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“I never thought it would create such a tragedy”
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I thought you would appreciate my masterpiece. It’s Cruella De Ciel
this is possibly the best submission I’ve ever received
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Imagine if summoning a demon had a call center
Claude: Hey Sebastian, line 396 is open. Three teenagers in the dark want to talk to a ghost or something
Sebastian: I'm gonna prank them so hard
Claude: Sebastian no
Sebastian: I'm gonna say I'm Satan
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BBC Sherlock AU: The Adventures of Ciel Holmes and his friend, Sebastian Watson! 
Soma: Put your trousers on!
Ciel: NO!
Soma: ~do the thing~
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my boy<3
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🍰 Let’s prepare an exceptional sweet cake 🍰
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i heard that it is allowed to put r18 fan art here at Tumblr. so here i am …
pixiv link:https://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62404560
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Ciel, Finny, and Sebastian
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Sketches by Yana Toboso
Idk, I’m really weak for that head to head thing    (・∀・ )
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The other children have already been taken away to safety, huddled in the carriage and driven back off toward the city. Ciel doesn’t know what he will do with them all, so late at night, but that is to be determined later once this one final task is complete. He’s found a spot around back in the garden, likely the only beautiful place in this palace of ugliness, and tells her to wait. The poor child is shaking and tear-stained, but she nods, and curls up among a cluster of shrubs, hugging her knees. 
He then picks his way around to the cellar, making his way back in through the same passage the gaggle of children had been spirited through during their escape, and hunts through the darkened room until he finds what he wants. Racks upon racks of aged wine, collecting dust and cobwebs. He shatters two on the floor, empties another few all over old crates and barrels; the wine itself is not flammable, but the vapors are capable of producing combustion. 
Ciel ferrets out a few other unmarked bottles, sniffing their contents and screwing his face up in distaste. These he brings with him outside, emptying some in the grass, throwing others through the windows, satisfied by the crash of broken glass. He’s got one left as Sebastian appears, dragging with him what appears to be a pig trussed and ready for the roast; he can’t possibly know they have shared the same thought, though it would likely amuse the demon to no end if he could read his master’s mind. 
“I intended to interrogate you,” he tells the weeping, cringing man. Funny, that he should wish for mercy when he had shown none to any of the children, who had cowered and cried just as he does now. “But it looks as though you’re just as you ought to be. I doubt I have use for anything you could say to me, in any case.”
Ciel’s eyes are hard as flint as he upturns the stinking liquor over the man, lips bared in a savage sneer. Once the bottle is empty, he simply lets it fall from his fingers with a heavy thunk. 
“Sebastian,” he says conversationally, tipping his head to eye the child demon. “This man seems to have done everything in his power to ensure passage into Hell.” One last look, considering, and then he’s turning away. “Roast this pig.” 
“Yes, my lord.”
The innocent-seeming voice of the child-shaped demon is tarnished only by the thrilled grin pricking at the corners of his mouth. As a demon, he has found a plethora of delight in violence just for violence’s sake, but that grew old millennia ago.
This, now, is purposeful. There is something undoubtedly pleasing to his newly adopted aesthetics as a ward of the Earl. He has performed a task with fantastic results, and garnered his master’s desired outcome. Well, at least as far as his abilities allow. Even a being of his power cannot make one girl into another, even should his master have wished to find his daughter here.
Sebastian turns, grinning down at the horrid man in his grasp, still wriggling and sobbing and pleading for mercy and freedom and forgiveness. What hilarious sentiments, all. Even if Sebastian were at liberty to give such things, he would not. Not to this despicable excuse for a man.
The careful eye will notice that the bound pig in question bursts into flame in mid-air after Sebastian has tossed him- with no modest strength- towards the back door of his den of terrors. It is only when the blazing pig makes contact that the rest of the house begins to burn, with the rise of the small demon’s palm, and stretch of his slender fingers, the whole mansion is glowing bright,
From the Ashes //closed rp
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Chess sketch by tuzlay From the series “Beyond the Game” (2017)
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Art for DEVIL’S DAY-INSIDE THE MANOR. @cielphantomhivevoice video 
The young master tried to bake something but of course, he didn’t succeed.
© Yana Toboso
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Ciel and Sebastian book of the Atlantic Credits to: http://pt0317.deviantart.com/
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by Eugene Regis
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A reminder of just how wide Ciel can spread his legs.
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“No,” Ciel says flatly, peering up at Sebastian with slitted eyes. He’s already been tucked into bed, blankets pulled up to his chin, and he doesn’t much feel like sitting up to sip from a cup of tea. Once he would have thought about it and ultimately agreed to the treat, milk and honey a welcome and sought after treat before bed, but he is well and truly ready for sleep now. 
Today had been exciting. Ciel can’t remember having had such fun in recent memory, and indeed, the most interesting snapshots of his life had not necessarily brought him much joy. Adrenaline, action, suspense; these things had made him feel alive and given him purpose, but he so seldom had been allowed to act his age. 
Now, he is exhausted. Frowning slightly, he shuts his eyes and rolls over, turning his back on Sebastian and curling in on himself. To admit that he misses them - Lizzie, Soma and Agni, Finny, Mei Rin, Bard - is an unacceptable show of weakness and sentiment, and he’d rather be left alone with these thoughts if he cannot talk about them. All he would get in exchange for his vulnerability would be a reminder that they are no longer a part of his world, and that he would do well to let them go.
It’s nothing he doesn’t already know, and he’s trying. 
Ciel can’t possibly know how close he has come to being tricked, but he would undoubtedly be intolerably smug if he were to ever figure it out. Sebastian has been foiled, and the young earl will stubbornly suffer another night. He doesn’t dismiss the butler, however; Sebastian is free to do whatever he likes, whether it’s quit the room and find something else to do, or curl up here on the bed like a faithful hound, watching his young master sleep. 
Sebastian is perturbed, to say the least, that his clever plan has been thus thwarted by his ever-temperamental master. He had thought at last he would accomplish the simple task of feeding the new demon, and yet, he has refused yet again, this time without even knowing what it is he has turned away. Well, knowing entirely.
The elder demon merely bows his head and ushers the cart out of the room, only so he may buy himself a moment to re-bind the soul to a more sturdy vessel for the evening. He will try again, and again, and again, until at last Ciel is properly fed. They have an eternity to keep trying, after all.
He returns a minute later, having taken a few spare moments to re-dress in his sleeping clothes, and slides into bed alongside Ciel. Yes, Sebastian has his own room and his own bed where he may while away the nights, and he could always roam about and occupy himself in another fashion.
But at this particular moment, he feels as though his master may well need his presence even more than when he was just a small, weak, scared little child, alone in the dark. Sebastian does not say as much, of course, and simply curls his body against Ciel’s, holding him close and secure, so that he may rest knowing the watchful eyes of his faithful butler will protect him through this night, and all future nights.
Learning Curve \\ cielsocialhour & thatbutlersardonic
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