thatstoomuchman · 3 months
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thatstoomuchman · 3 months
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Neighboring Zodiac Signs
Below are misunderstandings I’ve observed about neighboring signs over the years. I’ve also written about traits these signs can share or may seem to share.  
I’ve found many seem to easily confuse Aries’s assertiveness and ambition with Taurus’s stubbornness or determination. These two signs have very different energy. Aries is fast-moving, decisive, impulsive, action-taking, adaptable, heated, and competitive or confrontational. Taurus is slow-moving, takes their time making a decision or can be indecisive, is about attraction and/or planning rather than jumping right into things, stubborn and possibly fears change, they avoid pressure and conflict. 
I don’t think many confuse traits of Taurus and Gemini, but I could see the logic of air and earth making them sometimes seem similar. They could possibly seem similar due to Gemini’s positivity and Taurus’s peaceful nature too. I think some could sense this similarity in a person when first getting to know them vs. confusing traits of the two signs outright. 
Gemini and Cancer both get labeled as “changeable” and maybe even “fickle”. Gemini’s changeability comes from the flexibility of being a mutable sign, their need for mental stimulation, and need for variety. Cancer’s changeability comes in phases and moods, much like the Moon. Gemini’s changing side may be rooted in curiosity and high-energy, in places of “the mind” whereas Cancer comes from their current mood, the realm of “emotions”. 
Cancer and Leo can share many traits such as being romantic, loyal, affectionate, and creative. Leo is a fixed fire sign - they can be stubborn, prideful, brave. Cancer is a cardinal water sign - they have more adaptability and is known for being cautious, private, protective. Both signs can be incredibly sensitive and even bright, cheerful Leo can have moments of moodiness. 
Leo and Virgo can have high standards for themselves and others. Leo can be motivating, ambitious, and generous while Virgo can be caring, helpful, a hard worker, and be in a position of knowledge or authority. There can very easily be a status that these two signs share in their community. Leo aims for grandness and Virgo perfection. 
Virgo and Libra value security, logic, and intelligence. It may be in each other’s easygoing nature that they could seem similar. Virgo is flexible, caring, supportive, and thoughtful. Libra is cooperative, adaptable, level-headed, charming, and known for either being very polite, nice, and some genuinely kind. Both of these signs also tend to run away, ignore, or hate on their flaws. Virgo may be more focused on self-improvement or could be incredibly harsh towards themselves and is out for perfection. Libra may be more about hiding or ignoring flaws, they are out to make things beautiful, balanced, or peaceful. 
It may be in Libra and Scorpio’s differences that they somehow get mistaken for each other. Scorpio is most known for intensity and depth - Libra shallowness, detachment, running away from conflict, pressure, intensity, and flaws. However both can be romantic and artistic. Libra is known to sometimes become out of balance and to over correct. Air in general is known to explore and process emotions through art, the occult, or psychology. It is through these moments of dipping into the extreme that Libra may somewhat resemble Scorpio’s intensity. Scorpio can be known as a reserved, private, and cautious sign. A common metaphor is the deep, still cold pool of water - calmness on the surface and plenty of action and secrets underneath. Because of this I would believe plenty of Scorpios give off a chiller first impression or exterior. 
Scorpio and Sagittarius are both “hot” signs, or at least seem that way. Scorpio as a water sign can be freezing, icy, they are not fire BUT Scorpio is easily mistaken as a fire sign due to their “Mars-like” traits and associations. Sagittarius being a fire sign is truly  🥵 🌶️ 🔥 Both are associated with deeper, abstract concepts: Scorpio with the metaphysical, occult, transformations, facing taboos and/or inner demons, and psychology. Sagittarius with religion, philosophy, spirituality, ethics, wisdom, foreign affairs, worldly subjects, big picture thoughts, and higher education. 
Sagittarius and Capricorn have a lot of differences, some may even seem total opposite such as Sagittarius’s loose connection to good luck and Capricorn bad luck. Sagittarius is hot, impulsive, risky, maybe careless, youthful, maybe foolish. Capricorn is cold, calculated, cautious, associated with maturity, seriousness, and responsibility. I’ve used the story of the grasshopper and the ant to describe their differences in the past. However, both can be self-reliant and confident. Both have connections to wisdom. Sagittarius with the polarity between the fool and wise man/woman. Capricorn with wisdom gained through time and growth. Sagittarius can hunger for experiences, expansion, and learning while Capricorn is out for success, survival, and leveling up. Sagittarius see’s the big picture and exists in the realm of philosophy, religion, theories, the abstract. Capricorn can have a focus on society, rules, laws and exists very much in the material realm. 
Capricorn and Aquarius share the planet Saturn. Both can be logical, practical, and have a coldness about them. Both prefer or even seek out predictability and stability. I would assume many people probably pick up on both of these sign’s coolness and this may be the main point others could confuse them by. In modern astrology Aquarius is also ruled by Uranus and has connections to themes very different than Capricorn such as chaos, rebellion, liberation, etc. Both Capricorn and Aquarius have strong ties to the collective and society. Stereotypically Capricorn is the rule maker, follower, and enforcer while Aquarius is the rule breaker. A Capricorn can still be the one to see the need to leave or stand up to a group and Aquarius can easily fall into peer pressure, trends, or strictly following a society’s standards even with their common stereotypes. 
Aquarius and Pisces are two signs I see get confused with each other the most. People easily confuse Aquarius for a water sign due to its name and symbol. Even with a good understanding of the elements it doesn’t help that Aquarius and Pisces do share some overarching themes. Both signs are tolerant and accepting. Aquarius’s humanitarian traits may be confused with Pisces’s compassion. Aquarius is observant, social, open to and even fascinated with learning about humanity while Pisces is empathetic, receptive, understanding, and perceptive. These two can be labeled as the “peace, love” ☮️ signs of the zodiac. When you look at their polarities and elements - fixed vs. mutable and air vs. water there are plenty of differences, making Aquarius and Pisces very much their own archetypes/signs. 
Aries and Pisces are likely not easily confused with each other however fire and water both tend to be more emotional or volatile in their expression. With Aries impulsiveness and Pisces easygoing trait both can be seen as highly spontaneous. Both can be amazing salespeople and I mean this more in personality than the actual job. Aries is enthusiastic, confident, maybe outgoing, action taking, and good at making others excited or engaged. Pisces can read others like a book, can be a chameleon, persuasive or manipulative, and easy to trust. Aries may listen and take action based off their gut and while Pisces could be slower to act, they are intuitive and being mutable can be an agent of change. Aries can be brutally honest and Pisces expressive with their feelings. Aries is brave and Pisces self-sacrificing. Both can be incredibly generous, affectionate, and passionate. 
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Aries Risings and always getting braver
Taurus Risings and always finding beauty in places
Gemini Risings and always being a new person each day
Cancer Risings and always following their intuition
Leo Risings and always being themselves
Virgo Risings and always on the search for improvement or perfection
Libra Risings and always knowing just what to say
Scorpio Risings and always knowing better
Sagittarius Risings and always asking why or what if
Capricorn Risings and always maturing or bettering themselves
Aquarius Risings and always doing their own thing
Pisces Risings and always having a part of them off somewhere else
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Aries Risings and always overcoming challenges 
Taurus Risings and always leveling up with quality, security, or stability 
Gemini Risings and always learning something new, knowledge really is their power 
Cancer Risings and always making places feel like home or building their own home
Leo Risings and always being the center of attention, drama, a story
Virgo Risings and always judging, feeling judged, or stating firmly they aren’t judging 👀
Libra Risings and always balancing their wants with others’ wants 
Scorpio Risings and always witnessing the best and worst of people 
Sagittarius Risings and always searching for the truth or spitting it 
Capricorn Risings and always setting a new boundary 
Aquarius Risings and always finding something new to rebel or liberate against 
Pisces Risings and always falling in and out of love with others, subjects, life, themselves 
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Mars in Aries and wielding passion and decisiveness. Luck many times is on their side.
Mars in Taurus and the miracle of endurance. They are resourceful and patient. They have willpower on their side.
Mars in Gemini and having wit and/or mental quickness on their side. Curiosity can be their fuel, words their weapon.
Mars in Cancer and having perception and/or intuition on their side. They can be tenacious and can have moments of cold water.
Mars in Leo and being brave as hell. They have self-reliance and self-love on their side.
Mars in Virgo and having knowledge on their side. They are observational and more than competent 💅
Mars in Libra and having charm and many times others on their side. Persuasion and intellect are their most used tools.
Mars in Scorpio and having transformation on their side. They are unyielding, uncompromising, and emotionally powerful.
Mars in Sagittarius and always having luck on their side…until that luck spoils. But they always bounce back, wields honesty savagely, and they never run out of motivation.
Mars in Capricorn and time being on their side - patience and planning are their friend.
Mars in Aquarius has individuality and/or a sharp mind on their side. Doing things their own way tends to bring success.
Mars in Pisces and always having kindness or empathy on their side. They are healers and maybe pacifists, but they have an emotionally strong and helpful adaptable side.
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Mercury in Aries and being enthusiastic about what they recently learned. They are brave in what they learn and say.
Mercury in Taurus and being careful about who they listen to. They like to do things on their own time.
Mercury in Gemini and having a never-ending supply of wit, jokes, and comebacks. They have a hungry mind.
Mercury in Cancer and being great at keeping secrets, maybe too great. They have an elephant’s memory. Processes things well via art but can be savvy with practical subjects such as finance.
Mercury in Leo and getting carried away with wild and BIG ideas. They can be passionate about certain subjects or learning.
Mercury in Virgo and being 📚 📐 🎓 Nothing gets passed them and their cleverness or intellect is usually apparent.
Mercury in Libra and always trying to talk through everything. Has to be careful of over rationalizing feelings. Waits for the right time to bring something up or take on a new educational venture.
Mercury in Scorpio and only listening to their intuition/themselves. Likely secretive or highly private. Can get passionate or even obsessive over what fascinates them.
Mercury in Sagittarius and making a joke out of everything or doesn’t hold back on their playful, goofy side. Approaches learning with excitement, maybe competitiveness.
Mercury in Capricorn and being the type to correct the teacher. Needs clear instructions and answers. May get too stuck in their own ways or the practical world.
Mercury in Aquarius and being a fast learner. They tend to think differently than others. Is innovative, original, and needs social confidence.
Mercury in Pisces and having a powerful imagination. Their feelings dictate what they are willing to learn and share. Can give great advice but also has a surprisingly volatile side.
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Sun in Aries and being focused on identity or their own individuality and independence. 
Moon in Aries and being focused on their emotional wants and needs. 
Aries Rising and approaching life with their self-interest first.
Mercury in Aries and always sharing their thoughts, opinions, or truth. 
Venus in Aries and always pursuing their desires and pleasures adamantly. 
Mars in Aries and always focused on their goals, drive, boundaries, and ambition. 
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Sun in Leo and being prideful or proud about their personality, can learn a lot about confidence and self-love from them.
Moon in Leo and being prideful about their emotional intelligence, intuition, inner self and world.
Leo Rising and coming off as prideful and confident.
Mercury in Leo and speaking confidently or pridefully, may think they have a superior intellect.
Venus in Leo and being proud of their partners, loved ones, relationships, and at times their own attractiveness.
Mars in Leo and being proud of their ambition, willpower, influence, and sex-appeal.
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Sun in Virgo and making helping people or being caring a big part of their personality.
Moon in Virgo and always caring about others feelings or helping people out with their personal problems. Finds emotional fulfillment in serving and/or supporting others.
Virgo Rising and always knowing what's best for others, approaches the world with an instinct to help.
Mercury in Virgo and always handing out advice, solving problems, and somehow always playing the role of teacher or trainer. They support others with their knowledge or communication skills.
Venus in Virgo and always wanting to care for and help their partners. Has to be careful of trying to "fix" others.
Mars in Virgo and being passionate about helping others, has a drive to serve, support, and care. Their ambition likely involves being useful and charitable or volunteering.
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Sun in Libra and always trying to make others happy or pacified. 
Moon in Libra and always sympathizing with others/the other side. 
Libra Rising and always recognizing, understanding, and possibly judging the other side/others. 
Mercury in Libra and always arguing for or against the other side/others. 
Mars in Libra and always trying to compromise, negotiate, make peace between both sides. 
Venus in Libra and always being attracted to the other side/those who are very different from them, always being about that forbidden love. 
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
✨Neighboring Signs and their Similarities✨
Aries & Taurus
They share ambition or determination, Aries is famous for honesty or bluntness and Taurus is famous for being trustworthy or down to earth - both seem straightforward or reliable, Aries is passionate in relationships and Taurus romantic, Aries wants to take the lead, be the start, or influence but Taurus wants to manage, control, or possess, both may have a jealous side, and both have horns 😈
Taurus & Gemini Both are creative/artistic/imaginative, logical, analytical, welcoming or friendly, Taurus is level-headed and patient while Gemini is easygoing and sometimes open-minded, and both don't easily share their emotions or sensitivities. 🕵️
Gemini & Cancer
Both are adaptable, easygoing, changeable, creative or imaginative, Gemini has good social skills and intelligence while Cancer is perceptive and intuitive, Gemini is supportive and Cancer nurturing, both can be forgiving, both can get more easily overwhelmed than they let on, and both are used to being called crazy. 🤪
Cancer & Leo
They value loyalty and family or community involvement, both may take pride in family and friends, both are creative, affectionate, romantic, protective, and giving, Cancer hides deep sensitivity behind a hard shell and Leo does this with confidence or arrogance, both are hardworking, both may be patriotic or traditional somehow, and both can be kings of their realms. 👑🦀🦁
Leo & Virgo
They are all about high standards, both can have a harsh side, both are dependable, hardworking, perfectionist, giving, and caring, Leo can be demanding and Virgo critical, they both appreciate quality, both want to feel appreciated or seen, both are likely to be highly skilled or knowledgeable in their fields, and both are likely self-proclaimed problem solvers. 😶 
Virgo & Libra
Both are adaptable, cooperative, supportive, communicative, logical, value intelligence, are patient and level-headed, both may appreciate aesthetics and unique or artistic skills, Libra seeks balance, harmony, and peace while Virgo seeks perfection, both may hide flaws, and both may have a fickle or evasive side. 😵
Libra & Scorpio
Scorpio goes from one extreme to the next while Libra is trying to balance their extremes or depths, both are creative, romantic, and maybe flirty, both attract, Libra craves connection and Scorpio intimacy, both can be masterfully manipulative or deceptive, both may struggle with secret jealousy or competition, and there may be a chance both have their eye on the same person. 💔👀 Scorpio & Sagittarius
Both are brave, risk takers, passionate, competitive, confident, and possibly sarcastic or snarky, Sagittarius is the storyteller, maybe the salesman while Scorpio is the puppet master, the influencer - they have their methods to getting what they want, both can be inspiring, Sagittarius embraces their individuality and messiness while Scorpio embraces their darkness, intensity, or depth, and both aren't afraid to call bluffs. 😏 
Sagittarius & Capricorn
Both can be blunt, resourceful, adaptable, self-reliant, Sagittarius has a reputation for good luck and Capricorn bad luck or hard luck, both can be low-key indulgent, maybe hedonistic, Sagittarius is always looking for the next new, big, or better thing while Capricorn is hungry and ambitious, both can be hard to satisfy, both may go through "want what they can't have" phases, both can have complicated relationships with wisdom, maturity, and responsibility, and both may highly regard integrity or honor in their own way.🎖️
Capricorn & Aquarius
Both are known for being cool or cold, they share practicality, logic, a degree of independence and reliability, may share an uncommon sense of humor, they can have a deadly serious side, Capricorn is ambitious and Aquarius a visionary, Capricorn can be a leader, controlling, and wants respect or trust while Aquarius can also be a leader and is charismatic and persuasive, both pay a lot of attention to society or groups, and both can be impatient with those who have opposite views as them. ❄️🌬️
Aquarius & Pisces
They likely share humanitarian views or traits, both value or express kindness, basic respect, and tolerance, both are likely open-minded, may be imaginative or innovative, Pisces is easygoing and flexible while Aquarius despite being a fixed sign values and is skilled in cooperation and networking, both prefer to solve problems or conflict with words or avoidance than head-on confrontation, both will still speak their minds, and both frequently get compared to mermaids. 🧜‍♀️
Pisces & Aries
Both are affectionate, romantic, ardent, emotionally volatile, and generous, both have a spontaneous side, Aries acts on pure impulse and instinct and Pisces moods or intuition, Pisces is associated with death and rebirth while Aries is associated with birth and newness, Aries is associated with separation and starting/being first while Pisces is associated with the end or last and coming together or wholeness, both can be idealistic, both can easily fall in love or infatuation, and both are dramatic.🎭
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
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Leo in the 5th House: Can be a "renaissance man/woman", meaning a well-rounded individual who has wide interests and is expert in several areas. They may have an abundance of hobbies and crafts they partake in. But they do this with zeal and devotion or with at least a lot of passion and fun. Leo in the 5th is associated with highly creative hobbies or competitive hobbies. Has a special connection to theater and fashion. They take a lot of pride in their areas of expertise and what brings them joy. Even if this placement has a few or only one hobby they likely practice it with fire and purpose. They love to share their hobbies with others. In this area of life they may be confident, leading, and generous. They are the type of person that shares awareness, teaches, models, leads, or is an expert in their area of creativity and pleasure. They can be highly playful and warmhearted when in an environment they can just be themselves. This placement may approach this part of their life shallowly sometimes or may become arrogant within romance, partying, and creating. If they are not having a fun time, often it is because they are getting in their own way. They can be very open, optimistic, and trusting to those who share their interests, passion, or hobbies and at times this can be a blind spot for them.
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
My Leo moon
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
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New cards for the Ted Lasso tarot collection 💖
Roy as The Moon card represents intuition, mystery, and reflection. It is a card of introspection, indicating that you may be feeling uncertain or confused. It is a reminder to trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice, even if it is telling you something that you do not want to hear. The presence of The Moon suggests that there is something hidden beneath the surface that you need to uncover. It may be a hidden truth or a subconscious fear that is holding you back. You may be feeling overwhelmed with emotions, and it is important to take the time to reflect and process these feelings. Overall, The Moon represents a time of uncertainty, but also a time of awakening and growth. It encourages you to explore the unknown and to use your intuition to guide you.
Jamie as The Sun card represents joy, vitality, and success. It is a card of optimism and positivity, signaling that a period of prosperity and good fortune is on the horizon. The Sun is a powerful symbol for new beginnings and growth, and it encourages you to embrace life and all its blessings. The presence of The Sun suggests that you are in a period of confidence and success, as you are experiencing the rewards of your hard work. It represents a time to enjoy life and to focus on positive experiences and opportunities. Overall, The Sun represents a period of happiness and fulfillment. It is a reminder to stay positive and maintain a hopeful outlook, even in times of uncertainty.
When The Moon and The Sun tarot cards appear in a reading together, they can hold significant meaning. The combination of these two cards suggests a period of transformation and growth, as well as a need for balance. The Moon and The Sun balance one another, as they represent the yin and yang energies of life 🌙 ☀️
(again, click for high res!)
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thatstoomuchman · 4 months
Sound on!
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