thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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there are so many personals and ‘business’ blogs following like can y’all stop
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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personals i sorta get but why the fuck are nsfw blogs following me. like, i don’t even post nsfw. i’m not that sorta undertale blog so move along pls
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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                     IT’S ALL GOING TO RESET ANYWAY.
                                                 autoplay / written by ro.
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
outbraves replied to your post:f uck i forgot about this blog
I REMEMBER YOU !! i loved the heckie out of your sans eheheh
gently squishes ur face UR TOO NICE B LESS
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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f uck i forgot about this blog
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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Can I just say something? Let’s talk about something.
Now- this might come off as a bit of a sensitive topic, but uh- Someone I care about a lot is hurt because someone lacks something called self-control.
Can we not attack people for having mental illness? Can we not attack people for reflecting their own mental illness into their character? For just portraying their character differently? Can we cope with our lives in PEACE?
The thing about having a mental illness, is that more often than not, we find it hard to deal with. People who don’t have this wont understand. You just wont understand 100% how much pain we are in everyday. How much we struggle just to live, just to get up in the morning and function. Even if we have medication. Medication isn’t a cure, it doesn't make things go away. It’s not magic.
As someone who deals with a lot of mental problems, I can speak for a lot of people when I say this, but uh. Telling us we’re pathetic and seeking attention is a good way to drive someone to hurting themselves, or worse. You have no idea how hurtful your words are to us. When we hear or see these toxic words, it sinks into our brains and you better believe it gets to us.. no matter how much we wish it didn’t. 
We are not weak. We’re not pathetic. We are not TOXIC. WE ARE SICK. And you have noooooo right, absolutely NO RIGHT, to go around shaming people for their sickness because you don’t like how they do things, ESPECIALLY when this person has done nothing wrong.
So. My PSA to you? Keep your goddamn mouth shut. If you don’t like what someone does, if you don’t like someone’s portrayal, hit that block button, unfollow that person, and black list them. Because sweetheart, you’re a horrible fucking person for shaming someone like that. Get out. If someone dies because of what you said, you’ve got a body count on your head and you’re a fucking criminal. 
And to the anon who sent that ask. You are a disgusting life form.
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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                     IT’S ALL GOING TO RESET ANYWAY.
                                                 autoplay / written by ro.
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
Bold everything your muse has done. (caution: contains multiple common triggers)
Broken a bone | Gotten stitches | Had a near-death experience | Killed someone | Tried and failed to kill someone | Invented something | Been hungover | Kissed someone | Slow danced | Been in a long-term relationship | Had sex | Had sex and regretted it | Had a one-night stand | Had a threesome | Experimented with their sexuality | Had a kid | Gotten married | Self-harmed | Travelled to another country | Been in a play | Received an inheritance | Been in a car wreck | Lost a loved one | Been dumped | Dumped someone | Smoked | Gotten high | Been slipped something in their food/drink | Won a contest | Won an election | Joined a sports team | Gone skydiving | Gone hunting | Been in a band | Had a job | Been fired | Been in a wedding party | Owned a pet | Seen a ghost | Skipped class/work | Learned an instrument | Gotten a noticeable scar | Sued someone | Been robbed | Been mugged | Been kidnapped | Been sexually assaulted | Been brainwashed/hypnotised | Gone more than one day without eating | Had a recurring nightmare | Been bullied | Bullied someone | Seen someone die | Attempted suicide | Been tied/chained up | Shot someone | Stabbed someone | Saved someone’s life | Cheated on someone | Been cheated on | Had a stalker | Been betrayed | Been in a fight | Been arrested | Been to a funeral | Had surgery | Broken someone’s trust | Gotten a piercing | Gotten a tattoo | Used a fake name | Been tortured | Been abused | Been blackmailed | Had an attempt on their life | Gotten away with a crime | Gone on a road trip | Been in love
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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“ @thatcomedian (previously skelcbro) is my favourite sans blog and I adore how the mun writes him, making him their own but still keeping to canon. I genuinely hear the voice I headcanoned for him when I read their threads.”
~submitted by anonymous
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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                     IT’S ALL GOING TO RESET ANYWAY.
                                                 autoplay / written by ro.
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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happy munday, nerds
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
Tagged by: no one lmao
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NAME:  ro PRONOUNS:  she/her, they/them SEXUALITY:  hella gay ZODIAC SIGN: pisces TAKEN OR SINGLE:  single THREE FACTS:
     1.) i really like scented candles      2.) i wanna be a writer      3.) my favourite tv show is game of thrones (ooh edgy)
HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?):  like 8 or ten years ?? i lack hobbies lmao PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  skype and tumblr 
BEST EXPERIENCE:  don’t really have one
FEMALE OR MALE:  don’t care tbh FAVORITE FACE:  idk ?? 
LEAST FAVORITE FACE:  idc tbh?? MULTI OR SINGLE:  like ships?? multi
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  no preference tbh. definitely fluff and angst. also smut bc i’m sinning trash™ PLOTS OR MEMES:  both, i’m quicker with memes tbh LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  both BEST TIME TO WRITE:  when my add ass™ isn’t acting up or when i have muse at least ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  hoooooo boy yeah. there’s a reason sans is my favourite lmao
THE TAGGED: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
Send 💗 if you are willing to ship our muses platonically. Send ❤ if you are willing to ship our muses romantically. Send ✖ if you are willing to hateship our muses.
If we’re currently already shipping (regardless of type of ship) our muses then send  ∞ to let me know that you still enjoy it.
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
Try to break my muse in five words or less.
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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happy munday, nerds
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thatcomedian-blog · 8 years
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                     IT’S ALL GOING TO RESET ANYWAY.
                                                 autoplay / written by ro.
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