEM HOME NOW” until they come home and say they weren’t mistreated.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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now what will the media class do with this first actual UN report? Let me predict it for you. If they report on its conclusions at all, they will lie and claim that the references to "sexual and gender violence" proves their "mass rape" hoax, when it explicitly debunks it in its only mention of rape. The use of "sexual violence" refers to any violence they believe was targeted against women, not referring to rape, sexualized torture or genital mutilation which it again explicitly only mentions once in paragraph 26 I highlighted.
But here is the problem for them. If they go with that obviously and intentionally deceitful reading of the report's use of "sexual violence", then it means they also have to accept that it was not ordered by Hamas as a systematic weapon of war, which is what the NYT, BBC, Reuters, AP and Guardian falsely claimed, whereas in the Israeli regime case it is actually systematic, "part of their operating procedures."
So the actual "mass rape" in that case would not be done by Hamas on October 7 as the New York Times and all the others claimed, but by their precious genocidal Israeli regime, and not just since in the ongoing Gaza genocide, but stretching back to the entire history of the occupation.
But of course they will ignore the term's usage in that context, and simply lie about it to launder their genocidal mass rape hoax, exactly like they did with the Patten report which finally months later The Times of London came out as the first mainstream Western media publication to accurately report on while also confirming it with her directly.
Now watch and see how accurate my prediction is.
I know these scumbags in and out. I know exactly what they're right now writing and putting as their headlines to put on their frontpages: BREAKING, UN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION FINDS MASS SEXUAL VIOLENCE ON OCTOBER 7.
This is the lie they will all go with. Just watch.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
Mystery Inc. but it’s the 1890s
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Who had late Victorian Scooby Doo on their 2024 bingo card? Hmm?
The idea came to me when I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes and then remembered the iconic mystery solving gang hehe
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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'Tough on crime' should mean proactive policies, not reactionary punishments.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
The one thing I really liked about Shadow, compared to other Vegeta-like rivals, is that he didn't really go into "I'm the ultimate lifeform, nothing can match me!" denial once Sonic stepped up. He went "I'm the ultimate lifeform, and that guy is matching me. Holy fuck who is this guy?", and proceeded to show the utmost respect to Sonic even when opposed (to say nothing of how the final boss of Adventure 2 is the entire cast being supportive). More of that please.
For me, SA2 is peak Shadow. His original story hit harder than anything they've tried to do with him since. For a while, it sort of felt like they didn't really know where to go with him from there. They killed him off at the end of SA2 only to then bring him right back in Heroes, but after bringing him back, his character felt aimless.
Ironically, this is something that afflicted a lot of Dragon Ball's characters as well, who wound up turning in appearances to go "Hey, I'm still a character here," but not feeling like anything that was going on around them was really their story.
There was his own spinoff game, Shadow the Hedgehog. But, for me, that always felt like an attempt to recapture the magic of SA2. We're gonna go back to the ARK, we're gonna go back to G.U.N., we're gonna go back to Maria, but now we're gonna do all of it even more-er. I really don't feel like they know what to do with Shadow other than the Maria stuff, but Maria's story is already told. It's done. There is no further elaboration required.
So he's just been left adrift. A cool character wandering around the margins of Sonic continuity searching for a plot to be involved in. Even the stuff where he works for G.U.N. isn't really his; That's Rouge's plot. He's just hanging onto her for narrative relevancy.
And then after '06's reception freaked them out into firing all of the characters and pivoting the brand, Shadow stopped even getting that much for a long time. Sonic Forces gave him a shot in the arm in the form of a fully-optional DLC, but the nature of being a fully-optional DLC means that his part of the game is by definition unnecessary.
I'm looking forward to the Sonic x Shadow Generations game that's coming out. But again, much like the Shadow DLC in Forces, they're just bolting on a "MEANWHILE SHADOW" campaign to a story that was already complete without him in it.
This is the curse of Shadow the Hedgehog. He's a fantastic and super-fun character who is much beloved by the audience. But the writers seem to be having a very hard time figuring out what role he can even serve within the world they've crafted - and they've already killed him off from once.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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Kaijune Day 1-4!
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
Beyond the necessary inclusion of the original 1984-1995 Dragon Ball manga, "canon" is whatever you want. The "whatever Toriyama worked on" criteria doesn't really work, because he's had at least a small hand in the conception and story of basically everything.
Nowadays, people act like Super is somehow the "oNe TrUe CaNoN" continuation and all that matters anymore, even though there's two separate versions of Super that can't even jive with each other. What's more, that same "Super is everything" crowd also can't even decide which of those two versions is the more important or "canon-est" one — a few years back you'd more likely see claims that it's the anime, since it was the original product and the manga simply served to promote it, but now you'll see more claims that it's the manga, just because it's the only version left.
Which should all go to show just how much of a ridiculous and self-contradictory mess this whole topic is, and why any given person is better off just not buying into it. Just take the original manga as your starting point and go in whatever direction you prefer from there.
The concept of canon is actually really important when doing critical analysis, part of which depends on understanding the choices being made, what they represent from a creative perspective, and what they lend to the story. It's important to be able to identify what was part of the creator's original vision, what the creator came up with years later and bolted on after the fact, what was added by other creatives, what was interpreted by other creatives, etc.
To draw a fairly extreme example, let's talk about Bulma's ki-sensing abilities.
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In a filler arc of the Z anime, Captain Ginyu takes control of Bulma's body and rides a motorcycle over to spectate on Goku and Frieza's fight - While also seeking to take over a stronger body.
During the American dub, Ginyu's inner monologue celebrates that being in Bulma's body has granted him the ability to sense ki.
Ginyu: This is strange! In this body, I can clearly sense the intensity of each of their power levels!
However, much later in the series, we have Vegeta and Trunks fighting Cell. Bulma needs Piccolo and Tenshinhan to explain to her what's going on.
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Well, that's a little strange, isn't it? Why would Bulma need Piccolo to explain what's going on to her? Why can't she just use her own ki-sensing and figure it out for herself?
Is this a plot hole?
Well. No. Obviously not. The reason Bulma can't use her own ki-sensing is because Bulma can't sense ki. That was a line from a localized dub of a filler arc of an adaptation of the original source material. It's three stages removed from original canon. Obviously it has no bearing on the core plot of Dragon Ball, which was written long before it even existed.
With regard to Dragon Ball Super, things are... dicey there. The way Super works is that both and neither are the true canon. Super was created by way of Akira Toriyama writing out a story outline for what he wanted, then separately delivering those notes to Toei Animation and to mangaka Toyotarou, each of whom fleshed out those notes into a complete story by applying their own creative vision.
So it's a weird situation where there isn't really a true canon to Super because both versions of the story are separate creators' adaptational interpretation of the same outline. The Super anime, of course, was made by the studio that made the Z anime so it borrows a lot of elements that Toei created for their version of Dragon Ball. The manga version does not, but it does feel subtly off because Toyotarou's interpretations of the characters don't always mesh well with the original story.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
Apparently a part of the reason why farmed bees stay in the beehives that humans build for them is because the farm hives are safer and sturdier. I don't know how a busy Discord server's worth of bugs that only have one brain cell each would logically conclude that the humans protect them from outside threats, illness and parasites, but if I understood right, the bees would be free to move away and build a new nest somewhere else any time they'd want, and they simply choose not to.
You know how in almost every culture, people have some concept of "if I sacrifice something that I made/grew/produced to the Gods, they will ward me and my harvest from evil"?
So, in a way, don't the bees willingly sacrifice a part of their harvest to an entity not only far greater than them, but nearly beyond their comprehension, in exchange for protection against natural forces wildly outside of their own control?
So tell me, beekeepers, what are you to your bees, if not a mildly eldritch God?
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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I have terrible time blindness. I'm great with keeping a schedule and doing things on time PROVIDED I keep track of what time it is. If I lose track of time everything devolves into chaos.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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Source details and larger version.
My modest collection of vintage poets and poetry.
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thacobell-blog · 5 hours
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