Lately, I have been thinking about disconnecting from tumblr for a bit. Possibly indefinitely.
I'm tired of politics; still invested, just tired. I'm tired of bitter feminists attacking me and my mutuals. There's no reasoning with them; they have collectively lost their minds and EVERYONE is an enemy, I guess. Even though we (the tradwife/tradfem community) just want to live our lives and be left alone.
I'm tired of feminists, atheists, and "progressives" going after religious blogs. Predominantly the christian ones (nothing like taking scripture out of context to suit your own arguments, am I right?), but also fellow pagan blogs. If I have to endure one more emo witchcraft newb saying we aren't "real pagans" because we choose to be stay-at-home wives and mothers, or just enjoy a male-led relationship, I swear to the gods...
But where I really just CANNOT take anymore is hearing pro-choice wingnuts come up with endless excuses for chopping up a helpless baby in the womb. Their cases for abortion are baseless, self-serving, and utterly cruel. I'm tired of pro-life rape and abuse survivors being chastised and othered from the conversation just because they have a viewpoint the leftists don't want you to hear. Fucking pisses me off.
Tumblr aside, my anxiety has been getting worse. I have been having issues with my mother for a few months now, and I am about ready to cut her out of my life, I'm sorry to say. We'll see how that pans out. I've had increasing stress from my job, feeling overworked and underpaid, with some coworkers simply not pulling their own weight. I want to quit. And more than ever, I just want to be alone. My boyfriend and I are doing well, but he's the only one I genuinely want to spend any time with. I've even lapsed on returning dear friends' snaps on snapchat. I feel bad about that, but they know I'm having a rough anxiety patch and that I'll get back to them.
Needless to say, I'm done here. I have other things on my plate, bigger things to worry about. Like the future, building a family, trying to navigate this increasingly crazy and at times hostile world. I've got enough toxic people in my personal life, I don't need the toxicity that is rife on Tumblr. I don't need embittered feminists or narcissistic atheists. Hell, most of my toxic relatives fit into one of those two groups.
I will not be deleting this blog. Just letting it sit. I may one day come back to it, if I can remember the password for it. Any deranged feminists reading this can feel free to reblog, howling into the void. It'll give somebody something to laugh at, at least. Just know that I will not be replying, so it'll be like screaming at a brick wall.
To some of my favorite blogs: @patriarchalfemininity, @myhappyhomeoflove, @homeiswherethewitchcraftis, and @gods-girl, keep fighting the good fight. There's a lot of crazy out there, and you ladies have the most sensible voices on this godforsaken platform. To those of you who know your latin, numquam nothi te deorsum.
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liberals will scream “fuck gender roles” then call themselves non-binary for not conforming to them.
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subtle intimacy is so soft!! knowing someone’s routine and slowly becoming a part of it. memorising favourite teas and soups and drink orders. good morning and good night texts and messy paragraphs of love written half asleep. nicknames only you know. just!!! small things that say “look how dear you are to me.”
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STEM this and IT that, the only soft wear I'm interested in are cardigans.
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Friendly reminder that pregnant women are at increased risk of abuse. Friendly reminder that abusers thrive in pro-abortion cultures. Friendly reminder that just because you would happily pay a hack doctor to slaughter your child doesn’t mean that families should go without justice when their wanted child is killed. Friendly reminder that ALL human beings, born and unborn, are worthy of justice and protection. Friendly fucking reminder, because I am sick of living in a world where women and children are constantly treated as lesser than.
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I'd watch that. Could I be a guest host?
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Do you guys ever feel awkward reblogging so many things from the same mutual? Like I promise I’m not creepy, I just really like your vibes🥺
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"You're an adult why do you have to ask your husband permission?"
Maybe because I'm not a inconsiderate asshole and I actually care about my husband and how he feels
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Reblog if witchcraft has been therapeutic for you or has helped you better yourself as a person
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absolutely horrendous, all of it
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“You care about the fetus more than you care about the mother!!!” no, actually, I think that it should be illegal to poison, starve and dehydrate, crush the skull of, scald to death with saline, dismember, or auction off the body parts of the mother as well.
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