thatsonwlw · 4 years
would any lovely astrology gay wanna give me a birth chart analysis? 
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I’ll tell you if its true or false. Go.
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
talking to some girls is great but GOSH some girls are DRY! Ask me questions, make jokes, tell a story, i don’t wanna do all the fucking work kquewhfiueqhfiue
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
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it would mean so much to me if any of my mutuals/followers would go retweet this. i would love to see this pick up attention so jacie has an even greater chance of getting a big break. she deserves it and y’all know she does. thank you for your time xx
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
fuck a double text I’ll quad text u think I care buzz buzz it’s me again ho
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
i read way too much tooth rotting fluff i just want love and someone please flirt with meeee
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
just stumbled on ur blog and..... i just gotta say youre absolutely stunning 😘keep spreading all that beauty jist by being as pretty as you are
awe honey you are so sweet!
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
girls really do be pretty doe
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
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I want my gay rights now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
If you think I’m funny u should kiss me
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
why have i gotten TWO MEN asking to be my sugar daddy on one selfie on a wlw account?????
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
i feel like i am slowly losing my mind
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about how best to be an ally right now and while I don’t have all the answers there is something that we can do that could begin addressing the way that police departments perpetuate violence on black communities: stop disgraced cops from being rehired.
This is a relatively common problem.  Cops with personnel records that include excessive force, falsifying reports, and other misconduct for which they were fired are often rehired, either within their own department, or in other jurisdictions.
Why does this happen?  Why don’t fired cops stay fired?  Several reasons.  Sometimes police department employment records are sealed under state or local laws, so new municipalities can’t know what’s in their history; sometimes small communities don’t have the resources to undertake complete background checks (this boggles my mind but this is a justification used) or they have so little resources that they hire disgraced LEOs from other cities at a discount price; sometimes union review panels force the rehiring after an investigation is completed.  The reasons really vary by location.
But the upshot is that all of these rules and procedures make it difficult for some police departments to permanently remove police officers with troubled histories.  And those officers go on to hurt more people.  
So what can you do?  Start on a local level.  Especially if you live in a small town.  Find out your police department’s hiring practices.  Do they conduct background checks?  What are the union rules with respect to fired officers?  Can the department be forced to rehire?  Are police personnel records available?  
Reach out to your city council.  Reach out to your local state legislator.  Support efforts to change these rules.  Seek out local advocates.  They need and want your support.  
These efforts are not perfect, but they can make progress.  In 2018, the California legislature passed a new law opening some parts of police employment records.  
Let’s try to find more ways to protect our black neighbors before these terrible crimes occur.  
If you have time, read this article from the Yale Law Journal.  If you have less time, read the Guardian.  And if you want to get angry, read this.
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
pretty girls pls message me <3
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
what if early in the morning after buying groceries we got caught in the rain and i used my jacket to cover your head but we still got soaked and we made a fire at home and brewed tea and sat together watching the rain as our cats hid under our feet at each sound of thunder and we ate stew for dinner and watched tv until we fell asleep on the couch with your head resting on my shoulder
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
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Yoooo lemme bless your dashboard
(Feel free to add your pics too 😏😏)
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thatsonwlw · 4 years
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(image source/more details)
Defund the police
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