thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
Luckily Damon was able to get into his room undetected, closing the door quietly behind him and then leaning his back against it. Using his enhanced hearing he listens to see if he can hear the familiar patter of Katherine’s heels clacking across the hard wood floor, but he doesn’t. Relived that she isn’t coming in for round two he pushes himself from the door entering his room more. If there was one thing that still hadn’t sunk in for Damon it was everything that surrounded him. Part of Damon wondered if all these objects around the room were actually there, or if they were all a figment of his own imagination. Everything was perfectly intact, because if he was to walk over towards his closet and open it he’d be greeted to trousers, Sunday clothes, formal clothes, undergarments and any other traditional clothing that a person would find in this era. Walking over towards his bed he seats on the end of it half scoffing because it wasn’t even close to being as comfortable as his bed back at the Boarding House. A four poster bed that Damon had specially constructed for him, the bed big enough to the point that it could have its own zip code. That wasn’t the best part of it though, because the best part of that bed was it had contained memories of all the times he’d fall asleep and wake up to the love of his life, Elena Gilbert. This bed however held different memories, haunting memories of his relationship with his beloved Katherine.
Speaking of Katherine what was she doing right now? Katherine wasn’t an idiot Damon knew full well that Katherine was aware that he had returned and yet why hadn’t she coming looking for him? The question answered as he suddenly hears a melody echoing downstairs, his ears instantly perking up focusing on the tune. Damon’s expression disbelief immediately recognizing that she isn’t just playing a random song, but she is playing their song, the song she had composed for him. The melody was haunting causing a rush of memories to crash into him full force. I was a good teacher Damon had been the one to teach her to play. When Stefan and his father would go to town after they had used being alone to their advantage of making love they would escape over to the grand room and Damon would play for Katherine, he himself had actually composed a song for her. Katherine had been so entranced by the way his fingers skillfully glided along the keys of the piano and how such a beautiful symphony could echo throughout the house just by playing those simple keys. Katherine had confessed to Damon that she had always felt at piece when he would play for her. Each time that Damon played he would put his entire soul into each note, he was naked completely vulnerable to her as he allowed the music to take him over, and somewhere along the way Katherine had wanted to express exactly that. Damon’s mother had been the one to teach him to play so he had been more than happy to take Katherine under his wing to teach her.
It hadn’t surprised Damon how fast she had caught on, and it didn’t surprise him that sometimes their lessons would turn into them making love not able to keep their hands off each other. Each time Damon would push her against the grand ole piano or when she’d ride him they’d make their own and unique music as a chorus of moans sounded from each of them. The sounds of them coming together in his opinion the most beautiful sound they could create, because it had been made from their love for each other. So many memories had happened at the piano, but his favorite one hadn’t been their love sessions, no it had been Katherine giving a token of her love to Damon.
Like clockwork Giuseppe and Stefan had left to pick some things up in town giving Damon and Katherine sometime alone. Damon had planned to use that time wisely and that time consisted of him being inside of her. Having to see her show affections towards Stefan had caused his stomach to sink, but today he wanted to remind her why he was the better lover. Just as he was about to lead her towards his bedroom quarters he had been surprised when she had interlaced her fingers with him and leading him into the grand foyer straight towards the grand piano. Damon had expected her to ask him for another lesson, his mouth opening, but was silenced as she placed her finger to his lips just telling him to listen, and he did. Damon had listened intently his eyes falling shut so he wasn’t focusing on the breathtaking vision playing before him, but instead listening to the sounds that resulted from her playing. As he listened to the piece he viewed how the audience would view it and the first thing he felt was exposed, completely vulnerable to those around him. Some of the notes spoke such volumes to him causing a whirl wind of emotions to run through him, feeling as if he had nowhere to hide. The tempo sometimes would speed up and then drop, it was definitely having it’s affect on the eldest Salvatore. When it had hit its final note Damon found himself blinking back a tear before opening his eyes to be met by Katherine’s curious dark orbs “that was beautiful…very powerful” lips pursing together “I’m unfamiliar with this piece though I’m having difficulty placing the composer” he confesses silently scolding himself seeing as he was usually very knowledgeable when it came to music. 
Katherine’s eyes remaining trained on Damon’s baby blues the entire time, sucking in an un-needed breath “you wouldn’t know it because it’s new…..I……I wrote it for you…for us” she admits flicking her gaze down towards the ground before meeting his surprised expression. “You told me that when you play it’s your escape….I know I’m not very open about my past but you and I Damon we are similar in so many ways and I thought” having difficulty finding her words as she shakes her head “I’m foolish.”
Damon had been in complete awe of the woman seated before him. Never once had someone done something for him, let alone create a song. Scooting closer to her he places his finger under her chin, lifting it so she’s forced to meet his gaze. “Oh Katherine” he whispers framing her face in his hands before leaning in and pressing his lips softly, lovingly and tenderly to hers.
Lost in a memory only now returning from it Damon was surprised to find that he had left his room and was now standing in the corridor leading towards the Grand Foyer. Somehow Katherine’s playing had taken him captive drawing him closer and closer until he was standing right outside the doorway. Chancing a peak he leans over as his cobalt hues locked on her seated at the bench, her eyes closed as her fingers glide perfectly along the keys. The sound alone is enough to knock him back, but the sight of her playing, the sight of the sun cascading through the window and putting an angelic glow over her causes him to suck in a breath, not able to stop himself from doing so. Knowing that she most likely caught onto that sound he enters the room “for someone who hasn’t played in centuries you still play beautifully” announcing himself as he leans against the wall, folding his arms across his chest and not having the strength to keep his eyes off of her.
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Katherine had seen her fair share of those old familiar places, upon arriving here. The night she'd been dragged from that church she had ended up outside her family home. It'd been dark, a new moon hanging above the house to illuminate it. She'd half expected this to be another reminder of her loss, the scene Damon had depicted so graphically for her as she lay on what had been meant to be her death bed. Yet instead she'd been greeted with one of the few good memories ever to occur for her here. A little girl around teen, dark curls cascading almost unkept like down her shoulders, was huddled up behind a hay bale near the barn. And while her tears flowed out of sadness, the singing that touched her ears brought a smile. For there sat her mother, next to a mini-Katherine, calming her with an old tune meant to rid her of the sadness and fear she'd felt when her father had been so harsh with her.
And it's from that lullaby, that she had composed the song for Damon all those years ago. Putting a melodic tune to an old song with her own alterations to it. For the lullaby had been about love and that which is precious; so it was only fitting that when she wrote a song for Damon it'd be that memory she used. Her mother had been the one person in her life, her first human days, to love her unconditionally for who she was without the desire to change her. Granted, she had never told him that part of her inspiration to write it for it would have revealed too much and she'd still been so guarded back then.
While her fingers danced over those keys, she thought back to that day she first played it for him. So eager had he been to take advantage of having the house to themselves - so to speak - that his face as she drew him in to another room had been priceless. Still etched so clearly in her mind now, right along side the expression he wore while listening to her play. It was a memory she'd carried with her all these years.
If she hadn't been so lost in playing the music, she might had noticed him even before the sound he made. Yet her eyes remained closed and even still as he spoke, still playing that melody even as she let off a small sigh. ❝ Certain things stick with you. ❞ Was her reply after a moment, one that felt far too drawn out and distant. And when she finally did open her eyes, chocolate gaze turned to the window rather then to him. It was silly to think that she wouldn't run in to him in the memory of his own home, but perhaps it was this song and the desire to play it which had drawn her here in the first place. 
❝ Pearl helped me compose it, did I ever tell you that? ❞ She asked as fingers slowed but had yet to cease, if anything when they neared the end of the tune they just wrapped around to the begging to continue playing it. Licking her lips and fighting the urge to turn herself towards him, to glance at Damon for even a moment would not help the state she'd found herself in since their last conversation. Granted, the topic of this one wasn't helping either but that didn't stop the words as she explained. ❝ I couldn't very well go to you, asking for help to write a song meant for such a dedicated teacher. ❞ A soft laugh left her as she lightly shook her head, looking back down at the keys. 
❝ She thought my relationship with you, my attentions to you and Stefan, was foolish of me. That such relations would get us caught. And she'd been right, of course. But at the time.. even as one of my closest friends, I didn't listen to her. ❞ She took in a breath, swallowing thickly while turning her eyes back towards the light streaming in through that window. ❝ Her objections got her no where so she refrained from further complaint. I don't know, maybe.. maybe she saw something in my eyes, when I requested her aid in this. It wasn't like me, you know, Damon.. to give such a deep token of affection. To want to take the time to compose something like this. ❞
❝ No one had ever been worth the time before. ❞ For a moment she halted the movement of her fingers on those keys in order to finally look over at him. Which was a mistake in itself; especially now that she couldn't draw her eyes away. Some part inside of her growled, at herself, for reverting back to such a romantical version of herself. It was moments like this that the inner bitch wanted to come out, to snark and be sarcastic until the person before her was glaring daggers. Forcing herself to take another breath and return those dark orbs to the keys of the piano as she resumed playing. 
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❝ Look at me, reminiscing like nothing's wrong. ❞ The woman added after a small moment with a brief laugh, once again shaking her head. She was reminding herself of past moments of happiness, of the feelings she still harbored and to the man they happened to be for. ❝ How foolish of me. ❞ She murmured, though loud enough and carried through this room that he probably heard. Once again she stopped playing, hands slipping down to her lap as she kept herself turned away.
Datherine || Our Eternal Prison
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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"I love you too, Kit. You gave me the daughter and the life I never thought I’d have— how could I not?"
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❝ You know, I am thankful every morning that I wake up to the two of you. Because of you, even if accidental, I've got the chance to be a mother. The chance to have a real family again and I don't know how I'd ever repay you for that. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
[ x;; feeling a bit tired and idek,        gonna play more    skyrim        before     i hit   the hay. <3  ]
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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"I know that, but it doesn’t mean…never mind."
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❝ I'm well aware you don't approve, babe. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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"Do you always have to be so violent? I swear you’re worse than a werewolf."
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❝ I'm a vampire, Lydia. I literally live off blood. Of course I'm worse than a werewolf. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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"It’s really not, there are other was to get what you want."
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❝ Oh, of course there are. I'm well aware. But maiming is far more entertaining. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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"Come on Kat, even you have to admit that was funny. Threatening bodily harm isn’t really necessary."
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❝ Threatening bodily harm is always necessary, Lydia. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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          ❝ You're not funny,                    and I'm going to punch you. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
katherine is sitting there playing the piano, thinking of the first time she ever played for damon. you're welcome. <3
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
Seconds, minutes, hours or days, Damon wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he had made his escape from Katherine. All he knew was he had to get out and disappear for awhile. What had started as taunts and a light conversation between them had turned heavy resulting in Katherine confessing to Damon that she had lied, and that she really had loved him. The real bombshell fell though the second that Katherine had suggested they start over, that they take this as their do-over. There had been a time where Damon would have traded in his damn soul to get a second chance with Katherine, but that was then, and this was now.
Now being months later, close to five to be exact and still nothing had changed. Damon was still stuck, nowhere close to returning back to the land of the living, back to his brother, and back to Elena. Bonnie, hell he had hoped she was okay, he had hoped that she at least was at peace, because she deserved to have at least that. Katherine had been here in this prison longer than him and she hadn’t come any closer to finding a way out. Katherine had pretty much accepted that this was her fate now, and if Katherine the Survivor of all people had given up then he was screwed.
Damon hated himself that he was actually considering it, he hated himself at the fact that part of him actually wanted to give into her. What if this was it though? Death not exactly meaning ceasing to nothing but still continuing to live in one way or another was this what he was destined for?  Could Damon actually allow himself to be with Katherine knowing that he wasn’t going to make it back? If that was the case maybe in time he’d give in, but that little voice in his head, that doubt telling him what if, what if along the way his loved ones or even him and Katherine found a way to come out of this? Would Damon be able to forget everything him and Katherine had shared here?
“No” he whispers to himself as he expertly tosses a stone watching as it skips across the river, a soft sigh escaping him. No, he wouldn’t be able to leave behind his and Katherine’s time, because when it came to matters of the heart with Damon, once he loved, he loved fully, he gave his hundred percent.
Rising from the patch of grass he dusts of his jeans. As much as he wanted to be as far away from Katherine as possible he knew that was impossible, and sooner or later he’d have to face the music that music being now. Making his way out of the clearing he begins to walk, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his boots every now and then kicking at the pebbles beneath him.
It doesn’t take Damon long to arrive still having trouble accepting the structure before him as his steely blues circle around the Salvatore Estate. In the real world this massive manor was nothing but old ruins, but, and now it stood proud. It was hard for Damon to let it sink in that he was back in the 1864 era, but then again if this realm had been about regrets 1864 had been one of his biggest, because he had made so many mistakes. Katherine, that had surprised him he couldn’t understand how during her centuries of living this had been the era full of her biggest regrets. When Damon had first been brought here he had expected to be in hell, and when he saw past memories coming alive right before him he had realized he was in hell, his own personal hell, his own prison. After exploring the town he had deemed it to be a ghost town, impressed with how it was an exact replica of his home town, then again that was all thanks to his own memories. Curiosity had gotten the best of Damon causing him to walk a couple of miles until he was standing in front of the Salvatore estate, it had taken him a few moments to gather the courage to finally enter and when he had he was met with quite the surprise, Katherine.
Shaking himself out of his ravine he strolls up towards the main front door, swinging it open and crossing into the threshold of the main foyer. Steely blues glancing around to see if he can spot Katherine waiting for him, but when he doesn’t spot her he knows exactly where she is, her old bedroom. Deciding not to test the waters he heads down the private corridor leading straight towards his old bedroom quarters. Stepping inside and carefully closing the door quietly behind him hoping that Katherine hasn’t caught onto the fact that he’s returned.
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Time passed differently here, she was well aware of that. Every clock she passed seemed to tick only the moment she walked by - as if mocking her. But then again; what was time in a place like hell? Just a constant reminder of all the days she had wasted never really living. Surviving didn't count. You can survive and be alive, but that's not really living.. now is it? No. Granted surviving and living and all of that were meaningless now. All there was for her, was more time to suffer.
Damon had left her, and rightfully so. What she'd asked of him.. it wasn't right.  She'd known that the moment the words had left her lips and if she'd kept the question to herself, maybe it wouldn't feel like someone had punched such a large hole in such a small chest. The woman felt more empty now, then she had the night her child was ripped from her life combined with the night she'd lose her yet again. And Katherine Pierce deserved that after all she had ever done to him. The rejection might have been on Damon's part, but it wasn't entirely his fault.
She knew how he loved, had experienced it for herself. So intense and deep, like an ocean crushing down on you and you'd just love to let yourself drown in it. To experience even a moment of that again.. for either of them; even if rescue came for him, his life back in the world of the living would never be the same. And he deserved happiness, not what ever mess that listening to her heart would bring him. The woman just laughed at her own selfish silliness as she roamed this haunted hell. It was both comical and rather fitting she come across where she did. The Salvatore Estate had been the only place that'd felt like home in a very long time. But not because of the structure itself, no. Because of one particular inhabitant which happened to share this hell with her now.
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Walking in to the building she could see the memories play out before her; public affairs and private. The latter of the two tended to be the various spots the eldest Salvatore had taken to stealing moments with her. Yet still she continued through until arriving in her own room. Fingers brushing across the mirror and she sighed. If she was to remain alone for eternity, perhaps it was only fitting she do so in the place which taunted her the most.
By the time she left her room, he had already arrived and hidden himself away without her knowledge. So lost in her own thoughts she hadn't even noticed the rather loud sound that front door made. She took to the grand room which had been so often filled with lavish parties and managed the smallest of smiles when she noticed that the piano still sat in it's usual place. Taking a seat on it's bench she dusted her fingers across the keys before actually starting to play. Eyes closing in the process as she focused on a memory; because if hell was a place to reflect then it needn't all be bad, right?
Datherine || Our Eternal Prison
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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❝I know your 'bedroom eyes'  when I see them.❞
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         ❝ This is simply a look of admiration. Bedroom eyes would be accompanied with some touching, in case you forgot. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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❝You flatter me. But I feel like you’re baiting with this.❞
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      ❝ Who, lil' ol' innocent me? Why Stefan, you offend. I'm merely paying compliment. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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                 ❝—I’ll save that idea for Christmas.❞
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         ❝ That works too. Although, I don't think you really need the shirt. You're handsome enough just say 'pucker up' and I'm sure you'll get a kiss. Easily. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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❝I should get a shirt that says, 'Kiss me, I'm Italian'.❞
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         ❝ Or we can just hang mistletoe off your forehead. ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
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          ❝ --- what do you want? ❞
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thatpsychoticpetrova · 10 years
          “You might just wanna keep            me around, then, dude. Because            whenever it comes to sex, I’m            always begging. Practically drooling            for cock. Especially yours.”
Stiles pulled back with a wet pop, tongue eagerly moving to lap a few times at the man’s ball sac before his tongue trailed a wet stripe up the length of Kaiden’s hardened member. His lips around the sensitive crown, sucking almost teasingly light before sinking down inch by inch until his nose was pressed rather firmly against the other’s groin, moaning around the man’s cock, surely sending waves of vibration and pleasure down the length of it.
        ❝ If I keep you, does that mean I get to              put a cute little collar on you? ❞
Kaiden asked with a low growl as he smirked a bit more. Those chocolate eyes blown wide with lust as they never moved off the other's face. Watching that tongue and those lips of his as they all worked to bring pleasure to the vampire. And it was working. Especially when he'd taken him entirely like that. His hips giving an experimental little roll, not enough to harm him - but possibly cause him to at least gag a little bit. Along with a set of moans, that was his second favorite way of causing vibrations during moments like this.
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