#cute poop
the--milf--man · 2 years
But the world thinks it's cute.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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bayersabbey · 9 months
so this happend today
For those of you go wear diapers, and for me who wears for medical reasons, it’s not ideal to have a messy accident. At least not when your out…
so I was feeling bloated this morning but not really for any reason, changed my night time diaper which was wet as usual, not really thinking very far ahead… had my morning coffee and some bananas and Nutella pancakes before heading out to the mall, now as I was bloated I was farting a bit which isn’t unusual. Now as I was looking for some spandex shorts at tjmaxx I had taken some considering distance from other shoppers, as a curtesy, and just felt after a split second that this wasn’t just a fart, there was no way holding back and I was relieved I had a diaper on, and stressed as I didn’t wear a bigger diaper.
I quickly pained for my stuff, the smell hadn’t really started so I went to the car and drove home, lesson learnt is putting on a bigger diaper when feeling bloated as this can happen. I had some biker shorts and panties on over at the store btw. But took them off to show you as I got home. Now I’m just taking some time enjoying the diaper before a change.
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just--vi · 4 months
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find it here!
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psychicbergara · 11 months
'you protected me from me, which you often do cause you're a good friend' THIS WAS SO SWEET 🥺
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dirtyhorizonn · 3 months
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webdiggerxxx · 5 months
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beebeesiims · 2 years
“These are just smaller toddlers”
Yes. Yep. Hit the nail on the head, buddy. That is indeed exactly what an infant is.
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mysteryman1940 · 5 months
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Bro is having the most serious dump of his life!
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“You’re a dumbass.”
Keith takes a moment to stick his tongue out at him. “Am not.”
“Are too,” Lance says, shaking his head fondly. “You do not think before you do things. I love you, babe, but you have zero risk assessment abilities.”
“I do so have risk assessment abilities! Right now I am assessing the risk, and I used my abilities to asses that it is so, totally worth it!”
“It’s worth it for you now, you goober. But in a few hours you’ll be singing a different tune.”
Keith shrugs, shoving another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. “That sounds like a future Keith problem.”
Lance rolls his eyes. “Seriously. You’re such a dumbass. Hunk makes you various other treats that no one is allowed to touch specifically because you can’t eat ice cream without Suffering the Consequences. And yet.”
“And yet,” Keith agrees, like the dumbass he is.
God, Lance loves his dorky boyfriend so much. He is going to have so much fun being smug when Keith is suffering later. This dating shit is great.
Lance is a light sleeper. Always has been. And when he was sleeping on his own, he dealt with it pretty easily with an eye mask and headphones and other such things. But sharing a bed every night means that it’s kind of difficult to wear a bunch of sleep gear without disrupting Keith, and besides, as much as being a light sleeper is kind of annoying, it does mean he’s up easier for any kind of light night…activities. So it kind of cancels out.
But right now, Lance is very happy about being a light sleeper, because he’s up the very second he hears his boyfriend mutter a low “oh, fuck” and try to extract himself from Lance’s arms and to the washroom without waking Lance up.
Lance smirks to himself. Ha. As if Keith is going to escape his mocking. Lance warned the fucker. It is high time that he rubs it in and says ‘I told you so’ as many times as he possibly can.
“Where’re y’going?” Lance mumbles, pretending to be more asleep than he is and tightening his arms around Keith’s waist.
Keith sees right through him easily. “You know exactly where I’m going, you dick. Let me go.”
“No idea what you’re talking about,” Lance says, smirking. “You’ll have to enlighten me.”
Keith sighs. He knows damn well that he is at the disadvantage here, and like hell is he going to out-stubborn Lance when he’s the one on the time limit.
Ha. Sucker.
God, Lance loves being in love. This shit is the best.
“If I admit that you were right, will you let me and my poor stomach go suffer in peace?”
“Mm. You have the call yourself the king of all dumbasses first and admit that I am correct all of the time.”
“You’re correct some of the time.”
“I can hear your stomach trying to kill itself, babe. Don’t think you’re in the position to be negotiating.”
Look. If Keith was really desperate, Lance wouldn’t be stopping him. He’s not cruel. Plus, as much as Lance is no slacker, Keith will always be able to kick his ass at hand to hand, so if he really needed to flee that quickly, he could.
But if there’s one thing Keith is, it’s a total sucker for Lance and all of Lance’s bullshit. And Lance loves taking advantage of that, because he’s a known butthead.
“I am the king of all dumbasses and you are always right,” Keith deadpans. “Now let me go, asshole.”
Lance does, smirking as Keith scrambles to their ensuite and re-burying himself in the blankets. Keith’ll be a while.
Lance is half asleep by the time Keith finally crawls back into bed. “If you listen to me more often bad things wouldn’t keep happening to you,” he mumbles as they get comfortable again.
“You are so mean to me,” Keith grouches back. But he presses a kiss to Lance’s cheek anyway.
Ha. Sucker. He’s so lucky he has Lance.
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pearlsol · 1 year
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kinda inactive !!!1! take these pixels
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turochamp · 5 months
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cork bark is the place to be!
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anto-pops · 2 months
I went from gaslighting myself into believing I was just seeing things to having a mouse run across my foot yesterday and now I’m fighting an all out war against the army of them that invaded my house ;;
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fadelikeclouds · 1 year
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I love the silences in this episode. No music, no conversation. It feels a bit awkward. But really, we are just waiting for Yutaka to build up enough courage to express himself. Because it takes courage to talk about a painful past.
He hasn’t talked about it to anyone else. He probably never planned on speaking about it to others, so of course doesn’t know how to start or what to say.
So we get this silence, filled with the heaviness of unexpressed pain, but more than that, it’s really an uncertainty. Yutaka is hesitating on the threshold of a different life: one in which he has warm people who care about him, want him in their lives, and love him. Minoru is someone who wants to know more about him, not just to share in his happiness but also understand his pain. Yutaka is no longer stuck in isolation, but that is such a huge shift in his experiences up until now. He wants to go forward, he just doesn’t know how to proceed with that first step: talking about his past.
Especially when he’s not sure why it’s left him with such a scar even though it could be considered something small, “それだけの事”, a comment from his older brother. In his mind, he thinks there’s something wrong with him because even though he was blessed with a “good” life with his adoptive parents he ended up feeling afraid of eating with others and feeling as if he was lacking something.
"For me, there are no memories of a happy dining table, and that really made me feel like I was deficient as a human."
But he works through his hesitant fear and begins his story, hiding behind the drawing of the happy, smiling self he wishes he could have been as a child.
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I loved all the details in Inukai’s acting in this scene: how hard he was gripping the drawing while he talked, the pauses in his retelling, the way the words get caught in his throat. There is a lot of pain as he revisits his past, where he had no real home, no welcoming family, and nowhere he felt completely safe and comfortable.
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But the reason he can even talk about his past is because his present is so different.
"But then, I met you two, and eating meals together became something I thought of as happy for the first time since I was born."
And that’s the really beautiful thing about this show. Nothing earth shattering happened. Yutaka met the Ueda family. That’s it. And yet, that’s everything. Sometimes all it takes is meeting the right people to melt a heart frozen by fear and anxiety. Even the most mundane life can be filled with life altering miracles when looked at through another perspective.
A simple encounter at the park with an outgoing, cheerful, and hungry child gives Yutaka a family and a home. And the “small” joys of life return to him: the happiness of eating with others, the anticipation for the weekends, the comfort of knowing there is a place where he is wholeheartedly welcomed.
To Yutaka and Minoru just having each other in their lives is healing and joyful.
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truffledtoad · 1 month
i had posted a work in progress for a mm8 poop that went over mainly the gameplay and bosses and not the overly memed cutscenes and got a bit more work done on it, but by that point i was completely burned out of ytp after my magnum opus and needed a break to get back into the groove of things, the only thing i inserted between april and now is the intro bit. i will admit that the grenade man bit is probably the finest thing i've done so far.
i do really wanna get more work done on this though, but it'll probably be a challenge and i need proper motivation to do with because of my executive dysfunctional dumbass. expect the all dogs go to heaven youtube poop to be done before this.
frankly it's kind of silly of me to push myself to make youtube poops when really it's just an on and off hobby for me. whatever, enjoy a preview of dr. wiley's amazing weiner fuckfest 98'
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dirtyhorizonn · 3 months
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Diaper check messy
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