satyrnalians · 4 years
hello world! i’m cherry (24, mst, she/her) and i’m so thrilled to be bringing you my dopiest little dude, milo! he was a satyr, once upon a time, and works over at d’s b’s nowadays. take a look at his wanted connections list here and his pinterest here. more about him below!
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full name: milo hawthorne age: twenty-five years old gender, pronouns: cis male, he/him sexuality: pansexual mess occupation: craft brewer and assistant to the manager at d’s b’s
this kid is sunshine on a stick! his past life was spent drinking wine and dancing in meadows all around the world, and despite not being able to experience all the world has to offer anymore ( being trapped in one place this long is his personal hell, hello! ) he still keeps the party going.
the brewery is milo’s baby and an excellent distraction from how stir-crazy he gets in elysium! for all it has to offer, there was a reason he never stayed in one place too long as a satyr. bad vibes follow stagnation and there’s not exactly any escaping that here. at least he still has hops?
some of the parts of elysium that milo loves despite it all: spending hours flipping through vinyl at the record store (!!), throwing get togethers in his backyard, getting up to hoodlum shit, hiking through the nearby woods, there is still an unlimited supply of beer and wine.
incidentally ( aka, i did them first ), his wanted connections tell more of a story than anything, so i’ll stick that here again and list some of my very faves!: regulars at d’s b’s, fellow adventurers, nature lovers, the slow burn, in vino veritas, decidedly not friends, and more!
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viinum-blog1 · 4 years
jistu / jay ross.  trans man.  dionysus   —   god of wine, fertility, theater, madness, ecstasy,  & generally being a cool af dude.   //    hmu @ cool guy disorder#7596 to plot !!!
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ⅰ.  want a responsible, decisive, logical friend who volunteers to help you move and talks you out of bad ideas ?    well,  you’re going to be very disappointed in jay’s company.    his idea of a good time begins and ends with a bottle of wine.    he never gets drunk, no matter how much he consumes,  just remains at the pleasant buzz right before getting tipsy. ⅱ.  films, plays, operas .... jitsu’s got an opinion on every one of ‘em, and is happy to talk about it all night.     from how impulsive and reckless he can be,  it might be surprising to see him engage in such an academic / deep way with art. ⅲ.  the (sort of) basis for jitsu being a trans man comes from myths where dionysus is raised as a girl as protection from hera.     translating it to the fake identities,  that general feeling of rejecting and not identifying with his assigned gender remains. ⅳ.  he doesn’t like violence.     not in terms of being a pacifist or morally against it,  just prefers to settle things verbally or not at all. ⅴ.  nothing he does is strictly out of malice / with ill intentions.     often his messes are consequences of him having fun and not thinking about repercussions.
ⅰ.  demigod children of his !     they could resent him for not being around during their childhood  /  try to form some sort of father - child relationship with him / watch him get lowkey worried about them doing stupid things when he’s just as reckless, if not more so. ⅱ.  playful flirting !     even though they both know nothing serious will come from it and it’s all in good fun. ⅲ.   exes !     on good or bad terms.     maybe there’s still sparks between them,  maybe it’s only snarky words.     commitment is not jay’s thing,  so there’s plenty things to fault him for lmao. ⅳ.   anyone who needs a support system regarding their gender / sexuality !     it’s one of the few things jitsu is entirely to help with, or just be someone to listen and reassure. ⅴ.  hephaestus & demeter !     pls ⅵ.  chaotic friends !     put them together and something’s going to get broken.  ⅶ.  dude anything hmu
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prudenceliu · 4 years
— intro.
hello !! my name is say, i go by she/her pronouns, i live in est, and i’m twenty-three ( nobody likes you when you’re twenty-three ) super duper excited to be playing prue here, a full hot-mess in a hot bod ready to ruin her ( your ? ) life !!
discord ( clementine#0934 )
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some quick quick facts:
full name is prudence liu, but goes by prue.
cis female, she/her.
thirty-seven, owner of penned by eros.
pre-elysium, she was aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.
her archetype is the lover — but don’t mistake her for being soft and kind all the time ! she’s incredibly prone to volatility and her passions, which means she’s not immune to being a b*tch sometimes, whoops.
adores her creature comforts and beauty, and falls in love like that. she’s soft in the way that she doesn’t necessarily want to be at the center of chaos, but finds herself in the middle of it because of her impulsive needs !!
anyways, she’s a huge flirt and a ~ dreamy lil thing ~ even if she can be terrifying in her heated moments !! so please come give her all the love ♡
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moderatiions · 4 years
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jin here, back with another ! this is petra. she’s twenty-one, a daughter of poseidon, & her favorite hobby is getting on other people’s nerves.
— ok listen i KNOW saoirse is actually twenty-six but what am i to do when there are beautiful resources of her from lady bird !! it’s just too good to pass up. so i aged petra down lots, and hopefully she passes hah.
— petra grew up being the eldest of six in a family of mismatched origins in suburban new york. all of her siblings shared their mom in common, and the fact that all their respective dads abandoned them. she also happened to be her mom’s least favorite, yet still somehow her go-to for when she wanted to dump all her unwanted responsibilities onto someone else. her house was super chaotic and everyone who lived on their street knew it. they were THAT house.
— but petra never really cared. she did her thing, took care of her siblings ( although she’s definitely far from being a mother figure, it was more like just a Cool Sister kind of vibe ), and flipped off her neighbours when she caught them staring. she never graduated high school, because she didn’t go enough and eventually got kicked out in her senior year. the only thing really going for her was her success in her school swim team but that wasn’t enough to keep her afloat.  
— she found out she was a demigod when she was fourteen. around her coming of age, she started feeling ... weird. all the usual signs, dyslexia, adhd, along with some other strange coincidences. her mom finally sat her down and told her, and strangely, it hardly even phased her. she skipped the part where she was in shock, and immediately just thought it was cool. 
— after she got kicked out of school, petra ran away. just felt like it, honestly. she didn’t have much keeping her at home and needed to be somewhere different. drove around the country with her car, and occasionally got into some trouble ( she was having too much fun with her powers ). at one point, enough trouble for someone to find her and get her put into the school at elysium.
— so, she’s been in elysium for around three years now. she’s sent her family letters, but has never heard back and while she pretends it doesn’t hurt her, it definitely does. petra tries to act nonchalant about the whole being stuck in a small town thing, but it definitely drives her crazy. if not for having so much action at the academy, she’d probably have gone off the rails a long time ago. 
— intelligent but you would never know. she acts dumb, and in everyday life, is dumb. but when it counts, she’s got street smarts ! maybe not quite as emotionally intelligent though, oops.
— curious and adventurous, can never sit still. she’s always looking for the next best thing. once petra’s achieved a goal, she immediately gets bored of it and looks to something else. to her, if there’s nothing new left to experience, feel, or discover, she’d probably be ok with just dying. 
— kind of a shit starter but also not petty ? she just doesn’t like taking life too seriously and doesn’t understand people who do. if bad things happen, it’s just ... c’est la vie. so, she does leave lots of trails of messes behind but isn’t one to linger on past things either ( if you ask me, i feel like she needs to go to therapy ). 
— fiercely loyal ! the kind of person who has the mindset of if my friend hates you, i’m also going to hate you. she’ll fight for the people she loves, even when they don’t necessarily ask for or want it. 
— i’m sure this is obvious but petra has very little patience and can easily lose her temper. she’s also like a little kid, she’ll get bored quickly if she doesn’t see results fast. unless something is really important to her, in which case she will stubbornly trudge through until she gets what she wants.
— a best friend ! a ride or die ! they could either do dumb shit together or be polar opposites ! bring me both !
— ok ... a sworn ENEMY. because even though petra is twenty-one, she will definitely still shameless refer to someone as her ‘ nemesis ’.  maybe they used to be friends, feel competitive towards each other, idk, let’s talk !!
— someone petra has a lil crush on !! or exes !! FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS ! anything along those lines ! <3
— a mentor kind of thing ? like ... someone who petra feels like she can kind of learn from to control her powers and her temper ... someone she secretly looks up to :’)
— anything ... Anything.
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thatwhichflcws · 4 years
hello all! ali (27, est, she/her) here again with another intro for my gal nora aka rhea! i also have nora’s pinterest here! this is gonna be short & sweet because i’m super tired right now, but i’d love to plot some stuff out with you all!
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— aesthetic
warm mugs of tea, fresh flowers in antique vases, vulnerability hidden behind a friendly smile, a lioness protecting cubs that are not her own, perfectly winged eyeliner, close to few, a smile that claims to know more than everyone else in the room, standing outside in a thunderstorm, early morning coffee runs, a child’s stuffed animal laying forgotten in the spare room, putting family photos in a box to hide from the bad memories, a kind word for everyone.
— basics
name : nora king nicknames : nora age : 38 sexual orientation : pansexual gender identity : cis female, she/her pronouns alternate identity :  rhea, titan goddess of fertility and the female body occupation : OB-GYN at the local hospital positive traits : compassionate, confident, mature negative traits : lonely, bitter, judgmental
— background
nora has a mothering presence to those around her; she’s kind and compassionate and always has a kind word to say about others. despite that, she’s bitter about everything she doesn't have, but she tries not to let it affect her day-to-day life. it’s slowly leaking in more to her daily life though. she’s lonely without a family or much of a social life as well. she has the tendency to be judgmental, but tries to keep that to herself as she doesn’t want any part of gossip or high school drama.
she works as an ob-gyn at elysium’s hospital and honestly loves her job more than anything. she truly enjoys getting to know the prospective mothers and helping them through their pregnancies. nora is a bit of a workaholic. after her divorce, she began working more and more and putting off any sort of social life. or rather, she used work to distract from her failed marriage and lack of a social life.
nora wants a child more than anything. it was one of the things that lead to the downfall of her marriage. she is a registered foster parent, but with her schedule at work and various other factors, nothing has worked out long term. and despite that she’s still hoping for something to work out, she’s about to the point that she thinks it might be better to just focus solely on work instead. she’s thought about getting a dog, but hates the idea of the dog being left at home for so long while she’s working.
she enjoys working out and goes for an early morning run before coffee very early every morning. when she gets home, she typically has coffee and a bagel while reading the newspaper before heading to work. in the evenings, she likes to drink tea while she reads on her tablet. she likes having a morning & nighttime routine in place, especially when her days can be somewhat chaotic. 
does have a penchant for expensive shoes & bags. she has quite the closet going tbh. one benefit to living on her own and not having to worry about another person, she supposes.
she is honestly the worst at cleaning. she has a housekeeper come a few times a week to help keep things clean around her house. she hates being around all of the messes, but doesn’t want to be the one to clean her messes up either. 
nora cannot cook worth a damn. no matter how hard she’s tried to cook, it just never works out. she orders out most nights from local places or has a simple salad or the like. she can make simple things like ramen, but anything more complicated than simply boiling water doesn’t turn out that good. especially because she frequently forgets to set a timer and then her food ends up burning.
— connections ideas
i’m still the WORST with connections ideas so this is gonna be more sparse than em’s connections, but they’re here either way! i’m also down for filling in any wanted connections or brainstorming things out more!
close friends - nora doesn't have much of a social life so this would have to be a person who can really push her out of her comfort zone. they would be someone who maybe tries to get her to loosen up a bit or just someone who is content to drink tea and talk about the latest books they’ve read. i’m down for it all.
casual fling - after her marriage ended, nora hasn’t been in a place to start dating really. this would just be something to occupy a small piece of her time. i’m up for an occasional fling or something that has since fizzled out.
mentee - whether this is someone who works in the medical field or not, this is someone who nora has taken a shine to and is really trying to be a positive figure in their life.
frenemies/enemies - probably someone who is vastly different than nora. maybe someone who just got on her bad side or is very immature. either way, nora is hardcore judgey when it comes to them.
like i said, not a ton of ideas here, but it’s something!
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laurentnick · 4 years
HELLO ONCE AGAIN. it’s ya girl, bucky, back at you with another character. as always, i’m avalible for plots either here or on discord! my username is airy and cheesy#1149.
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Nicholas “Nick” Laurent, 40 years old, Businessman and teacher at Athens. Cronus, Titan God of Time.
Full name is Nicholas Elijah Laurent.
He was Cronus, the titan god of time.
Also the ex-husband of Rhea aka Nora King. He’s still in love with her and miserable without her, but his uncertainty within wanting children was the thing to throw a wrench in their marriage.
A stubborn, old, time-fearing academic. He loves books, learning, and questions about the universe.
Though he craves power and control more than anything. He fears running out of time and being overthrown. The idea of aging also spooks him. Because of this, he can be hard to navigate and it can make him a very controlling man.
He thinks he’s the shit outwardly, but deep down he’s lonely and more often than not takes it out on himself and his mind.
Though he can be generous and understanding, especially during serious situations. But also because he loves taking control of serious situations. 
Nick’s form of torture is the ticking of a clock, as strange as that is. It resides in his kitchen and there’s also one in his classroom. The clocks tick and tick and tick, signaling the hours and minutes moving forward, which earns his anxiety to skyrocket. It’s a small thing but is enough to make Nick spiral.
His other form of torture and his own personal brand of Hell is being surrounded by people more powerful than him. While Nick is a pretty superior man, he’s often surrounded by people who could easily take his place. In this realm, he’s replaceable and disposable. 
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pomegranatehqs · 4 years
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hello everyone ! here is a more comprehensive post regarding our opening dates but first, i just want to say, neither jin or i really expected to reach our goal this early, but thank you so, so much ! thank you for applying, and for the effort you all put into those apps, and for all of the kind words, you guys are an amazing bunch and we’re so incredibly happy and excited to get to know you all !! so without further ado, here are are some details regarding OPENING DATES and such:
— we will be opening for IC INTERACTIONS on monday at 12 pm pst. then, everyone can get a chance to get their stuff in order and no one feels rushed to do so ! please post in character within twenty-four hours of the opening date, otherwise your role will be reopened.
— because of this, we decided to push our second round of ACCEPTANCES to sunday at 2 pm pst so that we don’t have too much going on in on day, and then those newly accepted will also be able to get a chance at plotting !
— and then after that, acceptances will be scheduled as they were originally planned; tuesdays and fridays at a time that’s convenient to both admins. 
— we will still be opening for OOC INTERACTIONS today at 12 pm pst, and we’ll make a post announcing such. once the post has been made, we will begin sending out LINKS to the discord groupchat as well as the ooc sideblog.
— during this time, feel free to start posting your intros, sending out plotting messages, plotting calls, etc. some TAGS to keep in mind during this time are pom.intro, pom.starter, and pom.call.
— also note, that we will start clearing out our inbox once we open for ic interactions, so if you would like a copy of your APP, please let us know !
we want to make sure this works for as many people as possible and that everyone has a fun time, so if you have any questions, qualms, anything of the sort, please don’t hesitate in contacting the main !! once done reading, please give this post a LIKE so we know you’ve seen it, thank you 💕
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pomegranatehqs · 4 years
and it is now 12 pm pst !!!!! feel free to start posting your intros and / or plotting calls, using the tag pom.intro and pom.call. jin and i will start sending out links to the discord groupchat and ooc sideblog to everyone, so please make sure your im’s are open !! if you don’t receive a link to both of these things within twenty-four hours, please don’t hesitate to send us a message !!
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