the--milf--man · 2 years
Poetically Informed | Explained
Yes, please...let me go. Get over me. Remove me from your current thoughts and your stored memory. Let it be as if you never knew me because, after all, you never really did. It wasn't me by your side or walking with you in stride. It wasn't me who was there early in the morn at the break of first light. So, what did you lose...nothing.
I remember all the aches and pains you weren't there to ease. I remember all the lonely nights when your "love" eluded me. There was no love, you see. We only dreamed of a love that would never be.
I can still feel the goddess of false hope creeping up my spine. Like the sands of an hourglass in rewind. I can still feel the desolate breeze hitting me as if to say hello in hell but only to tease me.
Lustful breaths, recurring oaths, broken records come and go.
Words were never a strength for us. We lived our love like ghosts.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
If someone tells you that you're gonna be their regret within the first hour of talking with you, they ARE NOT THE ONE. EVER.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
Jesus is coming back soon and all you butthole fuckers and the deceived world who thinks it's cute will burn in hell for all eternity.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
But the world thinks it's cute.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
It's scientifically, medically, and biblically proven that poop is dirty. Poop is full of disease. Poop is unclean and loaded with bacteria. Poop is death being expelled from the human body via the dirty butthole. Covid spread because people didn't wash their hands and walked around spreading germs and bacteria via traces of fecal matter on their hands. Poop carries parasites. WORMS...people worms...poop has it. Poop stinks. But it is ONLY a man who will put his dick in poopy holes.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
Men create laws that cater to them. Women suffer while men prosper. Women nurture while men stick their dicks in shit.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
Men commit monumental evil and blame women all the while.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
Women can't even technically have penetrative sex with other women. Women are not responsible for diseases that spread due to unprotected, unclean anal sex between two men. Yet, women still get the blame for everything. Women are the sluts and whores and thots and homewreckers. You notice how it's generally women who get labeled as "homewreckers" even though it also takes a man to wreck the same home she does, but the man always gets a legitimate excuse and society excuses him because he's a man.
It's okay to fuck each other's shit holes and it's okay to not wash your hands after doing so and it's okay to spread disease with your buttholes, but yeah, fuck all you women for making men do these terrible things that only a man is capable of.
Has the world already gone to hell or something?
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the--milf--man · 2 years
The only human hole that's made for clean sex is the vagina.
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the--milf--man · 2 years
I'm sorry but when you have sex where shit comes out, you open yourself up to disease and spreading disease because shit is full of bacteria and germs, but come on, let's talk about how cute it is.
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