thatdoctorharvey · 1 year
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
wait if you're a spade then how do you have a crush on harvey?? is it platonic or is he an acception or? i thought spade meant ace/aro
not acephobic by the way, i'm genuinely curious
Spade is my name. :) sorry for any misunderstanding there!
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
I do apologize for disapeparing. Life stuff hits hard sometimes. I will be coming back within the week though! Thank you for being patient!
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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heavily flustered Harvey (+ my Farmer lol)
follow my stardew valley sideblog @strawberry-dew​
still cant draw glasses help
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
in celebration of my new stardew valley sideblog @strawberry-dew​ , have my first attempt at Dr. harvey
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still unsure how to draw him, will probs get a better feel for him with time
posting it on main because new sideblog is still locked for tags
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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My farmer girl just celebrating Harvey’s birthday.
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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Harvey being blind and enjoying some espresso or something
I tried many times to draw his glasses but it just wasn’t gonna work.
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
grapefruit mustache healing man ... Reblog if u agree
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 My eyeballs have been blessed
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& we r back to our regularly scheduled programming of Not Knowing How Tf To Draw Harvey
(I know he can’t see I’m still working on drawing him some glasses. This is just a wip and I INTEND at least trying to color it)
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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listen to this EMBARASSINGLY TENDER sdv harvey playlist here
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
Reblog if
It’s 104% okay to come to your DM and just say, “Hi, can we be friends?” And then start asking you random questions.
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
I want to write a story based off this so bad but I know it will take me a while
hey sdv harvey stans i have an angsty concept for you guys:
sdv au where harvey was a frontliner doctor who worked in wherever the warzone is in stardewvalley. 
harvey who returns to pelican town after the first year and hes kind and sweet but in his eyes, in his words, there is an unspeakable guilt, sorrow, and dread over all the people he couldnt save. harvey who has PTSD and freezes at loud noises, at open areas, at crowds and anywhere where things arent controlled. harvey who, in this universe, once dreamed of being a pilot, but after his service now has a terrible fear of planes flying overhead. 
harvey who returns to pelican town expecting after the first year looking forward to a quieter job, to a small community with small ails he can look after.
harvey who meets farmer who is constantly putting themself in danger in the mines, coming back bloodied and bruised.
“thank you for patching me up, harvey.” farmer says as harvey secures the last of the bandages. 
“you need to be more careful,” harvey says, voice strained. farmer doesnt know whats wrong, but they try to assuade harvey.
“it’s really nothing—”
“it is!” harvey breaks, raising voice. farmer is taken aback, silent as harvey continues. “pain is never nothing! it never is. not when youve seen enough of it…”
“harvey,” farmer reaches out, but harvey flinches back. it breaks farmer’s heart. “im sorry, i didnt mean to—”
“it’s fine,” harvey says quietly. then, he looks to farmer. “just…please. be more careful. if not for yourself, then for me.”
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
Hi howdy ho neighborino! I’ve been reading some of your fics and I love them! I was wondering if you could write something where the farmer has married Harvey but Harvey gets jealous of the other bachelors that farmer has high friendship with angst. I saw the flowers fic and I thought it was super cool but it would be cute for things to work out in the end
Okay so for this one, I saw the perfect opportunity to do a little snippet of how my Harvey x Reader book is going to be. It’s not gonna be anything directly from the book but it will give you a pretty good idea as to how everything will be written.
Also, for the sake of Sam can’t pick out a name for his band, I’m going to use the name of my Uncle’s former band (I got his permission, don’t worry). This will be important.
I did kind of incorporate flowers into this as well. Gotta have the flowers prompt with a good ending too, right?
I also apologize. The pacing for this is a bit rushed and there isn’t much Harvey at the beginning but you’ll see why.
This was the last thing you expected. It had been years since you had been to the city. Yet here you were.
“You ready for this (y/n)?” Sam asked you, seeming to be pretty pumped up.
“Always!” You replied, brushing your hair out of your face.
You looked beside you at the equipment. It was just the mics and guitars, the rest being among the other band members. For once, you were nervous. The last time you performed in the city, you had made a fool of yourself. You silently hoped no one remembered as it was the reason you ended your musical career.
Abigail suddenly tapped your shoulder from the seat beside you, leaning into the isle and waiting for you. You quickly snapped out of your little trance and leaned to her, feeling like a teenager back in high school again.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“Are you and Harvey okay? I didn’t see him talk to you when we were loading up and he’s all the way in the back.” She asked you.
You took a quick glance back to the crowd of townsfolk on the bus. Sure enough, there he was, the very back of the bus, by himself. He looked to be bored as he stared out the window.
“I mean, he’s been very meh lately with talking to me, but I’ve also been practicing with you guys a lot for the past couple months to prepare for this.” You looked back at her. “He wasn’t happy when I said I offered to sit with the equipment to make sure it didn’t break on the way there.”
Abigail looked to Harvey and then quickly back to you. “Shit. He saw me looking.”
“So, (y/n), I was thinking, maybe we could perform one of your old songs?” Sam suddenly interrupted. 
You and Abigail both looked to him. It didn’t take long to realize that, not just Sam, but Abigail and Sebastian were looking at you now. They had been talking about this for a while and had been practicing when you weren’t around.
“Wh..which one?” You asked, a little nervous.
“We won’t tell you until the end. That’s when we want to perform it!” Sam smiled brightly.
Abigail grabbed your hand. “Pleeeeease! It’s a good one!”
You sat back in your seat and let out a breath. Harvey had only heard you sing a select few times, but to hear one of your old songs with how he’s been acting. It just wasn’t a good idea...But it was just a song, right?
“What the hell, let’s do it.” You suddenly said, looking at your guitar case beside you. “But just one!”
All three of them fist pumped and looked to Pam, who was giving them a dirty look. Luckily, they had arrived at the spot they would be performing so they had a valid excuse to leave.
“Alright you four! Get your stuff and get off the bus!” Pam grumpily said in a semi-joking manner.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice.” You mumbled to yourself and grabbed as much equipment as possible. Kent and Demetrius helped get everything off the bus and onto the stage. Everyone riding was going to have some fun in the city until the concert, aside from a select few who would stay and help set up. Harvey was not one of them.
“Alright, (y/n), once we get set up, do you mind doing your thing while we check equipment?” Sam asked.
“Sure! I know none of you will sing into the mics to test them so I might as well.” You jokingly replied, taking off your hoodie to show the upper half of your band outfit. It was a bit revealing but nothing super intense. It also hugged your body fairly well. “Let’s get this going so we can get this show on the road!”
All three of your bandmates cheered. This was big for all of you. Sure, you’d had a few decent sized crowds in bars before, but this was a whole new thing. You were about to perform on a stage! A real stage! There weren’t just going to be drunk men and weird girls! There were going to be hundreds of people! Even your husband was going to be there!
“Hey! Come on, you gotta help me with the mics.” Sam suddenly said, snapping you out of your thoughts. The sky had darkened a bit but not too much. Just enough to notice that time had passed.
“O-oh! Sorry! I got distracted.” You said and walked to your mic. “Just let me know when you have them all on.”
Sam nodded and went to the little booth, turning all the mics on and muting all but yours. “Good to go! Abigail, Sebastian, you know the routine.”
The three of you nodded and began the process. You had done this many times back at home. You had performed some of your more family friendly music during the events through the year, and of course, this meant you had set up the mics before.
So there you were. The middle of Zuzu City. The crowd began to form as your singing began to test the mics. Even though it sounded weird since you had to move from mic to mic, it still sounded good. You didn’t know that your husband was listening though. And the song you were singing was hitting him like a ton of bricks. Memories...Was he nothing but a memory now?
Soon enough, the time came. The crowd stood in front of the stage, the townsfolk among them. You couldn’t seem to spot your husband though, but you knew he was out there. Perhaps the lights were making you unable to see him. They were already affecting your vision.
“Hello everyone!” Sam spoke. “We are from Pelican Town!” He seemed to be oddly confident, something that everyone in town knew wasn’t right, especially for a first big performance like this. “And we are the Block Party Massacre!”
And just like that, everything began. Everyone began to play their instruments and you sang. The crowd cheered and clapped after each song. Once you reached the final song, you nearly cried. Some of the people in the crowd began to sing along. It brought back memories and it truly touched your heart to know that  your fans still remembered your songs.
But, like everything else, the concert came to an end. You helped get everything cleaned and loaded up before looking around. At last second, you saw Harvey getting on the bus. Immediately you went to Abigail.
“Hey, you mind sitting with the equipment? I...I think I should sit with Harvey.” You asked her.
“Sure! Just, go easy on him. He looked pretty hurt, especially during the last song.” She replied.
You simply gave a nod and hurried over to the bus. You took a breath before getting on and looking at the seats. Harvey was still in the same place, the very back. You made your way back there, slowly sitting beside him. He jumped a bit, seeming to have been in his own world.
“O-oh. Hi.” He said when he realized who had sat beside him.
You offered a smile. “Hi my love. Did you have fun?”
Harvey just gave you a look. Not one of love nor hate. More like hurt. Out of instinct, you gently grabbed his hand, turning your body to face him.
“Harvey. Look at me.” You said softly. “What’s wrong? You’ve been like this since I started practicing with them.”
The doctor looked at you for a minute and then to your hands. He wanted to say so much but his anxiety ridden mind wouldn’t let him.
“Do you love me?” He suddenly asked after a few short moments.
You offered a soft smile and rested your head on his shoulder. Was that why he was making a big fuss?
“Of course I do! I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t. What made you think I didn’t?”
“You...You just never talked to me and you always got home late and you were so close with Sam a-and Sebastian and Abigail an-”
“Harvey.” You placed a finger on his lips as you looked back up at him. “You are the only one I love. I tried making you breakfast and dinner but you always let it sit out. I tried to talk to you but you always ignored me. I thought you were pushing me away, so I started opening up my schedule to practices. That’s what I’ve been doing the past few months.”
The doctor didn’t know what to say.
“Answer me this; would I ever want to leave you, my comfy pillow and cuddle bug, for Sam?” You poked his belly for emphasis on the pillow part. “You are everything I wanted and more. Hell, I didn’t even know what I really wanted until I met you.”
“But...The song…”
“I wrote that a long time ago. Didn’t you hear? People were singing along. How would they know a song the band wrote if they had never heard it before?” You chuckled a little bit and hugged him.
“I…” Harvey slowly wrapped his arms around you. “I guess that is true.” His grip tightened slightly, but not enough to hurt you. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey. It’s fine. We can cuddle when we get home. That always cheers you up.” You said happily. “Just, please communicate with me next time. I don’t want you to be hurt like this. It hurts my heart.”
He kissed the top of your head, looking up when he heard the bus start up. “Yeah...I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time.”
And with that, you two headed home.
The fire crackled as you rested on the couch. It was a rather peaceful night, the sky clear and the animals not too loud. Crickets could be heard if you listened closely, but you didn’t want to listen to them. You would rather listen to something else.
“(Y/n), are you certain you’re comfortable?” Harvey asked, a hand rested on your back. The other held a glass of wine that he’d been sipping on. “You don’t look to be.”
“Oh trust me Harvey, I am.” You assured your husband, nuzzling a bit against his belly as your arms slightly tightened their grip around his waist to indicate a hug. “I am always comfortable when I lay on my pillow.”
He blushed and took another sip of his wine before setting the glass on the side table. He was half laying on the couch, you on top of him. On the coffee table in front of you was a vase that contained a small bouquet of flowers. He had made it for you once you two had gotten home as an apology for his behavior. In return, you gave him some of your finest wine that you had planned on selling to make up for everything.
“I love you Harvey. Don’t ever forget it.” You half whispered, looking up at him.
The doctor couldn’t help but smile back, his face still red. “I love you too (y/n).”
“I will never forget it.”
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
Two things here:
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Stardew husband stardew husband
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thatdoctorharvey · 3 years
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Stardew husband stardew husband
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