thatwhichflcws · 4 years
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thatwhichflcws · 4 years
hello all! ali (27, est, she/her) here again with another intro for my gal nora aka rhea! i also have nora’s pinterest here! this is gonna be short & sweet because i’m super tired right now, but i’d love to plot some stuff out with you all!
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— aesthetic
warm mugs of tea, fresh flowers in antique vases, vulnerability hidden behind a friendly smile, a lioness protecting cubs that are not her own, perfectly winged eyeliner, close to few, a smile that claims to know more than everyone else in the room, standing outside in a thunderstorm, early morning coffee runs, a child’s stuffed animal laying forgotten in the spare room, putting family photos in a box to hide from the bad memories, a kind word for everyone.
— basics
name : nora king nicknames : nora age : 38 sexual orientation : pansexual gender identity : cis female, she/her pronouns alternate identity :  rhea, titan goddess of fertility and the female body occupation : OB-GYN at the local hospital positive traits : compassionate, confident, mature negative traits : lonely, bitter, judgmental
— background
nora has a mothering presence to those around her; she’s kind and compassionate and always has a kind word to say about others. despite that, she’s bitter about everything she doesn't have, but she tries not to let it affect her day-to-day life. it’s slowly leaking in more to her daily life though. she’s lonely without a family or much of a social life as well. she has the tendency to be judgmental, but tries to keep that to herself as she doesn’t want any part of gossip or high school drama.
she works as an ob-gyn at elysium’s hospital and honestly loves her job more than anything. she truly enjoys getting to know the prospective mothers and helping them through their pregnancies. nora is a bit of a workaholic. after her divorce, she began working more and more and putting off any sort of social life. or rather, she used work to distract from her failed marriage and lack of a social life.
nora wants a child more than anything. it was one of the things that lead to the downfall of her marriage. she is a registered foster parent, but with her schedule at work and various other factors, nothing has worked out long term. and despite that she’s still hoping for something to work out, she’s about to the point that she thinks it might be better to just focus solely on work instead. she’s thought about getting a dog, but hates the idea of the dog being left at home for so long while she’s working.
she enjoys working out and goes for an early morning run before coffee very early every morning. when she gets home, she typically has coffee and a bagel while reading the newspaper before heading to work. in the evenings, she likes to drink tea while she reads on her tablet. she likes having a morning & nighttime routine in place, especially when her days can be somewhat chaotic. 
does have a penchant for expensive shoes & bags. she has quite the closet going tbh. one benefit to living on her own and not having to worry about another person, she supposes.
she is honestly the worst at cleaning. she has a housekeeper come a few times a week to help keep things clean around her house. she hates being around all of the messes, but doesn’t want to be the one to clean her messes up either. 
nora cannot cook worth a damn. no matter how hard she’s tried to cook, it just never works out. she orders out most nights from local places or has a simple salad or the like. she can make simple things like ramen, but anything more complicated than simply boiling water doesn’t turn out that good. especially because she frequently forgets to set a timer and then her food ends up burning.
— connections ideas
i’m still the WORST with connections ideas so this is gonna be more sparse than em’s connections, but they’re here either way! i’m also down for filling in any wanted connections or brainstorming things out more!
close friends - nora doesn't have much of a social life so this would have to be a person who can really push her out of her comfort zone. they would be someone who maybe tries to get her to loosen up a bit or just someone who is content to drink tea and talk about the latest books they’ve read. i’m down for it all.
casual fling - after her marriage ended, nora hasn’t been in a place to start dating really. this would just be something to occupy a small piece of her time. i’m up for an occasional fling or something that has since fizzled out.
mentee - whether this is someone who works in the medical field or not, this is someone who nora has taken a shine to and is really trying to be a positive figure in their life.
frenemies/enemies - probably someone who is vastly different than nora. maybe someone who just got on her bad side or is very immature. either way, nora is hardcore judgey when it comes to them.
like i said, not a ton of ideas here, but it’s something!
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thatwhichflcws · 4 years
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❝ introducing one of elysium’s resident gods …
FULL NAME: nora king. AGE: thirty-eight years old. GENDER: cis female. PRONOUNS: she/her. ENTITY TYPE: titaness. ALTERNATE IDENTITY: rhea, titan goddess of fertility and the female body.��  OCCUPATION: an ob-gyn at elysium’s hospital. FACE CLAIM: michelle dockery.
delve deeper
ARCHETYPE: the mother. it may be the most obvious choice for nora, but that is what she’s always identified with. she works with expecting mothers for a living, and it’s something she absolutely adores despite how jealous she becomes of them sometimes. she dotes on others, really. and although she’s always wanted to be a mother, it hasn’t been in the cards for her. at least, it’s never lasted. GENRE OF CHOICE: tragedy. she likes the themes of tragedies and the change the characters go through during it. it makes her feel something bigger than herself. the idea of catharsis through the suffering of others makes sense to her. AESTHETIC: warm mugs of tea, fresh flowers in antique vases, vulnerability hidden behind a friendly smile, a lioness protecting cubs that are not her own, perfectly winged eyeliner, close to few, a smile that claims to know more than everyone else in the room, standing outside in a thunderstorm, early morning coffee runs, a child’s stuffed animal laying forgotten in the spare room, putting family photos in a box to hide from the bad memories, a kind word for everyone. STRENGTHS: compassionate, confident, mature FLAWS: lonely, bitter, judgmental PLAYLIST: blackbird by the beatles, dead air by chvrches, flicker by lorde
as written by ali. ❞
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thatwhichflcws · 4 years
nora king | the sun will rise & we will try again. | tag dump.
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☀ musings. | bittersweet & delicate.
☀ visage. | here comes the sun.
☀ history. | she’s got a heart made of glass.
☀ development. | for diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me.
☀ social media. | forever younger growing older.
☀ conversations. | the sun will rise & we will try again.
☀ adventures. | she was warm like when you feel the heat of the sun on your skin.
☀ playlist. | the sight of stars makes me dream.
☀ ask memes. | to live is the rarest thing in the world.
☀ ooc. | created by me.
☀ ooc. | ali talks.
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