thatoneshippermina · 1 month
Clemmie could step on me & I'd always ask for more, just saying🫣
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like uhhh— yeah🫣
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
I just think it's funny how Rick Riordan must have done SO MUCH research about different cultures and communities, doing his best to be respectful in his representations.
Yet couldn't be bothered to pull up Google Maps to see how far away the St. Louis Arch is from the water
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
“i hate it here” is peak escapism and hearing her talk about how she lives in a garden no one else has access to in her mind (unlike the rest of her life) for most of the year is sooooo. made up scenarios and imagining living in the 1800s… it’s giving the lakes except she’s alone and she can’t actually leave. so much of the album is about feeling stuck and this one is about feeling stuck in herself.
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
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I keep changing my lineart sorry
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
I’ve pulled an all-nighter so my reading comprehension may not be at its best, but I believe you’re talking about the moment right after Zuko joined the Gaang at the Western Air Temple? I wouldn’t say it was a “don’t touch my man” type of thing though. More like “you’ve already betrayed me once, so don’t think I’ll trust you again”. Tbh, she was right, he could have joined them only to finish what Azula almost succeeded in doing. And it’s pretty much the rock bottom/atonement moment that the romance genre is full of.
And I’m not getting into the “motherly” aspect of ka
I'm gonna get some hate for this but some of yall argue way more over Zutara being endgame or calling it enemies to lovers when Katara threatened to end Zuko if he were to show any signs of harming Aang.. because she loves and protects him in a "don't touch my man" way. That's not enemies to lovers thats Enemies to I won't take you out if you don't even think of harming my lover.
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
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everything, everywhere, all at once
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
Snow always comes across as cold and unbothered when he’s dealing with Katniss and the rebellion- but knowing how actually delusional and unhinged that man’s inner monologue is and with all the Katniss/Lucy Gray parallels I know when he was alone that man was probably ripping his hair out and screaming trying to figure out how the two are connected and assuming all of Katniss’ actions had ulterior motives that were directed at him. Just raving in his room alone like:
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thatoneshippermina · 2 months
Schrödinger’s Redemption Arc:
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It was either perfect storytelling or an insensitive colonizer guilt narrative…depending on who you ship him with.
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
Coriolanus Snow: And I learned from that experience that love makes you weak. And I shall never feel weak from love, or from Lucy Gray, ever again.
Meanwhile, him every night for the past 64 years:
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
“Not all men-“
You’re right. Jem Carstairs would never.
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
Katniss: I think Haymitch mixed up our lunches. Look.
Katniss: *Holds up a note that says “I love you so much”*
Peeta: Oh, that explains this
Peeta: *Holds up a note that says “Please behave, for the love of God, behave”*
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
I just realized that the terrible job Gale made towards trying to get with Katniss means that Gale isn’t actually good with girls. Every girl he’s gotten he’s most likely gotten based entirely on pretty privilege and the general mystique that surrounded him because he was a hunter. Gale hasn’t figured out how to be smooth with girls yet during canon and that’s so darn funny to me cause Peeta slid out of sophomore year a smooth talking idiot with game for days.
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
I don't think we talk enough about how unhinged this entire 15-20 page stretch of catching fire is:
Katniss says she'll be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies
Katniss tells Peeta she needs him
They share a long intense kiss that makes Katniss feel sexual desire for him
Peeta says she's going to be a great mother and Katniss, unprompted, internally states that she'll never have Gale's child (lmao)
Katniss thinks Peeta should be a father because of who he is as a person
Katniss falls asleep fantasizing about a future where Peeta's child is safe in a meadow
Katniss wakes up feeling happy due to Peeta, likely because she dreamed about him
Peeta gives Katniss the pearl
Katniss tells Peeta the locket worked because it made her more sure of her love for him and her decision to die for him
And then nothing happens after that because the book suddenly ends right there haha so weird
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
The Agni Kai between Ozai and Zuko was one of the smartest, best additions to the show. I see people complaining about Zuko "fighting back", as though that's a bad thing or takes away the victimhood of his situation.
Zuko is prepared to fight someone else. Then his dad steps in. There's already a ton of pressure, and now confusion overwhelms, because wth why would he fight his dad and HOW. He doesn't want to fight him. But this Agni Kai's point is for honor, to prove himself to him, and a) he is firstly DEFENDING himself from his dad who is the one who starts fighting him hard. (throwing fire at him?? Hello??? Is he just supposed to take it??) b) don't you think Ozai would think worse of him if he didn't do anything at all? And don't you think Zuko takes that in consideration pretty quickly as his dad attacks him?
It's clear Ozai will fight. Now Zuko looks confused and scared during the fight, rightfully so, and he tries to figure out how far this will go. My wife keeps saying that he is sparring (and that y'all don't know about sparring, lol), and that doesn't mean you have to hurt your opponent, not the way Ozai intends. Zuko engages defensively, and then fights his father, hoping that's enough to show him that's he's good at this, that he's skilled. It doesn't have to go as far as Ozai takes it, it COULD just be sparring. Zuko COULD jusy try to show him what he's learned and hope his dad is pleased enough. Isn't that what he keeps trying to do anyway? Get his approval? Both he and Azula. Unfortunately, we know that's impossible.
The unfolding of this Agni Kai drives home the cruelty of Ozai in an even more intense way to me. Because no matter how well Zuko fights, it's not about skills, it's about how far he's willing to go, that's what Ozai is judging. The mentality behind it. Zuko isn't willing to hurt his father when he could, he holds back! That is his "weakness". And the way Ozai punishes this by doing what Zuko refused to do - burning Zuko where Zuko could've burned Ozai - that is a horrible reminder of this "failure" to go far enough, and the consequences it entails.
Zuko's scar now isn't just random placement, it has meaning behind it beyond the basic cruelty of Ozai hurting his child. It directly references Zuko's "weakness". Ozai showing him how it's done directly on his face, serving as a constant reminder that he couldn't be the strong one, so he got hurt by the one who was willing to be.
The sequence of Zuko holding back and Ozai NOT holding back but purposefully pausing and choosing to punish him this way was mind-blowing. Such a powerful, terrifying moment that makes Ozai feel even crueler than in the OG.
I don't think Zuko not engaging in the OG is bad at all, it virtually gets the same result; but I also don't think it's bad for him to decide to engage. It doesn't take away anything from the point, for me, the way it plays out in the live action takes it further. It examplifies Zuko and Ozai's relationship and Zuko's efforts - never enough - perfectly.
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thatoneshippermina · 3 months
which was more culturally significant, the renaissance or peeta mellark's "if it weren't for the baby" remark during the 75th hunger games?
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