thatstraygurl · 1 year
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thatstraygurl · 1 year
Dazai: It hurts.
Atsushi: What?
Dazai: How much I love you.
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thatstraygurl · 1 year
Yo I used to coherently write??!!
dazatsu prompt: You helped me when I had a breakdown in the bathroom and you just transferred into my math class and I don't know what to do right now?!?
Hopeyou don’t mind me doing this in bullet point format! Yay been wanting to doanother AU thing. Here is anxious!Atsushi and anxious!Dazai in a cheesy little bullet point fic.
Atsushi was no stranger to anxiety.
On the day of his huge exam he completely lost it in thebathroom.
No one ever used this particular one, not really. He ran insideduring the lunch break.
How was he going to pass? Did he study well enough? Would hefreeze as soon as he got the exam paper?
Oh shit of shit oh shit..
Atsushi often had anxiety attacks that he had no control overand as he was huddled in the bathroom, shaking and breathing heavy, someonewalked in.
He freaked out. His thoughts raced more than they already wereand yet he couldn’t stop himself.
The stranger tilted his head and as he neared closer Atsushionly managed to hide his face with his hands.
“Hey do you need the nurse?” 
Atsushi shook his head.
Before he knew it the guy was sitting down next to him.
Atsushi could barely speak.
Atsushi lifted his head, nodding. “I..I panic..”
“Yeah, I get those too. Whatever you’re worried about, it’ll beokay. Just take some deep breathes. That’s what I do.” The stranger paused. “Myfriend claims I need to go to my ‘happy place.’ Fucking cheesyright? “
“H-Happy place..?” Did he even have one?
“Yeah. Somewhere I’d rather be than where I am now.”
Atsushi took a deep breath. Then another. 
“What are you worried about?”
Atsushi shuddered. “An exam. Gonna fail it..”
“Did you study hard?”
Atsushi nodded.
“You’ll ace it. Envision yourself getting that exam back withthe score you’re aiming for. Take some deep breaths. Think of something you’relooking forward to after the test.”
So he did. It took a while, almost the entire lunch break, buthis breathing returning to normal. He was sweating buckets and a bit red in aface, but calm. Or as calm as he was going to get.
“I’m sorry..” Atsushi said. “I nearly took up your entire break.Thank you, though. Usually people just kinda stop and stare. Or run. Um..I’mAtsushi, by the way.”
The other boy smiled. “Dazai.”
Not even a week later Atsushi is sitting in class in the morningand the teacher asks for everyone’s attention.
They have a new student.
Okay. Nothing new.
He looks down at his desk only for his eyes to shoot up when thestudent walks in.
“Osamu Dazai,” he says in response to the teacher asking him totell everyone his name.
“You can sit right there next to Atsushi.”
Oh shit. Him? The guy from the bathroom? The guy who saw himhave an absolute meltdown?
Oh boy..
Atsushi grabs a book out of his bag, fumbling with it. He nearlystuffs his face with the damn thing.
Dazai chuckles. “Uh? You usually read like that?” He sits down.
“Um..no..uh..” Atsushi looks up, face turning tomato paste red.How embarrassing.
During class he sneaks glances at him. He hadn’t really gotten agood look at him the other day.
He’s rather..attractive, with these chocolate eyes and equallyas brown hair.
Atsushi couldn’t imagine why he had decided to help the weirdkid in the bathroom. No one ever did that. People called him a spazz.
It wasn’t like he could control those anxiety attacks. Theyjust..happened.
As class commenced Atsushi kept his eyes on his desk.
Dazai turned to him. “Um. By the way, how did you do on yourexam?”
“Oh,” he smiled, slightly. “Aced it..”
“See! Told you.”
Atsushi’s smile grew. “I wouldn’t have if I had not been able tocalm down..” His heart raced. Damn, he hated talking to people. Making eyecontact send shivers down his spine. “I have you to thank for that. Thank youagain.”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Dazai wasn’t exactly lookingat him either.
“Nah. Just thought I’d help. Couldn’t just pretend I hadn’t seenanything.”
After an awkward pause, Dazai spoke. “Not the best at this sortof this so I’m glad I could help without fucking it up. Ah..”
Oh boy now he was sweating.
Not again..
Atsushi lowered his head once more.
“N-No. You did just fine..”
A few days went by.
Atsushi didn’t know what to do with himself.
Dazai didn’t quite latch on to the new material and consideringAtsushi aced that quiz, the teacher suggested he help him out.
Oh shit. Oh no..
Atsushi could barely talk to others, let alone the attractiveguy who helped him during his anxiety attack.
During their lunch break Atsushi sat awkwardly, picking at hisfood with peering at his workbook.
“How do you even read this stuff?” Dazai murmured. “Looks likeanother fucking language.”
Atsushi laughed, quietly. “It’s not all that bad. Can’t blameyou, though. I hated calculus at first..”
More sweating.
Dazai briefly looked at him, eyes darting back down to theworkbook.”Might as well be reading French. It’s all gibberish.”
Wow. He’s attractive.
Dazai drew absentminded circles on a piece of paper, attentionwandering elsewhere.
Atsushi twiddled with his fingers.
“So um,” Dazai murmured. “Do you get..attacks like that a lot?”
“Yeah. All the time.”
Dazai looked up. “I don’t see very many people talk to you.”
Atsushi shrugged. “Don’t have many friends. People think I’m weird.”
“Well,” the brunette said. “What better friend than someone who getsit?”
“F-Friends? With me?”
Dazai laughed.  “Yeah, you.”
Okay super cheesy. Is it bad? Probably, but I hope you like it!! Ilove your little prompt and had a blast writing this. Sorry that I did not makea fic out of it. I am not very confident in my writing skills for Dazai at themoment.        
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thatstraygurl · 1 year
Dazai: I have no fears.
Atsushi: *gets hurt*
Dazai: I! Have! One! Fear!
158 notes · View notes
thatstraygurl · 1 year
Dazai: I wanna die.
Atsushi: But then I can’t see you anymore.
Dazai: …I want to die less.
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thatstraygurl · 1 year
Sup bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes?
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
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LIKE IT // Waterparks
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
The rules say other animals are allowed, so I give you this baby hippo 
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
These ten ducklings were found orphaned and they were brought to a pet duck called Stella who had just hatched nine of her own two weeks prior. She immediately claimed the ten as her own. 
via @thesassyducks​ instagram
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
It's funny to think that all that might be left behind are dumb shitposts about and old writing about fictional characters. Imagine the phone is just found half smashed at the bottom of the building and the last thing on there was a sk8 meme. Person who finds it next to the body is just like 'tf is a Sketchy and is it a fox or a cat'
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
Seeing Reki depressed during that arc was simultaneously hard and beautiful.
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
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thatstraygurl · 3 years
It's weird to find your happy place and have it be a fictional world you'll only see on a screen. You can only go there in your thoughts or by watching the same episodes over and over. It's funny, because you have only ever stood on a skateboard once, but you feel like in this world, maybe you'd belong. Maybe. Anything is possible there. You even saw a few characters with your skin color. Every night the characters rush to S and live their wildest dreams. They form friendships and reach the skies. You watch and wish that was you, but it never will be. Can't be. You're real and they aren't.
The bonds they share are foreign to you. When was the last time you made a friend offline? When was the last time anyone looked at you the way Reki and Langa look at each other? Has anyone ever?
When was the last time anyone was excited to see you? You can't remember.
You longed for this...found family the main cast had. You longed for it all. For some excitement, to be good at something, to wake up with a reason to keep going.
But you're here and here isn't where you want to be. Maybe it's stupid, but if you could go anywhere...it'd be there. With them.
And then one day you fall asleep only to wake up outside of Dope Sketch.
"Hey! Reki!" Langa called, "There's a girl outside! She looks hurt!"
You blink and rub your head, sitting up as you peer upwards to see two very familiar faces looking down at you.
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