Okay, I just realized something.
I have WAAAYYYY too many muses here on tumblr
I have
Princess Hinotama
Blazie Doll
Angel Crimson
Diana Solara
Solaraze the Demon
Zoark the Hedgewolf
Yimi Shikamura
Karkat Vantas
Kara Techni
That’s too much; I can’t keep up with all of them.
And I’m going to shorten it down.
There are some of those blogs that I never spend time on, and a one that doesn’t exactly have much purpose other than playing as a character used to represent my literal self (Karry).
There are some blogs that are probably going to be deleted, and the characters shall be put on Skype-only Roleplaying, meaning I’ll only play them on skype
I might possibly do cameos for them on other blogs, but they’d mostly just be on skype.
The ones that will more than likely be deleted:
Kara Techni
So, that should leave Solaraze (who MIGHT be deleted later, I dunno), Princess Hinotama (and the sideblogs), and Yimi. Solaraze is staying for now because people seem to sort of like her (or maybe I just don’t see hatred i dunno). Princess Hinotama stays for two reasons:
People like her (this one I know.)
My personal is linked to that blog (And I need my personal.)
Yimi is staying because she’s new, and I want to test her out. Also, there are people who like her, and I currently spend most of my time on her anyway.
This is just a heads-up for anyone following those certain blogs so that when they vanish, no ones just like “HOLY CRAP WHERE’D IT GO.”
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Real life:
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"Alright, then..let's start there." he said, beginning to walk in that direction with her. He hoped that they wouldn't pass any seals or shrines along the way, especially if those sounds were there again.
[The little rabbit turned around and pointed in the direction she came from.] “That way, I’m sure of it.”
[she looked up at him, smilng in confidence. Even if she may of spaced out during her walk, she has a vauge idea.]
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Zoark smiled softly at her. "Of course, I'd be glad to do that for you. Don't worry, your not taking time out of my life..there's never really much for me to spend time on here, anyway.." he said. "..Now, which way did you come from before you found me? If we're going to find your way back, that would probably be the best place to start.." It probably would be smarter and faster to go find one of his sisters, who were stronger in the use of their portkey, but he wanted to find out if there were other ways of leaving the zone. If there were, he'd be able to go other places and actually have fun somewhere. He wouldn't have to stay on the fiery rock that was his zone.
[She looked up at him with hopeful eyes, giving him a gentle smile.]
“Really? You’d do that for me?” [she asked, giggling softly.] “I wouldn’t want to be a bother and take time out of your life to help me find my way back. But, if you’re offering, It’d only be polite to accept.”
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Put Mun vs Muse in my askbox with a topic and me in IC and OOC will argue over it. Go. It'll be fun :)
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".." he listened to what she said, beginning to hope that her mother wasn't freaking out or anything to Cream's disappearance. "...Would you like me to help you try and find your way back..?" he offered. He would use his portkey, but not only did he not know what zone Cream was from, he wasn't very good in that field of his abilities. If he were to use it, something would more than likely go wrong, and they'd end up somewhere else; gods forbid it to be the Nether.
[She pursed her lips slightly, a little tiffed that he seemed to think she needed to have her mother with her constantly. Pouting, she shook her head.]
“I was taking a stroll like I always do during the day.” [she started.] “..and I sorta.. zoned out.. like I always do..” [her speech faultered; tone sheepish.]
“I guess I sorta.. got lost. But! My mother’s at home with Gem’. It’s perfectly fine.” [she nodded.]
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Zoark smiled a little at receiving a 'Mr." He can a small wave back. "It's nice to meet you as well, Cream." he noted how young she looked. Now another curiosity rose; what was this child doing wandering around by herself? Did she wander away from her mother or something? "...How did you get here...and where's your Mother..? Did you wander away from her..?" he asked.
[The bunny smiled shyly, politely nodding and waving to the man.]
“Hullo! It’s nice to meet you Mr. Zoark. My name is Cream.” [she greets.]
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askcreamandcheese started following you
And now a little rabbit girl was here. How were so many people able to make it to the zone? What did they know that he didn't? "Hey there.." he greeted. "My name's Zoark...who're you?"
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Ah, French, so that's what it was. "It's fine..." his curiosity on how Antoine had gotten to his zone still itched at him, and it was beginning to spike. "...How'd you get here, if you don't mind me asking? This zone isn't exactly easy to reach..."
Antoine noticed his confusion, “Ah, sorree, mon French mus’ve gotten rowdeeh, ah see…”
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"Uh, Zoark..not ork.." he gave the coyote a small awkward smile. 'Jeez, what language is this guy speaking?!' he thought; he was used to only the Solarian language and the English language. He was going with the guy's name was 'Antoine,' though. "Nice to meet, ya..Antoine...?" he held his hand for Antoine to shake it.
“Bonjour, Zoork, eez eet? Je’mapelle Antoine D’Coolette.”
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frenchfreedomfighter started following you
"..?" Zoark stopped as he thought he heard someone behind him. He turned his head to see a coyote following him. "..uh..'sup?" He turned to fully face the visitor, and wondered how this guy had gotten to his zone. Maybe he ask later, once they were acquainted. "..I'm Zoark, who're you?"
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"Nope. Not a hedgehog. Guess you got close enough, though." Zoark shrugged. "Th'Name's Zoark, you?"
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ask-soul-the-cool-scythe started following you
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 that-solarian-hedgewolf started following you
“Hey there Soul, and… hedgehog…?”
((Thanks for the follow~ ))
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ask-tikal started following you
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theonetruesonic started following you
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blue-wind-of-mobius started following you
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thewhiteseed started following you
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hedgie-chama started following you
"Whoa, where the hell did you all come from?" Zoark took a step back in surprise, not expecting so many people at once. "Wait, how did you even get here?" The only way he knew of getting to his zone was via portkey; something only solarians had. He wondered if maybe there were other ways that these people had used, and if there were; what were they?
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