it's amazing to me how many women on radfem tumblr still don't understand that professions dominated by women are underpaid because it's performed by women. for example, the moment tech becomes a pink-collar female-dominated field is when the salaries will plummet and it'll be seen as a "dumb career for karens". it's the misogyny, stupid!
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my boss is having to get involved with her daughter's school, because the school won't let her wear pants instead of a skirt despite the freezing winter......unless she identifies as a trans man or nonbinary. and this is the case in multiple schools in nz (and i have also heard in aus). while it's still mandatory for girls to wear skirts, if they have a non girl gender identity, they can wear pants. how fucking absurd and backwards is that?
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the whole "I want his/her gender" in response to someone's style just shows how these people are think wearing some clothes defines "gender"
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a customer (man) came through my cash today wearing an anti-terf shirt. if he only knew lmao.
In all seriousness, it's pretty disturbing how men are now so emboldened to be openly anti-feminism under the guise of progressivism. it really is men's rights activism.
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hi, i recently had some sort of debate/argument with some gendies who were pro sex work and the subject of porn came up. they claimed there are some “feminist porn” websites which are supposedly ethical and the actresses get to choose their costar etc. i don’t think porn is ethical in any way, shape or form but i was kinda caught of guard since i haven’t read any radfem takes on this specific topic so i didn’t know how to properly argue against it. i definitely want to be prepared in case this so-called “feminist porn” comes up again so i was wondering what is your opinion on it and how would you have responded to them?
I've talked about this before!
So say this so-called "feminist porn" went above and beyond the leagues of what is normal. Say they let them choose their costars, suppose they pay them a living salaried wage, say they allow them women to stop a scene whenever they want without repercussions (none allow this), say they let the women ask for any video theyre in to be taken down at any time in the future (none allow this), say every woman involved truly has a fun and positive experience! Let's operate off of that.
Why does this style of porn production call itself feminist? Does it contribute to the safety and liberation of girls and women?
Are 12 year old girls safer because the actress in the schoolgirl uniform getting fucked by the teacher both found each other attractive before he penetrated her to play out a teacher raping his student roleplay?
Are women less likely to be objectified by their male peers because the men pay to watch a site where women are nude vs pirating a video where woman are nude?
Am I supposed to believe a man respects my autonomy more because he pays dollars to objectify women versus stealing the content? In both situations, a woman is being consumed as content for masturbation.
All in all, porn is the objectification of female sexuality. It puts a price on female sexuality. It says it is a consumable good. It aids in the objectification of women. And the women in the videos, even the "feminist" ones, are real women who will face long term negative effects from appearing in these videos. Mostly from the men who consume them. Even if they avoid violence (though I've seen "feminist BDSM porn" mentioned too), they are still subject to the fact that they have been purchased. Their intimacy has been purchased. And a price on one of us is a price on all of us.
So does this style of porn liberate or provide safety for women and girls? No. It doesnt. So therefore it cannot be feminist.
Perhaps they could call themselves "ethical", and yet still all porn creates worse societal circumstances for women and girls, so I dont think they can call themselves ethical either.
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“Scott writes that all 23 women interviewed for the paper described doing both male and female chores. Men, on the other hand, talked mostly about male labor. Unless specifically asked, only a third of the men interviewed mentioned any work traditionally done by women. One apple grower described his orchard as a one-man business that his son would eventually inherit, with his wife and daughter only minimally involved. But, in a separate interview, his wife said that while her husband and son took care of the trees, she handled seedlings in the nursery, coordinated sales, hired seasonal labor, kept the books, and helped make decisions. She also mentioned that their daughter ran the farm’s fruit stand. The men were also more likely to emphasize male ownership of family enterprises—“my grandfather’s farm” or “my tractor.” In contrast, the women usually referred to “my grandmother and grandfather’s farm” or “our tractor.””
I’m going to buy a farm one day, and hope I have daughters to leave it to: break the cycle.
(via biodiverseed)
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this borders on gaslighting actually. experiencing attraction only to members of one biological sex class is framed as an obsession or fetish (actually it's just a sexuality), the basic pattern recognition ability of most human beings is totally ignored, it's even argued that 'respect' can override someone's sexuality (something a reddit nice guy would say). somebody looking for a sexual partner who fits the basic criteria of their attraction is 'only looking for a penis' or 'only looking for a vagina'. which is incredibly offensive but especially to gay + lesbian people, who have historically been accused of a predatory obsession with sex.
you are all evil demons and it's good that you are confined to your little 'queer housing co-ops' and 'polycules' because actually your wilful misunderstanding of human sexuality should rightfully bar you from interaction with normal people
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seeing a lot of good responses in the notes so hopefully your questions are getting answered well
for me the biggest "issue" with trans identification is that it's subjective. it can only be subjective. there is no way to define what "feeling like a woman" actually feels like, and even if there was there is no way to tell that the transwoman making the claim is feeling that way. you can't actually make the comparison between a transwoman and a female woman (i reject the term cis as i do not identify with gender) to prove they both have the same "woman" gender feelings. it's all just self-reporting, even if you filter it through an arbitrary number of people (like therapists) who have to say they they take the trans person's word for it before society or governments will accept it
and subjective self-reporting is no basis for overruling sex-based protections
there are effectively two classes of rights trans people want: a) the ability to express themselves without restriction, and b) the ability to legally and socially claim to be the opposite sex
the (a) category i completely support them in. it's like religion. i'm an atheist but i don't get to tell people what they can or can't believe just because i disagree. trans people have the right to alter their appearance with no regard for gender roles, change their name to whatever they want (unless there is a legal reason to restrict that like hiding a previous crime), request whatever pronouns they want (as a matter of politeness), etc.
the (b) category is the problem. sex-based protections and the entire movement of feminism are based on objective and observable sex differences. men identify and oppress women for being female to this day. when society recognizes this and does things like establish female only spaces to keep men away from vulnerable women (prisons, shelters, changing rooms) or female only categories to ensure men do not get to deny women opportunities (sports, scholarships, political representation) this is accepted. yet how am i supposed to accept that a male can declare they have subjective feelings (that no one including them can verify in any way) that make them exempt from these restrictions without undermining the existence of protections at all? how can anyone argue with any confidence that a transwoman definitely feels "womanly" enough in their own brain that they are incapable of committing male violence or enacting male oppression? and if they are capable, then why does this male's safety and comfort get to overrule the safety and comfort of every female they interact with (potentially even after they prove they are a danger, judging by the admittance of trans rapists into women's prisons)?
to accept that trans is reality and gender overrules sex then i have to disregard that sex-based oppression exists at all, and i can't do that
I genuinely wanna talk about this without being hated on. Can TERFs and radfems explain their view towards trans people? The thing is I agree with a lot of the things radfems say. It’s logical and it IS feminist. But I just can’t bring myself to agree with the viewpoint you guys have towards trans people. You do bring up valid concerns, ones I’ve always had and wasn’t brave enough to ask about. I openheartedly accept all trans women but for ex, I always questioned why most of them didn’t acknowledge or speak about their upbringing as a male. Yes, you are a woman now but you weren’t one before and you lived as the more favorable gender for the better part of your life. I’ve seen it with trans men too. How can you turn out to be misogynistic? Or how do trans men behave like cis men when it comes to how disassociated they are with womens reality? You were literally a female and have experienced the pain and suffering every girl goes through. Yes, your gender identity has changed but your experiences and memories are still there aren’t they? Do y’all go through some kinda memory swiping thing we don’t know about? Or is it just me that haven’t found content and people related to the issue I’m talking about?
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it's crazy the lengths that transmen will go to to tell other transmen that they are privileged over transwomen and need to shut up if they say they aren't
i saw someone claiming that transandrophobia (specific oppression that transmen face) is not real and believers just reskin MRA talking points. because (get this) being denied some aspects of male privilege just because you are trans is not being oppressed for being male. you can't be oppressed for being male. you still have privilege over females regardless of what other oppression you can suffer
androphobia/ misandry is not real while misogyny is so you can't define transandrophobia as a combo oppression like you can transmisogyny
who is going to tell them that transwomen are the males in this scenario?
(remembering when i learned that tme stood for transmisogyny exempt. a special term for "females it is ok to accuse of being privileged over males by their femaleness")
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Multi-millionaire ‘feminist’ JK Rowling has been weirdly quiet.
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Girl you are factually, scientifically incorrect about two sexes LMFAO intersex people exist and unless you’re an advocate for unconditional infant genital mutilation, they are a natural part of our species. xxy, xyy, xxxy etc, those are all sexes lmfao. Apparently anyone can be a PhD candidate these days! Truly cannot wait for an asteroid to destroy this fucking planet and everyone on it including you.
how many fucking times do I have to answer the same goddamn ask.
intersex disorders are not third, fourth, fifth etc sexes. all intersex people are still either male or female. I do not nor have I ever advocated for infant genital mutilation, you absolute buffoon.
if any of you willfully ignorant crusaders of self righteousness bothered to listen to a damn thing we said, maybe women’s rights could fucking progress this decade.
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A woman is anyone who can’t identify as a trans woman.
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WOMB CARRIERS????????????
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